How you decorate your office and all the things that you put up in it say a lot about you as a person. After all, it’s the side that you want to show the world. But even the things that we display because we think they’re ‘neat’ always carry a certain subtext about how we think unconsciously.
Now, after Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States of America, people are comparing how the Oval Office in the White House looks as opposed to when Donald Trump led the country. The differences, like you could have expected, are like night and day. And they’re sending very different messages about the kind of America that Biden wants to build.
Where Trump had military flags, a portrait of President Andrew Jackson, and a bust of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Biden opted for portraits of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Alexander Hamilton. Biden also put up busts of Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, and Cesar Chavez.
Nathan Rubin, who is an award-winning author, founder of Millennial Politics, and a political commentator, explained to Bored Panda the symbolism of the changes President Biden has made to the Oval Office and the deeper meaning behind it. “I think Biden is sending a message to all Americans that the people he admires are from different parts of the political spectrum, but they all dedicated themselves to building a more perfect union.” Read on for Rubin’s full insights into the changes, as well as what we can expect from the Biden administration.
Joe Biden redecorated the Oval Office and it’s full of changes, small and large, from when Donald Trump was in office
Image credits: hunterschwarz
Image credits: 7im
Image credits: tnewtondunn
“Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson famously disagreed on almost everything, but they both were patriots with the best interest of America in mind. Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King (who are also prominently featured in the Oval) never held elected office, but they pushed leaders to take action. So I think the message is that you don’t have to agree with everyone all the time, nor do you have to be President, a member of Congress, or even a local elected official to make a difference. Being a citizen is enough,” Rubin explained to Bored Panda what Biden is telling both America, and the entire world.
In Rubin’s opinion, the “most striking” symbolic difference between Trump and Biden’s versions of the Oval Office is Joe replacing Andrew Jackson’s portrait with Ben Franklin’s. “Jackson, who rose to the Presidency via the first wave of nativism and populism, is someone Trump always identified with. Franklin, however, was famous for his scientific tinkering, his inventions, and his help laying the foundation for our constitutional republic. To me, it’s a sign that Biden will trust science and allow it to lead during this pandemic, but also work to preserve our great Republic that Franklin helped to build.”
Rubin also opened up about how he’s feeling cautiously optimistic about the new administration. However, this doesn’t mean that the US will become magically different overnight. “Realistically, I don’t think Biden will be able to accomplish everything progressives want him to, but I also think he’ll be able to accomplish more than conservatives would want him to. So I’m hopeful we’ll be able to make strong progress on a host of issues, but managing expectations will be a challenge for this administration as they tackle numerous crises simultaneously.”
Trump used to display his ‘Challenge Coin’ collection on the credenza
Image credits: Scanpix
Meanwhile, Biden put up photos of his family members and a bust of Cesar Chavez
Image credits: emrosenberg
Trump’s old leather chair is now gone…
Image credits: REUTERS
…and instead, Biden chose the Dark Academia leather chair which goes very well with the Resolute Desk (which he kept)
Image credits: Scanpix
Trump had busts of Abraham Lincoln and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (the latter he kept from Obama’s time in the office)
Image credits: Jim Watson
Facing Biden, as he sits at his desk, are portraits of former presidents and Founding Fathers
Image credits: BrendanKeefe
Trump had military flags put up, as well as a portrait of Andrew Jackson, who has recently been criticized for his role in slavery and the treatment of Native Americans
Image credits: Scanpix
Meanwhile, Biden removed the military flags and opted for a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, indicating his support for science
Image credits: Scanpix
Here are some other changes that people spotted
Image credits: hunterschwarz
Image credits: BrendanKeefe
Image credits: AstroKatie
Trump tried to portray himself as a strong leader with his focus on military details, meanwhile, Biden is indicating that he is fighting for a more open, inclusive America.
Nothing surprising if you listened to his inauguration speech where he talked about creating a “more perfect Union” by being everyone’s president and encouraged Americans to be more civil to each other.
