when my sister died. we were twins and apparently she looked almost exactly like me, only a bit smaller because of something that happened before we were born, it almost killed both of us, the chances of us both surviving were so low that we were almost the poster children for the hospital.
but it wasnt what killer her. she died at exactly 100 days old, and we still dont fully know how. My mum and the medical stuff say that it was sids (just stands for sudden infant death doesnt rly mean much) and my dad says it was a virus or something. but noone can prove it.
her death caused my parents to split up after 9 years together, gave my mum ptsd (combined with the stuff my dad did post break up), and likely played a part in how my dad treated me, i can never stop thinking about her, she wouldve been exactly my age, had my face and been through what i had. but she was taken from us so young, while im still here, i got to grow up, learn to walk, learn to read, learn to speak. she got none of that.
I learned the girl I was best friends with for 6 years was talking bad about me..bye felicia!
Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Heartbreak You Got?
Two events:
24 years ago my best friend died at age 20. That was before mobile phones. He had epilepsy and needed his meds daily. That day he obviously forgot, got some seizures and died from them. He was alone in his apartement (he moved away a few months before), his dead body was found days later. Knew him since we were nine years old.
The other was the loss of our first Bulldog. I've had dogs before and lost some. Always heartbreaking. This one was tougher though.
She struggled with her health for a few weeks already. Didn't know why, the vets couldn't find out. Meds helped only little. But then she seemed better for a while. Went for a walk in the morning. Happy, good times. Later on the day she got worse. My wife was with her and called me. I rushed home. She seemed to be blind. Shortly after she lost control of her legs. Went to the ER right away. Nobody had a clue what was wrong. She was shaking, hyperventilating. Needed a high dose of meds to calm down. She got more quiet and was kept there for the night. A neurologist was called in. He planned to arrive the next morning.
She didn't make it to the next morning. She died there that night. We didn't know why, everybody was confused and without clue. She seemed fine in the morning - and not even a day later she was dead. We did order an autopsy, we needed closure.
She did have a brain tumor. Probably for quite a while already. But that day it pressed on her brain that she lost sight and her body control. Stressed her so out that her body just gave out. That tore a hole in my heart...which is still there. She was only 6. We have another Bulldog girl now...love her very much. But we fear the day we will have to say goodbye again.
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”
50 Painful Pics That Will Probably Make You Say “Okay, Enough Internet For Me For Today”