The Christmas weekend was full of chaos and danger in some parts of North America. A massive winter storm hit the United States and Canada. Dozens of people have lost their lives. Thousands of flights have been canceled. And many are without power.
One of the places that was the most hard-hit was Buffalo, a city of 277k in the Western part of the state of New York. Bored Panda has collected some of the most powerful posts that show how threatening and dangerous the storm really is. You’ll find them below.
New York State Governor Kathy Hochul has dubbed the storm “epic, once-in-a-lifetime” and likened it to a “war zone,” as winds reached up to 80 miles per hour (nearly 129 km per hour) in Buffalo.
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At the time of writing, the Arctic freeze had caused dozens of deaths in North America. CNN reported on Monday that at least 37 people have lost their lives in the US. Meanwhile, the BBC stated that 38 people have died in the US and Canada. Update: by Tuesday morning, the number of people who lost their lives stood at 56.
The very worst-hit area was the city of Buffalo, in New York. Some western parts of the state got up to 43 inches (nearly 109 cm) of snow.
Ice skating in the streets of Seattle
Videos of someone playing ice hockey on the streets showed up on the blockwatch (Fraser Valley Area, Canada)
Good luck to everyone dealing with this and to their concerned family and friends.
Reuters states that at least 13 lost their lives in Buffalo, up from the 3 who were reported before.
According to Mark Poloncarz, the Erie County Executive, the latest victims were found in cars and in snow banks. Poloncarz warned that there would likely be more victims.
It is weird that this is not necessary in those countries where -22 Celsius is business as usual during winter. Best wishes from Finland
Frozen garage door that I could not for the life of me open this -41 temp is not it
In Oklahoma, one family turned on their water and watched as the drip immediately turned into icicles in their sink
The storm was the “most devastating storm in Buffalo’s long storied history,” the Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, told CNN.
Due to the snow and the wind, many roads were impassable. There was zero visibility in some areas. Meanwhile, power substations froze.
Christmas Day 2022 in Buffalo NY, first day after the worst blizzard in its history
It’s a little cold for running in Canada right now
It's also a bit dangerous when it's slippery on ice. All kinds of bone fractures on the menu.
Four people died in Canada, near the town of Merritt, in British Columbia, the country’s western province. A bus had rolled over on an icy road.
According to forecasters, everyone in affected areas should avoid traveling unless absolutely necessary. They note that the blizzard should weaken over the next few days.
The outlet is freezing again
The thing that terrifies me the most about this post is understanding that the US doesn’t have independent switches for each outlet. Effectively as long as there is power it is a live circuit! In Australia each power outlet has a switch so you can “turn the power off at the wall”. The idea of live outlets and ice forming on them is just too horrible to consider.
The size of the storm is absolutely massive. Its effects can be felt as far as the Rio Grande in the southern US.
The blizzard has had some very wide effects on North America. CNN reports that as of late Sunday evening, over 2.8k flights “within, into, or out of the United States were already canceled.” Temperatures dropped to -50 degrees F (-45.5 degrees C) in Montana, in the western US.
They're going to be just as wet when they thaw out. Put them on hangers and hang them over the shower curtain
Meanwhile, the BBC notes that power is steadily being restored to Americans all over the country. AP reported that 1.7 million people were affected by blackouts caused by the storm. That number went down to 200k by Sunday afternoon.
However, in Quebec, Canada, almost 120k people were without electricity on Sunday.
I guess my drains froze up? My house is now full of freezing water. Happy Christmas Eve, everyone
Bored Panda has warned about the dangers of hypothermia before. Some of the signs and symptoms of hypothermia include: shivering, exhaustion, confusion, memory loss, drowsiness, slurred speech, and fumbling hands. If you notice these, you need to find a safe place to get warm as soon as humanly possible.
According to the CDC, the people most at risk of hypothermia include older adults who don't have access to adequate food, clothing, or heating; babies sleeping in cold bedrooms; and anyone who remains outdoors for long periods of time.
It is vital that you get warm as soon as you can. Drink warm liquids, but try to avoid drinking alcohol. Remove wet clothing. Use dry blankets to warm yourself up, as well as anyone else that's cold. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
A frozen driveway and road in Oregon
People with hypothermia may be unconscious and may not appear to have a pulse or be breathing. The CDC stresses: "Perform CPR, even if the person appears dead. CPR should continue until the person responds or medical aid becomes available. Keep warming the person while performing CPR. In some cases, hypothermia victims who appear to be dead can be successfully resuscitated."
