“Looks Like An OSHA Violation But OK”: 50 Examples Of Ridiculous Work Safety (Best Of All Time)
Safety first! Well, unless you can do your job more efficiently without worrying about health and safety regulations. In which case, you do you!
The OSHA subreddit is a treasure trove of terrible decisions made by employees who don’t seem to be concerned about violating rules or losing limbs while on the job, so below, we've gathered some of the best (and most concerning) photos that have ever been shared in this online group. Enjoy scrolling through these examples of what not to do while at work, and be sure to upvote the pics that you find particularly entertaining!
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Looks Like An Osha Violation But Ok
I Think My City Ordered Their Cones Off Of Wish.com
those are cones meant to use during primary school PE classes for their running exercises and what not 😳
Somethin Ain't Right About This
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA, exists “to assure America's workers have safe and healthful working conditions free from unlawful retaliation,” according to their website. But a quick visit to the OSHA subreddit will show you that plenty of people’s primary concern is not workplace safety. In fact, it seems like lots of employees go out of their way to put themselves in danger while on the job!
Despite the fact that OSHA is an American organization, this online community welcomes safety violations from all over the world. And there are certainly some interesting ones! While the first industries that might come to mind when you consider workplace safety are construction sites and warehouses, this subreddit proves that any work environment can become dangerous with dedication to ignoring the rules. Or having no rules in the first place!
Emergency "Exit" In A Friend's Office Building. First Time They Opened It Was During A Fire Alarm
There are two serious violations. Fail to have an emergency exit and lying about it.
Newton's First Law Of Motion
I love the guy peering at the damage like "oh the rock dented the back here"
Absolutely No Ppe In Sight
For anyone who doesn't see what's wrong, the bear is not wearing protective gear.
Depending on where you work, the most common injuries in your office might be sore wrists from typing all day or back pain from sitting at a desk for too long. But if you’re curious what the most common OSHA violations are, VelocityEHS has compiled a list of the most frequently cited standards in 2023. At the top of the list comes the general requirements for fall protection, which were apparently violated over 7,200 times.
Hazard communication is another important area where many employees ignore OSHA’s regulations. This standard was cited 3,213 times last year. Ladders and scaffolding are often abused by workers as well, as the standards for both were violated nearly 3,000 each. When it comes to powered industrial trucks and lockout/tagout standards, workers broke the rules over 2,500 for both.
The Sign I Keep On My Workbench
Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Trying His Hand At Welding
Next on BP: Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Trying His Eyes at Seeing
I'm A Photographer And I Saw This In Downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia
"Could have at least gotten a little closer"
There are plenty of workplaces that put employees’ lungs in danger as well, and according to VelocityEHS, respiratory protection rules were broken over 2,400 times last year. Fall protection is another important aspect of safety that many employees need to be reminded of, as the training requirements for fall protection were violated over 2,100 times in 2023. Over 2,000 employees also were caught not wearing proper personal protective and lifesaving equipment, specifically over their faces and eyes. And 1,644 workers violated OSHA’s machine guarding regulations.
I Used To Work At An Auto Shop, This Was One Of The Lifts For Vehicles
Managment Says Its Fine/Not An Issue
If this is "fine," then put tires with this much tread wear on the managers' cars.
When You Don't Properly Secure Your Load
Thankfully, injuries don’t result from every single instance of employees ignoring safety rules. But risking health and safety to cut corners still isn’t worth it. The National Safety Council reports that the top three occupational injuries employees in the United States suffer that lead to needing days off are exposure to harmful substances or environments, overexertion, and falls, slips and trips. After that, common injuries and exposures include contact with objects and equipment, violence and injuries by other persons or animals, transportation injuries, non-classifiable injuries, and fires and explosions.
The Fire Exit On This College Building
Would have been better just by removing all the stair flights. You can just glide down, firemen style. Faster too.
When You Have An Ample Supply Of Straps But Don’t Have An Extra $250 For A Bigger Truck
All Good. She'll Hold, Now Back To Work
As hilarious as the photos on this list may be, it’s important to remember that workplace safety is no laughing matter. According to SafetyIQ, having a safe working environment is crucial because it increases productivity, lowers the risk of accidents, prevents fatalities and reduces safety costs and inconveniences. And of course, it’s required by law for employers to enforce safety regulations.
Looks Like An Osha Violation But Ok
Dad's Friend Came Across This. Seems Legit
Sometimes You Just Got To Get Er’ Done!
The National Safety Council reports that, in 2022, the total cost of workplace injuries was a whopping $167 billion. This breaks down to $1,040 per worker, $1.39 million per death and $40,000 per injury that required a medical consultation. And when it comes to how many days of work were lost due to injuries in 2022, the grand total was 108 million. 75 million of those days were lost due to injuries that occurred during that year, while 33 million were thanks to injuries that had happened in years prior. And it’s estimated that 60 million more days will be lost in the future due to the injuries of 2022.
