Angus MacGyver became a pop culture icon because of his innovative DIY solutions. Fans of the hit TV show would fondly remember how he bypassed a high-tech security door by bending light using an ashtray or defused a bomb using a paper clip.
Of course, Hollywood tends to exaggerate, and the chances of meeting an actual Macgyver are slim to none. However, many people have a similar mindset of making do with what they have to get themselves out of a jam.
You will see a lot of these ingenious hacks in the Redneck Engineering subreddit, where people share their clever fixes to some of daily life’s problems. It features photos of makeshift iPad stands, improvised bathtubs, and crafty utensil substitutes.
Here’s our best-of-all-time list for you to enjoy today. Scroll through and be inspired by all the creativity.
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Protect Your Tools From The Bottom Of The Ocean
Watched a show with contractors working on a boathouse last night. Tools regularly went swimming. This is genius
I’m Bad For Using Whatever Tool Is Handy As A Hammer, Usually A Crescent Wrench. My Husband Learned A Bit Of Welding And Redneck Engineered This For My Birthday
Having DIY tricks up your sleeve involves a lot of creativity, which many people think they lack. If you’re part of that demographic, you can train your brain to think more outside the box.
Spending more time outdoors is one way to do this. Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that a 25-minute walk in a green urban area can help quiet the mind and put it on autopilot mode.
When this happens, our brains enter a state of present awareness, sparking the imagination and allowing creative juices to flow.
Fixed The Gate Problem
Redneck Bed Liner
Damn, That's A Clean Duct Tape Paint Job
Every person is wired differently, and each has a unique worldview. Connecting with different kinds of people is another way to get the mind to think creatively.
A study by Johns Hopkins University supports this. Researchers found that exposure to diverse experiences may foster more complex forms of thought, including critical thinking, deeper analytical skills, and creativity.
Touchless Dispenser
Protection From Escaping
So much for getting out to spoon with his girlfriend. But don't worry - sooner or ladle he will.
Rear Parking Sensor
Let’s switch our focus to DIY projects, which this list is also about. If you’re a beginner at it, you want to do as much as possible without spending too much. Michael Di Martino of New Jersey-based home improvement company Power Home Remodeling advises starting with interior painting, which adds value to the home.
“Things like landscaping, building a firepit, and even building a simple outdoor farm table can be easy DIY projects, too,” Di Martino told The Washington Post, suggesting other activities like redoing a basement and turning it into a recreation room.
When You Ask A Welder To Fix Something For You
Looks Level To Me
What's wrong with this? People have been using a glass of water as a spirit level for donkey's years
Tortoise Needed A Viewing Platform/Ramp
The ugly side of DIY projects—or any housework, for that matter—is the likelihood of injuries. As a homeowner, you must know your limits and when to seek professional assistance.
New York-based home care expert Bailey Carson advises avoiding any task that requires special licenses. These include electrical work, plumbing, and other jobs that may put you at risk of handling toxic materials.
No Caption Needed
Give a man some tools and he can change the world; LOL, very resourceful!!
Cut A Pool Noodle In Half To Make A Comfortable Armrest For The Truck. From Australia
I Guess This Is Better Than Taking It To A Junk Yard
Hey I have seen way worse housing than this, pretty smart I think
Carson suggests looking into the three T’s—tools, talent, and time—if you need further evaluation. Ask yourself a few simple questions: Do you have the necessary tools? Do you have ample time to execute your project? Are you confident enough in your talent and abilities to get it done?
Found This Fork In My Brothers House And Asked Him Why He Had Done It.... Then He Ran Upstairs To Grab His iPad
The Birdhouse Booby Trap Device
Ahoy! I Humbly Submit A Photo From My Redneck Pirate Ship Build
Now, we’d like to hear from you, readers. What’s a DIY project you’re proud of that could easily pass off as “redneck engineering”? Share them in the comments below!
Would Like To Buy This Guy A Beer And Hear His Story
There were some Aussies who did similar about 10 years ago and got fined by police. There were also some who used a drone to fish so they could watch while drinking beer about 5 years ago who weren't fined but were given a warning.