Has the blizzard affected you in some way, dear Pandas? Do you know anyone living in the worst-affected areas in the US and Canada? What is the very worst blizzard that you’ve ever faced? Share your thoughts in the comments. Stay warm. Stay safe.
The way ice formed around my rain chain
Anyone else in the Frozen Pipes Club this weekend?
It's so cold here that our door handle is frozen on the inside
Our front door was partial frozen shut couldn't hardly get it open. That never happened before......
It's so cold my window has ice build up
We're pretty warm in my area of NY; currently 30F (-1C) with a windchill of 23F (-5C). I thought it was supposed to be colder but I won't complain
oh, but this was the 8 feet of snow we got last month, not this blizzard.
My heart goes out to the people who froze to death while stranded in their cars. I don't want to be a downer. I just feel they deserve a moment.
I know some will say "This proves that there is no global warming!", but actually it does. In Europe, it is way too hot for the time of the year (feels like April). Global warming creates more storms, causing that some places are too cold, and others are too warm. Global warming is just about a rise of 2 to 4 degrees, but it disrupts the entire weather system.
yeah, there will always be those climate warming deniers who will go 'climate warming is a scam because i got cold today' (but they confuse locality and current state of weather with globality of climate) and like you said, the whole weather system is screwed in that winters and storms are going to be freakier and more severe while summers are going to be unbearably and increasingly hotter (the consequence of which will be more deaths, farming disasters, more famine), and regions of the world are going to experience weather conditions previously not seen there, but yeah, 'global warming is a scam'
Load More Replies...I read this morning that 60 people lost their lives due to this extreme weather.. It's terrible.
Seriously, weather extremes are hitting the whole world, and people are trying to bash the US out of it? You think there aren't frozen pipes or deaths in Canada? I grew up where weather like this was expected to happen at least once/twice a winter, and stuff still went sideways. Humans can be stupid (ignoring weather warnings, or mocking the US for having air conditioning while people drop dead of heat in the EU... See how that turns around if you're not careful?)... Try some kindness instead, please? Thank you. And stay safe! be it against cold *or* heat.
I understand that this is an extreme event, that happens maybe once or twice in a century. But according to Google, average December temperature in Buffalo NY is -3 C, during the storm it was -29 C. That is extreme for sure. But the places that normally get freezing temperatures should not have doors that frost and freeze. US should really think about its infrastructure and building codes because even in such low temperatures people shouldn't have freezing water in their homes. This only speaks as bad housing to an European. I'm very sorry for the people, the system seems bad though.
@Gin, No tonic, Take a global view on this, please. The vast majority didn't have frozen pipes and so forth, either. Nor did we even in the US South when our temperatures hit century-record-lows of -15 (or, if you prefer, -4*C). And building codes in New York State *are* strict. However, not everyone is reading the news through, apparently, because most of the deaths occurred *outside people's homes* (they ignored travel warnings and were caught in cars, for example), and the pipe freezing and deaths are also in *Canada*! I grew up in the North. This *was* an extreme event. Last seen 40 to 45 years ago. Not every few year. Every few decades. So I know what I'm talking about. How many does Europe lose to heat waves? By your own standard, the fact they happen should mean people are prepared at a continent-wide level, yes? Reuters reported 20,000 excess deaths due to 2022's excess summer heat in Europe... And I recall many rivers drying up in Europe, even the Danube. This isn't about bashing *any* nation! We are facing *global catastrophes*. Can we stop the "oh the US sucks" routine and realize *everyone* (all 8 billion) are at high risk due to extremes altering our alleged "norms"? Thank you. Peace.
Load More Replies...I don't understand the snide remarks about the U.S. The point of most of the pictures was to show how unusual the storm was for that particular area of the country. In Texas or coastal Oregon, where it rarely gets below 0 C, there just isn't the infrastructure in place to deal with a severe winter storm. What are cities supposed to do -- keep salt-spreading trucks and loads of salt on hand for conditions that might hit once every 20 years? By contrast, Buffalo has loads of infrastructure for snow because they deal with quite a lot of it every year. The pictures show just how extreme this storm was -- even their robust infrastructure took a beating. Every community around the world is built in a way that's adaptive to its environment (more or less). The problem with climate change is that it's changing the environment too quickly for us to adapt. We need to have empathy for each other.
