“Work smarter, not harder” is a fantastic motto. Anything that will help you save time and energy will make your life a little easier (or even a lot easier). Whether that’s finding a shortcut in your day-to-day routine or solving a problem in a way you’d never thought of, it’s always a joy finding a hidden productivity secret like this.

Humans have always shared their smart solutions with each other, but nowadays, these have been rebranded as “life hacks”. Not everything filed under this moniker is useful, however. But thankfully, Bored Panda is here to help.

We’ve picked out some of the best life hacks that will help you out today. Check them out below and vote for your favorites⁠—it’ll help others find them too! We've shared our favorite life hacks before (here, here and here) but there’s always something new to learn. Bored Panda also spoke with Graham Allcott from Think Productive and he's given us some fantastic advice on how to do exactly that. If you're interested in beating procrastination and getting things done, read on for our full interview!


30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting I used to do this when my daughter was little, "just in case." When going on a crowded outing with your kid, snap a photo of them on your cell phone camera when you arrive. That way, if something happens and you get separated, you have a photo of them that is recent, in the clothes they're wearing that day. Also, stick one of your business cards in your kid's pockets.

anonymous , pxhere Report

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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Teach them your number asap. If lost; shout a description of your child so others can help. Don't give them shirts with their name on it, people with bad intentions can fake knowing them.

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Although the term ‘life hacks’ is relatively new, the idea behind it is anything but. People have shared knowledge and better ways to do things since the start of recorded history. You can see an example of vintage life hacks in another article that we’ve posted.

So, where did this modern take on the term come from? It was originally coined in 2004 by Danny O'Brien, a technology journalist. O’Brien talks about this with Gina Trapani of, the website founded under the same expression of his. 

O’Brien said, “Life hacks popped out of an ongoing discussion I'd been having with people about ‘secret software’—the scripts that geeks write for themselves to get them through the day. Hacks are often a way of cutting through an apparently complex system with a really simple, non-obvious fix.”


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Do the dishes whilst cooking instead of waiting around. Leaves the majority of the dishes done by the time your food is cooked.

    synthesezia , Aaron Harmon Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! The 'clean as you cook'-method. Saves a lot of time :)

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    “So, the idea of life hacks is just really appealing to geeks,” O’Brien continues, “because it's an expression of this huge hope that you can actually hack life in this way, that you might make it a bit more bearable without having to swallow or understand the whole thing.”

    O’Brien explains how these newly dubbed ‘life hacks’ expand to the meta: “The hacks that work for geeks end up being useful for a lot of other people who aren't in that subculture at all.”


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry.

    anonymous , Atoms Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And prepare a list! We do this for years and jave zero food waste since

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Measure your hand from your fingertips to palm and memorize it. Now you can judge the size of anything without a ruler. I've used this my whole life to estimate distances of all kinds of things. Also pick a finger that is pretty close to 1cm or a joint close to 1 inch and remember which is which. You will never need a ruler to estimate again.

    kpberry , pxfuel Report

    Although it started its early years as perhaps a geeky term, it’s expanded to become commonplace online and has now been included in the dictionary too. It’s a fun expression that makes sense for the internet generation and it sounds better than “general life productivity tips”.

    In essence, that’s what they are: productivity tips for life. So, they can help you get better at pretty much anything. For example, building confidence in social situations, learning how to save money, or just general life skills. 


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Back when I was 18-26, I always had one full bag packed in my car. It generally had clean underwear, a t-shirt or two, jeans, shorts, flops, and toothbrush/deodorant. I can't tell you how many times I'd just meet up with some friends and next thing you know it was 2AM and I needed a place to sleep. Having everything with me was awesome.

    ChrisF79 , MIKI Yoshihito Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Always be ten minutes early to everything, no matter what; once it's a habit, you'll never stress about being late again. If something unexpected happens in transit, you're on time. Bam!

    anonymous , Meruyert Gonullu Report

    And learning such life skills will last a lifetime. Staying organized is just one way of thinking about it. In fact, a paper was published on the benefits of being organized for students, and how it reflects on their grades. 

    In short, those students who learned how to organize themselves and their work, ended up with better grades and a more positive outcome overall. Respectively, those who were less organized had results that were quite the opposite.


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Putting my clothes in my closet with the hangers reversed once a year. As I pull clothes out, I reverse the hanger. Every year I give away any clothes that I never took out.

    elblanco , Liza Summer Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not for this year though... I just wore my pajamas and sweatpants but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need my clothes for next year! :D

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Here is a lifehack for all of the students out there. If you are charged with writing a lengthy research paper, find one very solid source that directly pertains to your thesis, and then you can use that source's bibliography to back into locating new sources.

