Who would argue that movies aren't great fun? Only those who know that they're even better when they include an awesome dance scene! There's just something about a great dance sequence that gets our toes tapping and our hearts racing. Or vice-versa, whichever works for you! And if you feel the same way as we do, you'll find this list dedicated to the best dance scenes in movies a delicious treat in your day. 

Again, one might argue, but we think that some of the best movie dance scenes are the ones that are completely unexpected. Like when Darth Vader and the Stormtroopers busted out some sick moves in a Star Wars movie - who saw that coming?!? Or when the Zombieland crew let loose with a zombie-killing boogie to the tune of Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Now that was hands-down the best dance scene in a movie, a pure joy, and a nice plot twist all in one!

Of course, some dance scenes are a tiny bit more iconic and traditional, like the Thriller music video or the ballet scenes in Black Swan. Those famous dance movie scenes sure made us appreciate dancers like we never did before - who knew ballet was basically an old-timey form of CrossFit? But even these classics have a certain quirky charm that makes them stand out from the rest, and that's what makes them truly memorable. 

So, whether you're a fan of the masterful classics or the weird and wacky, there's a dance scene from movies out there that's sure to make your day. What’s even better is that we've put them all on this list! So scroll on down below, check the movie dancing scenes out, and vote for the coolest ones ever!



Ren McCormack running and dancing in the warehouse

“Ten year old me desperately wanted to be able to move like that. 27 year old me still does, but is more realistic about it.” , LionoftheNorth Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The only one I liked from that movie was when they were outside and the guy in the cowboy hat tore up the floor. I haven't seen it in 30 years probably, but that's the one I remember.

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    The Blues Brothers

    Jake, Elwood, Aretha, and other characters from The Blues Brothers dance in the restaurant

    “I love the diner dance scene. Aretha just tears it up in her pink bedroom slippers.” , auntieup Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The church dance at the beginning (with James Brown as the preacher) is equally good

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    Dirty Dancing

    Group dance scene from Dirty Dancing

    “Also they even lay the groundwork for the group dance scene choreography. When asked about changing the final dance, Swayze says he’s been working on something with the staff and demonstrates the basic move of the group dance.” , Pt5PastLight Report


    Singin’ In The Rain

    Donald O'Connor dancing on the floor with carpet and green sofa near him

    “I was about to post Make 'Em Laugh. Donald O'Connor was brilliant in this scene. Apparently, he needed three days of bed rest after shooting this.” , Rabbitscooter Report



    The characters of Beetlejuice hold hands at the dinner table and swinging

    “Beetlejuice, the dinner scene. The reason 90% of the people born in the last 40 years know the Banana Boat song.


    Never looked at shrimp cocktail the same afterwards.” , ReverendLoki Report

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    Betsy Ray
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    D**k Cavett did not look happy. Everyone else seemed to get into it.

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    Stormy Weather

    Nicholas Brothers in a classy outfit dancing on the big white stairs and the light curtains in the background

    “Fred Astaire himself said the Nicholas Bros with Cab Calloway in Stormy Weather was the greatest dance sequence ever filmed, and I agree.” , Jamminnav Report


    Monty Python And The Holy Grail

    Knights of the Round Table dancing

    “We’re knights of the Round Table. We dance when we are able…” , Westvic34 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "We do routines and chorus scenes and act like were Clark Gable!"

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    Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

    Three women and three man are dancing and many people in their background

    “That scene alone made me watch the movie almost every day for months. I was introduced to the movie in summer, and I was still so obsessed by winter, my family got me Christmas gifts centered around it.” , Slice-of-Lasagna Report


    Guardians Of The Galaxy

    Ronan and Peter Quill from Guardians Of The Galaxy communicating and there are many people in the background

    “The dance off scene in Guardians of the Galaxy between Ronan and Peter Quill. It's so dumb that it's amazing.” , EffieFlo Report

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    K W
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The opening scene dance and visuals are pretty awesome.

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    Strictly Ballroom

    A couple is dancing in the ballroom

    “Very few people, if any, will get it, but they are spectacular dancers, and if even one person asks where it's from and watches it, you've done the world a favor.” , devilbunny Report


    Robin Hood: Men In Tights

    Many men in tights hold each other and dance in the forest

    “We roam around the forest looking for fights!” , hellosweetpanda Report


    Pulp Fiction

    Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace are dancing

    “Do you think this style is recalled in all the recent buzz on the Wednesday dance scene? To be honest, I'm not watching the TV show but the clips I've seen remind me a bit of the Jack Rabbit Slim dance scene vibe in a way.” , missyboopkins Report


    Moulin Rouge!

