In The Last 5 Years, I Have Been Embroidering Landscapes, And Here Are 40 Of My Best Works
I started to embroider as a child. In my school years I liked to embroider with a cross-stitch, but during my student days, unfortunately, my hobby faded into the background. In 2017, I went on maternity leave and I wanted to create some beautiful embroideries.
I started to learn English and returned to embroidery, not with a cross stitch, but with a satin stitch. I thought for a long time about what I could embroider. I looked at a lot of beautiful works with flowers, butterflies, and animals and came across a beautiful photograph of a landscape with mountains, trees, and a beautiful sunset on a social network, so I decided that my first embroidery would be a landscape.
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Sunflower Field
On social networks, more and more people began to subscribe to me, leaving me a lot of really pleasant and inspiring comments. Some people asked me to embroider landscapes for them as a memento of any places where they rested, or visited. Now my works are in such countries as Germany, Portugal, the USA, China, India, Latvia, and Canada.
Embroidering and blogging became more and more interesting. I set myself challenges, for example, to embroider the northern lights or waves so that they seem alive, or a landscape with architecture with very small details.
I want to wish everyone to find a hobby that will distract you from all the bad moments in this crazy world, that will inspire you and make you happy.
Neuschwanstein, Germany
Lavender Scent
Road To Sunset
Beautiful Flowers
Aurora Borealis
My Love
Pink Sunset
In The Desert
Sunrise Over The Field
In Dreams
Beauty Is In The Details
The Lake From My Dream
Aurora Borealis
You must really love the auroras, since you have made so many! Each more lovely than the last!
One Day
Amazing Sky Over The Forest
Rainbow Beauty
You Were Here
Moment Before Disaster
Polar Lights
These are all beautiful , how many hours of work generally went into each one and how big are they , they look about like small saucer size ? Did you draw it yourself out on the cloth first ? or can you use a computer generated picture that helps you know which clots to use where if so what program is it ! Whatever it however you did it , it’s Pretty awesome ! I embroider as well and would love to do some of my photographs from the Smokies
I Will Breathe
Waves Over The Mountains
Dangerous Descent
In A Free Country
My Tenderness
The Dream
The Northern Lights
Somewhere In The Magic Desert
I Will Run
Beautiful Mountains
These are absolutely incredible, and just as good as actually being there.
These are absolutely incredible, and just as good as actually being there.