《~ ɴɪᴋᴋɪ ~ 》
commented on 20 posts
1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
I haven't :D
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
I have! Well it was a joke to her but I might've liked it too much, shame on me. Shame.
Hey Pandas, Post The Best Gift You've Ever Gotten (Christmas Or Birthday)
This looks so nice! You look so genuinely happy here that it's making me happy ❤️
Hey Pandas, Post The Best Gift You've Ever Gotten (Christmas Or Birthday)
AAAAAAA why does my hand look so weird? 💀
Hey Pandas, What One Thing Is Difficult But Should Be Easy? (Closed)
Frrrrr, and then people say "maybe try listening to music?" UH NO? IM JUST GOING TO END UP DANCING IN MY ROOM LIKE AN IDIOT.
Hey Pandas, Post The Funniest Meme You've Seen
Okay thx, that's relieving :) I'm so fed up with these trolls
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Agree to disagree, I suppose. I know you probably won't listen but (as i have said before) please stop doing this, it hurts people. It has real world consequences. If this is what you think, fine. You don't have to attempt to change people, because it differs from what you think. You don't have any moral guidance to say such things to people which is honestly just a bit pathetic.
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
It's not THINKING that you're the opposite sex or gender. It's KNOWING. If your trans, you know that something wasn't right initially and transitioning is a beautiful process of a person becoming who they truly are. What do you have against people and their gender identity? Why does it offend you so much? It's something I genuinely want to know, if I'm coming off as rude I apologize. But I want to know why you feel so inclined to do this, I want to know if you're alright. Call me stupid for wanting to try and help someone who has hurt others. But my goal in life is to help EVERYBODY. So if you're alright with it, could you explain what you have against these innocent people? Maybe you're just misunderstood? I don't know.
Hey Pandas, Write A Three Sentence Horror Story
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Being trans is absolutely not a mental health disorder. Just like you can't help who you love with romantic orientations, you KNOW what gender you classify as and and that's who you are. If you disagree, hey I get it! That's your opinion and I guess I don't have the right to change that. You may not THINK you are spreading hate but in case you haven't noticed a lot of people are being affected by your comments. It's hurtful to a lot of people who may already be struggling with other things. I don't know your motivation behind all these comments but as I said, they're really hurtful to a lot of people. We're ALL human. None of us asked to be born into this f****d up world so the bare minimum we can do to make it more bearable is accept each other and not try to force each other to change who they are. So as I said earlier, please stop trying to force your opinions onto people.
Meet My New Cat!
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Dude you need to chill tf out. You're here insulted a group of (mostly) teenagers and saying things that'll impact them in the future, and not in a good way either. Why can't you allow people to live their lives the way they want to? Skater Chick comes along with a good argument and all you can do is spew more hate and homophobia. I've seen so many of your comments on here and haven't done anything but I'm fed up at this point. Why spread more hate when we already have enough circulating around this f****d up world? If anything it's a time for people to come TOGETHER and support each other, not tear each other into shreds. If you're homophobic, fine. It doesn't affect me too much, but when you actively attempt to change someone's personal identity and hurt them THATS where I feel inclined to step in. Please just stop spreading the hate.
I Took Pictures Of Dogs In Different Parts Of The World (31 Pics)
These are so cuteeeee! The Australian shepherd looks exactly like my old dog <3
Hey Pandas, Vent If You Want :)
Tbh I don't know to much about romance but I know you'll find someone else meant for you, someone that makes you happier than she ever did. It hurts for now and you'll probably need to take time to process the pain. But things DO eventually get better.
Hey Pandas, Vent If You Want :)
Oof, I know how most of these things feel. I'm here if u need to talk. Always happy to support a fellow mushroom army member when they need it ❤️🍄
Hey Pandas, Talk About (Almost) Anything Here.
Noooo it got cut off. What I said was that my newest obsession is Eve. He's an utaite (which is just another way to say that he's a singer) who I found out about through anime (yes my music taste comes from anime and yes I know it's pathetic but idrc) and I love his songs sm and his music videos are so perfectly animated and the storyline is SO FUDGING GOOD OMGGGGG. He also has a really good manga.
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!
Totally 👍🍄
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!
AH! So thy has chosen the path of war? DOWN WITH THE SHROOMLESS! May the mushroom army remain forever in power!
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
Hey Pandas, Let's Play Never Have I Ever!
Hey Pandas, Post The Best Gift You've Ever Gotten (Christmas Or Birthday)
Hey Pandas, Post The Best Gift You've Ever Gotten (Christmas Or Birthday)
Hey Pandas, What One Thing Is Difficult But Should Be Easy? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, Post The Funniest Meme You've Seen
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Hey Pandas, Write A Three Sentence Horror Story
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
Meet My New Cat!
Hey Pandas, I've Gotten Worse
I Took Pictures Of Dogs In Different Parts Of The World (31 Pics)
Hey Pandas, Vent If You Want :)
Hey Pandas, Vent If You Want :)
Hey Pandas, Talk About (Almost) Anything Here.
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!
Calling All Members Of The Mushroom Army!