    Characters from Moulin Rouge are dancing

    “I was gonna say the diamond dogs/satine intro/can can thing from moulin rouge, but then I remembered the Spectacular Spectacular scene after that, so I'd just like to nominate that whole movie because almost the entire thing is just ridiculous and over the top. O and the tango scene! Such an unexpectedly good movie for me.” , twitchyeye84 Report



    Stripper Alex Owens is dancing - water bucket scene

    “You mean the audition dance or the water bucket scene? Both are iconic 80’s… But for me Beales in the water bucket Scene is #1.” , 80schld Report


    Billy Elliot

    Billy Elliot dances for his father in sports place

    “Billy Elliot, the whole movie, but my favorite dance is the one he does for his father. It’s amazing.” , doxamully Report


    A Knight’s Tale

    Characters from A Knight's Tale are dancing in the party

    “A hidden gem of a movie. Love that scene and my beloved Heath Ledger may he R.I.P.” , madtax57 Report


    West Side Story

    Characters from West Side Story dance in spacious place with red walls

    “The Mambo Dance from the original West Side Story is magical. The music, the colors, the cinematography, and Rita fu*king Moreno’s electric energy. Probably my favorite scene in any musical.” , anthonyleoncio Report

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    Julia Mckinney
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's a brief snippet in the modern era "West Side Story" dance at the gym where Riff's girlfriend Velma (Maddie Ziegler from Sia's "Chandelier" video and others) leaps at him, he catches her and she does a snap-kick that barely misses the face of one of the Sharks. Her control and the timing on that brief scene is amazing.

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    Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

    Austin Powers and other characters dressed in color dance in the street

    “The opening dance in Austin powers is genuinely some of the best filmmaking I’ve seen.” , mopeywhiteguy Report

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    The Redhead
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't that the opening scene from Austin Powers International Man Of Mystery?

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    Wednesday in a black dress is dancing at a party

    “One of the most unique dance scenes I’ve ever seen. So perfectly in character.” , NorthernSparrow Report


    Little Miss Sunshine

    Olive Hoover is dancing on the red stage

    “I was 8 at the time, but I still remember my mum dying of laughter throughout the whole scene. Pretty much every year now, she just tells me to put that scene on from the movie, she still laughs hysterically.” , Ziggy396 Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I'd like to dedicate this dance to my Grandpa" "Aww that's so sweet, where is he?" "He's in the trunk of our car"

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    Napoleon Dynamite

    Napoleon Dynamite solo dancing on stage

    “Me and a friend were bored and decided to go see a movie, which happened to be right after it came out. It had to be its first day. We had no idea what this movie was about or anything. It was such a weird movie to have zero expectations because it was funny in parts I wasn't sure it was trying to be funny and then the movie just kind of ended without any real story. I came out of there so baffled by it, but I remember that dance scene being hilarious.” , underwear11 Report


    Pride And Prejudice

    Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are dancing in the ball

    “That scene is so great, I love that the filmmakers didn’t sacrifice the historical accuracy by having them actually dance alone (huge social no-no for the time period) but instead showed that they were so focused on each other it was like there was no one else in the room.” , Book_1love Report

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    Zoni J.
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This scene perfectly delivered on both the dance and emotional impact it was meant to deliver.

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    White Nights

    Roland Petit is dancing at the scene

    “The opening with Roland Petit's “Le Jeune Homme et La Mort” alone is an incredible adaptation of the piece for cinema. The original piece too, on its own, if you haven’t seen it is shocking. You don’t even have to know much about dance.” , ChefTD1 Report

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    Powerful Katrinka
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm always astounded at Baryshnikov's physical strength; this performance showcases it like no other.

