Life improvement is a topic that probably everyone is interested in on some level, no matter how perfect their life might seem. Whether it’s about personal growth or external changes, the desire for improvement is universal. And so, advice is (almost) always welcome here. 

That’s what we’ve prepared for you today – a full list of ways to improve your life. To be more specific, they’re more focused on things you can buy or do rather than personal development, but it doesn’t mean they’re worthless. Maybe what you need for a better life is a simple item you didn’t even know you needed. 


Woman using a nebulizer and tablet, with a child sitting beside her, showing lifestyle improvement. CPAP machine.

Within 2 days:

* No more loud snoring.
* No more dreading going to bed knowing I'll just choke-snort myself awake every 7-10 minutes and get up in the morning feeling like I got hit by a bus and a bottle brush shoved up my nose.
* No more dragging myself through my day in a haze.

kempff , freepik Report

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Fat Panda
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Best thing for people suffering from Sleep apnea/apnoea. My job is kinda related to machines like CPAP and BiPAP, and after an individual uses these machines for the first night, there's a big possibility that they'll call me the next day to let me know how awesome they were feeling the next day.

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    Woman cleaning a window with gloves and a spray bottle, illustrating how buying cleaning tools improved her life. Does services of my house cleaner once a month count?

    Racha88 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    George Costanza
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ugh. My wife wants to cancel my housecleaning service because she thinks our baby is going to be spoiled growing up with a housecleaner. Well honey, you didn't clean for s**t. And I hate cleaning. And I really doubt our 10 month old is going to do the cleaning any time soon, so them's the breaks.

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    Craft tools on a table enhancing lives through improved utility. If you're handy, the correct tool for the job. Nothing beats the exact thing that you need doing exactly what it's designed to do.

    Buy the first one cheap, then if/when it breaks, splurge on the second.

    jutanious , Pixabay Report

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    Stephanie A Mutti
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ahhh that's a good point about buying a cheap one first because if you barely use it, then you didn't need to spend a lot on it, BUT if it's heavy use, then pop for the expensive one.

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    It’s no secret that everyone wants to be the best version of themselves. Yet, people are flawed beings and since being the best version is similar to being basically perfect, it’s a thing very hard (or maybe even impossible) to achieve. 


    Since we live in a world with these flawed beings, that makes life itself kind of imperfect too. By this, we mean that likely even in the most fulfilled person’s life there are some imperfections, some things they would like to make at least a tad better. 

    So, it’s natural for everyone to look for ways to improve themselves or their lives, even if that thing is relatively small


    Horses grazing in a lush green meadow with a forested hill in the background under a clear blue sky. 10 acres. We used to live in a fancy pants neighborhood with an HOA. Now we’re in a 5th wheel camper til we can get a small house built. Clearing and mowing, fixing things are great exercise. No neighbors too close so we enjoy a lot more privacy. We’re starting to grow our own produce and in the spring we’ll add chickens so there will be eggs, means we’re just slightly more self sufficient. And 1000% happier.

    anon , Konevi Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to do this so much! But land where I live in so expensive. 😞

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    Green socks hanging on a clothesline outdoors improve lives with simplicity and efficiency. I bought a 30 pack of the same sock. They are pricey since it’s merino wool. I use them for every occasion and laundry is easier.

    comsan , Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto Report


    Woman framed by gloved hands, representing how buying these things improved their lives. Lasik eye surgery. My contacts were -10.5 on each eye. I could not see without glasses and the lenses were insanely expensive. I spent less for the surgery than I would have for contacts and lenses the rest of my life.

    certifiedfluffernut , wavebreakmedia_micro Report

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    R.A. Haley
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's a wonderful thing, but if you get glaucoma after the procedure it can't be corrected. If you have a family history of glaucoma, please reconsider your options.

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    It can start with psychological stuff, like identifying the things that make you feel that improvement is needed, whether it’s bad habits, negative thoughts, or unrealistic goals. 

    Then what follows is finding habits or tricks that help to deal with these things, like exercising, eating more fruits and veggies, working on time management skills, and things like that. They might seem kind of cliché pieces of advice, but for some, they are exactly what their life needs to become a little bit better. 


    For instance, the latter helps a person to effectively allocate their time so they can do things they need and want in a timely manner, but if you’re into self-improvement you already know that, don’t you? 


    Cozy bed with fluffy pillows and a canopy, surrounded by plants, creating an improved and inviting bedroom atmosphere. A good bed will absolutely change your life.

    Mobile-Technology-88 , Tan Danh Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It makes such a big difference! Quality sleep and fewer aches and pains makes such an enormous difference across all aspects of life.

