We know we're only halfway through 2017, but we couldn't wait until the end of the year before we shared these hilarious tweets with you.
Written by women and compiled by Bored Panda, they're sure to give you something to laugh about, regardless of how bad a day you're having. You don't need to be a woman to find them amusing. All you need is a good sense of humor! Which one is the funniest? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to vote for your favorite!
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Your dad's adorable by the way. Typical dad humor at its finest.
Brilliantly clever! You have the makings of a possible "Evil" Genius!! LOL!
3) Student who failed presentation because they didn't do the reading, then has wealthy parents call school board to try to get teacher fired.
Had a black jumper with rainbow coloured sparkley threads that shed all over my friends' border collie. He looked stunning.
Seriously! I once saw an elementary teacher on the show in Atlanta (which isn't expensive) who bought a $400K house. NOT POSSIBLE. Oh, and she didn't have a high budget for renovations, which, of course, brought the value up.
What kind of boys thinks this? And uhm boys? Like schoolboys? What?
HA! Love it. I'm reminded of the George Carlin bit: "If you're pre-born, you're fine; if you're pre-school, you're f****d."
My biggest fear about getting older is that I'm 99% sure I'm no longer fit enough to survive a zombie apocalypse.
I think this is discriminating for women who don't wear dresses. As if all women wear dresses! omg this is 2017! So sexist!
Well, when you decide to remove an ex from photos, Ryan Reynolds is the minimum you can choose in replacement, I guess.
Don't forget the small smoothed pebbles that used to be tissues and now fossilized.
if my mom ever says texts that, she always follows up with "not a bad thing" to try and save me the panic
Amen, sista! And what about all those men-only clubs that still exist! Boo-hoo-hoo! Just because you can't be the first to enjoy WW's boobs, doesn't mean it is the end of the world!
Actually, the bottom part should say: "Worst part of internet: ...Including the idiots"
lol, I wasn't allowed to do that when I was a kid XD on the plus side I learned to cook for myself at a young age.
I do have kids, and I love them beyond I thought it was possible, yet, I really have no idea why you MUST have kids when you're a woman, and you MUST want to have babies... Plus, i have a friend running 35 that cannot have kids and it's painful for her, because it's definitly not her choice and everyone feel free to point her out that she doesn't have kids. When she tries to avoid discussion people insist "you'll change your mind"... Why the hell poeple think it's O.K. to try to influence someone else motherwood/non-motherwood/wannabe motherwood
Right? I love it when people say "I hate to be honest...". Dude. No you don't. It's the internet.....you can just keep scrolling. We'll all survive.
Whenever my fax machine rings at work people ask me what it is and I like to say the past is calling.
If you mean 'over work out' by eating, sleeping, or over contemplating life, then this is my life story :)
Yesterday someone called me "pretty" :-). Well, the whole sentence was "you are pretty annoying", but I concentrate on the positive part...
I tried one. All I did was get pissed off that I was coloring outside the lines and that I didn't like some of my color choices!
More like "David f*****g Cameron got us into this mess - and I'm going to make it worse!", says Theresa May.
Oh I dunno... someone released a book of their selfies...that's pretty darn vain...
If I ever get arrested, it would probably be for kicking one of those xp
They're selling an uneven number of bowls with one of them having an obligatory "only this food" label? The comment legitimately made me laugh out loud though.
I give extra points if student squeal on each other...keeps them all honest...
Starbucks, N American coffee chain, had God awful pastel, sparkly, sickly-sweet drink called Unicorn. This ice cream is mocking that. Nicely
Chuck is gorgeous but shame about the prong collar. There are other methods of maintaining control of your dog without using this outdated tool (and far less cruel methods)...
She's so mean. I made cupcakes with flour, sugars, eggs, etc.
Clearly you have no idea the s**t he's doing to Canada. He's all razzle dazzle. Zero substance.
I hear a tour guide shouting, "Hey, lady! Get out of the reflection pool!"
but, how'd you know if both of you are asleep? oh, I see..
