Man Thinks He Can’t Paint Because He’s Colorblind, Bob Ross Wholesomely Proves Him Wrong
Interview With Artist“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents,” said the universally loved painter Bob Ross on numerous occasions. Even those who have never watched his show have probably heard of these words, as his positive outlook on life has inspired millions of people around the world, helping them pursue painting and other dreams they first deemed out of reach.
But Bob used more than just words to show people what is possible. For example, in one of the episodes of The Joy Of Painting, he shared how, after encountering a colorblind fan, he decided to make a painting using only grey and white, showing that you don’t need to see colors to be able to create art. Scroll down to read the full story!
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The joy of art comes from enjoying the process, and Bob Ross gave his all to show people that it’s a lot easier than it may appear
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
Bob Ross first captured the hearts of the people of the world when his wholesome painting show began airing in 1983
Even though Bob Ross sadly passed away nearly three decades ago in 1995, today, he is still far from being forgotten. This man, who seemed to have had no enemies during his life, doesn’t appear to have any haters after his departure either. And it doesn’t take long to realize why.
Bob was best known for his show, The Joy Of Painting, which ran for 31 seasons from 1983 until 1994. On the show, he painted the most wonderful landscapes in under half an hour and instructed people on how to do the same. But it wasn’t just painters who watched his show; his endless calm and optimism mesmerized nearly everyone who came in contact with him.
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
During one of his exhibitions, the painter encountered a fan who told him that he could never paint because of his colorblindness
“I think each of us, sometime in our life, has wanted to paint a picture. I think there’s an artist hidden at the bottom of every single one of us,” said the painter during the first few seconds of the very first episode of his show. He wanted to teach people how to bring out that artist from within and show them that it’s much easier than it appears.
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
Bob believed that anyone could paint, so he wholesomely decided to prove his fan wrong and make an entire episode in which he painted a picture using only the shades of gray
He once again proved that he was true to his beliefs when, less than a year later, he bumped into a fan who opened up to him, saying that he could never paint because he was colorblind and could only see the tones of gray.
Not long after this encounter, Bob created an episode titled Shades of Grey. He began by sharing that same story and followed it up with, “I thought, today, we’d do a picture in gray, just to show you that anyone can paint.”
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
Image credits: Bob Ross YouTube
Now, many years after the show’s episode first aired, it has resurfaced online, and people are just as happy to see it as they were back then. The commenters were all praising Bob for what a treasure he was, some reminiscing over the old days when they first encountered his shows, while others pondered how such a wholesome man could’ve ever been a fearsome master sergeant in the U.S. Air Force.
Check out the full YouTube video below:
Many years later, another artist, Tyler Foust, showed that it was possible to create amazing art not only with a couple of colors but even with a single line
Among all the wonderful things that Bob Ross taught the world, he showed us that the only thing that can stop us from unleashing our inner artists is ourselves. But what if I told you that it’s entirely possible to create amazing art not only with a couple of colors but with a single line?
“I’m Tyler Foust, also known as tfoust10 on Reddit. I am a healthcare professional who accidentally turned into an artist in 2019,” began the Texas-based creator, who started out by creating simple doodles. Now, the man has been named Reddit’s most upvoted artist and has been featured by some notable figures, like being displayed by Paris Hilton at a gallery in Liverpool in 2022.
Image credits: Tyler Foust (Octopus)
Known for his stylistic approach and creating drawings out of one non-intersecting line, Tyler developed his unique art style while trying to stay focused during 4-hour lectures in grad school. That’s when he came up with a technique he now calls ‘Mental Idling.’
“The idea behind mental idling is to find an activity that keeps you occupied but takes very little brain power to perform,” said the artist, talking about how the activity should help you turn off distractions while keeping you immersed in the lecture or conversation.
Often referring to his artwork technique as algorithmic or procedural drawing, Tyler began by creating a few simple rules that he would follow in creating his art. “Changing the rules would change the end product. A key difference between drawing algorithmically vs. traditionally is that I am not concerned nor trying to dictate what the drawing will look like when finished. I just need to follow my ruleset, and the ruleset would dictate how the drawing would turn out.”
Image credits: Tyler Foust (USA in 3 Lines)
His art style of drawing with a single, non-intersecting line started as a focus technique but has since become very popular online and propelled him to fame
When the artist decided to start sharing his work online, it didn’t take long for him to get recognized. However, one of the things he’s most proud of is all the positive and kind messages he received from people who have adopted his techniques and shared that they helped them develop their own art or that they benefitted from ‘Mental Idling.’
In these past few years, Tyler has created plenty of mesmerizing art pieces, and with all that each piece represents to him, he finds it hard to pick a favorite. However, there is one creation that the artist feels the most proud of.
“It is called the ‘Infinity Cube,'” shared the man, explaining that it was inspired by a 3D cube he saw online that was constructed out of a continuous piece of metal. Tyler decided to take it a step further and create something similar in his own style. “It took my full brain to make the drawing work. I have rarely been so frustrated by a single piece of art, but I am very proud of how it turned out.”
Image credits: Tyler Foust (Infinity Cube)
Tyler had a few words for anyone who wants to create art but is unsure of how to do it or feels like they can’t. “My advice is to start simple and find a method that keeps you engaged,” said the artist, adding that setting rules for yourself could help, but the most important thing is to focus on enjoying the process rather than worrying about the results.
“Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and the key is to keep creating and experimenting without fear of making mistakes,” continued Tyler. He urged people to share their work, as it generates valuable feedback and community support.
“The great thing about art is that everyone has their own signature style. If you create with the intent of enjoying the process, you will allow yourself to discover your own unique style, and it will develop over time,” the artist summarized.
Image credits: Tyler Foust (The Gathering)
Ultimately, whether we listen to Bob Ross, Tyler Foust, or any other successful artist, one thing is clear: The most important part of creating art is finding a process that you enjoy. Because if you do, everything else will fall into place on its own, and not even something like colorblindness will be able to stop you.
What did you think about this story? Do you create any art of your own that you would like to share? The comments section is waiting for you!