33 Horror Movie Villains People Online Think Are Manageable To Survive With For 24 Hours
Interview With ExpertIt’s always fun to see the extreme and unrealistic ways you can earn money, isn’t it? For example, an unknown rich relative dying and leaving their whole wealth to you is an interesting concept, yet a highly unlikely one. Or, as one Redditor asked others, what if you must survive a chosen horror movie villain for 24 hours and get a whopping $3 billion in return? Since, as far as we know, horror villains aren’t real, it’s just a fun imagination game. And people online did not disappoint with their answers to this game, so let’s take a scary but survivable trip through them.
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I'll go with Candyman. I can avoid saying Candyman three times in 24 hours. How hard can it be to not say Candyman?
I'll take the aliens from Signs. Catch me in the lazy river with a super soaker.
Bro i can outrun those things on my god dam electric whellchair. They are weak to water. As in the thing that literally falls out of the f ing sky on earth... and they chose that planet to "invade"...NAKED! Yeh i am not even worried if they catch me i will spit on one and watch them melt.
As can be seen in this list, there are many horror villains people think aren't so dangerous. While, yes, they are usually pretty deadly, they also have certain weaknesses that make them survivable, at least for 24 hours.
Another thing you can notice in the list is that we, as a species, are quite obsessed with things that scare us. It takes dedication to create such a variety of villains, and just think about the fact that these are only those people think are survivable!
To talk about this fascination with horror and other similar things, Bored Panda reached out to horror filmmaker Sarah of Horror. Check out the projects and organizations she is involved in!
Essentially, Sarah said that people love the feeling of being scared without actually being in danger. “If we take the very popular horror subgenre, the slasher film, a lot of us love seeing the creative kills and gore. We get to see these fantastic SFX while knowing that what we see is fake.”
As a horror filmmaker herself, she’s interested in knowing how these SFX are made and seeing how it all comes together on the screen.
Freddy. We came to an understanding long ago when I was laying in my bed after watching A Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a kid. I just said “you know Freddy, we cool, you’re not bad, in fact I just think you’re misunderstood, please don’t invade my dreams and kill me.” I haven’t died yet so I’m still working under the assumption the we cool.
Dracula. My skin is so pale and I eat so much garlic all I need to do is flash him and say hello and he’ll disintegrate.
How about Gremlins?
They're basically a cute Furby unless you give them water. And even if, they're mostly annoying and I could definitely take one of them for 24 hours but also chilling with the "cute" version doesn't sound so bad either.
Okay okay, I meant Mogwai you nitpicky basterds 😆😘.
I still want to know what time zone their feeding schedule is on, and what time after midnight is it safe to feed the fluffball?
Sarah thinks that one of the things that make horror characters memorable and fascinating is good backstories: “Like Jason Voorhes drowning as a kid and coming back, Michael Myers killing his older sister [when he is] six years old, or Victor Crowley getting accidentally killed by his father in a prank gone wrong and then haunting the swamps forever.”
Another thing that makes a horror story captivating, in Sarah’s opinion, is “when it truly feels like you would have almost zero chance of surviving an encounter with the villain in question.” As an example, she gave Art The Clown from “Terrifier.” He is very unpredictable and brutal, which makes making it out alive or killing him seem almost impossible.
As an additional example, she mentioned Jason Voorhes again, especially in later installments of the Friday The 13th franchise, where, due to a supernatural element, he comes back to life and is basically invincible.
The predator. I'm weak and a woman no predator would risk being made fun of for killing such a pathetic prey.
I love Predator; and I kinda like how they have a sort of hunter's code of honor.
I have actually thought about this a lot ever since I read Christine way too young. I think it will be quite easy to stay safe from a possessed car.
You say that now wait till you hear highway to hell on full blast while it repeatedly crashes into your hiding spot.
Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I'm not his size.
I think I'd like to avoid all the scary people in Silence of the Lambs. We don't know the level of taxidermy/sewing skills Buffalo Bill has.
With all of this in mind, Sarah said that if she had to choose which villain she could survive with for 24 hours for $3 billion, she said it would be Ghostface from Scream. Since Ghostface is human, it means they can be killed: “It would still be a super tough battle, but one that I might win with determination and some luck, unless it turns out that I'm being chased by not just one Ghostface but two!”
Which horror villain would you choose? Share with us in the comments!
Michael Myers or Jason. Those a******s just walk everywhere. I'd go on a road trip in my car. Maybe circle around a few times to honk at them and flip them off.
Paul Reiser's character from Aliens. He's the real villain of the movie, not the Alien Queen, and I think I could take him.
