There are several ways to mark such a joyous occasion as one’s birthday. First, there’s the unsurpassed classic of getting your friends and family together for a celebratory dinner, cake, and maybe some beverages afterward. Then there’s the weekend escape with your loved one to a cozy place somewhere. Then, of course, if you work in an office or anywhere with other people involved, there’s the inevitably awkward congratulation cake and limp-fish handshake party. But you know what could make this kind of a get-together that much better? Cool birthday puns!
As you’re about to see, happy birthday puns can be absolutely excellent, especially at relieving the tension of having to sit through your coworkers’ rendition of the Happy Birthday song performed off-key and off-beat. And if you’d serve these creative birthday puns at a one-per-minute rate, you might just have the birthday cake and eat it too (as your comrades will definitely announce an early end to the party).
Since you, our dedicated reader, already know that we just can’t get enough of unique puns dedicated to some specific topic, it’s probably no surprise that we also made a list of original happy birthday puns meant to mark the passing of your years. Of course, there will be funny puns about commemoratory cakes, exultant presents, and birthday wishes. There will also be some cat birthday puns on you getting older and none the wiser, but with cats. In other words, it is exactly what the doctor prescribed to make your birthday an exclusive occasion. That is, if you choose to serve these birthday card puns to your party guests. If not - it’s entirely your choice, but then your affair will undoubtedly lack some pomp.
Anyway, funny puns or not - birthdays are always worthy of a celebration! Whether you are picking some birthday puns for your own jubilee or to be scribbled onto a greeting card and lousily shoved into your friend’s hand - you’ll find what you seek for just a couple of inches below. So don’t forget to vote for these happy birthday puns and tell us which ones you like the most!
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Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.
The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.
Kids are so easy to buy for. My younger sister said she loves anything Frozen. I got her some frozen peas and pop tarts, can't wait to see the look on her face.
What is a Unique way to Wish a Birthday?
When time comes to extend your birthday wishes to someone special or someone you’d like to impress with your efforts, it is natural to look for the most unique ways to wish them a Happy Birthday. That said, not all of us can be exceptionally creative under such pressure and might need a bit of assistance in figuring out exciting and memorable ways to wish someone the very best birthday. Worry not, though; we have some ideas about unique wishes to share with you:
Customized Happy Birthday Puns — who doesn’t like birthday puns? And if you were to make it custom by including the person’s name or something they like into your birthday card pun, it would be a bazillion times better!
Message on a Cake — okay, this might sound a bit cheesy, but admit it: an edible birthday wish really is a super double feature.
Wishes Tied to Hobbies — if the person in question is crazy about their hobby, be it knitting, skiing, or whatever else, it might be nice to customize your wishes according to that. And if the person’s hobby includes animals, you can always use one or two awesome horse, rabbit, or dog birthday puns to really impress them.
Adventure Map — this one requires a bit more effort and preparation, but if you’re set to impress, then creating a personalized adventure map is an instant wow factor. Don’t forget to include these cute birthday puns in it, though!
Time Capsule — similar to an adventure map, a time capsule also requires a bit of work. But, if you have quite a few fun keepsakes from the time the two of you were young and wild, why not put them in some nice jar or a box, add some happy birthday puns, and give it to them as your birthday wish?
Of course, these are just a few ideas on unique ways to say happy birthday to someone, and you can always figure out something completely different, crazy, and one-of-a-kind that we’re sure your friend will like and appreciate! That said, adding a crazy pun, something like a dinosaur birthday pun, into your wish is always a nice touch, wouldn’t you agree?
I need glasses to read my birthday cards. Wine glasses.
Nothing like a soft, velvety Merlot to make those birthday cards funnier than they actually are...
Be careful. Too many birthdays will kill you.
Why do we put candles on top of the birthday cake?
It’s too hard to put them on the bottom.
What are Some Good Birthday Sayings?
It’s only natural to strive for the best when it comes to birthday sayings and wishes. Who’d settle for anything less, anyway! So, if you were wondering which birthday wishes are truly worthy of being called as such, here are the happy birthday puns and sayings our readers voted to be the very best ones:
- Forget about the past; you can’t change it. Forget about the future; you can’t predict it. Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.
- The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.
- Kids are so easy to buy for. My younger sister said she loves anything Frozen. I got her some frozen peas and pop tarts, can't wait to see the look on her face.
- I need glasses to read my birthday cards. Wine glasses.
- Be careful. Too many birthdays will kill you.
And if you’re in for birthday card puns that couldn’t be called anything else but cute, we have a few of those, too:
- Hope your birthday is a piece of cake!
- You're the icing on the birthday cake of life!
- Another year older and still 'a-llama-zing'! Happy birthday!
- Wishing you a 'purr-fectly' happy birthday!
- You're 'unbelievabowl'! Have a 'soup-er' birthday!
Hopefully, you’ll find exactly the right kind of birthday puns on our list to make the person you want to congratulate feel cherished and appreciated. But you won’t find the best ones unless you keep reading this list!
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye, matey!
For all the other coffee- and sleep-deprived humans: it sound's like: "I'm eighty".
How do raccoons celebrate their birthdays?
They get trashed.
And the funniest part of that joke is that the six year old telling it has absolutely no idea what "getting trashed" really means.
How does a cat celebrate its birthday?
By turning up the mewsic.
Actually, it’s clawing the furniture and not getting in trouble for it 😋
There’s nothing better than presents from friends and family on your birthday. Unless it’s the presence of friends and family on your birthday.
My girlfriend asked for a ring for her birthday, so I don't know why she hung up the phone when I called.
This whole birthday thing is getting old. Don’t you think?
What type of music is scary for birthday balloons?
Pop music.
Aside from the joke aspect, balloons really, really need to stop being a thing...they’re so bad for the environment and kill so many creatures. Sea turtles run the risk of extinction because of them.
Where do you get a birthday present for your cat?
A catalog.
I wanted to write some chemistry puns in your card, but I wasn't sure if I'd get a reaction.
What’s a ghost’s favorite cake?
I-scream cake.
You know you’re getting old when caution is the only thing you care to exercise.
Happy birthday, lettuce turnip the beet!
What kind of birthday cake did Peter Pan receive?
A pan-cake!
Why do people write on birthday cakes?
Because everyone wants to have their cake and read it too.
That birthday party was gelato fun.
What does a turtle do on his birthday?
He shell-a-brates.
I bought you a loaf of bread for your birthday toast.
Go ahead cake my day.
What do you say to a female sheep on her birthday?
Happy birthday to ewe!
Happy birthday to ewe, Happy birthday to ewe Happy birthday dear Mary Happy birthday to eeeeeeewe!
I always get emotional on my birthday. Even my cake is in tiers.
One of my friends loves puns, and I absolutely suck at making them. His birthday is tomorrow, thank you BP.
One of my friends loves puns, and I absolutely suck at making them. His birthday is tomorrow, thank you BP.