Huddo's sister
upvoted 23 items
19 hours ago
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
That phrase means that money can't buy you health, love and friends. It never meant that you should be content while being poor.
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
Making one tomorrow. 😊
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
That phrase means that money can't buy you health, love and friends. It never meant that you should be content while being poor.
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
Making one tomorrow. 😊
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
I know, I'm going to have to spend some time googling
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
? What is that?
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
At least over here (France) it you are injured on your way to or from work (car accident or whatever) it is considered a workplace accident.
40 Amazing Photos That Spill Secrets About Ancient Civilizations That Lived Before Us
I can’t believe I have never heard of this before!
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
So it's a pudding?
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
That's the good soy sauce, so now I'm curious.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I''m choosing to assume that this was a result of a plastic chair and insufficient cooling.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
It is not a smart driver, for sure.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I don't know, *pun about a wipe out*
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
I wish they explained what half of these things were as I have never heard of half of them.
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
We still have mincemeat pies in the UK at Xmas
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
I can't make bread at home. As soon as it's cool enough (but still warm) I slather it with butter and eat it and end up eating the whole loaf within 24 hours.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
You know if I had someone who would make me lunch, if this happened I would just laugh then remove the plastic and eat my lunch...
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
who names their assignments like this? really?
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
do not trust tiktok
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
Is this the same as a mince pie in the UK? If so, they never went out of fashion here. They're all over the place and everyone eats them towards the end of the year. (Except me, blegh raisins!)
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
Seen this picture several times now on BP. The ex-wife's face clearly says "I do not want to be photographed" so I wish this picture was no longer spread or at least pixeled.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
how they they get up there, and think they were able to pull it off? It is not a smart car
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
My bro did this during a meningococcal outbreak and thought he had the symptoms of red marks but it took too long for him to realise he'd stuck one of these on his forehead.
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
That's just "Josef". There are tons of more weird names.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
stpid people get stupid prizes
Show All 23 Upvotes
Huddo's sister
commented on 16 posts
19 hours ago
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
Mine includes the names of my Neopets!
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
My mum would find that funny :)
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
Mine includes the names of my Neopets!
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
My mum would find that funny :)
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
FYI, it means the A/C uses internal air not external.
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
I heard a scientist talking about this last week. She said one of the problems would be viruses they weren't exposed to in the past like bird flu, because they hadn't experienced them before. On the other hand, maybe they would have natural immunity to them because of the environment they had evolved in. (This was after she said it would be cool but probably not smart until we have more knowledge about them)
39 Red Flags That Some People Are Strangely Attracted To
Umm, kids do keep people busy...
39 Red Flags That Some People Are Strangely Attracted To
I looked it up: "Yandere" (ヤンデレ) is a Japanese term, derived from "yanderu" (病んでる, meaning "to be mentally ill") and "deredere" (でれでれ, meaning "lovey-dovey"), referring to a character archetype characterized by an intense, often obsessive and possessive love that can manifest in violent or destructive behavior.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
There is a underpass in Melbourne that has this happen so often there is actually merchandise you can buy of it!
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I always pause before automatic doors because being so short, I can never be sure the sensor will pick me up at all angles.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
Not since I was a kid... Even as a kid I would eventually get down on my own, I remember my dad having to climb a tree to get my brother down at least once though.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
For me, it's just things I put in my pocket while cleaning up at work, like laminated 'money' or blocks. I don't think anything actually important.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
Yeah, tempting fate if you ask me. I have stuffed up enough times either forgetting to attach the file or attaching the wrong one despite naming it correctly to think this a good idea.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I think this is your fault for thinking your car could get up the embankment though.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
At least he has a memento of the time he was so sure of his team he got a tattoo? I would think you would just get the last digit of the year, but I don't know enough about sport as to whether you would end up deleting the whole date.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I have one bowl left from my favourite set and I am so scared of breaking it. I already have no more of the matching mugs because I broke them :(
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
This is why I don't understand having automatic petrol pumps, makes this much easier.
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
I'm getting itchy just looking at it!
Show All 16 Comments
Huddo's sister
submitted a list addition
20 hours ago
Hey Pandas, What’s One Thing You Miss From A Place Where You Grew Up?
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
30 Funny Work Memes That Understand You And Your Deep Craving To Quit
40 Amazing Photos That Spill Secrets About Ancient Civilizations That Lived Before Us
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“What's A Food People Don't Make Anymore?” (35 Answers)
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online
50 Relatable Memes That Might Be Exactly What You Need Right Now (New Pics)
“Forgot To Close The Window Before Getting A Car Wash”: 50 Hilarious Fails People Shared Online