The Sandman
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A few days ago I finally placed an order on The Sandman series. Can't remember the last time I was so full of anticipation on an order.
Hawkeye: My Life As A Weapon
Building Stories
Giant Days
The Nice House On The Lake
Maus: A Survivors Tale
Beautiful book and story. I was assigned to read book 1 in highschool about twenty years ago. It hurt so bad I had to buy the entire set. The rest was equally heartbreaking and beautiful. The suffering of the Jewish people was just horrific.
From Hell
Batman: Year One
Through The Woods
This One Summer
Sweet Tooth
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters
Jimmy Corrigan
The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
So how many of us had this as there first or second anime movie experience? I did and it started my love of anime and manga. Used to be really hard and expensive to get into it here in the US because of availability issues
V For Vendetta
Locke & Key
The Walking Dead
Doom Patrol
I WANNA READ THIS SO MUCH!!! I love Gerard and his work. (wait is this gee's version? Idk lol)
Scott Pilgrim
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits
Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind
The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Killing Joke
Y: The Last Man
The Vision
Uncle Scrooge
Usagi Yojimbo
Y: The Last Man
Fables was an awesome read though the last 2 or 3 seemed a bit lacking
X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga
Hellboy, Vol. 1: Seed Of Destruction
The Invisibles
Astro City
Saga Of The Swamp Thing
Jessica Jones: Alias
Love And Rockets
Another really good comic is The Umbrella Academy series! I've only read the first two books but they are SO SO GOOD!!!
Another really good comic is The Umbrella Academy series! I've only read the first two books but they are SO SO GOOD!!!