Time is a funny thing. As it changes, it also showers humans with age. And speaking about that, how could we not talk about age gaps and the constant conflicts arising between different generations? Conflict is rooted in us humans, but add generation gaps to it and the result is an incessant battle of “which generation is the best.” But to end this conflict peacefully, every generation should live by the motto, “Live and let live.” Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

We can see that in this Redditor’s post, where she talked about how a boomer man disrespected her just because of her masculine nickname. Frustrated by the situation, she called out boomers on Reddit for being gender intolerant.

More info: Reddit

A 21-year-old woman says that she has a feminine name but her nickname is masculine

Image credits: CHUTTERSNAP (not the actual photo)

She is named after her mom, while her masculine nickname is after her grandpa, whom her mother loved a lot, and she has always used her nickname

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Image credits: Jon Tyson (not the actual photo)

The name never gave her problems, but recently, after answering a call at work and introducing herself to a boomer, he lashed out at her for having a “male name”


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Image credits: SHVETS production (not the actual photo)

Frustrated, she told him that he was being disrespectful and then vented on Reddit about the gender intolerance of boomers

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Image credits: Pavel Danilyuk (not the actual photo)

She says that not all boomers are bad and tells about her dad who is accepting of everyone, but the vast majority of them frustrate her due to their intolerance


Image credits: IridiumSin

In this story, Reddit user IridiumSin narrated her frustrating experience with a boomer. She’s 21 and named after her mother with a feminine name. However, the shortened version of the name is her nickname, which, as it happens, was also her grandpa’s name. She mentioned that her grandpa died before she was born and her mom was devastated about it as she loved him a lot.

The original poster (OP) has always used her nickname everywhere, whether it be in school, with family,  friends, doctors, professors, or at work. According to her, she never faced any problem because of her name, until recently at work as a receptionist. She got a call and answered by giving her name. And that, folks, is when the drama ensued!

So, the caller was a boomer who freaked out after hearing a female voice give a masculine name. He was offended by it and straightaway asked OP, “You’re not one of those trans whatever people right?” The woman was outraged by this, and who wouldn’t be, right? She even called him out by telling him that it was disrespectful and “none of his business”. To this, he reacted with sputters and grunts and set his appointment for which he had called.


Fuming with anger, OP vented online, calling out boomers for their gender intolerance. She had never felt that the name would be a problem and she emphasized her compassion for transgender people who have to deal with such people daily. She was also amused by the hypocrisy of boomers who call her generation “snowflakes” while they “freak out” after hearing a masculine name attached to a woman.

Image credits: Mikhail Nilov (not the actual photo)

But she also mentioned that there are some boomers who are accepting of everyone, including her dad. The identity or orientation of people doesn’t matter to him and he’s okay with everyone. However, OP felt that the vast majority of boomers are not accepting and intolerant. And after such a frustrating incident, she is bound to feel that way!

According to Gallup, LQBTQ+ identification continues to grow in the US, with 7.6% of people, which equals more than one in five Gen Z adults. However, despite the growth in this community, boomers (and others, too) are still not willing to accept this community and its people. 

To get some insightful thoughts, Bored Panda interviewed Vidushi Singh, a life coach and mindfulness practitioner. She explained, “Boomers grew up in a time with far less social acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities. Same-sex relationships were often invisible. Openly LGBTQ+ people may have been rarer in their social circles, making it harder to understand or connect with them.”


Boomers during their young days were not open about their identity as they might have associated themselves with a certain political movement. For instance, research shows that lesbian identity connoted an alliance with the feminist movement, so lesbian boomers might not be comfortable talking about their identity. This explains why boomers lacked exposure to the LQBTQ+ community. And to date, they refuse to accept these people.

We asked Vidushi if she wanted to give any advice to a person stuck in a similar situation as OP. She said that it’s better to take a direct but civil approach to avoid increasing the conflict. She also mentioned that you can set a boundary. “If the boomer is unwilling to listen, it’s okay to disengage from the conversation.” This sounds fair as some people are like a wall, no matter what you say to them, they don’t get affected, but you waste your time and energy. 

You might also come across some boomers who are willing to change their thoughts. Vidushi elaborated, “Education is key. If the boomer seems open to learning, you could politely explain why their comment is disrespectful. Share your story or provide resources for learning.”

While many of the commentators shared similar experiences, some also applauded the poster for standing up to the boomer.  If you were stuck in a similar situation, what would you do? Would you let it slide or stand up? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Netizens agreed with the woman and called out boomers for their disrespectful behavior, while also sharing their experiences