Probably the ring, she takes like 7days to show up. I don't even have to change my habits.
SPOILER ALERT: all you have to do is copy the tape.
The killer from scream bc it’s literally just a guy in a mask. Get some pepper spray and I’m golden.
I'm short, and the mask adds some protection from the spray. I advise a good punch in the kidneys or stomach to get him to bend down, then pepper spray.
The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
I'll just catch a flight somewhere, he'll never catch me. Also, he's easy to see.
Zombies. I can hide from a Zombie for 24hrs.
I love how some people are safe from zombies. If they run into one, it will pass them by on its way to look for brains to eat.
Easy, the mummy. He can't bend his legs, so he's definitely gonna run slowly.
Selma hayak in
From dusk to dawn
If she catches me I'm not sure that ends badly.... I mean it's Selma hayak.....
Tempted to say the babadook bc i could just buy and feed him worms, so I not only get the money, but also an insanely awesome and relatively cheap pet.
I already breed worms for my salamander to eat, so he'd be pretty simple to take care of for as long as he finds the toilet on his own and doesn't make a mess. I might have to buy more worms if he's hungry, but he should stay relatively timid
Easy. Regina George from “Mean Girls”.
I think I'd go with Death Bed: The Bed That Eats, from 1977's *Death Bed: The Bed That Eats,* because Death Bed: The Bed That Eats is a bed.
The merman from "Cabin in the woods". Easily escapable.
Love that part of the movie lol guy expects to see something beautiful and magical, then ends up seeing this. "Ah, come on 😖"
The xenomorph from Alien. I don't think it can get here to earth in 24 hours and I sure the hell not going to space.
Sharon stone from basic instinct because if I fail at least it’s a good way to go out.
Lets go with Jason. I want to earn the money.
I'm dead no matter what, basically because I am a completely broken person and find myself attracted to a LOT of "villains". Dudes in masks, humanoid monsters, or things like the common portrayal of Death, shadow monsters, etc. 😣 Jason was one of my first movie crushes when I was six. Even if it's not something I'm attracted to, if it's an animal creature, I'm dead cause my doofy àss will try to pet and befriend it. Similar to Babadook poster.
Capitalism, from the movie Parasite.
The thing in It Follows. Easy. Just keep moving for 24 hours.
Well no stipulation on what is "horror" or "villain", so I will go with Torgo, the "horror" "villian" of Manos. Seems easy to outrun. Maybe he can share whatever he is on and just chill.
I would vote for the frogs in the horror movie Frogs. Horrible movie from the 70's or so that was influenced by Silent Spring. It was a bunch of regular frogs that surrounded family members that littered and polluted.
That's also a good one! I'd probably have a blast with Frogs because I love amphibians, reptiles and insects, so I'd presumably be terrorizing the cursed wildlife back with a net to collect them and pick the biggest and most docile ones as pets. Plus, I hate swimming so all the water dangers wouldn't really get to me.
If I had to pick one that isn't in this list yet, I'd take Annabelle from the movie with the same name. She feeds on trauma, particularly on women who have or had lost babies, and drives people insane by scaring them. I found it hilarious to watch a floating doll when I saw that movie, she'd absolutely fail to scare me in any kind of way, and I never had a baby either so her main strategy wouldn't work. I'd be quite pissed that she blows up all the light bulbs tho. Those are expensive, dolly!
Otherwise, I'd take Jaws. I don't live in a country with an ocean and this is just an animal, it won't try to get to me anyway
Load More Replies...I would vote for the frogs in the horror movie Frogs. Horrible movie from the 70's or so that was influenced by Silent Spring. It was a bunch of regular frogs that surrounded family members that littered and polluted.
That's also a good one! I'd probably have a blast with Frogs because I love amphibians, reptiles and insects, so I'd presumably be terrorizing the cursed wildlife back with a net to collect them and pick the biggest and most docile ones as pets. Plus, I hate swimming so all the water dangers wouldn't really get to me.
If I had to pick one that isn't in this list yet, I'd take Annabelle from the movie with the same name. She feeds on trauma, particularly on women who have or had lost babies, and drives people insane by scaring them. I found it hilarious to watch a floating doll when I saw that movie, she'd absolutely fail to scare me in any kind of way, and I never had a baby either so her main strategy wouldn't work. I'd be quite pissed that she blows up all the light bulbs tho. Those are expensive, dolly!
Otherwise, I'd take Jaws. I don't live in a country with an ocean and this is just an animal, it won't try to get to me anyway
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