But then I'd just be sad for the other dogs watching on and wondering why that dog is so popular. One of you just take one of the others! :-)
I have friends of both sex, I have not fancied any of my male friends and I don't think they fancied me either. It's possible to not think about sex even though we are programmed to want to procreate and thus want sex (even for pleasure).
Those names....I wanna put a Match to Tinder and burn the house down...
God, I saw this one yesterday in right position with different caption. This is so hillarious.
You know where there's a lack of diversity... Asian restaurants. Every Chinese, Thai and Korean restaurant I go in does not have a single white, black, hispanic or indian person working in them. They are all Asian. Come on. Other people would love to work at your restaurant.
The last ash Wednesday I was SO tempted to go up to every Catholic I saw and say "You've got a little something on your face there..."
do you think they know? i have four siamese cats and i often think about it lol
The B-Hive is not understanding of your sexcapades. She will be avenged.
exactly!! There are a lot of things I cannot express with words... only emojis
People who say that are usually going into something with their biases, or they're disregarding that there are more well-known men in comedy than women (though that is changing). When I really looked at it, I noticed that there are some female comedians whom I HATE, but there are also male comedians whom I dislike the same amount, if not more.
Same happened at a Las Vegas Walmart... Then a mass murder happened...
I once ran into a friend at the mall that I hadn't seen in a couple years. We chatted for a couple minutes she said she'll call me next week-3 years later she called and said" did you forget that when I ran into you at the mall I said I'd call you?" don't want to speak ill of the dead now or anything, but I told this story at her memorial everyone in the place knew exactly what I was talking about!
I hate when that happens. I've also had dreams early in the morning where I was getting ready for school / work, and then I wake up late.
Remember how 2016 was all about how many celebs died? Maybe they knew what was coming. ;-)
if you don't know about the relationships of your friends, then they are not your friends?
Better go to the couple, hit the man in the face and say something like "And you said you will love me forever!" - will bring this couple soon into the messy condition
Know a shift leader, rudely "teases" her coworkers so much, they won't make purchases at their own store if she's around.
That just makes me think of John Oliver's Dog Supreme Court. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9prhPV2PI)
Capitalism does not equal "wanting to buy stuff". You can still have frivolities in a non-capitalist system as long as it's not like... a pure communist dictatorship.
Me when I accidentally talk about dank maymays and forget that I'm not on the internet.
I mean okay. No haha or lol? Just sunshine and lollipops and THEY DON’T EXIST.
my boyfriend: "so this room is vacant eh? you should turn it into a hobby room!" me: "well it is. it's a vacant room"
A metaphor of the story about the boy with his finger plugging a leaky dike.
The egg, laid by a creature that wasn't a chicken who got laid by a creature who also was not a chicken.
FFS people, if picking apart the title,or being offended by the contents, or finding a 'man tweet" in a comedy compilation and having the gall to argue about it in the comments is a pitiful example of a First World Problem
No one 'wins' the internet. It's a way to communicate, not a competition.
As Oscar Wilde once quipped "Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"...I'm fairly certain that anyone using this new phrase is already aware that the Internet cannot be "won". I'm sure most people viewed this article for the levity it offers,and some levity is something the world sorely needs right now.
Some of these are clever and fun, but a lot are just ignorant, prejudice and sexist. So, if people could just either stop with the sexism by women, or stop being offended by the tiniest thing a man says, that would be great.
FFS people, if picking apart the title,or being offended by the contents, or finding a 'man tweet" in a comedy compilation and having the gall to argue about it in the comments is a pitiful example of a First World Problem
No one 'wins' the internet. It's a way to communicate, not a competition.
As Oscar Wilde once quipped "Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow"...I'm fairly certain that anyone using this new phrase is already aware that the Internet cannot be "won". I'm sure most people viewed this article for the levity it offers,and some levity is something the world sorely needs right now.
Some of these are clever and fun, but a lot are just ignorant, prejudice and sexist. So, if people could just either stop with the sexism by women, or stop being offended by the tiniest thing a man says, that would be great.