I think the US bashing might seem that way because the US has positioned itself as a dream land, but currently that view is changing, people look at US more realistically with it's good qualities as well as flaws. I do agree about empathy - we do need more of it for each other.
Load More Replies...I am suddenly thankful we only got what we did. There was ice inside on the doors, the power went out for a bit, and there was ice on the road, but it wasn't too bad...
Wow North America is truly a land of extreme weather! Even though our infrastructure is built to withstand very low temperatures here in Russia, strong winds and icy rain are no joke, and always result in big losses. Not to mention casualties... I've never experienced anything close to it in my 35 years here.
I'm in North Dakota and two weeks ago we got hit with freezing rain followed by snow. My home town - which has about 60 people - was one of the ones hit hardest. My parents went without power for 2 hours the first day it rained and another 7 the next day...they then proceeded to have 30 inches (76.2cm) of snow dropped on them in about a day followed by a week of sub-zero temps. The weather here is absurd and terrifying.
Load More Replies...Walmart closed for an extra two and a half days on Christmas weekend, one of the most profit earning times of the year. That's the pinnacle of "we're totally gonna get screwed" for me.
Sending you all good summer vibes from the southern hemisphere. I cannot even imagine this level of cold, I would literally die...
People think this means climate change is a myth. Actually it means that climate change is causing the polar jet stream to become unstable allowing masses of cold air to go south.
After living in extremely cold climate for most of my life, I FKING LOVE CALIFORNIA!! (it rained today, yay!)
Load More Replies...My husband and I live one hour away from 2 of our children. All three of them (one in PEI) got a green Christmas, ours was white but not too much.
Load More Replies...meanwhile in minnesota when it's -10 degrees: "i think im gonna wear a sweater out, it's a little chilly."
Wind chill hit my place in Colorado resulting in -40 storm for two days. No snow or ice though. God bless the people going through that rn
Growing in Wyoming we had some hellacious winters. Worse it was compounded by the fact that some towns were so remote, the National Guard had to helicopter and drop cargoes of food into the towns. The town of Moose, which is located north of Jackson, gets more snow than any other town in Wyoming with an average 172.2 inches per year. The Blizzard of 49 and the Blizzard of 93 are still talked about.
I feel so lucky. The worst that happened to me was I accidentally closed my chimney flue, smoked up the house, and had to run sub-zero wind through for over an hour until I figured out that I had accidentally closed the flue 🤦
I'm in Kentucky. Wind chill made it -40°! My thoughts are with ALL of those affected by this horrible weather!! Please stay warm and safe!!
On the day the cold snap hit, Corpus Christi, Texas which is on the Gulf of Mexico and one of the hottest and wettest places in the US went from 65F to 12F in about 5 hours. The 40 knot freezing wind just pummeled everything. Decimated our gardens and killed a bunch of our young fruit trees. We wrapped everything in advance but few plants can handle getting shoved in to the freezer. For the why don't they crowd, you plan for normal extremes, no one plans for historic lows or highs. I love the European crowd, they need to build better than that. Yeah, you had to cancel summer cruises because your rivers were empty and old people were dying from heat. You lucked out that your winter has been warm, you don't have the energy reserves to heat your houses because your leaders traded your safety for cheap Russian oil.
I went through weather like this as a child in Maryland. We had a winter where they closed school. The drifts were so high we could not find our station wagon. If you can't find your car you can't get to school. The nearby Naval Airborne base was grounded. Dad was in the Navy so was at the base. The area was very efficient in snow. We never closed schools. They cleared the roads and everyone was able to travel fine. Not that winter. We lived in a rural two story farm house. The only heat was from the stove in the kitchen so we all stayed there during the day. At night mom put us to bed. She layered tons of blankets on us and we slept under them head and all with a small tunnel out to fresh air. I have two sisters. We all turn into stoves at night when we sleep. Our body temp goes way up. My BIL says my older sister is like sleeping next to an oven. We are all in Texas now. They close schools if there are flurries. Doesn't even have to stick. I have seen wicked ice storms here though.
