commented on 4 posts
1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Over-Explain Something Simple To The Point Of It Being Ridiculous (Closed)
Didn't mean for my submission to post twice.
Hey Pandas, Over-Explain Something Simple To The Point Of It Being Ridiculous (Closed)
Bruh, I didn't even realize how long I made this. I definitely over explained sitting down alright. 💀
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
@Riverwolf, I was adding more chaos lol. Thought you would pick up on it.
Hey Pandas, How Did You Cope With Breakups? (Closed)
" The trolls start coming, and they don't stop coming."
commented on 16 posts
1 year ago
Hey Pandas, How Did You Cope With Breakups? (Closed)
Lol I was trying to fit with the theme of the post about breakups, because this guy keeps spamming irrelevant submissions.
Hey Pandas, If You're A Writer, Post The First Line Or Paragraph Of Your WIPs (Closed)
Ty! Would you recommend anything, writing wise for my draft here?
Hey Pandas, If You're A Writer, Post The First Line Or Paragraph Of Your WIPs (Closed)
Just got this notification, ty BP for the late response. Anyways, no worries! Well written books take time. :)
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Half-man and half-reptile. Err, that's a scary hybrid concept.
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Fun for the kids.
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Now they're going to burst out like the Xenomorphs.
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Do you mean how the turned have tables?
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
I'll walk out with you.
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
I am uncomfortable with normal eye contact. This bumps it up to 100. No thanks.
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Or " Hell nah!"
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
And unsanitary, phewy. 🤢
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
We need some holy water to defeat the regular water.
Hey Pandas, Share Something Cool That Happened Last Week (Closed)
Yes, I was the one! That's unfortunate that your school library doesn't have more quantities of the series. I remember my old school didn't either, so I had to buy the books off of Amazon.
Hey Pandas, How Did You Cope With Breakups? (Closed)
Wow, what a terrible break-up you must’ve had-
Hey Pandas, Where Are You Planning To Go For Summer Vacation? (Closed)
Very powerful comeback, Endgame troll…
Hey Pandas, Over-Explain Something Simple To The Point Of It Being Ridiculous (Closed)
Hey Pandas, Over-Explain Something Simple To The Point Of It Being Ridiculous (Closed)
35 Unsettling Pics That Might Immediately Get A “Thanks, I Hate It” Response From You
Hey Pandas, How Did You Cope With Breakups? (Closed)