    Fonix79 , Yan Krukov Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah. That is one of the best ways of finding bibliography. Another hack is that although Wikipedia is never to be trusted they often cite actual papers. You can then read those papers for your research.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting When you need to remember to bring something with you, put your car keys on it the night before.

    drewlb , Marco Verch Report

    Preventing procrastination is also one of the top themes that we see in our list of life hacks. According to one study, approximately 80% of college students consider themselves procrastinators. At least the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one.

    So, take heed students, there’s plenty of life hacks here to help you get started on that paper you've been putting off. Or maybe it’s some cleaning tips that are needed—we all know how bad student dorms can get when you’re sharing with half-a-dozen other people.


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Make lunch for work the night before.

    Groceries are way cheaper than eating out every day - f**k anyone who thinks you're lame because you don't have a Timmyho bagel or BK for lunch everyday. I'm saving 4-5$ per meal.

    Not making lunch the morning makes the morning that much smoother.

    flatlander30 , Elaine Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or make a bit more of dinner so you have leftovers for lunch but you don’t need to cook twice.

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    Invest in a good bed, you use the thing a third of your life! All the good stuff happens there. Sleep after a long day's work, snu-snu with the missus, and if you're like me, 90% of Sunday.

    anonymous Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, invest in a good chair with proper back support.

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    Never go to bed with a messy kitchen/dirty dishes. Waking up to a clean kitchen feels good and it makes making breakfast a lot easier in the morning when you're 1/2 asleep.

    anonymous Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also do that when you have a party at your house. Clean everything no matter how tired you are. Next morning when you wake up, the place will be clean and you can just relax instead of having to do all the cleaning :)

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    Bored Panda spoke to Graham Allcott, founder of Think Productive. Graham is an author, speaker and podcaster, who encourages everyone to do their best work. I asked Graham what makes people procrastinate so often. He explains it brilliantly: "I use an acronym to diagnose where procrastination comes from: D.U.S.T. – so is the thing difficult, undefined, scary or tedious."

    "Usually procrastination occurs because the survival part of our brain, the amygdalla, or ‘lizard brain’, is very good at steering us towards avoiding stuff that we’re scared of or don’t want to do. So it’s important to try and understand what the root cause is."


    He continues with how we can avoid each of the points on his D.U.S.T. metaphor. David said, "If something is difficult, it’s about replacing that item on our to-do list with the training or advice we need to overcome the difficulty."

    "If it’s undefined, we need to break the task or project down into tangible next steps and endpoints so that it’s clearer. If it’s scary, we need to look at how we can use things like deadlines or accountability, and if it’s tedious, we need to find a way to make it more enjoyable (like allowing yourself to watch some Netflix while you file your expense receipts)."


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Take notes during meetings, even if it seems like something simple you will remember later. After 10 more simple things get mentioned, you start forgetting them.

    anonymous , John Diez Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And take notes if you go to the doctor! Even if you don't understand what they're saying you can look things up later.

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    Cut negative people out of your life.
    Cut people out of your life who only contact you when they want you to do something for them.

    deephair Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s difficult when it’s your family, and the only way you can see your nieces and nephews is to keep them onside.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting To talk to people all you have to do is just ask questions. just let them talk.

    capt_0bvious , Canva Studio Report

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    Håvard Hovde
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good tip! But this might be tiring if it's only one sided. A good balance is the thing! And a willingness to share a bit about yourself too. ;) But yeah, most people like talking, it seems.

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    Learning new habits such as these life hacks can take some brain reprogramming, of sorts. Once you get into them, though, they’re hugely beneficial. I remembered James Clear’s advice from his book Atomic Habits.

    In the book, James calls habits: “the compound interest of self-improvement”. He explains by saying, “They don't seem like much on any given day, but over the months and years their effects can accumulate to an incredible degree.”

    Graham Allcott also explained further about our habits. I asked him why we get stuck in our routines, even if there's better way to complete them. Graham answered, "Habits, by their nature, are ‘effortless’, meaning we don’t have to think too much and act mostly on a kind of autopilot, which is a convenient and sometimes essential way of dealing with the pace and complexity of work."


    "It takes time and effort to think about the processes of work at the same time as the content of our work," Graham continued, "so either if we’re feeling lazy or we’re just dealing with a fast paced environment, we tend to avoid thinking about the processes of work and just focus on getting through the day with the least effort."