The frozen windows\doors inside houses is a testament to crappy weatherizing from the builders. If the windows and doors are installed correctly, there should be no frost inside no matter how cold it gets outside. Y'all should be calling your builders
The culprit was the extreme wind speeds. We'd be fine, otherwise. But the wind was so bad it was forcing snow through the barest of openings--like the joins where hardware is inserted in a door. Most storms even the oldest houses have no problems. Not this time!
Load More Replies...Worst blizzard driving? Utah. Whiteout conditions, blowing snow at tire top levels. Without help of trucker who found me on CB radio channel 19, who told me to follow his tail lights, I would never have made it off the highway. Worst blizzard walking: Kansas City, during cross country walkabout. Streets too icy to stand, howling wind. Pulled myself along by grabbing bus bench, light post, whatever available. I've never been so cold. Stepped into building alcove to catch breath... and some wretched woman opened door ...violently shoved me back into storm. Good Samaritan saw me hit the ground, stopped to help. Took me to train station for coffee and warm shelter.
I've been in New York, upstate and downstate, and in central Kansas, in nasty winter weather. Those sessions were enough. Now, California is mostly on the edge of fierce storms. We drove the length of the northern Sierra Nevadas yesterday (returning home from a family visit) and only had to deal with pounding rain, not freezing blizzards. Whew.
Well, as a person who's never seen snow in person, I'm suddenly less jealous of you guys... 🤠
Odd experience to be reading this from Australia, where it's currently 30 degrees C and I'm already dreading the sweaty experience of hanging out the laundry. At least it'll dry quickly!
I'm reading this in Alberta, Canada, where it was -30°C (with the windchill it was -40 or -50) last week, so the contrast was very funny!
Load More Replies...*laughs in South Dakota* Seriously though. I emphasize. Stay safe and warm (as best you can)
Ok ok I know the weather is super dangerous and stuff but also I found it funny because being in the PNW we got the weather like 3 days before everyone else so it was clearing up for us and then all of a sudden the national news is covering it being all icy in the rest of the US and we're just like- been there done that lol
The pictures of Portland don't belong in this at all. Oregon had maybe 24 hours of ice. NO BIG DEAL compared to Buffalo. Let's get that straight. And I'm in Oregon, so I'd know.
doesn't really matter how the house is built if you go without power for a couple days in extreme cold.
Load More Replies...Wow, please show some empathy. Many of these places do not have the infrastructure to handle these weather extremes. People have died due to this extreme weather. Many elderly people who live alone are a risk of freezing to death. This isn’t something to laugh about in this case.
Load More Replies...Hey Christian, stop spreading your ignorant climate denying c**p 💩 here. This is not normal wheather.
Load More Replies...My heart goes out to the people who froze to death while stranded in their cars. I don't want to be a downer. I just feel they deserve a moment.
I know some will say "This proves that there is no global warming!", but actually it does. In Europe, it is way too hot for the time of the year (feels like April). Global warming creates more storms, causing that some places are too cold, and others are too warm. Global warming is just about a rise of 2 to 4 degrees, but it disrupts the entire weather system.
yeah, there will always be those climate warming deniers who will go 'climate warming is a scam because i got cold today' (but they confuse locality and current state of weather with globality of climate) and like you said, the whole weather system is screwed in that winters and storms are going to be freakier and more severe while summers are going to be unbearably and increasingly hotter (the consequence of which will be more deaths, farming disasters, more famine), and regions of the world are going to experience weather conditions previously not seen there, but yeah, 'global warming is a scam'
Load More Replies...I read this morning that 60 people lost their lives due to this extreme weather.. It's terrible.
Seriously, weather extremes are hitting the whole world, and people are trying to bash the US out of it? You think there aren't frozen pipes or deaths in Canada? I grew up where weather like this was expected to happen at least once/twice a winter, and stuff still went sideways. Humans can be stupid (ignoring weather warnings, or mocking the US for having air conditioning while people drop dead of heat in the EU... See how that turns around if you're not careful?)... Try some kindness instead, please? Thank you. And stay safe! be it against cold *or* heat.
I understand that this is an extreme event, that happens maybe once or twice in a century. But according to Google, average December temperature in Buffalo NY is -3 C, during the storm it was -29 C. That is extreme for sure. But the places that normally get freezing temperatures should not have doors that frost and freeze. US should really think about its infrastructure and building codes because even in such low temperatures people shouldn't have freezing water in their homes. This only speaks as bad housing to an European. I'm very sorry for the people, the system seems bad though.
