Let’s face it, when someone wrongs us, it’s hard not to want a little payback. But sometimes, we don’t even have to lift a finger because the universe steps in and handles it for us.

That’s exactly what happened in these stories shared by Reddit users, where instant karma kicked in for people who did something awful and justice was served right on the spot. Scroll down to check out these satisfying moments, and don’t forget to upvote your favorites!


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Theres a section of the beach for dogs. All the locals take their dogs there to play, no leads. There's signs designated for it.

One time, we took our previous dog down to play. This collie had nothing but absolute love for any human, even more so for kids. She saw a kid, she'd grab the ball, walk up and drop it about 5 foot away and wait patiently with a wagging tail for the throw.

This one particular day, she did just this when she saw a family. We saw her go to them, lay down and wait, we waved and smiled at them saying "You can throw it". Before we even finished the sentence, this dude stood up and full on kicked her in the ribs.

She turned to run but was gasping and crying. He went for a 2nd kick, she dodged and his bare foot went straight into a rock, f****r broke all his toes. F**k tourists honestly.

Goetre , Alina Skazka Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories 8 years ago I was very pregnant and crossing a busy street in a crosswalk in Austin. An old SUV zoomed around the corner, accelerated like it was trying to hit me (I guess because I was too slowly waddling across the crosswalk), slammed on their brake about 2 feet from running me over, and leaned on their horn while flicking me off and yelling out the window at me to walk faster. It all happened in about 5 seconds and had me really freaked out, I thought they were going to get out of the car and attack me.

Out of nowhere, an undercover police car parked on the street who'd seen the whole thing, turned on their siren and lights, pulled the car over, and absolutely LIT into them. Like totally tore the guy apart. I stood there and listened for a while 😂

I'm still chasing that instant karma high. I have never ever seen as amazing an instant karma as that! I was super freaked out because they'd acted like they'd wanted to kill me. I still can't believe how it turned out because tbh their road rage was so scary.

kittyRN , Ivan Samkov Report

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the_true_opifex avatar
Beak Hookage
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Road rage really can be terrifying. I've seen at least two incidents myself, in one case with a side of obvious domestic abuse. In fact right now it's in the news that police are looking for someone who stabbed their road rage victim.

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Was walking back from the pub, not too late at night. It was raining. My friend stopped, lifted his foot above a snail (ready to stomp on it) and said "I f'ing hate snails" and then stomped.. It wasn't a snail, but a dog turd, which sprayed right up his other leg and shoes.

jtroll , Thalles Cazaroto Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Years ago I walking past a bar in upstate NY when a couple walks out, the guy goes left and the woman goes right. The guy flipped into a rage, grabs the woman, slaps her across the face and screams at her “I told you to follow me b***h!”. As soon as the words leave his mouth a giant bouncer tackles the guy, sits on his chest and starts repeatedly slapping him across the face and calling him a b***h.
Hows that feel b***h? *SLAP*
Hows that feel b***h? *SLAP*
Over and over until the cops showed up. Thats when I got out of there, not sure what happened after that lol.

Yonder_Zach , Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories My abusive father was screaming at me. We have a pet chicken. She s**t into his shoes. To this day I believe she did that on purpose.

Ok_Walk9234 , Todd Trapani Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories One time a guy pulled up next to me in a modified car at a red light. I'm not sure what it's called in English but it was one of those cars that are very close to the ground. As he pulled up next to me he started revving the engine while giving me the finger for some reason. as the light turned green he hit the gas and drove straight into a bump on the road and his entire fender fell off. I just smiled at him while driving past.

Renediffie , Pixabay Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Over 20 years ago at Megacon in Orlando Florida, traffic was bad for parking, I let a car squeeze in ahead of me, well apparently this guy had been trying to merge for a while, and next thing I know he pays for my parking. Instant Carma.

WombatInferno , Egor Komarov Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories In high school, a shy girl asked a guy to the prom and he scornfully said no and made his disgust very public. He wasn't exactly the most popular or good looking guy, but he had big ambitions. Right after publicly embarrassing his would-be suitor, he asked a very popular girl to the prom. She made it known, very loudly, that she wanted nothing to do with him. Nasty, but I felt like he deserved it. A few days later, he asked another popular girl to the prom in a very over the top, very public promposal involving multiple expensive flower bouquets. She took one look at the spectacle and walked away without saying anything. I actually don't blame her b/c it was a pretty embarrassing and she didn't want to be involved. That was a good second wave of karma.

