Greetings, dear friends!
I'm just a little hobbit who has a boring office job that leaves me time to be on BP almost every day. I disappear during the school year though!
My favorite things to talk about are dogs, mental health (because I know how hard it is out there) and my faith (I am a Christian, and I don't mind discussing my viewpoint and hearing other's opinions!).
I'm here to spread joy and to hopefully encourage ya'll, because life is rough but Pandas are the coolest.
So I'll go first,
My name's ThatBlackNightingale, but many call me BlackNightingale or just Nightingale. (I don't really care). It's almost going to be my first year on BP. (with an account.)
I love history, writing, and art. I'm not athletic at all, it's not even funny I wish I was. And yea, can't wait to talk to you all.
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