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    Cats exploring an automatic litter box at home, a product that improved their owners' lives. A self cleaning litter box. I have cats and a healthy dose of depression, which aren’t related on the surface.. but it helps keep things clean.

    Also cats, why have a weighted blanket when I could have 32lbs of cat on me at any given time. Don’t come for me. There’s three of them.

    Moist-Meaning-6058 , litterrobot Report


    Power station (1 kWt). I live in Kyiv and we often stay without electricity, this thing helps.

    Rukarumel Report

    What if we told you that the improvement can also come from outside? And we’re not talking about fulfilling relationships, more about items and services you can try out. (Since we’re accepting that we’re flawed here, let’s accept that consumerism is one of these flaws.) 

    In this list, you’ll find plenty of examples of things people purchased with their money that they found to be worthy investments. For example, a laser hair removal procedure delays hair growth for long periods and reduces the time and money that is needed for shaving. Or buying a quality bed, where you can have quality sleep – as we all know, proper rest can solve a lot of problems.


    Noise cancelling headphones are a god send.

    Zubi_Q Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I use NC headphones for flying and for the next generation, I want to tell it what noises to block. I want settings for Chatty Kathy, the crying baby, the drunk businessman...

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    Finger activating a robotic vacuum on wooden floor, highlighting improved life with smart home device. We have 2 Siberian huskies and the robot vacuum has changed my life! We run it every day and then I only need to drag the big vac out once a week.

    2dogs1catandakid , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 month ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Huskies are so furry and shed a lot! They're also very talkative and sassy!!

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    E-reader held in a hand with text on screen, displaying how buying it improved lives. My husband would say the Toto Washlet Bidet.

    For me? A kindle-read voraciously and being able to carry books when I travel or buy the next book immediately when I finish a series was life-changing.

    kiwijuno , Balázs Kétyi Report

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    R.A. Haley
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kindle is great, but I'd live in fear of having my books taken back against my will.

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    All these various recommendations don’t come from unrelatable theory. They were suggested by people in different online threads. Since they’re likely talking from their experience, you know that these things may be actually worth it. 

    Granted, not all of them might be the right fit for your lifestyle, so before jumping to buy them without a thought, you should consider whether it will actually be able to improve your life or just become another thing covered in dust on the high shelf. After all, why waste money on something that promises good results but doesn’t fit you as a person at all, right?


    A kettle on a tiled kitchen counter with wooden shelves, representing items that improved lives. Electric tea kettle. Used to never drink tea and now my roommates and I have “tea time” together almost every evening before we go to sleep. Delicious and wonderful for winding down/ bonding.

    girl1923 , Dương Nhân Report


    Interior decor with a yellow armchair and framed art enhances home living, reflecting improved life quality. Visual art for my home. It helps me feel more at ease, as opposed to blank walls.

    MadMattBeyond , RDNE Stock project Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And make your own or buy from an artist, don't buy generic garbage. Find things you love and don't worry about what others think (I mean, I do worry when new people enter our home, but I am staying weird anyway, it's my house).

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    Woman in cozy sweater using phone, relaxing in living room, highlighting improved lifestyle choices. Wool socks…. Darn tough. My diabetic feet have never been happier. Dumbledore was right… a good pair of socks is amazing.

    cbelt3 , Mikhail Nilov Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I retired I got rid of all of my cheap old socks that had been on my sweaty feet for 9-12 hours a day and replaced them with super comfy thick padded socks. Not a life changer but oh what a pleasure.

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    I bought a fish tank and got into the hobby of maintaining a lil ecosystem and keeping fish. It really has helped my mental health because it gives me purpose, I have to care for these little fish and snails. They make me very happy. It's so nice to see the tank grow

    flyingpiggos Report

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    Knife set in a wooden block on a kitchen counter, enhancing organization and convenience. I LOVE having a good sharp knife when I cook. It makes everything so much easier and is a much more cathartic experience. I particularly like my Wusthof and Shun knives. I’ve also got a butcher Ho Ching Kee that glides through prep. Have them professionally sharpened occasionally if you notice any dullness and you get the immediate gratification again of everything going right. It’s a good feeling, even if it ain’t cheap.

    BookishRoughneck , Giorgio Trovato Report

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    4 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You don't need those hugely expensive branded ones, you just need to keep them sharp. As M M says a good sharpening steel and a little learning how to use it; barring accidents you should never need to re-grind them, professionally or at home.

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    Man drinking water at gym, illustrating how buying things improved his lifestyle. This sounds so dumb but it has improved my quality of life so much. I bought two of those green Gatorade sport bottles (literally off of Amazon) and now I actually stay hydrated. I keep one of them in the fridge and one of them out to drink. When I’ve finished drinking one bottle, I refill it, put that one in the fridge, and pull out the second bottle full of cold water. I keep repeating my little system and it keeps me from having a million half-drank cups of water. I know, it’s not that exciting but it’s lowkey changed my life.