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    The Mask Of Zorro

    Banderas and Zeta-Jones are dancing

    “Between the intense chemistry Banderas and Zeta-Jones had, and James Horner's excellent tango music it really is one of the best dance scenes in film.” , SixFootTurkey_ Report



    Elaine Dickinson dancing in a club

    “'But that night, fate was on my side.' (Guy stabs the guy she's dancing with in the back... The funniest part of it is that for a few seconds, Julie Hagerty's character mimics the other guy while he's trying to pull the knife out.)” , kylepm Report


    White Christmas

    Group dance from White Christmas

    “The semi-fascistic mockery of modern dance that is White Christmas's "Choreography." Their additional wistful celebration of a dude who performed in blackface during another number is also pretty wild, considering the "choreography" makes it seem like they are donning sacrificial masks of Rosemary Clooney and offering her to the sun atop a ziggurat.” , schmattywinkle Report



    Jack and Kate are dancing in Titanic

    “Titanic. Is it a bit cliché? Sure. Is it also really fun and cute? Hell yeah.” , Apoc_SR2N Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not much dancing just Kate Winslet standing on her toes!


    Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure

    Pee-wee Herman dancing on a table in the bar

    “You can bet your a*s whenever Tequila comes on I’m doing that arms in front, arms in back move.” , meeanne Report


    Another Round

    Martin from Another Round is dancing outside and a bench behind him

    “Terrific scene. It captures an almost indescribable emotion perfectly.” , MisterManatee Report


    Bring It On

    Group dance in sports place from Bring it On

    “I don't know if it'd be considered dancing but as a teenager, I loved the choreographies of 'Bring it On'.” , Significant_Shame639 Report

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    Romy And Michele's High School Reunion

    The three character dance in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

    “The three way dance in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. It's so cute the way they include Romy and the song choice is perfection.” , picklespark Report

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    D Destroyers
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do I feel like the song is time after time? I saw this when it came out!

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    She’s All That

    Characters from She's All That are dancing at the prom party

    “Everyone at the fantasy prom drops everything to do a choreographed routine to The Rockefeller Skank… DJed by Usher. Absolute peak 90s!” , ShaunbertoConcerto Report

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    JoJo Rabbit

    Jojo Betzler dancing in front of a green door

    “It keeps popping into my head from time to time. Maybe it's the 'life is sh*t, but let's dance anyway' vibe it's got going. It just warms the soul.” , GrouchyMacaque Report

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    Coming To America

    Group African tribal dance scene from Coming to America

    “While probably not a proper dance scene, the wedding scene in Coming to America. First off the like minute and a half of high intensity well choreographed dance, but the added love of the absolute apathy of everyone in the audience who's acting like this is the equivalent of the priest coming into mass.” , bossmt_2 Report

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    Save The Last Dance

    Sara and Derek from Save The Last Dance are dancing in the club

    “Save the Last Dance when Julia Stiles character goes to the dance club and embarrasses herself so bad. I love that scene cause I can’t dance either.” , Southernpalegirl Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love this little movie, though the final scene was disappointing. I adore Julia Stiles and wish she had been in more things. (LOVED her in Dexter - my favorite season.


    Moonrise Kingdom

    A young couple from Moonrise Kingdom are dancing on the beach

    “Moonrise Kingdom on the beach. Anderson is so good at capturing the sensations of childhood, and these two play it perfectly too. A scene that says it all for the whole movie, which makes it magnificent.” , raysofdavies Report



    Dance scene between Ram Charan (Ram) and Jr NTR (Bheem)

    “I really do like the scene in RRR with the English snobs putting down the Indians and then getting schooled in a dance-off. And yet, still not the most insane thing in that movie.” , Kuildeous Report

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    Little Women

    Laurie and Jo dance scene from the Little Women

    “Laurie and Jo’s dance outside the party when they first meet in Greta Gerwig’s Little Women is just perfect. Silly, warm, joyful, one-sided romantic tension. Delivered so perfectly.” , darnyoulikeasock Report

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    A Single Man

    George Falconer and Charlotte "Charley" Roberts dance in the living room

    “There's a dance scene in A Single Man with Colin Firth and Julianne Moore. The song playing is Green Onions by Booker T. and the M.G.'s. It just feels like such a natural dance moment and it's so sweet and wholesome.” , agent37sass Report

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    Shall We Dance

    John Clark and Paulina dance scene from Shall We Dance

    “Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere in Shall We Dance. It’s not special, I don’t have any feelings for either actor. But I loved the music of the film and it was made in my city.” , xMasochizm Report


    Silver Linings Playbook

    Tiffany and Pat dancing scene from Silver Linings Playbook

    “They put in all that work to get to that point and they killed it (considering their talent level). It was cute and then De Niro telling him to go chase the girl made it a good ending.” , coolkidfresh Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I my opinion Bradley Cooper can do anything, sing, dance, and act. Jennifer Lawrence was excellent in movie!