Goldeverywhere , Karolina Kaboompics Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories A guy cut me in line at the grocery store. I pointed out that I was in line and he just shrugged his shoulders and turned his back to me. The checker on the next line over called for next in line and he ran over there. Then the checker left while he was unloading groceries. I was able to check out and bag my groceries before his checker ever came back.

August_Ocean , Jack Sparrow Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories When I was in college I was holding a door open for my friend when this real entitled c**t pushed past her and shoved me. She must've thought the door was automatic or something and I was just leaning on it. I cursed and she turned around to say something just in time for the door to nail her right in the face breaking her nose.

Later tried to say I punched her but security pulled up the admin building security camera's video and hit her with disciplinary charges for it.

AleksandrNevsky , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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tobb-1 avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't let the door hit you in the face.... or please do! And an buttocks for trying to lie about it!

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories My cousin stole and ate my container of milk chocolate peanuts when I was 10 .. and that's how we figured out Christopher was allergic to nuts. 🤷‍♂️.

Kabian321 , Valeria Boltneva Report


I use to work in a 24 hour emergency vet hospital. We were extremely busy one night dealing with stat after stat so the waiting room filled up with cases that were non emergent. One woman, who was there because her dog had an ear infection, kept harassing the receptionists demanding when she would be seen. They tried to explain to her many times that there were more emergent cases that needed to be seen first, which included one dog needing immediate cpr, she did not care. She called us every name under the sun and demanded that because she arrived before everyone she needed to be put in a room next, told her to sit down to see what could be done. Shortly after sitting down she started screaming at the top of her lungs. A family next to her whose Saint Bernard happened to have an extremely large pus filled abscess on his ear decided to shake his head right after she sat down and ruptured his foul smelling abscess allllll over her. She decided right after that her dog could wait to see his regular vet tomorrow and she went home. Everyone in the waiting room and the entire staff told that Saint Bernard how much of a good boy he was.

Happy_Refuse5094 Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories It’s not much but once during a group project, we were sitting in a circle and, unbeknownst to me, when I stood up one of the girls had quietly moved my chair so that when I sat back down I hit the floor hard. I hate this prank and don’t really find it funny at all. I wasn’t mad for long though because while she laughed and went to sit on her own old c***py plastic chair, the leg snapped and she fell on her a*s too. Instant gratification.

cool-username1 , Phạm Anh Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories I was playing volleyball in middle school gym, and I messed up. Marc came up and started berating me, telling me I’m awful and mess everything up and I suck.

In the middle of his insults, someone else kicked a volleyball that accidentally smacked him right in the face, knocking out a tooth.

He cried like a baby. I got detention for laughing. Worth it.

Starbucks__Lovers , Tom Fisk Report


30 years ago, I paid for one newspaper (from a newspaper coin operated container), but I took two out. As I left, my untucked shirt got stuck in the door.

I had to pay to get my shirt back out as I laughed at the justice.

CoachBrooks Report

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hlosin10 avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

good on OP for being able to laugh at their own bad karma

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Seeing one of my logo designs in a job candidate’s portfolio during an interview.

End of interview.

One-Ball-78 , Tima Miroshnichenko Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories I was stopped at a stop sign and some a*****e who was riding my a*s through the parking lot slammed on the horn because I stopped. He whipped around me and got into a car wreck while flipping me off out the window leaving the parking lot because he didn’t see the traffic I was avoiding.

Never laughed so hard in my life. I wish I had it on video.

CaptainWaders , Kaique Rocha Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories My wife’s oldest sister used to try and insinuate that my wife was pregnant before we got married (she wasn’t), but it really bugged my wife.
Then I got into genealogy and did my wife’s family and printed out a book with details and dates. While looking it over for the first time the sister goes pale and tells me I have her mom and dad’s wedding date wrong. Her mom checked and says nope it’s right.
But that makes her being born 6 months later.
Her mom says yep that’s right.
She never bugged my wife again.

Santatim_NC , Photography Maghradze PH Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Old lady with a walker shoved my toddler out the way to get on a tram, then scolded her for being in the way. Two seconds later her walker got jammed between the tram and the pavement, she panicked and shouted for help. I helped her out, but with a loud commentary to toddler about THAT’S why we don’t push in front of people.

KedgereeEnjoyer , Nashua Volquez-Young Report

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anayacs26 avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Personally, I wouldn't have helped her. I would've walked onto that tram and looked back at her with the biggest smile on my face.

roxy-eastland avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Then you're just proving you're basically the same as her. Being the better person is always a bigger win.

