Here is a selection of the best Indian Wedding Photographs taken by Asian Wedding Photographer Artisan Photography, the images of Indian brides and grooms in all the regal splendor on their wedding day.

Indian weddings a medley of vibrant colours and traditions to see more work from Artisan Photography visit

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Sikh Groom on his wedding day with Sikh Ceremonial Sword

Sikh Groom on striking a pose with his Sikh Ceremonial Sword

Sikh Bride and Groom Photo-shoot during the wedding


photograph of stunning Indian bride smiling on her wedding day

Photograph of Indian groom taken before his wedding reception


beautiful Indian bride on her wedding morning

Indian bride throwing rice in a ritual as she leaves her parents house to start a new life with her husband


Photograph taken of a brides mother as she embraces her daughter for an emotional goodbye after the wedding

Black Coffee and wedding invites in the morning is how every wedding photograph I imagine starts their day