I Take Pictures Of Birds So That People Can See Them Like Never Before (27 Pics)
I photograph birds in a studio, which is set up in nature. My own photographic methods are at the center of my work. A key point when photographing birds is the proximity. I work together with scientists, who study birds and capture them with mist nets. My studio is close to the mist nets out in nature. After the photo shoot, I can easily release the birds simply by opening the studio netting that connects the studio to the camera.
I started photographing the Birds series in 2014 in Finland. The main shooting location has been the ornithological station in a nature reserve in the outer Hankoniemi archipelago. Recently I have also worked in other research stations in Italy, in Lake Baikal region in Russia and in Costa Rica.
More info: sannakannisto.com | Instagram | youtube.com
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Upupa Epops
I've only seen one in my life. That thing was a right arrogant bastard. Was sitting in the middle of our driveway when we got home. Wouldn't fly away either, it was just casually strolling towards the house, sometimes looking back at us with disdain. My father and I were dying of laughter.
My work is linked to the tradition of staged photography, portraiture and to the still-life tradition in visual art. I try to plan everything, for example, the branches and the lighting, so that I don’t have to change the setting during the shoot. As I photograph, I mostly remain calm in my place and react to what the bird is doing. Working with live birds is exciting and surprising. They are intelligent, mysterious creatures. The gaze of the animal is important in the images. I look at the bird and the bird looks at me. My images are both sharp and documentary, but at the same time theatrical and dreamlike. Photography – to me – is a powerful tool to show things. My aim is to work on a large scale so that people can see the birds like they never have seen them before. Images are full of details and visual enjoyment.
Bombycilla Garrulus
Ochre-Bellied Flycatcher
My work has long been influenced by my collaboration with scientists and my interest in observing nature. I’m fascinated by biodiversity and I want to highlight that in my work. The species I’m photographing are all suffering some form of endangerment. I'm concerned about the state of nature and about the decline of bird and insect species.
Chloroceryle Americana
Sense Of Wonder
Sardinian Warbler
Days Of Departure
When I photograph them the flock always waits the ones I have in my field studio!
Beautiful photography. It would be really helpful if you put their common names in the titles too.
Load More Replies...I haven't seen that bird before. I love the little hints of red amid the black and white.
Freezing Rain
Euphonia Imitates
This tiny finch, Spot-crowned Euphonia, is endemic to tropical moist lowland forest of Costa Rica and Panama.
Carduelis Carduelis
Ficedula Hypoleuca (The European Pied Flycatcher)
Warm Front
Spring Plumage (Eurasian Blue Tit)
Do you have a wallpaper size of this picture, I love it (for instance 3840x1080, or 1920x1080)?
Winds Blow South
Cyanocompsa Cyanoides
I think this may be a Erithacus rubecula, it is called Rødkælk in Denmark and maybe C**k Robin in english
Sporophila Corvina (The Variable Seedeater)
Gentle Breeze From North-West
"I am surprised at the everyday beauty of birds, by their subtle shades of greys and browns, and by their bright colours and the myriad of small details. The moment that I get to spend with each bird being photographed is magical".
Golden-Crowned Spadebill
Motacillla Flava (Yellow Wagtail)
Phoenicurus Phoenicurus
Wood Warbler
Muscicapa Striata
Strong Breeze From North East
Silent Spring
Phylloscopus Collybita
Ok so the photographer travels around the world ... catching birds and placing a bet round them?? How is that possible? I'd like pictures to show that too really
Maybe it’s a mobile studio like in a tent that can be easily put up and taken down? I’d be curious to see it as well!
Ok so the photographer travels around the world ... catching birds and placing a bet round them?? How is that possible? I'd like pictures to show that too really
Maybe it’s a mobile studio like in a tent that can be easily put up and taken down? I’d be curious to see it as well!