    I used to have my computer set up to start playing a specific iTunes playlist on the stereo at a certain time. The playlist was exactly as long as I had in the morning and went from chill songs to more energetic. Throughout my morning routine, I could always tell how I was doing on time by the currently playing song.

    munificent Report

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    Lily Mae Kitty
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this just reminded me of getting ready in high school. I'd put on an album and had one side to get it together.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Putting socks on before pants. Socks are like pant lubricants. Believe it.

    flatlander30 , Lukas Horak Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting If I spend time looking for something, as soon as I find it and finish using it I put it back the FIRST place I looked for it.

    snarfit , Andrea Piacquadio Report

    Graham gives us more insights into productivity and asks us to rethink what we know about it. Graham said, "The main thing when it comes to productivity is to abandon the idea of time management altogether." He believes that: "What really matters is ‘attention management’—this is about recognizing the times in your day and in your week where your mind is at its most focussed and applying those hours of attention to the hardest thing on your list. Conversely, you can save up the easy tasks for when your brain is fried at the end of a day or week."

    Graham continues, "The best way to approach this is to keep a diary for a week or so and really understand your own peaks and troughs in terms of energy, and then keep tasks on your to-do list based on the varying levels of energy needed to complete them. So, for example, my to-do list has three separate categories: ‘normal’ tasks, ‘deep-thinking/high attention’ tasks, and ‘mindless’ tasks."


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting If there's something I need to do but am procrastinating, I find something else I also need to do that's even more of a chore. I can then put off doing the second thing by doing the first.

    munificent , cottonbro Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or make the chore more "enjoyable" by listening to great music or a podcast, or eat a snack you love while doing the boring stuff.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting I use my refrigerator as a giant dry erase board. Rubbing alcohol can be used to remove permanent marker if you use the wrong pen.

    Renovatio_ , CivilEngineerThrow Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We used to do this at home in our kitchen tiles. They are white and perfect to use as a board to write messages to each other, small lists or congratulate one in their birthday

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    When you park at a huge parking lot, take a photo of the nearest parking location sign with your cellphone camera. That way, you won't forget that you parked at H43 near the East exit and waste 30 minutes trying to find your car.

    GeorgePB Report

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    Bobert Robertson
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ha. First time in New York city with 3 friends we went to a concert. We took a picture of the hotel so we remembered where it was - this was just before google maps and apple maps were a big thing, and we had flip phones with garbage cameras. Then we somehow got separated at the concert. 3 of us reunited by the end of it (there were thoooooousands of people on Randall Island for Rock the Bells), and we waited for a long time for the 4th to show up. Turns out he got so drunk he wanted to go back to the hotel, so he left, got in a cab, and they asked where he was going, looked at his phone (drunk I remind you) and said "Chinatown" He gets there, gets out, and cannot find the hotel anywhere. He finally found us at like 4am after sobering up a bit and realizing it was just a chinese restaurant next to our hotel, we weren't actually staying in china town. We all thought he was a goner, since he wasn't answering his phone. My point is, make sure you get enough detail in the photo to remember exactly where you want to go or you may be going on an adventure

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting If there's something big I want to get done, I tell all my friends I'm going to do it. The fear of looking like an ass helps keep me motivated.

    munificent , Alexander Suhorucov Report

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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dont know about this. I often dont tell things to people until I have done them because you often get all kinds of criticism. Like I want to buy a cheap car because I am too ill to walk? My father will be angry. I do not want to buy it becausw its a lot of money? My father will be angry.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Try to put yourself in as many socially awkward situations as possible. You will be desensitized to it which makes you more outgoing.

    capt_0bvious , Jess Cadorette Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Place alarm clock across the room, so you have to get up to turn it off. Especially if you know you're going to have trouble getting up in the morning.

    anonymous , Aaron Yoo Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Use a wakeup light which slowly increases light intensity and sound. It is amazing when you have to wake up when it is dark outside, because you are not startled by a sudden loud noise in the dark.

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    I'm naturally lazy, so I work out first thing in the morning. It wakes me up and then it's over and done with and I don't have to care about it for the rest of the day. I can be lazy during/after work and not feel guilty.

    anonymous Report

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    Vicky Z
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What if you are too lazy to work out generally in any time?

