Charlie Spring Fan (He/Him)
commented on 20 posts
1 year ago
40 People Share What Horrible Things That Happen In Society Are Completely Legal
o7 Joe. He sounds like a wonderful guy.
Someone Asked “What Is Far More Rare Than People Realize?”, And 30 People Delivered
Sweet Jesus, that must've been so difficult to go through. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
I Put Deadpool Funko Pops Into The "This Is Fine" Meme (21 Pics)
I Put Deadpool Funko Pops Into The "This Is Fine" Meme (21 Pics)
Kinda sounds like Golden Freddy from Five Nights At Freddy's.
Who Are Your Bp Besties??
Of course!
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Roblox, fnaf, this really cool game called unsolved which is about solving puzzles to solve cases.
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Yes, I love to draw, my artwork is always inspired by the thoughts that come from deep within my mind, and I draw quite a lot of Heartstopper fan art because I'm a massive Heartstopper fan.
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Decent, I had an anxiety attack yesterday because I was stuck in a group with a guy I don't get along with. He slapped me and he outed me as gay in front of my gym class. Also I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual.
Hey Pandas, Make An Obscure Reference And See If Anyone Gets It (Closed)
Dazed and Confused!
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
I want to die, because nobody wants me, I'm unwanted and unloved by everyone.
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Mostly because nobody really cares or likes me, I feel so alone and miserable.
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Yes. I will join
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
I have barely any social skills.
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, What’s Something People Do That You Hate? (Closed)
Life must be so difficult for you when your only personality trait is being a bell-end
Hey Pandas, What’s Something People Do That You Hate? (Closed)
50 Times People Realized They Are Old As Hell
Encino Man!
Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Best Pickup Line!
Zenitsu is that you?
Hey Pandas, Can You Finish The Next Line Of The Song? (Closed)
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you.
40 People Share What Horrible Things That Happen In Society Are Completely Legal
Someone Asked “What Is Far More Rare Than People Realize?”, And 30 People Delivered
I Put Deadpool Funko Pops Into The "This Is Fine" Meme (21 Pics)
I Put Deadpool Funko Pops Into The "This Is Fine" Meme (21 Pics)
Who Are Your Bp Besties??
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Hey Pandas, What’s A Random Question You Want To Ask?
Hey Pandas, Make An Obscure Reference And See If Anyone Gets It (Closed)
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, Vent Here And Please Try To Be Respectful
Hey Pandas, What’s Something People Do That You Hate? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What’s Something People Do That You Hate? (Closed)
50 Times People Realized They Are Old As Hell
Hey Pandas, Give Me Your Best Pickup Line!
Hey Pandas, Can You Finish The Next Line Of The Song? (Closed)