Throughout history, humans undergo the iron fist of some political leaders, who attempt to annihilate thinkers and intellectuals in the society. These tyrants hold an extraordinary amount of personal power, limit civil liberties, and perpetrate massacres.
Kurds as a nation have gone through oppression, and have massacred several times by Fascism regimes,but they resist the denial and shape their identity by attempting to gain civil liberties and continue to fight for their rights.
(Bloodthirster) is a media art project prepared by Kurdish artist and photographer (Aza Yousif).this project contains pictures of 20 political leaders from different countries around the world, who clearly abuse their power to persecute people.
here are some of them:
Artist and Photographer (Aza Yousif)
1. Bashar al-Assad
2. Kim Jong-un
3. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
4. Haider al-Abadi
5. Nouri al-Maliki
6. Benjamin Netanyahu
7. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
8. Vladimir Putin
9. Donald Trump And Barack Obama
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