Britt M.
upvoted 3 items
3 years ago
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway
Would make a great film location
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway
Woooooowww...Im kinda impressed at the craftsmanship. 27 years of no maintenance and its still standing and appears to be dry inside with no major leaks, rotting or collapse. Of course, its still of so very CREE-PYYYYYYYYY...
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway
Britt M.
upvoted an item
4 years ago
The Northern Lights
Britt M.
upvoted 2 items
5 years ago
Woman Rescues This Sable From Becoming Someone's Coat, Decides To Keep Her As A Pet Since She's Not Fit To Live In The Wild
Locking her in a box is torture. She just traded for a bigger box. This woman is a selfish fool, sable are not pets.
This 27-Year-Old Girl Is Disabled But She Uses Her Feet To Draw Optimistic Pictures With Hopes Of Supporting Her Mother
Britt M.
upvoted 14 items
6 years ago
Man Tells Women To Stop Whining About Tampon Prices Cause They Only Need 7 Per Period, Gets Roasted Immediately
Naturally, the man is an idiot. But BP used to be a lighter place, for pleasant and interesting and uplifting things. Now there are more and more of these articles designed to provoke outrage or contempt. Just for the clicks, BP? This isn't what got you your audience - we can find clickbait, two-minute-hates, and gender wars garbage anywhere else on the internet - this site was once a pleasant refuge from all that. Can we get back there, please?
When Your Airbnb Comes With A Cat. My Airbnb In Flagstaff Had The Best Host. This Is Hector Who Kept My Head Warm All Night At No Extra Charge. 10/10 Would Book Again
40 Naughty Cats That Deserve Public Shaming
Goes to show, if the world was flat, cats would've pushed everything off of the earth by now.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Beautiful! Even tho multiple are of the same house.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
The exteriors are so beautiful. Would be nice to see some interiors, too.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wow. My favourite photo themes, abandoned houses and Norway
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Those are amazing pictures! But i have to ask, did you try to get inside any of them? i would definitely be tempted to see how they look inside :D
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wooow, nydelige bilder! Har du tatt alle bildene på samme sted? Eller er det spredt rundt omkring? Så noen kjente hus, men ble veldig usikker nå
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Those are lovely, skilful photographs, but I cringe whenever I see yet another 'I take photos of abandoned whatevers in exotic location' list. It's as bad as all the reimagined Disney princesses.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
What leads to them being abandoned?
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Love all of these! I could see myself living in most of these and fixing them up. How cold does it get there?
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I like this. You captured the atmosphere beautifully.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I love the cold and these photos are making me all warm inside. Great job, Britt!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
amazing photos
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway
I Photographed This Eerie Abandoned Mansion In Norway