30 Times People Were So Blinded By Their Own Nostalgia, The Internet Called Them Out For It (New Pics)
InterviewAh, The Good Old Days(™)! A time when everything was (allegedly) better: the music, the food, and even the fabric of society. Though… which era are we talking about, specifically? For some, it might be the ‘70s and ‘80s. For others, it’s the ‘90s and early 2000s. While others yearn to live a century or two ago, periods they never experienced firsthand.
Nostalgia is great in small doses, but too much of it can make you miss the beauty of the present. The r/lewronggeneration subreddit is a witty online community that is “dedicated to satirically mocking” folks who are completely and utterly “blinded by their own nostalgia.” We’ve collected some of their most cringeworthy posts to show you how many people wear rose-colored glasses to an unhealthy extent.
Bored Panda got in touch with the team that runs r/lewronggeneration, and one of the moderators, u/oh_dangit, was kind enough to answer our questions. Read on to see what they told us.
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Like Three People Will Get This
Well, I'm one (I grew up with cassette tapes). So.... who are the other two here?
Inverse Reversal
I found my dad's old Gameboy today. Sad thing is it doesn't work, but his gamestar does
We were interested to get the moderator's take on why the r/lewronggeneration subreddit has seen so much success over the years. "I think that the anti-nostalgia baiting message that is attached to the subreddit and has been there since its inception resonates with a lot of people who don't have strong feelings of nostalgia for one thing or another," u/oh_dangit told Bored Panda.
"One of the core beginnings was based on music; such as people who becry musicians nowadays for creating their own sound and making it unique to themselves," they said.
We were also curious to find out more about what it's like to moderate an online community of this size. According to u/oh_dangit, being a moderator mostly "comes down to dealing with spam and people leaving comments that break rules."
Not Sure If This Has Been Thrown Around Before But I Think It Belongs Here
Romantic music then: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Romantic music now: Yummy yummy yummy yummy (no offense, I just wanted to rickroll)
they did what they wanted around the world and created so the terrorists----
I Got No Words
Remember when: What other people might think of us controlled our lives.
They added: "Though there is a lot of reposting since heaps of [stuff] like this is reposted constantly. Maybe in the past, when there were more actual posts and popular posts, I think that there'd be far more time committed to moderating," they said that the times have changed a bit.
The moderator also shared their thoughts on where the line is when someone's become far too immersed in nostalgia: "Looking too much towards the past will only hurt your perspective towards the future," they said.
The r/lewronggeneration community has been going strong for nearly a decade now. Founded in mid-August of 2013, the sub has grown to house over 300k members since that time.
According to the moderator team running the whole show, the subreddit itself was created out of annoyance over the ‘born in the wrong generation’ that fans of ‘60s and ‘70s rock often express. So there’s a special emphasis on music on r/lewronggeneration, but other forms of nostalgia are welcome, too, from other forms of media to societal trends.
Kids Today Are So Stupid
Ah yes, because every young person is eating tide pods these days, definitely not just a small number of stupid people
Never Realised You Had To Listen To Modern Music, And That Statements Just Blatantly Untrue
That’s Probably Not The Flex You Think It Is…
Breaking news: teens of EVERY generation (yes, it’s true. Some generations worse than others) break the rules, do drugs, drink, cheat, push boundaries, swear, screw, steal, lie etc. You all did at least one of those things, and probably knew someone that did it all. That’s just what teens do, test waters, figuring c**p out, rebelling. It’s just a fact. The only thing that really matters is getting past it all and coming out the other end a sane, healthy, law abiding, loving, kind, well adjusted adult. THATS what’s worth bragging about and being proud of.
The mods ask the members to post images and videos that fit the spirit of the subreddit. In short, the content should be focused on “quasi-nostalgic attitudes, often with a sense of superiority.” However, posts can’t have anyone’s identifying information displayed in them, whether that’s actual names or internet usernames. The point is to gently mock over-the-top nostalgia, not the individuals themselves.
Moreover, members of r/lewronggeneration ought to avoid posting content that they created themselves. Meanwhile, if anyone’s in the mood for some satire, they’re welcome to go for it, but they have to add the ‘Satire’ flair to make it clear to everyone else.
In the meantime, everyone’s asked to be civil, and polite, and to “keep the elitism at the door.” While disagreements are perfectly fine (and, if we’re honest, completely unavoidable on the internet), calling other users names and insulting them is way over the line. What’s more, the mods frown upon low-effort posts, redditors who spam memes, and repost irresponsibly.
Quite Literally
We Are Not The Same
Men Today No Longer Want To Break Free
Valentina Stoycheva Ph.D. explains in a post on Psychology Today that nostalgia can lead to unhelpful behaviors and have negative consequences when taken to an extreme.
