Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Me: Did you ever put Mercurochrome on our cuts when when we were little?
My Mother: Why? Is it killing people again?
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
When I was about nine or so there was a skirt I hadn't worn in a long time and we were going to the grocery store but we were in a hurry. So I put it on but when we had left me and my mom realized it was a little shorter than what was appropriate for my age. Fine whatever it was one trip and we would get rid of it later. About halfway through our shopping trip my mom kind of rushes me away quickly and I see a much older guy creeping behind me. He'd been staring at my short skirt trying to look up it! Jokes on him though cause i had shorts on underneath. We tossed the skirt almost as soon as we got home though.
Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Me: Did you ever put Mercurochrome on our cuts when when we were little?
My Mother: Why? Is it killing people again?
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
When I was about nine or so there was a skirt I hadn't worn in a long time and we were going to the grocery store but we were in a hurry. So I put it on but when we had left me and my mom realized it was a little shorter than what was appropriate for my age. Fine whatever it was one trip and we would get rid of it later. About halfway through our shopping trip my mom kind of rushes me away quickly and I see a much older guy creeping behind me. He'd been staring at my short skirt trying to look up it! Jokes on him though cause i had shorts on underneath. We tossed the skirt almost as soon as we got home though.
This Mattress Pad Will Protect Your Bed From Giant Disembodied Hands That Pour Old Soda Onto Invisible Flat Surfaces
Found This Advertising An Article...how Many Hands Does She Have?
Oh Well
Watch Out For Support Monkey Scam
Went To A Friends And We Got To Sleep On The Floor, A Pile Of Squishmallows, Her Bed, Or A Cot
Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Our daughter, age 5, who was making her Batman and Superman figures kiss.
Homophobic FIL: "Why are you doing that? Boys don't kiss."
My daughter: "Yes they do, Papa. You just don't know it because YOU don't have a boyfriend."
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Once in fourth grade (I was a baby feminist) me and this boy were talking about whatever ten year olds talk about, and then we started arguing over who’s stronger, boys or girls. He grew up to be a Trump supporter. It’s not the meanest thing a man has done, but it’s the first thing that comes to my mind.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Dare BP To publish this... Rape.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I have autism. I don’t stare at people, but I zone out frequently. Well, this one guy decided to make my life a living hell. He called me a stalker, made most of my friends turn against me, and literally made authorities against me so he wouldn’t get in trouble. He would bully me verbally, and I’ve told me to kill myself when I was just reading a damn clock! Ik this prolly isn’t what you are thinking about, but he is a guy, and it was the rudest thing a guy has done to me, especially as I was depressed and my nana died at that time too.
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Super cute guy from work asked me out, I was new to the city and happily accepted. He picked me up, we had a great dinner and a couple of drinks (he neglected to tell me that he was in recovery) and then wanted to take me to a party. Okay, why not? Well we hadn’t been there 5 minutes and cutie disappears .. I don’t know a soul, or even where we are, and start looking around for him. Nowhere to be found! MF left me!!! I found out at work on Monday that he went on a huge bender and ended up in jail for stealing some jet skis. Worst night of my life. Probably dodged a huge bullet tho
Twin Room From A Few Years Ago (Sorry It's So Cluttered, I Was Unpacking At The Time!)
Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Me: Did you ever put Mercurochrome on our cuts when when we were little? My Mother: Why? Is it killing people again?Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
When I was about nine or so there was a skirt I hadn't worn in a long time and we were going to the grocery store but we were in a hurry. So I put it on but when we had left me and my mom realized it was a little shorter than what was appropriate for my age. Fine whatever it was one trip and we would get rid of it later. About halfway through our shopping trip my mom kind of rushes me away quickly and I see a much older guy creeping behind me. He'd been staring at my short skirt trying to look up it! Jokes on him though cause i had shorts on underneath. We tossed the skirt almost as soon as we got home though.Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Me: Did you ever put Mercurochrome on our cuts when when we were little? My Mother: Why? Is it killing people again?Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
When I was about nine or so there was a skirt I hadn't worn in a long time and we were going to the grocery store but we were in a hurry. So I put it on but when we had left me and my mom realized it was a little shorter than what was appropriate for my age. Fine whatever it was one trip and we would get rid of it later. About halfway through our shopping trip my mom kind of rushes me away quickly and I see a much older guy creeping behind me. He'd been staring at my short skirt trying to look up it! Jokes on him though cause i had shorts on underneath. We tossed the skirt almost as soon as we got home though.Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You? (Closed)
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You? (Closed)
Please Forgive The Mess Xd
This Mattress Pad Will Protect Your Bed From Giant Disembodied Hands That Pour Old Soda Onto Invisible Flat Surfaces
Found This Advertising An Article...how Many Hands Does She Have?
Oh Well
Watch Out For Support Monkey Scam
Went To A Friends And We Got To Sleep On The Floor, A Pile Of Squishmallows, Her Bed, Or A Cot
Hey Pandas, What's The Funniest Thing You Have Heard A Family Member Say?
Our daughter, age 5, who was making her Batman and Superman figures kiss. Homophobic FIL: "Why are you doing that? Boys don't kiss." My daughter: "Yes they do, Papa. You just don't know it because YOU don't have a boyfriend."Hey Pandas, Show The Best Bed You've Slept In
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You? (Closed)
This One, Because My Dog's In It
This Is Mine!
Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Once in fourth grade (I was a baby feminist) me and this boy were talking about whatever ten year olds talk about, and then we started arguing over who’s stronger, boys or girls. He grew up to be a Trump supporter. It’s not the meanest thing a man has done, but it’s the first thing that comes to my mind.Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Dare BP To publish this... Rape.Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
I have autism. I don’t stare at people, but I zone out frequently. Well, this one guy decided to make my life a living hell. He called me a stalker, made most of my friends turn against me, and literally made authorities against me so he wouldn’t get in trouble. He would bully me verbally, and I’ve told me to kill myself when I was just reading a damn clock! Ik this prolly isn’t what you are thinking about, but he is a guy, and it was the rudest thing a guy has done to me, especially as I was depressed and my nana died at that time too.Hey Female Pandas, What’s The Rudest Thing A Man Has Done To You?
Super cute guy from work asked me out, I was new to the city and happily accepted. He picked me up, we had a great dinner and a couple of drinks (he neglected to tell me that he was in recovery) and then wanted to take me to a party. Okay, why not? Well we hadn’t been there 5 minutes and cutie disappears .. I don’t know a soul, or even where we are, and start looking around for him. Nowhere to be found! MF left me!!! I found out at work on Monday that he went on a huge bender and ended up in jail for stealing some jet skis. Worst night of my life. Probably dodged a huge bullet thoTwin Room From A Few Years Ago (Sorry It's So Cluttered, I Was Unpacking At The Time!)
The Last Tattoo I Got
Hey Pandas, Show Us The Last Tattoo You Got (Closed)
Last One I Got In November 2021
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Hey Pandas, What Is The Biggest Problem In Your Life Right Now?
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This Facebook Page Shares “Things That Make You Go Hmmm”, And Here Are 50 Of Its Best Posts
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