But before we get ahead of ourselves too much, it’s important to remember one thing. While presidents absolutely do choose what goes up in the Oval Office and they pick out decorations to suit their personal tastes and inspirations, they also most likely have qualified advisers who can give them a gentle nudge about the messages and symbolism they’re sending with each and every choice.
So, even though we can catch deep glimpses into how each president thinks and what they value by looking at their work environment, it’s useful to remember from time to time, that it can be a gently curated image. The ideal they want to be and want others to see them as, instead of the people they might be at this very moment.
This is how some social media users reacted when they say the changes that Biden made
Thanks, someone said it. They look like they miss the 70's
Load More Replies...Trevor Noah said something about MLK that I think is funny as hell... No president will ever be able to remove that MLK bust out because no one wants to be seen as racist. and yes, people will view it as racist
It could be removed if replaced with another bust of someone who fought for equality.
Load More Replies...I love how when the Andrew Jackson portrait was associated to Trump's office, Bored Panda mentions the slavery, but when Benjamin Franklin's portrait is Biden's choice, there's no mention about the fact that he also owned slaves and carried advertisments of slave sales in his newspaper. Jonas and Ilona, a true journalist cuts with the same blade in all directions. Also, someone lose those damn drapes! Working in that office would make my stomach churn.. The drapes, the pictures frames, the wallpaper...the couches!! Good God, the couches!!
I don't know why they mention slavery in connection with Jackson while leaving out the Trail of Tears...
Load More Replies...For a moment I confused Cesar Chavez with Hugo Chavez. I was very puzzled as to why Biden had a bust of a Venezuelan president. I like the changes he made the office. Love the color of the carpet.
I don't have a problem with the Diet Coke button. I would like to have a Diet Coke button. Actually Coke Zero, cherry if possible.
One of my favorite things. Essentially they are merely a representation of an organization (or anything like that) in the form of a round metal "coin". They are gifted, traded .... fidget toys... used a place keeper and simply souvenirs. Every branch of the military has one and then the organizations within the military have them and then the clubs... and specific members... and they are meant to be given out to people as awards and gifts. If I go to a smithsonian museum, I can guy a challenge coin from that museum that represents it. If I have a meeting with a colonial from Edwards Air Force Base he might give me an Edwards Air Force Base challenge coin, possibly with his name on it.
Load More Replies...I like the new look much better. The choice of busts and artwork is thoughtful too. Cheers to President Biden!
Gonna be honest, I had no idea the presidents redecorated the office beyond just changing portraits they didn’t like until today.
This is a very refreshing change, not just the decor, but the person in the Oval Office.
I greatly prefer the Ben Franklin to Jackson portrait. Is the new dark academia chair not leather? The drapery looks better. I like the busts. I prefer the stripes to the busier pattern wallpaper. I will miss the military flags.
You will miss the military flags? Why? Do you like stolen valor and tacky decor?
Load More Replies...FACT: Cesar Chavez mounted a huge campaign AGAINST illegal immigration fearing that illegal immigrants would become strike breakers. He upheld the American workers' right to job accessibility. Glad to see his bust on Biden's table.
Biden could have put in an embalmed body and people would have said the oval office is better than Trumps'.
Especially if the embalmed body was the 🍊🍄💩’s!
Load More Replies...How ironic that Dump would collect "challenge coins" when he himself ducked out of service in Vietnam...
Note that challenge coins don't require meeting any particular challenge. They're just given out as tokens of membership to various groups. Though I suspect even then that some of trump's were just bottle caps.
Load More Replies...I hope to Christ they fumigated the office and swept for bugs after Trump let "TACC reporters" in there. Twice.
Biden looks like my Nana decorated it, Trump looks like a bland hotel.
Yea, but, get rid of those couches! Kelly Ann Conway had her nasty a$$ bare feet all over them! Ewww.
