Someone Asked Our Community To Share The Funniest Gifts They Gave Or Received This Holiday Season, 45 Delivered
The holidays are a great time to show how much you care by giving the perfect gifts to your loved one. But, come on, that's boring. I asked dear pandas of our community to show us the wackiest, most horrifying, most scandalous, most memorable, most FUN gifts they received at the end of 2022.
Fair to say, the submissions did not disappoint at all.
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My Son Showed Myself And His Stepdad Some Love This Christmas!
It is completely fine to receive funny gifts from relatives, friends, and family. In fact, receiving a funny gift can be a great way to show that the giver was thinking about the recipient and wanted to bring a smile to their face.
Funny gifts can be a way for the giver to show their sense of humor and to make the recipient laugh. They can also be a way to lighten the mood and add a touch of levity to a potentially stressful situation.
My Mom Got This For My Dad After He Crashed His Bike For The Third Time This Year
The Greatest Gift Of All... I'm Naming Him Bob
Additionally, funny gifts can be a way for the giver to show their affection and appreciation for the recipient. Even if the gift itself is not particularly valuable or useful, the thought and effort that went into finding and giving it can be a meaningful and touching gesture.
I Got Dieter
Love My New Socks!
I have a sister in law, nicknamed Birdlegs, these would be perfect for. Even her license plate Birdlegs.
It is important to remember that the intention behind the gift is what really matters. As long as the gift is given with love and good intentions, it is always appreciated and acceptable. So don't be afraid to embrace the humor and joy that funny gifts can bring!
From Me And My Fiance To My Mil
It's super cute! The funny thing about it is that my friend got it for me, after she found my box of demolished bookmark pieces, paper scraps and clothing tags. Which is what I usually use. 😂
With that being said, funny gifts can be a great way to bring a smile to someone's face and brighten their day. In a world that can be filled with stress and negativity, a little bit of humor can go a long way in lifting someone's spirits.
Overall, funny gifts can be a fun and enjoyable way to show someone that you care about them and want to bring joy to their life. So make sure to remember that, Pandas!
Adorable Plushy Bunny Vacuum Sealed Is A Whole Other Sort Of Gift! My Husband Said We Have To Put It In The Stocking This Way; It's Too Funny Not To!
Thats A Pencil Case. I Already Own One That Looks Like A Pringles Box And I Think I Officially Found A New Passion
Sory??? Haha 😄
I Work In A Hospital Pathology Lab And Have A Black Cat. Perfect!
Burrito ❤️ *my Black Hole Kitty For Scale* Sorry No Banana :)
Evil Kuchi Kopi From Bob's Burgers. I Love Him
Also please excuse the background. My sister doesn't care to keep things in order on Christmas lol
I Gave This To My Dad Because He Loves Pickles 😂
Ok I love these here’s the story:So it was Saturday morning and my brother was asleep on the couch and I woke him up I said “Connor I can yodel” he said “show me” I used the pickle he was so impressed
A Bidet That Came With A Book
"Big A** Lump Of Coal" Activated Charcoal Soap
This Guy Is Strangely Adorable And Funny
Witcher Sign I Made For A Friend
Got This Beautiful Gift From My Fiancé That Has Stage 4 Cancer And Can’t Drive Anymore. It’s My Favorite Gift I’ve Ever Received (He Didn’t Think I Saw It On His Dresser When We First Met). He’s Kicking Cancer’s Ass Big! Ps: I Though He Forgot My First Name When We Began Dating Because Only Ever Called Me “Lassie” Or “Kid” So I Tested Him…he Knew Right Away My Name And My Phone # ♥️💚
3-D Printed Jellyfish. Turn The Crank And The Tentacles Swirl In Place! So Satisfying!
I Made Fa-La-La Llama
My Little Sister Got A 1lb Gummy Bear. Enough Said
I had one of those years ago. Soaking it in vodka did not work like I had hoped.
Carrot Erasers!!!!
Couldn't Find The Picture, But I Gave My Dad A Pillow Of This Monster
My Wife Got Me Cosplaying Ducks! Solid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, And Gray Fox!
Made These Faux Cereal Bowl Candles For My Coworkers!
I gave one of these to my daughter in law. Her apartment smells like fruit loops.
Dumpster Fire!!! (Neccos For Size Comparison)
My husband spent months making me this very lifelike dumpster fire! There's mini-trash in one side and when I open the left side, (fake) flames shoot out! I love this thing! And I love my hubby! 🥰
My Friends Thought I Needed A Cute Blanket To Remind Me Of My Favorite Character, Safe To Say I Had A Jumpscare In The Morning
Yourinal, And It’s Portable!!!!!!
What kills me is they show the man wearing it like a set of keys on his belt
I Got This Lil Guy, He Looks Like He’s Judging Everyone 😅🐧
Garfield's Blursed Cousin
Went In Cahoots With My Sil To Get My Mom The Pooping Pooch And Golden D*ckasaurus Wine Bottle Openers! She Loved Them!
Funnily Enough My Family All Got The Same Thing!
I Received An Allergic Reaction For Christmas. Got A New Body Scrub And Immediately Used It Without Testing It, And Putting It All Over My Sensitive Skin. Good Idea, Me
Oooo, my heart goes out to you. Had a nasty ~mystery~ reaction years ago, not fun. 😔✊️
I Am Woman Over 40, Mother Of 3 Teenagers. My First Thought Was- I Know What It Is, Did This In The Kindergarden. And My Gifter Said: "When I Saw It- I Immediately Thought Of You!" 🤦🏼♀️
My sister wanted one of these! She used a big dictionary instead, and put the flowers in a resin mold for her boyfriend
Gave This As My White Elephant Gift
I've got cards that say "If you f*****k like you park, you'll never get it in."
This Is A Blanket With A Stuffed Fake Dogs Head Sewn Onto It….i Swear To God
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Makeup Brushes
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Bibble Poster. I’m In Love
I Got Shrek Scrunchies From My Sister:)
Photoshop. The Picture Says It All... *evil Smile*
Definitely My Favorite Present
I Gave This To My Fantastic Handyman And He Said It Was The Best Christmas Present Ever ! (Designed By Philippe Starck: It's A... Flyswatter ! )
[ But he added that he'll NEVER use it for its designated purpose...! :) ]
Pyramid Head And The Nurses From Silent Hill 2. I Honestly Love It
Aren't they from the first silent hill? I could never get through the second lol so maybe they're in that one too
Ermm.... Well, I Can Hang It Behind My World Map For Maximum World-Ness!
Got a little goat figure perched on a log. When you press it, it screams. Love it!
My worst Christmas present was from my ex the first year I knew him - hair traps for the bathroom. Didnt get much better after that.
Got a little goat figure perched on a log. When you press it, it screams. Love it!
My worst Christmas present was from my ex the first year I knew him - hair traps for the bathroom. Didnt get much better after that.