Corporate Says Tires Are Too Expensive And All Of Our Delivery Vans Are Just Fine
They would SO not get away with this in Europe, where you have to display your car's latest MOT or equivalent (colour coded) in the window - they'd get a whopping fine, vehicle not allowed on the road and probably an inspection
By Counting The Rings You Can Determine This Tyre Is Too Old
When Your Breaker Keeps Tripping
Based on the size of the bricks, that's 400v. There is a dial you set for sensitivity. This is the result of allowing uncertified staff to attempt winning Darwin awards.. just fyi, these explode with enough violence to kill you while the door is properly sealed and it's designed to contain the blast, with it open like that, this could kill anyone within 15ft
So how can we create safer working environments to prevent accidents, keep productivity high and ensure that employees are well taken care of? SafetyIQ notes that the first step is understanding and detecting workplace hazards. Identifying risks ahead of time is how we can prevent people from getting hurt in the first place. It’s also key to promote a culture of safety in the workplace. Encourage employees to use safe practices and to frequently familiarize themselves with health and safety regulations.
To Be An Aircon Technician, You Must Have Good Balance As Well
I'm more worried about the people walking around that might jostle the ladder
Safety 3rd!
Looks Like An Osha Violation But Ok
Another important aspect when it comes to cultivating a safe working environment is making sure employees receive thorough training as soon as they start. Studies show that new hires are the most likely to have accidents while on the job, so it’s crucial that they’re informed of dangers in the workplace and educated on how to avoid them. Nobody should ever have to risk their life or risk losing a limb just to earn a paycheck.
Screw It - That's Close Enough
On The Brink Of Decapitating Someone
It's Probably Fine
We hope you’re enjoying these photos of what not to do at work, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones you find most hilarious, and let us know in the comments below if you’ve ever witnessed any questionable behavior like this while on the job. Then, if you want to check out even more examples of stupidity in the workplace, we think you’ll love this Bored Panda piece too!
Either Way I'm Going To Die, At Least I Can Go Painlessly
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
Why would the electric or cable company, whatever this is, buy trucks for their fleet, that aren't capable of reaching devices/equipment that they need to work on? I hope this isn't a daily occurrence.
Doesn’t Look Too Safe
Just Started As The Safety Guy Of A New Plant. We've Got A Little Ways To Go
02 doesn't explode, it just makes anything combustible more combustible.
Freshmen... Amiright?!
There was an English football/soccer player a decade or so ago who was out injured with a blood blister under the nail on one of his toes, it wasn’t healing as quickly as he wanted so to try and speed up his recovery he decided to try and ‘drain’ it by using a handheld power drill on it. Somehow, miraculously, surprisingly it didn’t lead to him losing his toe and ending his career
Looks Like An Osha Violation But Ok
Manager Has Zip Tied Our Only Emergency Door Shut For The Past 2 Months Because They're "Tired Of Theives Running Out The Back"
So That's How They Do It
Not Sure How I Feel About The New Lock Out Tag Out
No Issues With This Pier
Might Wanna Strap That Down, Pa Roads Get Bumpy
I See That Evertbody Followed Safety Rules On Last Nights Shift
This Is His First Day In The Industry
Safety Poster At An Amazon Warehouse
We're All Gonna Die
The Warehouse Across From My Job
Saw This Ad On Youtube The Other Day
What Could Go Wrong?
Tape, Concrete... Same Thing
This actually works short term to prevent spalling (pieces breaking off) until the pole can be brought down safely with a crane. They are reenforced concrete, so won't fall over without taking more damage then that. You have to basically pulverize enough concrete that you expose enough rebar for it to bend
This Will Go Swimmingly
I'm Not Sure The Wooden Edge Of The Playground Is The Best Place To Store Your Burning, Unsupervised Blowtorch
There Was A Police Officer Next To That Van Before I Took This Picture
A Truck That Barely Strapped On It's Cargo
People like this is why I got out of safety. These are egregious examples but I had a field engineer (a week after I safety audited him), take off his leather and rubber gloves when installing new batteries on a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply System.) He connected them wrong and blew off 3 of his fingers. The PPE would have made this only a minor incident. And people don't like being told what to do. Biggest lesson I learned.
Yeah, it's a very frustrating field to work in. You're simultaneously always the bad guy with the workers and with corporate. Meanwhile you're trying to keep one group alive and the other from getting their a**e sued off (or where I come from, out of jail).
Load More Replies...Yeah, but I was thinking maybe all except -maybe- a couple.
Load More Replies...People like this is why I got out of safety. These are egregious examples but I had a field engineer (a week after I safety audited him), take off his leather and rubber gloves when installing new batteries on a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply System.) He connected them wrong and blew off 3 of his fingers. The PPE would have made this only a minor incident. And people don't like being told what to do. Biggest lesson I learned.
Yeah, it's a very frustrating field to work in. You're simultaneously always the bad guy with the workers and with corporate. Meanwhile you're trying to keep one group alive and the other from getting their a**e sued off (or where I come from, out of jail).
Load More Replies...Yeah, but I was thinking maybe all except -maybe- a couple.
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