By TAYLOR ROCK OCT. 18, 201710:11 AM THE DAILY MEAL The red button atop the desk of the Oval Office has long been speculated to launch a nuclear attack. While that’s not the case, the button does summon an aide whenever a president needs something. Earlier this year, we learned that Donald Trump uses his for on-demand Coca-Cola. Now, it’s been revealed that Barack Obama used his button for something a little healthier - tea. The Huffington Post reports that Obama shared this detail at a luncheon with billionaire Richard Branson, who writes about it in his new autobiography Finding My Virginity. “As we stood up to leave [the Oval Office] I noticed the red buttons on his desk. Obama saw me looking at them,” Branson wrote in his book. “He said, ‘They used to be there for emergencies, but now I use them for ordering tea for my guests.’”’s love for tea is no secret. In fact, his favorite kind is Honest Tea’s Bl
Yep, Even Fox News reported on this.
Load More Replies...President Biden added many family photos. I don't know if the former resident had those too.
Would have been weird if Trump decorated the oval office with Bidens family
Load More Replies...Cesar Chavez protested for Farm working conditions, pay and health care. But, did you know he was against illegal immigration? He was afraid that there would be to much competition and would drive wages down.
I thought the red button is for the secret service? Several presidents before President Trump had that same box w/button on their desks. Unless they are all Diet Coke fans and we are just now finding that out.
Thank Science that the horrible striped wallpaper is gone and even though the couches are somewhat dated, they are very comfortable!! That Resolute desk, it is a piece of Art, made from a piece of History, gifted by a Queen of Dignity! No veneer on that desk, solid wood...must weigh a literal Ton (1300 lbs, WOW!)! I believe it is totally befitting a person the stature of a President of the USofA.
I didn't know how you could make this political, but okay I guess you did. Interesting. I don't know which decorations l like better. I've got almost no concept of good decorating.
Trump indeed had his coin collection on the credenza AND as you will see in a following pic, he ALSO had family pic on the other side of the credenza. If you are going to try and stir up shite, make sure that your own information doesn’t cancel out your own comments.
One commenter said, "The Cesar Chavez and Rosa Parks busts makes me feel hopeful about civil rights to come." What are they talking about? What civil rights don't we have now that the person would like to see? All citizens gave the same civil rights now in the US now, except maybe some open questions about transgender people.
There is a difference between having full civil right under the law and having them in practice. How many unarmed white men get shot in the back by the police? And how many white people have their votes deliberately suppressed in red states?
Load More Replies...It's hardly surprising that Trump had a bust of Andrew Jackson. They were both had no respect for the rights of minorities and were both impeached.
Andrew Jackson wasn't impeached, you were thinking of Andrew Johnson, also a terrible person, who enabled the Jim Crow laws.
Load More Replies...I think 45 replaced red drapes with GOLD ('cause he likes GOLD, which reminds him of his nightmarish Trump Tower apartment) when he moved in. Wish President Biden would return to the Obama era drapes. The gold just reminds me of how tacky 45 was.
I wonder why, in this day and age, the Oval Office doesn't have a gigantic TV screen for powerpoint presentations. I know when I talk to colleagues or managers, I usually have a Powerpoint to show.
Perhaps there’s a screen that gets set up for that. I love PowerPoint—I used to make birthday cards for friends and family and then print it on the company’s color printer.
Load More Replies...Those side chairs are suitable for a ranch house in the suburbs. They look tacky with their silly tied-on cushions in the oval office. Get some decent chairs like Reagan had; 800px-Oval...a92d81.jpg
Biden's office looks like an old lady decorated it. The "symbolism" of Biden's art choices were picked by his woke staff. Rubins comments are a bunch of leftist-leaning claptrap.
Being in church military family I loved President Trump’s military coins and flags. He loved the military. Not surprising Biden replaced them. He drinks coffee to stay awake. I miss President Trump. God help us.
One of "his**" slaves took out a bust of Lincoln. I hope, if it isn't his**, it makes its way back to the WH.
After watching Lincoln being carried out by one of Trumps staff, after he thought twice I guess when he was on camera carrying it,where is it now?
