Britt M.
upvoted 30 items
6 years ago
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Now this is some real Stephen King s**t right there... Gorgeous work!!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wow. My favourite photo themes, abandoned houses and Norway
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Now this is some real Stephen King s**t right there... Gorgeous work!!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wow. My favourite photo themes, abandoned houses and Norway
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
The exteriors are so beautiful. Would be nice to see some interiors, too.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wooow, nydelige bilder! Har du tatt alle bildene på samme sted? Eller er det spredt rundt omkring? Så noen kjente hus, men ble veldig usikker nå
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Beautiful! Even tho multiple are of the same house.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Those are amazing pictures! But i have to ask, did you try to get inside any of them? i would definitely be tempted to see how they look inside :D
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
absolutely stunning
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
amazing photos
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I love the cold and these photos are making me all warm inside. Great job, Britt!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
This photo has an amazing atmosphere!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I like this. You captured the atmosphere beautifully.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I think there's another pic of this place that's currently #1 - the shape and filigree are familiar.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
looks like the house was standing on two tiny feet:)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Looks like around here in NH.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Now we know where the “tiny home” movement started!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Now, I could live in this one (trees, grass, mountains, …)!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Nice back in its day, I imagine …
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Awful close to the road (or is that a LLOONNGG driveway)?
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Same house, different seasons?
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Wow … they have some huge abandoned houses there!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
This one looks like there's water at the end of that road, hidden in the fog. You could just walk into it and disappear so easily.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Looks like a fairytale house
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Looks like a flag. Very horizontal and layered. Interesting.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
When can I move in? 😍
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Think this is my favorite house or of all of them 😍
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Love all of these! I could see myself living in most of these and fixing them up. How cold does it get there?
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
My favorite!!
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
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Britt M.
commented on 10 posts
6 years ago
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
*many of them are open
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Thank you so much! And yes, if they are open, I do look inside. And take photos. Many of them are, but I don't usually post photos of the interior online. You can see some on my Instagram.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
*many of them are open
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Thank you so much! And yes, if they are open, I do look inside. And take photos. Many of them are, but I don't usually post photos of the interior online. You can see some on my Instagram.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Tusen takk!! I utgangspunktet hadde jeg kun lagt inn bilder fra nordnorge i artikkelen, men så valgte bored panda å redigere inn flere bilder fra et tidligere innlegg jeg hadde. Uten at jeg får de til å endre teksten. Så ja, det er hus fra Østlandet også. Bra sett forøvrig! :)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Many of them are abandoned due to general changes in society. No one can really make a living farming and fishing like they used to - with just a couple of animals and seasonal fishing.Jobs are difficult to come by in more rural areas. Also urbanisation is a big thing up north, people move away and never really return. Some keep these old houses as recreational homes, but many are left abandoned.
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Thank you so much! I looked up the highest and lowest temperatures for the entire past year for the city of Harstad, which I now live in, if that could give you an indication. The lowest recorded was -15C (5F) and the highest was 31C (87F). Still it can vary a lot and we do get colder springs and summers in general. But it's not awfully cold by my standards. :)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Thank you so much! :)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
Yes, but at constant risk of rockfall. Scattered all along the landscape in this area I saw huge rocks. I think I'd prefer the wind. ;)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
It's a road, leading to a few houses and a pier. So not a busy road ;)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
It belonged to a woman named Petra, the neighbours told me. Wouldn't be surprised if she still kept an eye on the house ;)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
It's the same house, different season yes. :)
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I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)
I Photograph Abandoned Houses In Scandinavia (30 Pics)