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tobb-1 avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Good comment! And also very big hearted to help after that?

lindacowley avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Perfect though, that's two good lessons for the child, and heaping coals of fire on the head of the old biddy

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dv8sm avatar
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2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd like to hear the ladys point of view in that story!

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories On my way to work, almost running late. Pulled up to a 4 way stop the same time as this other dude im the lane perpendicular to me, said dude is to my right so he has the right of way (in this state anyway). So I wait but blinks the high beams to let me know to go first. I start to go, dude guns in right in front or me as im like halfway across the intersection so I slam my brakes and let the dips**t go. I get through the intersection and the cop that was sitting in a driveway with the lights off whips past me and pulls this idiot over. Very satisfying. .

Miserable-Carpet-669 , cottonbro studio Report

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bogdanchelariu avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love it when insurance scammers get caught! They're one of the lowest forms of humans... As if insurance prices aren't high enough, now we have to worry about these f****s as well! F**k'em!!!

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I once saw a guy steal a bag of dog turds, the woman that picked it up put it in one of those little gift bags. She set the bag down on a bench and went over to get a bottle of water from a vending machine. While her back was turned I saw a guy creeping up, looking around to see if anyone was looking at him. When he got a little closer, he snatched up the bag of turds and took off running down the boardwalk. I didn't get to see his face when he opened the bag to check out his big heist or just stuck his hand in to pull out what was in there, but it had to be funny.

Oh_No_Its_Dudder Report

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robert-thornburrow avatar
Robert T
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I was hoping you were going to finish that by saying he was caught brown-handed. ;-)

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories 7th grade. Biggest most obnoxious bully on the school bus. Spit outside the window, but spit into the wind….all his spittle and phlegm hit him right back in the face. Sweetest justice I’ve ever seen.

juliaskankles , Turan ŞAHİN Report

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kicki avatar
Panda Kicki
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mum once threw out a burning cigarette from a car, that promptly went in through the back window and set the seat in fire. She learnt her lesson.

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Woman in front of me at the grocery checkout once went ballistic when the cashier rang up her cabbage as iceberg lettuce. (Tbf it was in a plastic produce bag and the checkout was busy. He was doing his best.) Anyway she's irate and they get the manager over to null the sale and ring it up again. She's going on to the manager about how this kid is so lazy and bad at his job. Manager is a champ defending this guy while being firm with the lady. You can tell they're both done with her.

Eventually they ring her up again and she ends up paying a whole extra dollar for her cabbage. She pauses, and then pays the actual cost and quietly leaves. I'd never seen karma come so quickly.

Panserbjornsrevenge Report

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lafoffi avatar
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

is not necessary being a marketing genius to understand that cabbage is more expansive than lettuce

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It was a super small thing, but it had me laughing my a*s off at the time.

While driving with my son on this one lane road, the car behind me was extremely aggressive. I was going 5 over the speed limit, but that was apparently not fast enough. He rode my butt, flashed his lights, honked, swerved, the whole 9 yards. I ignored him as best as I could.

We get to a light, and at the intersection, the road widens to 2 lanes. I knew on the other side of this light it would go right back to one lane, so I didn't bother switching lanes because I also know where the road bottlenecks people will NOT let you in. They just won't.

Angry honky man makes a big engine revving show of getting around me and into the lane beside me at the light. The light changes, and we both go. Bad news for honky, he was in the lane that ends. Naturally, no one let him in. So for all his honking and revving, I sailed right past him, laughing my a*s off, watching him try to get back into traffic.

It's a small situation, but it was the quickest and most appropriate karma I have seen in years. I still chuckle at it now and then.

BeeMyHomey Report

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Jan Rosier
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I like it when I get passed by a low-flying idot, and then 500 meters further, I am standing behind that same idiot at the red lights. I always give them the biggest, friendliest, smile and wave. Don't know if they notice, though.

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There was a long line for drinks at an outdoor bar in Tahoe. I’m next in line when a smug guy just walks straight up to the window, cutting in front of everybody. I confronted him and he said something like “I’ve been here for hours. What are you doing to do?” Right as the bartender came back from running the last person’s card, the guy starts ordering. I look at the bartender and loudly say “he cut in front of the line and seems intoxicated”.
As soon as I said that, another bartender comes over and tells the guy “you’re cut off”. He called the other bartenders over and said “this guy is cut off”. No more drinks for him that night.

cppadam Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories I was sitting in my wife's car while she ran into the store for something. I was watching a baseball game on my phone when this hand came through the window and tried to grab my phone. I jerked it away and it fell between the car seats, he started calling me names which insinuated that my first name was Ritz. I don't know where that cop came from, but the phone grabber was quickly on the ground in handcuffs.

