Bye! Pancake_Pansexual_Panda_
commented on 20 posts
1 year ago
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
Oops I commented that twice, sorry.
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
I am not trans.
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
I was born a female, still am a female. I should be called a FEMALE. Not a cis female. A transwoman was first a male, and than a female. Why are they called a female???? What is wrong with trans female? If I was trans, (which I am not) I would have no problem of people calling me trans. I am sorry to trans people if I seem offensive, but I just want to express my opinion. OR best idea: No such thing as cis or trans. All women are women, I don't want labels like cis or trans to separate women. All women stand together and should appreciate each other.
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
I am not trans.
People Have Mixed Reactions Following Emily Blunt’s Apology For Calling Waiter "Enormous"
Jeez nobody is perfect! I hate how people just expect celebrities to be perfect, with no flaws at all. Like, just one word and they are canceled. Also is it really fatphobic? I mean, if you overweight, you need to be concerned about it because you will live shorter than normal! People are just concerned. Also, I have said many rude things when I was younger, but I have learned. And why are we bringing back old stuff from the past? Why can't we ignore it and focus on the present or the future???? We really need to restart this society.
40 Comics That Serve As Funny Commentary On Today’s Society (New Pics)
I love your username too!
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
I would like to order a hotdog with mustard, chilli, and onions please!
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
For number one: Mario theme song!
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
Or I ain't worried from OneRepublic
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
Vroom! I love the candy car from Wreck it Ralph!
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
Pizza with those cucumbers!
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
If a phone can charge with a potato, will a strawberry work?
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
Love level up!
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
The fourth panel is my favorite pose in pictures
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
Johnny Bravo?
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
Why that facial expression in the last panel-
Hey Pandas, What Is An Interior Design Choice You Despise And Why? (Closed)
I just like vibrant colors I guess
Hey Pandas, What Is An Interior Design Choice You Despise And Why? (Closed)
I think it looks really cozy though!
Hey Pandas, I Know It Is Not Halloween, But What Are You Going To Be? (Closed)
50 Times People Decorated Their Houses For Halloween And Left Everyone Speechless (New Pics)
bruh let people decorate for fun
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
LGBTQ+ Activist Reacts To J.K. Rowling's Anti-Transgender Twitter Rants
People Have Mixed Reactions Following Emily Blunt’s Apology For Calling Waiter "Enormous"
40 Comics That Serve As Funny Commentary On Today’s Society (New Pics)
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And "Won" Halloween (New Pics)
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
I Make Wholesome Comics Featuring The Life Of A Cute Bat Couple (20 New Pics)
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
This Artist Creates Spooky Comics inspired By “Resident Evil” (30 Pics)
Hey Pandas, What Is An Interior Design Choice You Despise And Why? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is An Interior Design Choice You Despise And Why? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, I Know It Is Not Halloween, But What Are You Going To Be? (Closed)
50 Times People Decorated Their Houses For Halloween And Left Everyone Speechless (New Pics)