Black People Asked White People About Things They Don’t Understand About Them And Actually Received Frank Answers

BoredPanda staff
A few years back, when social media was in its infancy and people were thinking about its potential to change the world, we imagined all the ways that it would help to bring us together. Easy and instant communication with people from all over the planet would surely break down the artificial borders constructed between us, and lead to greater cultural exchange, mutual understanding and a shared humanity that could help us to solve the bigger global problems that affect us all.
Sadly, it hasn’t quite worked out that way. Sure, there are some great examples of social media being a force for the common good, but ultimately we are a tribal species, and we seem to prefer segregating ourselves into smaller and ever more niche groups in the virtual as well as the physical world.
So what happens then? Well, our tribal loyalties become entrenched, and we feel increasingly empowered by our ‘in’ group. Instead of reaching out to share and learn from others, we shout at each other from behind the safety of our screens and spread fake news that only supports our own narrow political aims. You only have to look at the polarized societies of the U.S and the UK to see the evidence of this.
But what can be done? Well, we can start by finding better ways to communicate with people beyond our own circles. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to start the conversation, which the Facebook page “Afrocentric Films Collaborative” did recently when it posted: “OK black people, ask white people one question you always wanted to know.”
Now, anybody that regularly reads through comments sections will know that this could be a recipe for disaster. But not this time! Humor is a universal ice-breaker, and people here are funny, respectful and good-natured, showing the rest of us how to constructively approach topics of race and cultural difference.
Instead of quickly descending into a shitshow of abuse and insults, as this kind of thread often does, there are tons of laughs as people are able to poke fun at themselves, acknowledge historical injustices while learning a lot about each other at the same time. We need more of this!
Sadly, Afrocentric Films Collaborative, which promotes positive African Diaspora images, news, cinema, music and fashion, has received some negative reactions to sharing the post. “That post was created by us a year ago and we decided to share it a few days ago with no intentions of it taking off,” they explained to Bored Panda. “We were curious and wanted to get a great and honest dialogue between Black people (people of color) and white people.”
“Unfortunately, since that post, we have received an influx of white racism and ignorance on other posts. We want to create dialogue, but not at the expense of our peace of mind or giving up our authentic voice to Black people, and to all people love and respect. We have contemplated removing that post if people don’t understand that we created it to create a bridge, and not to invite hateful people.”
“Sadly, with the good comes the bad. We have always had socially aware white fans and they know how we get down. We have been targeted by another group that has not been seasoned and have little clue, but everything happens for a reason and hopefully, through scrolling through our post, they will perhaps learn something.”
A sad ending, but as they suggest, there is much to learn from this wholesome thread. Keep scrolling to check it for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.
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I'm a visual editor at Bored Panda. I kickstart my day with a mug of coffee bigger than my head, ready to tackle Photoshop. I navigate through the digital jungle with finesse, fueled by bamboo breaks and caffeine kicks. When the workday winds down, you might catch me devouring bamboo snacks while binging on the latest TV show, gaming or I could be out in nature, soaking up the tranquility and communing with my inner panda.
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Mindaugas Balčiauskas
Author, BoredPanda staff
I'm a visual editor at Bored Panda. I kickstart my day with a mug of coffee bigger than my head, ready to tackle Photoshop. I navigate through the digital jungle with finesse, fueled by bamboo breaks and caffeine kicks. When the workday winds down, you might catch me devouring bamboo snacks while binging on the latest TV show, gaming or I could be out in nature, soaking up the tranquility and communing with my inner panda.
As a white American I'd like to know which one of you put raisins in the potato salad and ruined our reputation amongst all POC?
As a Canadian, I am very happy to report that I have NEVER seen raisins in potato salad.
Load More Replies...Who the hell puts raisins in potato salad? My mom's obnoxious snotty British man friend. Just for that I hate him... let's not talk about what he does to tiramisu. Did not think that desert would ever make me barf, but it did
As Australian I also am happy to say I have never EVER seen raisins in a potato salad.
Me neither. My mother has sanctioned all raisins as "Perverted Little Grapes".
I’m English, we don’t do that. Ms Phis please keep your mums friend over there. We had a vote & don’t want him back.
Sorry to tell you those weren't raisins--the flies at the picnic had to land somewhere...
White people come from very different types of cultures depending on where they grew up and what country their ancestors were from. Someone who's raised Italian or Spaniard isn't going to be like someone raised Irish or Ukrainian. Also north easterners are different then the South or the mid West, etc. My family never put raisins in potato salad, I've never had that. It's eggs, mayo, onion, salt, pepper and sometimes pickle juice. The only food that gets raisins that isn't dessert is chicken salad with apples and raisins or curry chicken.
Raisins and sultanas in sweet curry! But no pickle juice in Potato Salad. Just potatoes onion crispy bacon and chopped egg with my home made dressing!
In all my years as a white person, living in a very white state, I have *never* heard of raisins in potato salad.
This is seriously one of the great racially divisive questions of all time.
Dear God, who came up with an abomination like that? My Southern relatives are rolling in their graves and I just threw up a little in my mouth! That is some nasty s**t there and I will have a hard time getting that image out of my head.