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    500 Days Of Summer

    Tom Hansen dancing outside with a crowd

    “One of my favorites is the one in 500 days of summer. I feel like it catches that feeling after a first kiss or night with someone you’re really into.” , Vismal1 Report



    Group dance on led lit stage from Peacemaker

    “Intro to Peacemaker. The choreography is oddly robotic, yet fluid added with a banger of an intro song it is one of the very rare times I actually watch the intro.” , Lee_337 Report

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    Something Borrowed

    Darcy (Kate Hudson) and Rachel (Ginnifer Goodwin) share a sisterhood moment by dancing

    “Something Borrowed is one of my favourite romantic comedies and they do a dance to Push It by Salt-N-Pepa that I love.” , mabeltenenbaum Report

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    A couple dancing in the room at the house party from RocknRolla

    “That dance scene at the house party was just epic.” , J0e2020 Report

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    La La Land

    Young couple dancing in the evening with beautiful sky from La La Land movie

    “Ironically i didn't see the film but the dance sequence in La La Land looks pretty good.” , marklonesome Report

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    Julie Snelling
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hated this film bad singing, bad dancing, awful story. Feel free to downvote me but I will die on this hill.

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    Group man dance from Gamer

    “A good bad movie, but this comes out of nowhere to break the tension.” , Hairy_Relief3980 Report

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    American Wedding

    Stifler dance off on stage in American Wedding

    “Honorable mention for Stifler's dance off in American Wedding. You haven't lived until you've seen Sean William Scott tearing it up to 'Maniac.'” , picklespark Report

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    A group dance from Climax

    “Climax opening dance scene! And the other dance scenes after with the camera filming from the top. Spectacular!” , moshritespecial Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup, it's a great dance scene, but I honestly wish I didn't watch the rest of the movie, still kind of traumatised...


    Beau Travail

    Galoup (Denis Lavant) solo dance in the night atmosphere

    “Just watched this last night on Criterion Channel! What a scene. Also that song… Such a banger haha.” , rgsmithiv Report

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    Group dance from Glee

    “Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams on Glee. He was actually the only former professional performer in the original cast and was part of a failed boy band. He only had one chance to show off his dance moves on the show, and he straight up killed it.” , ToyVaren Report

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    Ex Machina

    A couple dancing from Ex Machina and blue LED lights on the wall in their background

    “I’m a big fan of unexpected dance scenes in movies. This one and the dance in Booksmart are my favorites.” , auntieup Report

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    Drop Dead Gorgeous

    Denise Richards dancing with a stuffed doll Jesus on stage in Drop Dead

    “Denise Richards dancing with a stuffed Jesus in Drop Dead Gorgeous, absolutely hilarious. Kills me every time.” , SativasaurusRex Report

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    Palm Springs

    Nyles (Andy Samberg) and Sarah (Cristin Milioti) dancing in the bar in Palm Springs

    “The dance scene in Palm Springs with Andy Samberg & Cristin Milioti is great! So dorky & a great vibe.” , Scotielassie Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This movie seemed to go under the radar a bit. It was better than I thought



    Jean Claude Van Damme Dance in the bar in Kickboxer

    “There’s so many good scenes mentioned here - anything Fred and Ginger especially - but something about JCVD cutting a rug and then messing some punks up is just beyond anything I’d ever seen before. Truly a magical scene.” , SpastikPenguin Report

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    Before I Disappear

    Sophia (Fátima Ptacek) dances in the bowling place

    “Obscure, but there’s a really good movie called “Before I Disappear,” and there’s a very cool dance sequence in a bowling alley briefly, I always loved that scene.” , Tyflyers Report

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    Hot Rod

    Rod Kimble solo dancing in the woods

    “So I galloped into a wooded glen, and after punch-dancing out my rage and suffering an extremely long and very painful fall, I realized what has to be done.” , Report

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    Da 5 Bloods

    A group of black men dance in a club in Da 5 Bloods

    “Most of my faves are mentioned like Grease school dance, and Napoleon Dynamite... But for good measure, I'd like to throw in the quick dance scene in Da 5 Bloods.” , kwelch66 Report

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