Master Lock 100
The best way to open a Master lock is with another master lock
This Took A Good Year Or Two To Make
Steering Wheel Broke, Needed To Finish The Yard. Thankfully I Know How To Drive A Stick
It Makes Sense
Dog Accessories
The Quintessential Redneck Engineer Tool Guide
Now That's One Well Engineered Redneck Wood Pile
Found On Fb, Thought It Was Pretty Slick
If you live in an area prone to hail, it’s not a bad idea. And cheap to do
Found This One
Your Move, Nasa
Homemade Alarm System
Who's Laughing Now?
My Neighbor Using A Blower Taped To A Skateboard On A Rope To Clean The Roof
That is awesome, because as steep as that roof is there is no way in hell I would try to climb it.
My 12 Year Old Son Modified His Bike With Carpet For Barefoot Riding
It's a really bad idea to ride a bike barefoot. Good way to lose some toes.
I Work At A Warehouse In Sweden, And Recently They Halved The Speed Of All Forklifts (From 16 Km/H To 8 Km/H) For Safety Reasons. I Just Thought They Put Some Limiter In The Software, But No. They Found A Far Smarter Solution…
Do You Need A Shower?
This is brilliant for anyone that works construction. I had to repair our basement shower drain due to all the concrete powder and tar and other detritus working heavy industry leaves you covered in.... It probably just has a grate on the floor and is for rinsing not soaping and washing properly....
I Couldn't Find Any Washers That Would Fit Over The Heads Of Screws... So... Yep
Used A Leaf Blower And A Funnel To Inflate A Pool. Actually Worked Fairly Quickly
I use an old Electrolux vacuum cleaner for things like that. The hose is made to connect to the 'exhaust'' same as it does to the 'intake'.
This Counts, Right?
2 Korean student's made a raft out of potato chip bags to prove they have too much air in them
When You Gotta Have Your Tunes
Found At A Rural Gas Station:
Almost Can’t Tell…
Slavic Redneck Piping
Found In A Group Called “Stairs Designed By People Who Aren’t Afraid To Die” But I Still Quite Like How Simple And Cheap A Solution It Is
Nope. I don’t need anything upstairs that badly. I’ll just buy it again thanks
Safe As Houses
This Put A Quick Stop To The Guys Who Were Carelessly Dribbling On The Floor Of Our Office Restroom
I saw once that some urinals will put a graphic of a fly in a spot and supposedly it worked wonders to get men to aim properly
When Someone Buys You A Bath Bomb And You Only Have A Shower
Whoever Built This Might Have A Phd In Redneck Engineering
For Remote Teaching Without A Document Camera
When You Forget Your Spoon At Home
Poll Question
Which DIY hack would you consider trying at home?
Homemade Alarm System
Using Rubber Bands + Hammer as Mallet
Fishing Rod for Baseball
Leaf Blower to Inflate Pool
About 15 years ago, was totally broke... shut off and foreclosure notices every month kind of broke. Winter came around and the door had some gaps, but we couldn't afford proper weather stripping, so made some with stuff that I already had around the house... cut some cardboard into strips, wrapped them in duct tape (to weather-proof them a bit), then nailed them into the door frame. Worked like a charm. We now have formal weather stripping, but it got us through the tough times! Looking for creative people? Look no further than the poor. Poverty is a really great lesson in creativity.
i totally agree my mum and dad split and we couldn't afford a house so we got a really old rundown house that was used by junkies to to dr*gs and stuff like that andn gang members owned it before us and it was a cold night and the warm fire didnt reach our rooms so ou mum let us sleep in the lounge and she used this like got these things that ade our bath a bath is it was so cool
About 15 years ago, was totally broke... shut off and foreclosure notices every month kind of broke. Winter came around and the door had some gaps, but we couldn't afford proper weather stripping, so made some with stuff that I already had around the house... cut some cardboard into strips, wrapped them in duct tape (to weather-proof them a bit), then nailed them into the door frame. Worked like a charm. We now have formal weather stripping, but it got us through the tough times! Looking for creative people? Look no further than the poor. Poverty is a really great lesson in creativity.
i totally agree my mum and dad split and we couldn't afford a house so we got a really old rundown house that was used by junkies to to dr*gs and stuff like that andn gang members owned it before us and it was a cold night and the warm fire didnt reach our rooms so ou mum let us sleep in the lounge and she used this like got these things that ade our bath a bath is it was so cool