As you know, Black Friday is the name given to the Friday that falls right after Thanksgiving (the United States Thanksgiving, that is). And while to most of us, Black Friday is associated with a shopping spree, the term was first used to describe a phenomenon happening among factory workers. Coined in 1951 by Factory Management and Maintenance journal, it referred to the practice of workers calling in sick the day after Thanksgiving due to ‘food poisoning’ in order to have a four-day weekend. Smart, huh? On the other hand, it did leave plenty of time to do your shopping, so sales and Black Friday origins might not be as far from that tale as we all think. Anyway, nowadays, Black Friday presents its own ridiculous situations with frenzied shoppers and brands going way out of their way to promote their discounts which, naturally, creates a very nice pretext for some Black Friday jokes. And that’s what we have gathered here for, right?
While these funny Black Friday jokes might not be about factory workers calling in sick anymore, they will surely talk about the crazed shoppers. Do you remember those old-school videos from the ‘90s with people queueing to get the latest Playstation or whatnot for days beforehand just to save a tenner? Seems absolutely nuts now when most of the shopping is online! Besides this prominent topic, you’ll also find some of these cool jokes to be bona fide Black Friday dad jokes. Meaning, of course, that they are so bad, they’re hilarious. And, if you’re looking for quick comedic relief, there are plenty of Black Friday one-liners, too!
So, the jokes for Black Friday are further down below - you should absolutely check them out! Once you do, give the best jokes your vote so they find their way to the top of this list. And lastly - share these Black Friday jokes with anyone who you think is taking the occasion way too seriously.
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I actually enjoy Black Friday.
It’s the one day I know exactly where all the nut jobs are and how to avoid them.
What do you call Hunger Games in America?
Black Friday.
I was too lazy to go out shopping today, so to make it feel like Black Friday, I went ahead and punched a few family members.
What is the day after Black Friday called?
Broke Saturday.
Black Friday should be for bills, too.
I want to get 30% off my electricity bill if I pay it on Black Friday.
Handed in an assignment late today, looks like my teacher is giving black friday deals too.
50% off.
Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Why do people go clothes shopping on Black Friday?
To replace all the clothes they spilled Thanksgiving dinner on.
Black Friday: The day people spend money they don’t have on things they don’t need.
My dad has the best trick to save an absolute fortune on Black Friday…
He totally ignores it!
What happens when a mall loses power?
Free Black Friday.
Here , the owners tried to leave the pet inside with no heat. In the middle of a snow storm. I say tried , because the uproar the information caused.
Bought a new vacuum on Black Friday.
It sucks!
It’s Black Friday, and I just got an iPhone 14 for my husband.
I thought it was a good trade.
For some reason Black Friday continues for the rest of the week, so I guess that makes today Black Sabbath.
My version of Black Friday is deleting all the people on my phone who sent me a mass Thanksgiving text.
Black Friday deals are a scam.
You should be mad at them for overcharging you 364 days a year.
Why the bitcoin crashes won’t be as bad as Black Friday?
At least you don’t have to worry about people who jump out of their basement windows.
Last year I bought an instructional boxing DVD on Cyber Monday.
This year I’m going Black Friday shopping.
What did the Pot Shop have on Black Friday?
A bake sale.
How do you describe an amazing Black Friday deal with free cake?
A sweet deal.
I will spend a thousand dollars on a computer this Black Friday.
It’s going to be grand!
They’re having a great sale in person at the mall for Black Friday.
Everything is buy one, get achoo free.
What did the fridge say when it was asked on Black Friday, if everything alright over here?
“No, it’s the day after the Thanksgiving, everything is all leftover here!”
It was just after Thanksgiving, and the judge was in a happy mood. He asked the prisoner who was in the dock, ‘What are you charged with?’
The prisoner replied, ‘Doing my Christmas shopping too early.
‘That’s no crime’, said the judge. ‘Just how early were you doing this shopping?’