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting When you wake up in the middle of the night to do something, cover one eye with your hand and leave it there until you return to darkness. The eye that was covered will have retained its ability to see well in the dark so you will not run into the dresser on your way back to bed.

    mellowmedium , cottonbro Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting While pre-gaming or preparing for a night out, ensure that there is at least a pint of fresh water next your bed. You are unlikely to think of this when you get in and it will help you immensely in the night/morning

    sumthinwitty , Daria Shevtsova Report

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    Stefan Scheiben
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Better use a bottle or at least a pitcher with a lid. The water will not be as stale. Additionally it can help a lot when you have a large glass of water before you go to bed.

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    Here's a little trick that helped me learn 10-finger-typing really well:

    When you read an article in your browser, activate the search function (ctrl+f) and just start typing the text you are reading. With firefox or chrome, the text you are typing will simultaneously get highlighted.

    Just read the highlighted text. You'll want to know what comes next so you'll type as fast as possible. You want to read the text fluently, so you'll type blindly and so on. Worked 100 times better than all these boring training programs.

    bowmhoust Report


    Don't use the dryer on anything you don't want worn out prematurely, use a clothes rack.

    eredhuin Report

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    Bobert Robertson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have had some of my clothes for like 20 years, and they always go in the dryer. Don't prematurely underestimate the quality of your favourite hoodie.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Applying an ice cube to a zit will reduce swelling and redness.

    Syms , Michael Himbeault Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Applying pressure to a zit will account for a great video on youtube.

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    Upon waking, drink at least 500ml of water. You are most dehydrated after your done sleeping and it immediately starts your metabolism/bowel movements.

    doctor101 Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Get an annual physical. A lot of generally healthy people overlook this, particularly if health insurance is an issue, but if you can at all afford it, do it. Small things like a chemical or hormone imbalance that you may not directly notice can have a big impact on your overall quality of life, and an annual check-up is great for prevention.

    anonymous , Thirdman Report

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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a good idea. I do this once a year and my doctor thinks it's normal so...But then again, I get free healthcare.

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    If you have chest congestion, drum on your chest lightly but rapidly. Same thing goes for a dry or gooey throat; drum lightly but rapidly on your windpipe. Just drum for ~30s and then wait a minute or two for it to kick in. The effect will last 5-10 minutes before you start getting the feeling again. Repeat until you feel better.

    Explanation : If you perturb the cells lining your airways, they will release ATP. ATP is rapidly broken down into adenosine in the airways. There is a receptor on the cells lining your airways that will start a cascade that pumps water into the airway when hit with adenosine. This water will be pumped up under thick mucus and help break it up.

    klenow Report

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    Ian Smith
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is called chest physiotherapy, or CPT. It's used by Respiratory Therapists.

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    I built a treadmill desk. It keeps me moving while I work and study. I go from 1-2.5 mph at a time, depending on what I'm doing. It's really helping my weight loss.

    anonymous Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    "No" is in the pocket. Interpretation: If you don't ask for something you have already received the answer "no." If you ask, you have a chance at getting "yes." Best advice I've ever received. I'm much more outgoing and willing to approach situations I would normally be nervous of dealing with.

    anonymous Report


    Never owe money on a car and never carry a Credit Card balance. It makes my life way easier and it is my way of saying F**k You to the debt ecouraging system we live in.

    cheddarben Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is genuinely impossible for some people. Most every one I know doesn’t have near enough money lying around to buy a new/newer car outright. They don’t have the choice of not having a car loan. Same thing with credit cards for some people.

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    Celebrate my successes. I don't have a lot of self-discipline, so when I do actually exert some, I try to reward myself to encourage me to do it more.

    munificent Report

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    If you need to pack clothes, sleeping bags, duvets or similar, put them in a big plastic bag, and use a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out. You are using the whole atmosphere to pack your duvet densely.

    arnedh Report

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    Deborah B
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can actually buy vacuum pack bags with zip seals and vacuum hose attatchment point to do this. They work really well, and it's amazing how much space they save. Worth trying anytime you're storing clothes, bedding or soft toys. Or when moving house.

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Squeezing your left thumb greatly reduces your gag reflex.

    Tarasosx , drmutt1369 Report


    The caffeine nap: caffeine takes ~15-20 minutes to kick in. If you are feeling really tired, drink a cup of coffee and then take a light, 15-20 minute nap. You will wake up incredibly refreshed and awake.

    klenow Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And when your boss sees you you're also incredibly unemployed.

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    When you are given an assignment, try to do at least half an hour of that assignment the same day. Helps to know what's required so you'll know how long it'll take and it's already started, so it's more motivating to pick it up again.

    gnuvince Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Boss:" Here, this should have been done yesterday, but I forgot. Make sure it's ready by 3PM and I don't care that you didn't have lunch yet."