Trump ha a collction of "challenge coins" that were passed among military. Ol' Bone Spurs sure liked to pretend he was military tough. His office looked like a curio store of things meaningful to someone, but not him.
Since Fat Gollum decorates everything in Early Whorehouse, we can see where your mind goes.
Load More Replies...Thanks, someone said it. They look like they miss the 70's
Load More Replies...Trevor Noah said something about MLK that I think is funny as hell... No president will ever be able to remove that MLK bust out because no one wants to be seen as racist. and yes, people will view it as racist
It could be removed if replaced with another bust of someone who fought for equality.
Load More Replies...I love how when the Andrew Jackson portrait was associated to Trump's office, Bored Panda mentions the slavery, but when Benjamin Franklin's portrait is Biden's choice, there's no mention about the fact that he also owned slaves and carried advertisments of slave sales in his newspaper. Jonas and Ilona, a true journalist cuts with the same blade in all directions. Also, someone lose those damn drapes! Working in that office would make my stomach churn.. The drapes, the pictures frames, the wallpaper...the couches!! Good God, the couches!!
I don't know why they mention slavery in connection with Jackson while leaving out the Trail of Tears...
Load More Replies...For a moment I confused Cesar Chavez with Hugo Chavez. I was very puzzled as to why Biden had a bust of a Venezuelan president. I like the changes he made the office. Love the color of the carpet.
I don't have a problem with the Diet Coke button. I would like to have a Diet Coke button. Actually Coke Zero, cherry if possible.
One of my favorite things. Essentially they are merely a representation of an organization (or anything like that) in the form of a round metal "coin". They are gifted, traded .... fidget toys... used a place keeper and simply souvenirs. Every branch of the military has one and then the organizations within the military have them and then the clubs... and specific members... and they are meant to be given out to people as awards and gifts. If I go to a smithsonian museum, I can guy a challenge coin from that museum that represents it. If I have a meeting with a colonial from Edwards Air Force Base he might give me an Edwards Air Force Base challenge coin, possibly with his name on it.
Load More Replies...I like the new look much better. The choice of busts and artwork is thoughtful too. Cheers to President Biden!
Gonna be honest, I had no idea the presidents redecorated the office beyond just changing portraits they didn’t like until today.
This is a very refreshing change, not just the decor, but the person in the Oval Office.
I greatly prefer the Ben Franklin to Jackson portrait. Is the new dark academia chair not leather? The drapery looks better. I like the busts. I prefer the stripes to the busier pattern wallpaper. I will miss the military flags.
You will miss the military flags? Why? Do you like stolen valor and tacky decor?
Load More Replies...FACT: Cesar Chavez mounted a huge campaign AGAINST illegal immigration fearing that illegal immigrants would become strike breakers. He upheld the American workers' right to job accessibility. Glad to see his bust on Biden's table.
Biden could have put in an embalmed body and people would have said the oval office is better than Trumps'.
Especially if the embalmed body was the 🍊🍄💩’s!
Load More Replies...How ironic that Dump would collect "challenge coins" when he himself ducked out of service in Vietnam...
Note that challenge coins don't require meeting any particular challenge. They're just given out as tokens of membership to various groups. Though I suspect even then that some of trump's were just bottle caps.
Load More Replies...I hope to Christ they fumigated the office and swept for bugs after Trump let "TACC reporters" in there. Twice.
Biden looks like my Nana decorated it, Trump looks like a bland hotel.
Yea, but, get rid of those couches! Kelly Ann Conway had her nasty a$$ bare feet all over them! Ewww.
By TAYLOR ROCK OCT. 18, 201710:11 AM THE DAILY MEAL The red button atop the desk of the Oval Office has long been speculated to launch a nuclear attack. While that’s not the case, the button does summon an aide whenever a president needs something. Earlier this year, we learned that Donald Trump uses his for on-demand Coca-Cola. Now, it’s been revealed that Barack Obama used his button for something a little healthier - tea. The Huffington Post reports that Obama shared this detail at a luncheon with billionaire Richard Branson, who writes about it in his new autobiography Finding My Virginity. “As we stood up to leave [the Oval Office] I noticed the red buttons on his desk. Obama saw me looking at them,” Branson wrote in his book. “He said, ‘They used to be there for emergencies, but now I use them for ordering tea for my guests.’”’s love for tea is no secret. In fact, his favorite kind is Honest Tea’s Bl
Yep, Even Fox News reported on this.
Load More Replies...President Biden added many family photos. I don't know if the former resident had those too.
Would have been weird if Trump decorated the oval office with Bidens family
Load More Replies...Cesar Chavez protested for Farm working conditions, pay and health care. But, did you know he was against illegal immigration? He was afraid that there would be to much competition and would drive wages down.
I thought the red button is for the secret service? Several presidents before President Trump had that same box w/button on their desks. Unless they are all Diet Coke fans and we are just now finding that out.
Thank Science that the horrible striped wallpaper is gone and even though the couches are somewhat dated, they are very comfortable!! That Resolute desk, it is a piece of Art, made from a piece of History, gifted by a Queen of Dignity! No veneer on that desk, solid wood...must weigh a literal Ton (1300 lbs, WOW!)! I believe it is totally befitting a person the stature of a President of the USofA.
I didn't know how you could make this political, but okay I guess you did. Interesting. I don't know which decorations l like better. I've got almost no concept of good decorating.
Trump indeed had his coin collection on the credenza AND as you will see in a following pic, he ALSO had family pic on the other side of the credenza. If you are going to try and stir up shite, make sure that your own information doesn’t cancel out your own comments.
One commenter said, "The Cesar Chavez and Rosa Parks busts makes me feel hopeful about civil rights to come." What are they talking about? What civil rights don't we have now that the person would like to see? All citizens gave the same civil rights now in the US now, except maybe some open questions about transgender people.
There is a difference between having full civil right under the law and having them in practice. How many unarmed white men get shot in the back by the police? And how many white people have their votes deliberately suppressed in red states?
Load More Replies...It's hardly surprising that Trump had a bust of Andrew Jackson. They were both had no respect for the rights of minorities and were both impeached.
Andrew Jackson wasn't impeached, you were thinking of Andrew Johnson, also a terrible person, who enabled the Jim Crow laws.
Load More Replies...I think 45 replaced red drapes with GOLD ('cause he likes GOLD, which reminds him of his nightmarish Trump Tower apartment) when he moved in. Wish President Biden would return to the Obama era drapes. The gold just reminds me of how tacky 45 was.
I wonder why, in this day and age, the Oval Office doesn't have a gigantic TV screen for powerpoint presentations. I know when I talk to colleagues or managers, I usually have a Powerpoint to show.
Perhaps there’s a screen that gets set up for that. I love PowerPoint—I used to make birthday cards for friends and family and then print it on the company’s color printer.
Load More Replies...Those side chairs are suitable for a ranch house in the suburbs. They look tacky with their silly tied-on cushions in the oval office. Get some decent chairs like Reagan had; 800px-Oval...a92d81.jpg
Biden's office looks like an old lady decorated it. The "symbolism" of Biden's art choices were picked by his woke staff. Rubins comments are a bunch of leftist-leaning claptrap.
Being in church military family I loved President Trump’s military coins and flags. He loved the military. Not surprising Biden replaced them. He drinks coffee to stay awake. I miss President Trump. God help us.
One of "his**" slaves took out a bust of Lincoln. I hope, if it isn't his**, it makes its way back to the WH.
After watching Lincoln being carried out by one of Trumps staff, after he thought twice I guess when he was on camera carrying it,where is it now?
Trump ha a collction of "challenge coins" that were passed among military. Ol' Bone Spurs sure liked to pretend he was military tough. His office looked like a curio store of things meaningful to someone, but not him.
Since Fat Gollum decorates everything in Early Whorehouse, we can see where your mind goes.
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