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3 years ago
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
So accurate it hurts. Don't forget the mountain of student loan debt because tuition inflation is so much higher than normal inflation. I started college in 2008 and since then the tuition cost has gone up almost 1.5 times.
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
Atilla the Hun - died due to a nosebleed :D
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
So accurate it hurts. Don't forget the mountain of student loan debt because tuition inflation is so much higher than normal inflation. I started college in 2008 and since then the tuition cost has gone up almost 1.5 times.
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
Atilla the Hun - died due to a nosebleed :D
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
Like that kid who didn't help with the project but still got an A
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
It's amazing how utterly awful Japan used to be and what it is now
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
YES! The only reason they don't include it is because they want to try and pay you as little as they can get away with.
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
Or, work hard play hard means work a 60 hour week, then participate at least weekly in late night boozing with your colleagues because if you don't, you're not a team player.
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
According to my annual evaluations, I am the most efficient employee in my team (my manager wants to promote me). I am severely underpaid, not only for the work I provide but also compared to my colleagues. I asked for a raise and they denied, saying that I should be happy I have a job at this day and age, so I decided to underwork so it matches my salary. I'm still and by far the most efficient employee T.T
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
You should have applied, for the bants.
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
I like this idea. But for now there is Glassdoor
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
Don't forget that this is an entry level job with the corresponding salary.
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
A lot of the content on LinkedIn is so pretentious it feels like a social network for bullshitters
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Probably not, but maybe she is trying to escape an abusive relationship. Going after an entry level job, no confidence talking/working with other people, not able to list even one good think about herself and obsessively focused on her faults. Plus the sunglasses could be hiding a black eye. I'm probably reading to far into it.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
That’s not the fault of the poor person asking for a job. I find this very unfair.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Everyone loves a good joke.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Is this really how someone wants to start a new job? Scare tactics and bragging? Seriously.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
I had that exact thing happen to me 15-20 years ago. I was a developer, interviewing an college-age intern. I was wearing a sweater. Nobody ever stared at my breasts, so I particularly noticed it. He looked up once in a while. But honestly, he still gave a great interview. He was a kid, so I didn't really hold it against him, and recommended they give him the job. He did very well (and he didn't do the staring thing after that).
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
I think maybe it turned out for the best, you dodged a bullet.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Oh, wow. Reminds me of my friend's ex-friend whose trial I went to decades ago. He was picked up for giving drinks to underage kids. He had a record for domestic assault. At the trial for the booze, somehow that came up. He says to the judge, "Well, some women are just asking for it, you know?" He literally said that. Then the baillif looked at me with great sympathy, thinking I was his ex. Hell, no.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
This is no reason to not hire wasn't their fault
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Okay, but some people are just super affectionate, depending on their personality and the part of the world they come from. I don't see this as an issue necessarily, although I understand how in some contexts it could seem unprofessional.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Did ass-in-air-guy or candidate ever realize that the interviewer could and did see everything?
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
*takes a sip of water* ok so where was I?
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Send this guy packing, and run in the other direction!
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Imagine if he was applying to be a chef! O.O
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Aw, I feel sorry for her.
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This was more tongue-in-cheek funny than anything else. Bit weird to dismiss someone for having been a bouncer.
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That's probably nerves getting the better of him
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
I really appreciate they contacted the police.
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Why just Why would you be like this in a interview?
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commented on 10 posts
3 years ago
There's A Group Dedicated To Sharing "You Had One Job" Fails, And Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Ones (New Pics)
easy a
30 Harmful Things Parents Should Stop Teaching Their Kids
john oliver is epic
There's A Group Dedicated To Sharing "You Had One Job" Fails, And Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Ones (New Pics)
easy a
30 Harmful Things Parents Should Stop Teaching Their Kids
john oliver is epic
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they are trained well they just want to make black people fear for their lives
Someone Asks Black People To Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They've Been Stopped By The Police, They Deliver (30 Tweets)
i hate america. When i grew up in school i was always taught basically that america is a great country. Sure, there was slavery but thats gone now is what i was taught. I am so dissapointed that we learned nothing about the corrupt system that america is based on
Someone Asks Black People To Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They've Been Stopped By The Police, They Deliver (30 Tweets)
i take no f*****g offense from that at all
Someone Asks Black People To Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They've Been Stopped By The Police, They Deliver (30 Tweets)
dang that must have been scary
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wheres the mountain they're building
29 Revealing Answers To "What Is Something That Men Do That Lets You Know They're Insecure About Their Masculinity?"
im a guy and if i want to wear nail polish i will. If someone makes fun of me i will tell them to f**k off
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they are having an allergic seizure by talking about it that stupidly
35 People Reveal Who Is The Dumbest Person In The World They've Ever Met
its in the name that pork chops come from pork lmao
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50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
This Instagram Account Educates People By Explaining The Best History Memes Out There (30 Pics)
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
50 Posts From People Fed Up With Unrealistic Requirements And Expectations When Trying To Find A Job
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)
Hiring Managers Share The Times They Thought "What's Wrong With This Person" (30 Stories)