House For Sale Goes Viral Because The More You Look, The Crazier It Gets (28 Pics)
If you liked this $159,900 house listing that looks modest at first but gets very strange very fast once you look inside, you are going to love this one.
A real estate listing of a 3,161-square-foot house in Kentucky has been going viral thanks to its 3D virtual walk-through feature that allowed users to explore the maze of rooms, porn DVDs, and boxes of “Body Skin” on their quest to find a tucked-away baptism spot turned bathtub.
Que the music: every breath you take / and every click you make / every room you shake / every step you take / sh*t gets weird.
This house may look normal on the outside, but it gets really weird when its sellers invite you in
Image credits: redfin
Jenny Jaffe, a writer from Los Angeles, California, discovered the listing when someone posted it in a private Facebook group as a game, challenging people to find the bathtub via the 3D tour.
“I love looking at weird real estate listings and thought it would just be sort of a fun weird house, but finding the bathtub was such an adventure I immediately started sending it to friends and posted it to Twitter,” Jaffe told Bored Panda. Pretty soon, her tweet blew up and really contributed to the listing going viral.
“I found [the bathtub] relatively quickly, but found getting back ‘out’ of the house to be almost impossible.”
Image credits: jennyjaffe
The $375,000 property was built in 1970. It boasts two kitchens, three bedrooms, and four bathrooms.
The home has previously been used as a ‘church, school, daycare center, and home business’, according to the listing that has since been taken down, and it features separate bathrooms with urinals.
Image credits: teothebaldo
Let’s begin with the laundry room slash crime scene
And move on to this underground casino
Clearly, the owners don’t want people to see what’s inside
Seriously, what’s with all the boxes?
Apparently, this building was once a church, and people identified this unventilated bath as a spot for baptisms
Image credits: SaraFangirl_Art
Image credits: Klongeiger
But in order to enter it, you must first make your way through a huge stash of porn
Image credits: HecDaevis
Some people tried to map out this maze
Image credits: and_j_isthesun
Including the two-toilet restroom
Image credits: CuddlePotato
Image credits: jennyjaffe
At least there are a few TVs
Image credits: luvcraft
Turns out, the strange bath was just scratching the surface of all the ridiculous things happening inside this house
Image credits: Random_Hylian
Whatever the former residents were up to, they probably ran entirely on energy drinks
Image credits: notjffns
The house turned into a meme real quick
Image credits: TrampusRex
Imagine the electricity bill with all these appliances
Image credits: wormyjermy
These two look really similar, don’t they?
Image credits: sharbanning
At least there’s a buffet
Image credits: danicalico
Image credits: sadie_burgess
Image credits: HollyAnneFrink
Image credits: Gremzie1
Maybe this is a hint of what’s inside the box towers?
Image credits: Penumant
Image credits: larathelark
Image credits: Chasnah7
Image credits: em_writes_poems
Image credits: swagmancer_cos
The property was raided in 2014 following a 4-year investigation by police, according to reports at the time by WLKY News.
At the time, police claimed there were enough stolen goods inside the building to fill several trucks.
Troy Curtis and his son Trevor Curtis pleaded not guilty in December 2014 to engaging in organized crime syndication and receiving stolen property.
It’s unclear whether the items currently seen in the 3D walkthrough are somehow connected to that case in any way.
What we do know is that the home has been sitting on the market for months.
Suddenly, it all makes sense
Image credits: luvcraft
Image credits: _jimh
I'd love a house that doesnt make sense. "Can i use your bathroom?"....oh yes, third right, behind the second tv, under the trap door and next to the cat.
The baptist church at the end of our road has 2 toilets like that in the women's room. Just like those. Side by side. No divider, nothing. Tacky as hell. I refused to use it the time I saw it. I couldn't understand why there were 2 toilets like this-- no one else was bothered by it but me! And there is a little window on the wall near the farthest toilet, a window that opens onto a hallway in the church! F*cking weird!!!
I'd love a house that doesnt make sense. "Can i use your bathroom?"....oh yes, third right, behind the second tv, under the trap door and next to the cat.
The baptist church at the end of our road has 2 toilets like that in the women's room. Just like those. Side by side. No divider, nothing. Tacky as hell. I refused to use it the time I saw it. I couldn't understand why there were 2 toilets like this-- no one else was bothered by it but me! And there is a little window on the wall near the farthest toilet, a window that opens onto a hallway in the church! F*cking weird!!!