@Gin, No tonic, Take a global view on this, please. The vast majority didn't have frozen pipes and so forth, either. Nor did we even in the US South when our temperatures hit century-record-lows of -15 (or, if you prefer, -4*C). And building codes in New York State *are* strict. However, not everyone is reading the news through, apparently, because most of the deaths occurred *outside people's homes* (they ignored travel warnings and were caught in cars, for example), and the pipe freezing and deaths are also in *Canada*! I grew up in the North. This *was* an extreme event. Last seen 40 to 45 years ago. Not every few year. Every few decades. So I know what I'm talking about. How many does Europe lose to heat waves? By your own standard, the fact they happen should mean people are prepared at a continent-wide level, yes? Reuters reported 20,000 excess deaths due to 2022's excess summer heat in Europe... And I recall many rivers drying up in Europe, even the Danube. This isn't about bashing *any* nation! We are facing *global catastrophes*. Can we stop the "oh the US sucks" routine and realize *everyone* (all 8 billion) are at high risk due to extremes altering our alleged "norms"? Thank you. Peace.
Load More Replies...I don't understand the snide remarks about the U.S. The point of most of the pictures was to show how unusual the storm was for that particular area of the country. In Texas or coastal Oregon, where it rarely gets below 0 C, there just isn't the infrastructure in place to deal with a severe winter storm. What are cities supposed to do -- keep salt-spreading trucks and loads of salt on hand for conditions that might hit once every 20 years? By contrast, Buffalo has loads of infrastructure for snow because they deal with quite a lot of it every year. The pictures show just how extreme this storm was -- even their robust infrastructure took a beating. Every community around the world is built in a way that's adaptive to its environment (more or less). The problem with climate change is that it's changing the environment too quickly for us to adapt. We need to have empathy for each other.
I think the US bashing might seem that way because the US has positioned itself as a dream land, but currently that view is changing, people look at US more realistically with it's good qualities as well as flaws. I do agree about empathy - we do need more of it for each other.
Load More Replies...I am suddenly thankful we only got what we did. There was ice inside on the doors, the power went out for a bit, and there was ice on the road, but it wasn't too bad...
Wow North America is truly a land of extreme weather! Even though our infrastructure is built to withstand very low temperatures here in Russia, strong winds and icy rain are no joke, and always result in big losses. Not to mention casualties... I've never experienced anything close to it in my 35 years here.
I'm in North Dakota and two weeks ago we got hit with freezing rain followed by snow. My home town - which has about 60 people - was one of the ones hit hardest. My parents went without power for 2 hours the first day it rained and another 7 the next day...they then proceeded to have 30 inches (76.2cm) of snow dropped on them in about a day followed by a week of sub-zero temps. The weather here is absurd and terrifying.
Load More Replies...Walmart closed for an extra two and a half days on Christmas weekend, one of the most profit earning times of the year. That's the pinnacle of "we're totally gonna get screwed" for me.
Sending you all good summer vibes from the southern hemisphere. I cannot even imagine this level of cold, I would literally die...
People think this means climate change is a myth. Actually it means that climate change is causing the polar jet stream to become unstable allowing masses of cold air to go south.
After living in extremely cold climate for most of my life, I FKING LOVE CALIFORNIA!! (it rained today, yay!)
Load More Replies...My husband and I live one hour away from 2 of our children. All three of them (one in PEI) got a green Christmas, ours was white but not too much.
Load More Replies...meanwhile in minnesota when it's -10 degrees: "i think im gonna wear a sweater out, it's a little chilly."
Wind chill hit my place in Colorado resulting in -40 storm for two days. No snow or ice though. God bless the people going through that rn
Growing in Wyoming we had some hellacious winters. Worse it was compounded by the fact that some towns were so remote, the National Guard had to helicopter and drop cargoes of food into the towns. The town of Moose, which is located north of Jackson, gets more snow than any other town in Wyoming with an average 172.2 inches per year. The Blizzard of 49 and the Blizzard of 93 are still talked about.
I feel so lucky. The worst that happened to me was I accidentally closed my chimney flue, smoked up the house, and had to run sub-zero wind through for over an hour until I figured out that I had accidentally closed the flue 🤦
I'm in Kentucky. Wind chill made it -40°! My thoughts are with ALL of those affected by this horrible weather!! Please stay warm and safe!!
