3XU artists created this V.V.I.P. cool bookmark series to celebrate historical figures and their important achievements throughout history.
The portraits of influential people you see in these illustrations are actually wooden bookmarks with little magnets hidden inside. They are handmade and are perfect for marking the pages of your book or planner. Each bookmark also comes with some interesting facts (or myths) about famous people.
If you see your favorite smart people here please share your thoughts about them and their work!
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Hawking Says That His Disease Made Him Work Harder; He Realized That He Had Things To Do In Life And He Better Get Going
"I Have No Special Talent. I Am Only Passionately Curious," - So Says The Man
Charlie Himself Once Went To A "Charlie Chaplin-Look-Alike" Competition And Came In... Third
Bell Kept A Photograph Of His Wife, Written On The Back In His Own Handwriting: "The Girl For Whom The Telephone Was Invented"
The Apple Thing? Never Happened. The Real Story According To Newton Himself Is That He Was Merely Looking Out The Window When He Happened To See The Fruit Drop
Marie Curie's Lab Was So Radioactive That Her Notebooks From Over A Hundred Years Ago Are Still Not Considered Safe To Handle And Are Stored In A Lead Box
Yet she worked with that stuff absolutely unprotected...science is a dangerous passion sometimes x_x
Tesla's Memory Was Eidetic; He Could Recall Entire Books And Images In Great Detail
His Full Name Is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
Besides Being The Father Of Observational Astronomy And Modern Physics, Galileo Also Invented An Automatic Tomato Picker And A Pocket Comb That Also Functions As An Eating Utensil
Shakespeare Is The Second Most Quoted Writer In The English Language, Beaten Only By Quotes From The Bible
Da Vince Wasn't Just An Incredible Artist. He Was An Inventor, Scientist, Mathematician, Engineer, Writer, Musician And Much More
When you try to think about it it's almost like he's actually an alien or a giant hoax. I mean how is it actually possible for someone who lived centuries ago to have thought up the things we'd barely come up with in the last ~hundred of years? It's like he's invented everything and we don't even have most of his engineering drawings so in fact he probably did invent everything(I wonder if he perhaps even had a spaceship drawing tucked in somewhere?). That while being a genius artist, musician etc....being a genius happens but being a genius in like literally every single aspect of everything is just so absolutely astonishing it's almost unbelieveable.
Van Gogh Was Never Famous As A Painter During His Lifetime And Constantly Struggled With Poverty. He Sold Only One Painting While He Was Alive
Steve Jobs Took A Calligraphy Course Which Was An Inspiration To His Later Devotion To Fonts And Typography With Apple Products
Ah yeah I remember reading about that. The man certainly had an...interesting view on life and achieving success(but evidently his approach works, judging by Apple).
Kahlo Is A True Animal Lover! She Has A Few Xoloitzcuintli - A Hairless Mexican Dog Breed, A Couple Spider Monkeys, A Parrot, A Fawn, And An Eagle
Archimedes Allegedly Ran Naked Through The Streets Yelling "Eureka", Which Has Since Become A Common Expression To Celebrate A Discovery
I dunno, so far I haven't seen many people running through the streets naked to celebrate their success. Maybe we just don't make great enough discoveries these days...