White people and black people make potato salad extremely similarly. Whoever says they don’t is full of s**t!
OMG... where can I try the fried potato salad that was mentioned?! I'd totally try that...no raisins though 😣
As a white American (and ‘professional’ chef) I have -never- ever- seen OR heard of raisins in potato salad. I am 99.98% sure you made this up to get attention :/
I've heard of it, but have never seen it or eaten it, and never will. Raisins also don't belong in broccoli salad.
No,its the Average Becky that thinks shes "cool" with black people and wanted to bring a dish to the cook out
As an Australian, I think Americans socially f****d right up, and Canadians are almost normal but unfortunately slightly infected by American culture. Even here in Australia we're a little bit infected, but it's only a minor rash. If they could move Canada several thousands of kilometers away from the U.S , the toxic influence may wear off eventually. LOL
Oh lawd your comment is only the SECOND instance I've ever even heard of raisins in potato salad and I've wanted to slap the guilty hillbilly cook who panicked 5 minutes before the family gathering and who was out of onions and celery!
Not only raisins in potato salad but apples in tuna salad and grapes in chicken salad??? These things ought not to be!
who the blue f--k puts raisins in potato salad???
I don't do that. Haha! But then again, I don't do potato salad. No mayo for me. Yuck!
NEVER in the potato salad but my mom sometimes puts it in the tuna salad with apples and walnuts...
As a human, I think that the person who even thought of that is NASTY.
Raisins? In potato salad? I've never seen it! But my sister puts pineapple in cole slaw. Does that count?
Never seen nor heard about it here in Scandinavia, so probably not us
As a life long American, I have never heard of raisins in potato salad. Or anything EXCEPT oatmeal raisin cookies.
Australian via Scotland here. Raisins?? WTF are you shower doing to the poor innocent potatoes? What did they do to you??
Never heard of raisins in potato salad but I love raisins in chicken salad with little bits of apple and a little cardamom. SO SO GOOD!
I'm a white American and I like raisins in certain kinds of potato salad. They're better in that multi-colored cabbage coleslaw, though.
I always said its the dutch people... they put raisins and apple in every bloody salad!
what in the AF? Raisins in potato salad? sounds like me ex monster in law that put coffee grounds in icing to give it a kick. ... actually gave it a nasty @ss crunch.
That's right! Get on 'em! They done messed y'all up for the next twenty years...
Where the hell did you find raisins in the potato salad? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!!!!! On another note, we should spend more time getting to know each other and put the stereotypes where they belong, in the garbage with the raisins! Raisins in potato salad, yuck eeww yuck!
To a person who isn’t white or black, this is so stupid because white people and black people act and live so similarly. They are the only ones who see the differences. But as a Persian person, you all just act “American” to me. Black and white people are way wayyyy more alike than different.
That brings up a whole new thread, Ask an American. I'm a military BRAT, raised in Germany. It was easy to identify an American when we left the base.
Load More Replies...as a military brat myself I totally understand what you mean by that. americans as a rule in a group are very noisy and loud. and I hate to say it. but appear to be rude to most europeans due to the way they act. so many act like they dont have basic manners. and this seems to be true irregardless of race.
I am white (must be the first time I've ever written it) but for me too Americans are Americans whether they're black or white. They should do a thread "Ask an American" like Omar pointed out, I think people outside of the US have a lot of misconceptions and questions we'd like to get answers to. I know I do lol
Go to Buzzfeed.com. Tons (or tonnes) of posts about things people find weird about Americans, like our lack of kettles for making tea and using the Imperialist system of measuring things. The vast majority of posts are from Tumblr though, so you might just want to search it there and skip the middleman.
Ryo, you don’t get what American culture is. And that is very American of you.
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The mere thought that I could ever act "American" is a load of bollocks. I don't think the "British accent" is sexy (there's more than one, and they all sound stupid, even mine), I don't salute an over-decorated rag, I stopped thinking The Simpsons was funny years ago (seriously, America, let it die), and I've never gotten an erection in anticipation of Superbowl Sunday. Or during Superbowl Sunday. Or though "Holy s**t, I need to buy a Nissan!" because of a commercial during Superbowl Sunday. Or called Tom Brady a cheat during Superbowl Sunday. Or was left feeling disappointed after the most recent Superbowl Sunday. Also, baseball sucks, too. Hi, America!
As a white American I'd like to know which one of you put raisins in the potato salad and ruined our reputation amongst all POC?
As a Canadian, I am very happy to report that I have NEVER seen raisins in potato salad.
Load More Replies...Who the hell puts raisins in potato salad? My mom's obnoxious snotty British man friend. Just for that I hate him... let's not talk about what he does to tiramisu. Did not think that desert would ever make me barf, but it did
As Australian I also am happy to say I have never EVER seen raisins in a potato salad.
Me neither. My mother has sanctioned all raisins as "Perverted Little Grapes".
I’m English, we don’t do that. Ms Phis please keep your mums friend over there. We had a vote & don’t want him back.
Sorry to tell you those weren't raisins--the flies at the picnic had to land somewhere...