'Before the shop opened’, answered the prisoner.
Why is Donald Trump getting rid of Black Friday?
Because he wants an All White Christmas.
Why couldn’t the Judge throw the book at the Black Friday shoplifters?
There’d been a run on sentences.
December 26th is Boxing Day in the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Do you know when Boxing Day is celebrated in the US?
Black Friday.
Why hasn't Black Friday become a super racial thing?
Because capitalism is more important than racism.
Why do shoppers feel like cranberry sauce on Black Friday?
They get bruised, battered, and squished into pulp trying to get to the bargain bin.
What do Black Friday shoppers and the Thanksgiving turkey have in common?
They know what it’s like to be stuffed and jammed into a small space.
How can you tell which of your friends got a good Black Friday deal?
Don’t worry; they’ll let you know.
Why do Americans go shopping on Black Friday?
They are thankful they survived Thanksgiving dinner.
Why do they call the day after Thanksgiving “Black Friday”?
Because it matches the mood of all the miserable shoppers.
How can you be more considerate on Black Friday?
By turning your phone horizontally before recording the shopping brawls.
What did Nala tell Simba after seeing a herd of people on Black Friday?
“You gotta Mufasa!”
Sorry, but there’s no deal for the hospital visit you will need after being pummeled on Black Friday.
Here’s hoping your Black Friday injuries aren’t so bad that you can’t click on a mouse on Cyber Monday.
Black Friday: Because only in America do people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.
All this spending on Black Friday…
Better make sure you pay the electric bill or next Friday will be Black Friday too!
Black Friday? Thanks, but no thanks.
Only criminals tell you to come out at 4 am for a three-dollar DVD player.
It’s only a matter of time before the security camera at Walmart on Black Friday becomes a hit reality show.
What if I told you that if you spend more than 8 minutes to save $1, you’re working for less than minimum wage?
I’ve got the deal already worked out this Black Friday.
I’m getting a new Lexus for my wife.
I think she’s going to be really surprised but from my perspective, it’s an awesome trade.
What did Melania Trump have on her Black Friday shopping list?
A copy of everything Michelle Obama had on her list.
Why is the day after Thanksgiving a day of giving thanks for what we have, a day devoted to getting more stuff?
It’s Black Friday, and people are lining up around the block at the local Best Buy. The people in the line beat up a well-dressed man who comes to the front of the line. He attempts it again and is knocked down.
He then mutters, “If people will be like that, I’m not opening the store.”
Why do people go clothes shopping on Black Friday?
Because they can’t fit into their clothes after Thanksgiving dinner.
Every year on Black Friday I make sure I wake up extra early.
To go on the internet to see all the fights.
I headed out before dawn today and braved some insane crowds, to snag some Black Friday deals.
The only thing I think I scored was a case of COVID-19.
Need help quitting smoking this Thanksgiving?
After dinner just quit “Cold Turkey”. This way your lungs won’t be “Black Friday”.
Why is Black Friday the best time for you to pick up girls?
Because girls are already bargain hunting.
I hope you will only get surprised by the amazing deal on Black Friday and not your credit card bill.
I approximated the Black Friday experience at home by hurling myself into a wall several times and then ordering online.
The boat shop was having a huge discount on all their Galleons and Brigantines for Black Friday this year.
It was the biggest sail event they’ve ever had.
If Jesus was born on Christmas and was resurrected on Easter, what happened on Black Friday?
Sales at K-Mart.
What do people eat on Black Friday?
Whatever they couldn’t finish on Thanksgiving Thursday.
Some people don’t shop on Black Friday.
They are too busy sleeping off their Thanksgiving food.
How do you know Arnold Schwarzenegger is waiting in line with you on Black Friday?
He Jingles All The Way.
Black Friday: The day I can finally jump on the Christmas Bandwagon with the rest of the nuts who started on Halloween.
Besides Black Friday, what is the only thing people will wait in line for?
A pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks.