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19 People Who Refuse To Forgive Their Ex-Friends Share What They Did To Betray Them
Unlike family, which can be a toss-up, we tend to have the luxury to pick and choose who we become friends with. This is part of the reason some people even end up being a lot closer to their friends than their actual families. But sometimes even a “friend” might end up doing something that you can’t really come back from.
Someone asked “What was the worst thing your friend did that completely ruined your friendship?” and netizens shared their stories. We got in touch with therapist Yolanda Renteria to learn more. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to write your own thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.
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I always put the effort in, making conversation and trying to make plans. A lot of time I saw they had read my messages but it was hours or even days before a reply. So one day I decided to stop and wait to see how long it took for them to message me first... Happened about two weeks later to ask me for lift to work. I said my car was in for service (it wasn't) and nothing ever since.
I was 12 and eating lunch at school. Not popular at all but I managed. Saw my only close friend having to eat on his own because our table was full so got up to join him and sit with him. He simply stood up and sat in the seat I had just left.
I lost contact with him, but I will never forget feeling so shot down in my entire life, it changed the way I interact with people for the worse.
Friend of 20 years. Lived together for almost a decade. Lied about Everything for Years. Found out one night when her boyfriend told me I was the problem in their relationship. I asked what he meant. We went down the rabbit hole. She had been lying to me about him and lying to him about me. She lied about things that happened with our families, her exes, our other friends, my pets. It was like pulling a thread on a sweater, and boy did it unravel. Some of the things she lied about were weird and trivial but others were horribly manipulative and cruel.
I had a whole friend group that hated me (I didn't know that obviously). One year for my birthday, they all said they were coming to my party. I kept getting texts individually saying things like "on my way" and " be there soon".
But in reality, they all met up with eachother and were making fun of me the whole time. They also texted others that the party was canceled or just not to show up and to hang with them instead.
After a breakup, she went to a church that recruits. One Sunday she texted me about the good news and then tried to save me from homosexuality and then degraded my beliefs.
We had a mutual friend who was transgender and not out (he had transitioned but fully passed as a man and didn’t advertise the fact he wasn’t born male). The two of them got into some really stupid fight and for some reason my friend got so mad they decided to out him. They went back in his mom’s private facebook to find pictures of him pre-transition and posted them online with his birth name and a whole transphobic rant. They had always been supportive so it was completely out of left field. We lived in a small town where word spread quickly and most people were NOT accepting to trans people, so it really affected him.
She invited the guy who cheated on me with the girl he is cheating with to have dinner at her house.
Found out they were telling friends and family that I didn't attend their wedding because I got fat and was too embarrassed to come. In reality, it was during covid and they were open about the fact that their family were anti vax and anti mask. Considering I'd be traveling 5 hours by plane from a big city, I didn't want to be blamed if their rural wedding became a superspreader event.
Stole from me... on my birthday. I put all the money people gifted me on that day in 1 place. He visited me, gifted me a single candy, grabbed all the money that were there and quietly walked away thinking i would not notice.
My entire friendship group aside from one person, decided that I was a great target for bullying after I got diagnosed with major depression.
Embezzled thousands of dollars out of my bank account. I guess between that and the felony charges I made against him doomed the friendship forever.
Lent him $10k over time.
Promised to pay me back. Been 3 years and everytime I asked for money back. He makes excuses like ‘fine I won’t eat’ or ‘guess I can’t pay for my mortgage’ or ‘you’re ruining my mental health asking for your money back’…. Hard lesson learnt.
Decided 5 seconds before my wedding ceremony that she no longer wanted to be my maid of honor or even in the wedding after an argument with a couple of my other bridesmaids. She was the only one not ready, and threw a fit about the cupcakes being displayed weird, so a couple of the other girls were like “okay go fix it then” and she slammed the door and threw a whole temper tantrum in front of my husband and his groomsmen where they were hanging out before the ceremony began. It was wild and we haven’t spoken since. We went to high school together and texted and hung out regularly too, so it was pretty sad throwing away a friendship over something that silly.
At his birthday party after blowing out his candles with his family and friends around, he wished I didn't come.
They showed contempt towards a beloved hobby of mine, even though they knew how much it means to me. That was a very clear indicator we were drifting apart.
Invited our friends over to pack my things while I was in hospital and then tried to steal my child because they were convinced my baby was theirs.
We were close. Did everything together, even when I got pregnant. Then I had my son, she never came and met him. Thought oh maybe she's busy.
6 weeks later ran into her at the mall, I had my son with me. She talked to me for about 5 minutes and didn't even acknowledge my son. I knew then and there we were done. Haven't spoken since.
She would regularly lie and manipulate me. Told me that the guy I was in love with, liked me back, which was not the case. She ended up dating him. Needless to say I cut the contact as soon as I could. They dated for about four years. When I learned they broke up, I almost bought a bottle of champagne.