On the day the cold snap hit, Corpus Christi, Texas which is on the Gulf of Mexico and one of the hottest and wettest places in the US went from 65F to 12F in about 5 hours. The 40 knot freezing wind just pummeled everything. Decimated our gardens and killed a bunch of our young fruit trees. We wrapped everything in advance but few plants can handle getting shoved in to the freezer. For the why don't they crowd, you plan for normal extremes, no one plans for historic lows or highs. I love the European crowd, they need to build better than that. Yeah, you had to cancel summer cruises because your rivers were empty and old people were dying from heat. You lucked out that your winter has been warm, you don't have the energy reserves to heat your houses because your leaders traded your safety for cheap Russian oil.
I went through weather like this as a child in Maryland. We had a winter where they closed school. The drifts were so high we could not find our station wagon. If you can't find your car you can't get to school. The nearby Naval Airborne base was grounded. Dad was in the Navy so was at the base. The area was very efficient in snow. We never closed schools. They cleared the roads and everyone was able to travel fine. Not that winter. We lived in a rural two story farm house. The only heat was from the stove in the kitchen so we all stayed there during the day. At night mom put us to bed. She layered tons of blankets on us and we slept under them head and all with a small tunnel out to fresh air. I have two sisters. We all turn into stoves at night when we sleep. Our body temp goes way up. My BIL says my older sister is like sleeping next to an oven. We are all in Texas now. They close schools if there are flurries. Doesn't even have to stick. I have seen wicked ice storms here though.
The frozen windows\doors inside houses is a testament to crappy weatherizing from the builders. If the windows and doors are installed correctly, there should be no frost inside no matter how cold it gets outside. Y'all should be calling your builders
The culprit was the extreme wind speeds. We'd be fine, otherwise. But the wind was so bad it was forcing snow through the barest of openings--like the joins where hardware is inserted in a door. Most storms even the oldest houses have no problems. Not this time!
Load More Replies...Worst blizzard driving? Utah. Whiteout conditions, blowing snow at tire top levels. Without help of trucker who found me on CB radio channel 19, who told me to follow his tail lights, I would never have made it off the highway. Worst blizzard walking: Kansas City, during cross country walkabout. Streets too icy to stand, howling wind. Pulled myself along by grabbing bus bench, light post, whatever available. I've never been so cold. Stepped into building alcove to catch breath... and some wretched woman opened door ...violently shoved me back into storm. Good Samaritan saw me hit the ground, stopped to help. Took me to train station for coffee and warm shelter.
I've been in New York, upstate and downstate, and in central Kansas, in nasty winter weather. Those sessions were enough. Now, California is mostly on the edge of fierce storms. We drove the length of the northern Sierra Nevadas yesterday (returning home from a family visit) and only had to deal with pounding rain, not freezing blizzards. Whew.
Well, as a person who's never seen snow in person, I'm suddenly less jealous of you guys... 🤠
Odd experience to be reading this from Australia, where it's currently 30 degrees C and I'm already dreading the sweaty experience of hanging out the laundry. At least it'll dry quickly!
I'm reading this in Alberta, Canada, where it was -30°C (with the windchill it was -40 or -50) last week, so the contrast was very funny!
Load More Replies...*laughs in South Dakota* Seriously though. I emphasize. Stay safe and warm (as best you can)
Ok ok I know the weather is super dangerous and stuff but also I found it funny because being in the PNW we got the weather like 3 days before everyone else so it was clearing up for us and then all of a sudden the national news is covering it being all icy in the rest of the US and we're just like- been there done that lol
The pictures of Portland don't belong in this at all. Oregon had maybe 24 hours of ice. NO BIG DEAL compared to Buffalo. Let's get that straight. And I'm in Oregon, so I'd know.
doesn't really matter how the house is built if you go without power for a couple days in extreme cold.
Load More Replies...Wow, please show some empathy. Many of these places do not have the infrastructure to handle these weather extremes. People have died due to this extreme weather. Many elderly people who live alone are a risk of freezing to death. This isn’t something to laugh about in this case.
Load More Replies...Hey Christian, stop spreading your ignorant climate denying c**p 💩 here. This is not normal wheather.
Load More Replies...