    See Also on Bored Panda

    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting On the ends of every box of aluminum foil there are tabs to push in that keep the roll from popping out; same for cling film.

    You're welcome.

    PhilxBefore , Marco Verch Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Put a scented dryer sheet in the bottom of your garbage cans and change them every time you replace your garbage bags. Your garbage can will smell a lot nicer for a lot longer.

    Physion , Julia M Cameron Report


    In the morning I practically jump right out of bed, go and wash my face with cold water. Then I jump back into bed and listen to music while I'm waking up. I've found this a lot easier than just lying there waiting to wake up naturally. I can just hop out of bed right away, knowing that I'll be back in just a minute, and then the water wakes me right up. Before I used to do this I'd just lay there like a sloth, moaning in my head about how tired I am etc. I've found this trick to be a good happy-medium.

    cocasyn Report

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    I do all my daily chores at once and super fast to save time. So, while I'm heating up food in the microwave I scoop out the litter box. When I'm done eating I let my dishes soak and vacuum my room.

    Zombie_Twatz Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish that was all the chores I had. Is this a teen posting?

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    I keep a cot, pillow and blanket in my trunk--at all times. I'm often on the road and I've used this more than I can remember. I hate sleeping on the floor. This weekend I plan on going a friends house and there is going to be several people there all drinking. I assume I will not get a bedroom to sleep in, so I will pull my trusty cot out of my trunk. On Saturday morning, I will not wake up cold on the floor with my back hurting.

    kublakhan1816 Report

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting I set up automatic bill payment for everything. I don't remember precisely when those payments will go out. The fear of a bounced check or declined payment keeps me from getting too close to a zero balance.

    munificent , Cup of Couple Report

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    Chrissie Mörbe
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This. I honestly can't understand people who don't do this with recurring bills.

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    I've taught myself to laugh at most everything. It sucks sometimes when you're in a fight with somebody because they just get more pissed. Other than that it really helps with things that would otherwise depress/frustrate you or make you mad.

    Cituke Report

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    Courage the Cowardly Dog
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless you're in an interrogation "Did you kill your partner, Chelsea?" "hahahahaha"

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    Pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth cures brainfreeze

    anonymous Report

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    Hugh Willie Mungous
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But what if one's brain is frozen to the point where it doesn't occur to you to do this?

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    Put a pen and a small block of paper in your jacket. Too often you have to write something down, can't, and then forget.

    anonymous Report

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    Brian Bennett
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I even do this around the house for things that need to be done that I may forget!

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    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Raising your arm high above your head will stop a bloody nose pretty instantly.

    tehShark , pxfuel Report

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    Håvard Hovde
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For me, it just made the blood run backwards down my throat, even worse!

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    Buy some quality used gym equipment on craigslist and save both your gym membership fees, and the time getting to/from the gym.

    HMG-CoAReductase Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You need space for all this stuff and at least for me, I did not work - lack of motivation.

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    After a shower, if you need a fogless mirror, just point a hairdryer at the glass for a few seconds.

    Warm glass -> evaporated droplets -> clear mirror.

    I'm proud to say I figured this one out by myself.

    discofighting Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Only works in countries that allow electrical outlets in bathrooms. In the UK building codes prohibit them.

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    Your sink should rarely have dirty dishes in it; it's much faster to clean one meal's worth of dishes 5 times than 5 meals' worth of dishes 1 time.

    gnuvince Report


    If you're exercising and don't want to tuck your key in your shoe or pocket, simply loop your headphones through it!

    anonymous Report


    30 Useful Life Hacks That Are Worth Noting Before grocery shopping I take pictures with my phone of the refrigerator and food cupboards- so I can tell what it is I am out of.

    knight1to1 , Kindel Media Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or you can just make a list after you've seen the fridge and cupboards

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    Keep in mind whenever you hate you are simply express deep love in a different way. For example I hate being around closed minded people because I love when people broaden their views and understand more of themselves and their environment. It has made my life much more enjoyable and when I see it this way I just want to educate people as opposed to avoiding them.

    anonymous Report

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    Julie C Rose
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate being around anti vaxxers because I love it when people don’t die. Did I do this right?

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    Out clubbing or bar hopping and don't want to wait in line to get in the club/bar... Tell the bouncer you forgot to close your tab. Really helps when you need to pee too.

    generd619 Report

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    Brian Bennett
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tell the bouncer somethin g like that in my bar and he'll close your tab for you!

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    Scissors are easily sharpened by cutting sandpaper.

    jirf88 Report