It turns out that I wasn't the first person he tried to do the grab on, the cop was following him because he was recognized by security cam.

drawnnquarter , Kindel Media Report

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emily_36 avatar
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2 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Calling you names and getting angry because you didn't let him steal your phone? Bizarre

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories A dude bragging about free handling his highly venomous snakes and harassing those who told him it's dangerous just got bitten by the most venomous snake in the world. He's been hospitalized since Friday.

LizardPossum , MART PRODUCTION Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories I went to the bank after work one time to deposit some money. Noticed that someone left their debit card in the slot, so I turned it in to the front desk.

Went to Chipotle after, got my usual order and they told me to just take it away for free since the register/card system was having issues.

Krimzi , Mikhail Nilov Report

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the_true_opifex avatar
Beak Hookage
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had an ATM eat my card once, and just as I was arriving at the bank nearby to ask for help guess who I ran into? The guy who had found it when the machine spat it out again and was handing it in. I still think about him sometimes. ^_^

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Bro tailgated me in traffic, sped past me, then got pulled over like 2 mins later. Felt so damn good lol.

Tough_Current6739 , Matthis Volquardsen Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Some people will never understand the mixed emotions of telling your child to stop doing something and then they hurt themselves after they continue doing it.

bankersbox98 , Anna Shvets Report

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kicki avatar
Panda Kicki
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yep. Of course sad they got hurt, but also satisfied the learning moment occured on spot. It is worth a few bruises to learn that parents might not totally lie when we say something is dangerous.

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Late 1960's. 50 guys taking a physical for the Navy. When it's my turn to have blood drawn, I turn my head and close my eyes. Big burly guy calls me a wuss. When it's his turn, he watches ostentatiously. Corpsman gets about halfway through, BBG faints dead away.

Ranchette_Geezer Report

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the_true_opifex avatar
Beak Hookage
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

When I got my ears pierced age 11, the piercer told me she'd had kids like me who just peacefully sat there and didn't flinch, and big tough-looking dudes who panicked and bolted out of the shop.

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One time, I was at a busy grocery store, and this guy cut in front of an elderly woman in the checkout line, acting like he didn’t see her. Not even two minutes later, his credit card got declined. The cashier looked at him and said, 'Looks like you’ll have to wait your turn after all.' The old lady gave a little smirk as she got to go first. Instant karma at its finest!

QuantumQuicksilver Report


People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories Guy at a bar was being a total a*s to the bartender, then slipped on spilled beer as he was leaving. Poetic justice.

OkKnowledge1826 , Simon Law Report

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People Are Sharing The Most Glorious Moments Of Instant Karma And These Are 35 Of The Best Stories I saw a guy trying to impress his friends by showing off his motorcycle skills. He revved his engine and took off at lightning speed, only to hit a giant puddle and wipe out spectacularly right in front of them. As he lay there, soaked and embarrassed, his friends couldn't stop laughing, and he had to walk home with a bruised ego.

Delicate-Helin12x , Nikolai Ulltang Report


Worked for a local brewery and myself had a job for everything including distribution, one of the jobs, including calling accounts to sell our beer to. The owner’s daughter also worked for us “doing” the same job (Big quotations to be honest with you) she would come in for a few hours and say that she sold a bunch of beer and then leave. So after awhile I figured that she wasn’t doing jack s**t, so I approached my boss and said “from the numbers I’m receiving it doesn’t look like she’s doing much in general, I would speak with her”. His response was quite classic, “mind your own f*****g business and just do your accounts”, 🫡🫡 you got it and I walked away. About 2 weeks later, he gets a email from the head of the distribution company that deals with her state saying they haven’t heard from her in a few months with orders and they are sitting on quite a bit of product, 😁😁 I just sat there and smiled and didn’t say a f*****g word and enjoy him b***hing about her.

Notorious_Degen Report

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ortaduchess avatar
Stephanie Did It
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3 days ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Never mess with the workplace nepo baby. They will either fail out or fail themselves all the way to upper management.

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Note: this post originally had 57 images. It’s been shortened to the top 35 images based on user votes.