upvoted 20 items
3 years ago
39 Bizarre Things That Seem Normal In Some Countries, But Not In The Rest Of The World
I will stick with hot chocolate and biscuits or marshmallows, sometimes both.
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
"Guys, I've just had the best idea! What if we stopped using dangerous equipment while wearing only sheets? Do you think that would improve s*%t at all? Anyone?"
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
It's from a Bible story -- Salome and John the Baptist.
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
"What are we having for dinner Mum?" "Some stranger's head" Why was this painting created though?
You Think Your Job Sucks? Then Take A Look At These 40 Employee Conversations With Clients From Hell (New Pics)
I don't understand why people would ask "what did I say?". You can't remember what you just said? Twice?
This Online Group Is Dedicated To Shaming Greedy And Delusional Landlords, And Here Are Their 40 Best Posts
This money vampire deserves his house to burn down so he has to get a job and can't suck money out of tenants like a tick anymore.
50 Times People Saw Someone Acting So Stupid, They Just Had To Share
They will be very happy if they could see...
50 Times People Saw Someone Acting So Stupid, They Just Had To Share
Yeah, I'm going to agree with you here. When I've said it in the past, it was in terms where I am not looking to insult anyone. I am not walking up to someone and calling them r******d, ESPECIALLY using the term in regards to someone ill. I've used the term to say "this exam is r******d" which I would've expected to be perfectly normal considering by definition... it is a synonym... for stupid. When I use the word, it never came to my mind that it had any relation to people with development disabilities. And you best bet I would've been thinking the same thing about your Katy Perry butt sparkler friend, bless their souls
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Interesting Ways You Have Tried To Get Someone To Stop Snoring At Night?
Suffocation has the BEST results, I know from experience. My friend hasn´t woken up since!
"What Is The Dumbest Thing An American Has Ever Said To You?: 40 Non-Americans Deliver
OMG, I can’t believe how idiotic I was. I read, re-read and re-read what I wrote and took a few tomes to comprehend what I was saying. If my head wasn’t so sore I would facepalm myself. My apologies to everyone. I think I belong on this list, although I am not from the US lol. I am so embarrassed.
50 People Who've Hit New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The 'Cringetopia' Online Group (New Pics)
HAHA! You have once again underestimated the stupidity of Americans! (source: been one all my life. also from the south)
39 Bizarre Things That Seem Normal In Some Countries, But Not In The Rest Of The World
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
The “Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine” Instagram Page Has People Making Incredible Painting Recreations (30 New Pics)
You Think Your Job Sucks? Then Take A Look At These 40 Employee Conversations With Clients From Hell (New Pics)
This Online Group Is Dedicated To Shaming Greedy And Delusional Landlords, And Here Are Their 40 Best Posts
50 Times People Saw Someone Acting So Stupid, They Just Had To Share
50 Times People Saw Someone Acting So Stupid, They Just Had To Share
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Interesting Ways You Have Tried To Get Someone To Stop Snoring At Night?
Suffocation has the BEST results, I know from experience. My friend hasn´t woken up since!Cats-Store-Bodega
"What Is The Dumbest Thing An American Has Ever Said To You?: 40 Non-Americans Deliver
50 People Who've Hit New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The 'Cringetopia' Online Group (New Pics)