White people come from very different types of cultures depending on where they grew up and what country their ancestors were from. Someone who's raised Italian or Spaniard isn't going to be like someone raised Irish or Ukrainian. Also north easterners are different then the South or the mid West, etc. My family never put raisins in potato salad, I've never had that. It's eggs, mayo, onion, salt, pepper and sometimes pickle juice. The only food that gets raisins that isn't dessert is chicken salad with apples and raisins or curry chicken.
Raisins and sultanas in sweet curry! But no pickle juice in Potato Salad. Just potatoes onion crispy bacon and chopped egg with my home made dressing!
In all my years as a white person, living in a very white state, I have *never* heard of raisins in potato salad.
This is seriously one of the great racially divisive questions of all time.
Dear God, who came up with an abomination like that? My Southern relatives are rolling in their graves and I just threw up a little in my mouth! That is some nasty s**t there and I will have a hard time getting that image out of my head.
White people and black people make potato salad extremely similarly. Whoever says they don’t is full of s**t!
OMG... where can I try the fried potato salad that was mentioned?! I'd totally try that...no raisins though 😣
As a white American (and ‘professional’ chef) I have -never- ever- seen OR heard of raisins in potato salad. I am 99.98% sure you made this up to get attention :/
I've heard of it, but have never seen it or eaten it, and never will. Raisins also don't belong in broccoli salad.
No,its the Average Becky that thinks shes "cool" with black people and wanted to bring a dish to the cook out
As an Australian, I think Americans socially f****d right up, and Canadians are almost normal but unfortunately slightly infected by American culture. Even here in Australia we're a little bit infected, but it's only a minor rash. If they could move Canada several thousands of kilometers away from the U.S , the toxic influence may wear off eventually. LOL
Oh lawd your comment is only the SECOND instance I've ever even heard of raisins in potato salad and I've wanted to slap the guilty hillbilly cook who panicked 5 minutes before the family gathering and who was out of onions and celery!
Not only raisins in potato salad but apples in tuna salad and grapes in chicken salad??? These things ought not to be!
who the blue f--k puts raisins in potato salad???
I don't do that. Haha! But then again, I don't do potato salad. No mayo for me. Yuck!
NEVER in the potato salad but my mom sometimes puts it in the tuna salad with apples and walnuts...
As a human, I think that the person who even thought of that is NASTY.
Raisins? In potato salad? I've never seen it! But my sister puts pineapple in cole slaw. Does that count?
Never seen nor heard about it here in Scandinavia, so probably not us
As a life long American, I have never heard of raisins in potato salad. Or anything EXCEPT oatmeal raisin cookies.
Australian via Scotland here. Raisins?? WTF are you shower doing to the poor innocent potatoes? What did they do to you??
Never heard of raisins in potato salad but I love raisins in chicken salad with little bits of apple and a little cardamom. SO SO GOOD!
I'm a white American and I like raisins in certain kinds of potato salad. They're better in that multi-colored cabbage coleslaw, though.
I always said its the dutch people... they put raisins and apple in every bloody salad!
what in the AF? Raisins in potato salad? sounds like me ex monster in law that put coffee grounds in icing to give it a kick. ... actually gave it a nasty @ss crunch.
That's right! Get on 'em! They done messed y'all up for the next twenty years...
Where the hell did you find raisins in the potato salad? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!!!!! On another note, we should spend more time getting to know each other and put the stereotypes where they belong, in the garbage with the raisins! Raisins in potato salad, yuck eeww yuck!
To a person who isn’t white or black, this is so stupid because white people and black people act and live so similarly. They are the only ones who see the differences. But as a Persian person, you all just act “American” to me. Black and white people are way wayyyy more alike than different.
That brings up a whole new thread, Ask an American. I'm a military BRAT, raised in Germany. It was easy to identify an American when we left the base.
Load More Replies...as a military brat myself I totally understand what you mean by that. americans as a rule in a group are very noisy and loud. and I hate to say it. but appear to be rude to most europeans due to the way they act. so many act like they dont have basic manners. and this seems to be true irregardless of race.
I am white (must be the first time I've ever written it) but for me too Americans are Americans whether they're black or white. They should do a thread "Ask an American" like Omar pointed out, I think people outside of the US have a lot of misconceptions and questions we'd like to get answers to. I know I do lol
Go to Buzzfeed.com. Tons (or tonnes) of posts about things people find weird about Americans, like our lack of kettles for making tea and using the Imperialist system of measuring things. The vast majority of posts are from Tumblr though, so you might just want to search it there and skip the middleman.
Ryo, you don’t get what American culture is. And that is very American of you.
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The mere thought that I could ever act "American" is a load of bollocks. I don't think the "British accent" is sexy (there's more than one, and they all sound stupid, even mine), I don't salute an over-decorated rag, I stopped thinking The Simpsons was funny years ago (seriously, America, let it die), and I've never gotten an erection in anticipation of Superbowl Sunday. Or during Superbowl Sunday. Or though "Holy s**t, I need to buy a Nissan!" because of a commercial during Superbowl Sunday. Or called Tom Brady a cheat during Superbowl Sunday. Or was left feeling disappointed after the most recent Superbowl Sunday. Also, baseball sucks, too. Hi, America!