    S0ph0enix , Ivan Samkov Report


    Bamboo footrest on a rug, a purchase that improved lives by enhancing comfort and well-being. Squatty potty. Pooping has never been more relaxed or easier.

    mileaf , thedabblist Report

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    Person receiving laser treatment on arm, eyes covered, improving life through skincare purchase. Laser hair removal on every part of my body that I used to shave! Best thing EVER!

    Dancing_nansee , Gustavo Fring Report


    Person riding an electric bike on a scenic road, illustrating how buying can improve lives. E-bike and a heated mattress pad. Game changers!

    Bought my e-bike about a year ago and it is amazing how much it improved my mood! I used to be all sweaty and angry by the time I got to work. The wind is always blowing in the wrong direction here and I hate it so much! The e-bike completely erased that from my life. I don't even care if it's windy now, I'll just pedal on and let the engine do all the work.

    The mattress pad has made this winter bearable. Stupidly high price of electricity, can't heat the house properly, but at least I'll be able to crawl into a warm bed at night.

    CrashDandelion , Team EVELO Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The heated mattress pad is a blessing for old, cold, slow muscles and joints.

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    Person painting in a sketchbook with watercolors, illustrating how buying art supplies can improve creativity. A hobby. When my kids left for college I had to find something to focus on- something to make me happy, reduce my stress, look forward to after a long day at work, use my brain, and excel at. Doesn’t really matter what the hobby is as long as you love it and it brings you a sense of calm and satisfaction.

    Berkeley43 , Craig Adderley Report

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    Floor mop improving cleaning efficiency on wooden surface. One of those O Cedar mops with the spinning bucket. It makes my floor so much cleaner and the mop heads are replaceable so it will last forever.

    when-when , Pixabay Report


    People exchanging documents with a statue on the table, representing life improvements through purchases. Divorce attorney.

    soilsdaddy , Report

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    April Pickett
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A good divorce attorney will have your back, ease your stress, and make sure everything is done right to protect your interests.

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    Close-up of a person walking on a path in brown shoes, highlighting how buying these items improved their life. First, good insoles. Superfeet, Sole, Birkenstock… a bunch of options, but supportive insoles are key for foot comfort. Arguably more important than good shoes.
    Second, good shoes.

    R_Ulysses_Swanson , jcomp Report


    Woman cleaning living room with vacuum, man on couch with laptop, enjoying improved life quality. Dyson cordless vacuum and proper fitting bras!

    joseph11richard13 , Annushka Ahuja Report


    Hand pressing a button on a pink Bluetooth shower speaker, improving the bathroom experience. A waterproof Bluetooth speaker. Showers are way much better with my favorite music or podcasts.

    Witty_Power929 , Burst Report

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    Vero SM
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How much time people use to shower them, for need hear music or podcasts?

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    Woman smiling in bed with a smartphone, next to a glowing lamp. Philips wake-up light - best invention ever.

    uhlalalamp , freepik Report

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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nobody ever woke up with that expression on their face.

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    A mug on a warming plate displaying 99.8°F, illustrating how buying useful items can improve daily life. A cup warmer you plug in. My tea and coffee are always the right temp even if it's been sitting awhile.

    A silk antibacterial pillowcase. I never get pimples anymore.

    mama146 , Lolo_UK Report

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    Dentist discussing treatment options with a patient, highlighting how buying the right services improved their lives. Oral b 360 toothbrush. First ever no cavities checkups. Now look forward to dental visits.

    tamperresistantmind , Jerussa Paredes Report

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    Jenn C
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The lady is thinking, why did he make me dress up like this just to tell me how to use this toothbrush?

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    A curved shower curtain.

    raged-cashew Report

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    A person using a smart lock on a door, showcasing an improved home security feature. Keyless entry lock!

    nunofmybusiness , Joppe Beurskens Report

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    M M
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    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    An old friend of mine who took a different path loves these as they’re sooooooooo easy to break into.

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    Hand holding a phone displaying cozy winter items, illustrating improved life with thoughtful purchases. A better phone.

    Moved from a budget to a midrange phone and honestly the experience of using the phone is so much better. I don't think I'd ever spring for thousands of bucks for the highest end model tho.

    icedgrandechai , Ylanite Koppens Report

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    I bought help with the kids. (Nanny/babysitters).

    This allows me to actually have free time.

    stahpstaring Report

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    1 month ago

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    Free time? You are a parent. Babysitter I get. Nanny? Watch your own kids.

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