30 Quotes From Movies That Are So Memorable And Powerful That This Facebook Page Had To Share Them
At the beginnings of cinematography, there was minimal text in movies, which took the form of cards between shots. It is more usual now for the movie to have conversations throughout its whole duration and sometimes what the characters say really sticks with us and makes us reflect on ourselves, or it's so funny that we can’t stop repeating it in real-life situations.
There is a Facebook page that collects these movie quotes that are meaningful or relatable called The Best Movie Lines. Nearly 2 million people follow this page, so we picked some of their favorite ones for you to enjoy.
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The Princess Bride (1987)
The Facebook page was created in 2012 and 10 years later, it has accumulated an audience of almost 2 million people. The page shares screenshots of movies with the movie quote in the subtitles, movie memes and short videos of the most memorable movie scenes.
The movies range from serious dramas to anime and there are some quotes from TV series as well. In the comments, people like to share their own favorite lines from a movie in a post and they like to discuss the topic of the quote.
Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010)
La Collectionneuse (The Collector) 1967
A Most Violent Year (2014)
Movies are often a great subject for discussion because they give us material to reflect on our own lives and our relationships with others. Similarly to books, movies offer an escape from reality and provide us with experiences that maybe we wouldn’t get in real life, but for many people, it is more enjoyable than books as it is in an image form.
While it is a hobby and a nice relaxing way to spend the evening, there are even more hidden reasons why people like watching movies besides the entertainment part. Associate Professor of Psychology at Columbia College Chicago Rami Gabriel, Ph.D explains that this activity is what makes us part of a society: “Over the last 80 years, cinema has become a reliable, effective medium for telling stories. In other words, cinema is a preeminent mode for the generation of participation in the myths of our times. The emotional intensity of the ritual, of contact with mythology, is what draws belief, salience, and importance into the encounter.”
Yesterday (2019)
The truth yep, as much as possible....tell her I like her? Let's take a rain check on that one...my anxiety says maybe in 20 years. Lol
The Platform (2019)
This is a really interesting movie. Recommend it, I think it's on Netflix.
The Rum Diary (2011)
The Godfather: Part 2 (1974)
While movies are definitely enjoyable, they are quite beneficial as well. ABC Everyday points out that movies help us learn and shape the way we view our world. Films might be so impactful that they can cause people to take action to change some societal norms that are wrong. One of the examples Weforum gives is the 2004 movie The Day After Tomorrow, which raised awareness on climate change, as a Yale University study showed.
Movies often show the difficult choices people have to make or tragic events they experience, so they become a sort of therapy, because people who have experienced trauma can relate to the character and be inspired to push through. And even though films often touch us on a personal level, it is also an art form, so by watching it, you are participating in a cultural phenomena and appreciating the way the film was put together.
A Single Man (2009)
Night In Paradise (2020)
This! No offense, old timers, but I have always firmly believed that respect is ALWAYS earned, NEVER given. Thing is, it's not hard. Just be nice, do your best, and practice patience. No one's perfect, but we are all capable of being the best versions of ourselves and learn along the way.
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
It's called hiraeth. Feeling homesick for something you never knew or never could have been
Not all movies have the same artistic value or are as impactful as others, so some might be less enjoyable to watch and you may not experience the same benefits. Therefore, you want to choose the best one so as not to feel like you’ve wasted your time after.
People on the IMDb forum gave a couple of tips on how to do that. They suggest watching the trailer, checking how it is rated on IMDb, reading some reviews, or asking your friends for recommendations. Look up who was the director of a movie you really liked and watch their other works, or if you know an actor and know they get roles in quality movies, look up which other movies they had a role in.
Or you could read through this list and if a phrase really resonated with you, chances are, the movie will not disappoint either. Let us know if you've watched any of these movies and if you liked them as much as the quote. Also, we would like to know what your favorite movie lines are, so leave them in the comments!
Life Of Pi (2012)
Ohmygod. Life of Pi is the best book ever! I had no idea there was a movie.
Nebraska (2013)
Also, if you would like to read more movie lists, Bored Panda has got you covered. If you click here, it will take you to an article with the best romantic movies, if you like music in your movies, then maybe you would like to watch the best dance movies, click here. Also, maybe you were planning to watch some Johnny Depp movies since the whole trial happened, we also have a list of his best works here.
Perfect Blue (1997)
This is so painfully true...When I was diagnosed with cancer in 2016 my circle shrunk to the size of a pencil eraser. People who I would have sworn would never leave my side disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Taste Of Cherry (1997)
High Fidelity (2000)
Se7en (1995)
Sound Of Metal (2019)
Riz Ahmed is one of those really underrated actors that gives 100% in all his roles.
My Dinner With Andre (1981)
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Gah, I can't watch this movie. I know the story and I know it will mess me up. I made the mistake of watching Grave of the Fireflies and was a wreck for a week.
Liberal Arts (2012)
Finding Nemo (2003)
The Guilty (2021)
Another Round (2020)
Naked (1993)
Fight Club (1999)
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
Boyhood (2014)
Due Date (2010)
Capone (2020)
THESE were some of the best movie quotes on existence? This was terrible.
THESE were some of the best movie quotes on existence? This was terrible.