“The difference between helpful and harmful nostalgia is the difference between incorporating the positive emotions of reminiscing into the present versus renouncing the present for the sake of reinstating and perpetually reliving some moment in the past,” she writes.
Those Were Ye Good Ol' Days
Man, Boomers Who Post [things] Like This Completely Forgot The Message Of The Breakfast Club
Modern Cartoons Suck Now
In Stoycheva’s opinion, overindulging in nostalgia is similar to overusing salt or pepper in your dishes, leading to the present being “colored by the negative emotions, in favor of glorifying some moment in the past.” There’s a need for balance here so that nostalgia doesn’t consume someone’s life.
Is This Welcome Here?
Fyi - The Thing On The Right Is A Pencil Sharpener And The Thing On The Left Is A Pencil
The funny thing is, I seem to still be using these untensils now....
"Cars Now Don't Have Any Character"
Some individual examples where people go overboard with nostalgia include getting excessive plastic surgery in order to create the illusion of youth, hoarding things, and using social media to track down their ex-partners. On a societal level, overindulging in nostalgia can lead to people glorifying their historical past without acknowledging the collective traumas of the past.
For Reelz
Damn :((
Vintage Le Wrong Generation
Nostalgia, according to Stoycheva, is focused on simplicity rather than complexity, so it can backfire as an emotional regulatory strategy because the world itself is so complex. According to her, this can be countered by coming face to face with our own biases and beliefs and tackling uncomfortable feelings of shame and longing.
Ah The 80s, You Know The Time When You Could Make Real Friends And Walk Around Not Being Scared
They're All On Cocaine
Of Course All The Comments Were Saying "Sad But True"
Stoycheva suggests that everyone who’s feeling nostalgic for an activity, a period of time, and people to ask themselves these questions: “What emotion am I after? In engaging in nostalgia, what former self-state am I seeking to recreate? How will this help me and also how can I stay rooted in the present while I also feel the positive emotions of reminiscing? Am I avoiding complex emotions? If so, what are they, and why are they so hard for me? Where else can I seek help in managing my emotions?”
I Too Am Absolutely Horrified By Men On Scooters
In 79 a young adult could afford a clunker and it was simple enough to fix up. Today it might be 1 scooter is all the two could afford.
"Why Aren't Soldiers Like My Hollywood Heroes"
Today's Generation Is Lazy
As a Gen Xer, I disagree with this. I know people like to portray the Millennials and Gen Z like this, but it's nonsense. My generation got hosed. But nothing like these generations have. I admire how they don't take c**p from companies and challenge the idea of "work hard and you'll get ahead". The truth is their is a natural reaction to companies exploiting them. And all you need to do is open your eyes and you will see it. The model businesses operate under now demands that kind of response. They broke the social contract between between companies and workers. And they did it in a deceptive manner. Pensions, healthcare, and social security are a few examples. They made sure to take care of the Boomers so they wouldn't call foul and let Gen X & Y work old school style without the rewards. And we were too inexperienced to see it. From the time I turned 18 I have seen home costs jump from $30k for a house to $350k. While the federal minimum wage went from $2.35 to $7.25. Insane.
In the meantime, Bored Panda has previously written about how people tend to be the most nostalgic for those periods of time when they were happiest. For many, that’s their childhood because they had fewer responsibilities. However, if someone had an awful childhood, you most likely won’t find them reminiscing about that period of time.
Though nostalgia can be a good coping strategy when you’re feeling blue, it can interfere with our daily lives. For instance, if we constantly compare the present to the past and feel like nothing ever measures up in terms of values and quality, then we’ll feel disappointed.
So We've Come To This Now
This is less about nostalgia but more of the "Them V Us" conflicts that really should not be happening. History has taught us this time after time and yet it still happens.
I hate these nostalgia memes and I'm a middle-aged man. I love a bit of nostalgia but I hate the way it is weaponised to make younger generations seem bad. It's just dumb. Every generation complains about "kids today" while simultaneously contributing to the culture they are complaining about. Hate modern movies? How old do you think the studio execs are? Hate the internet? How old do you think the people who run TikTok (and benefit most financially) are?
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." --Socrates
This thread... It's bad. Whoever thought it was a good idea to post should feel bad...
This is less about nostalgia but more of the "Them V Us" conflicts that really should not be happening. History has taught us this time after time and yet it still happens.
I hate these nostalgia memes and I'm a middle-aged man. I love a bit of nostalgia but I hate the way it is weaponised to make younger generations seem bad. It's just dumb. Every generation complains about "kids today" while simultaneously contributing to the culture they are complaining about. Hate modern movies? How old do you think the studio execs are? Hate the internet? How old do you think the people who run TikTok (and benefit most financially) are?
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." --Socrates
This thread... It's bad. Whoever thought it was a good idea to post should feel bad...