Tumblr was a social media giant in the early 2010s. It was the perfect middle ground, offering more text characters than Twitter and less clutter than Facebook. For many people, it was a glorious era of online networking.
Thankfully, the Curated Tumblr subreddit keeps those days alive in today’s world of “reels” and “shorts.” As the name suggests, it’s a collection of screenshots from the platform that touch on political discourse, life’s absurdities, and everything in between.
We’re keeping this a lighthearted list that’s more about the silly and mundane. Enjoy scrolling and have yourself a nice throwback to a simpler time on the internet.
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The End Of The Monarchy
We Sadly Live In A Society
Probably because if we don't, things are even worse for us. Just sayin' ...
If you came of age in the Instagram and TikTok era, you’re likely not as familiar with Tumblr’s appeal. But looking at its About page will tell you a lot about its character and personality.
“Wholesome chaos” was the phrase used to describe the site’s contents. It also encourages self-expression because “Tumblr is whatever you want it to be.”
Pokemon Names
It's Not Getting Fast, But It's Getting There
That Tables Turn
The internet defines Tumblr as a microblog. However, its founder, David Karp, does not use this description. In an interview with Media Bistro, he describes it as “the easiest way to share yourself.”
Karp also emphasizes Tumblr’s flexibility regarding the type of content users can create. Because it is easy for anyone to self-publish, he believes it helped draw in a broad audience.
[u.s.] Michigan Democrats
That's How It Works
Yep. I'm the guy the defense wants on the jury. You committed a crime and got immediate karma so now want the true victim to pay? Your honor, are we allowed to hang the plaintiff?
“It’s the gay people in your phone” is another description written on the site. This comes from Tumblr’s similar claim to be the “queerest place on the internet.”
According to Adweek statistics published in 2021, one in four users on the platform identify as LGBTQIA+. A Tumblr user is also said to be 193% more likely to be part of the queer community compared to other social networking sites.
Scenes Are Meant To Be Seen
The light comes from the same place as the music - is pretty poetic!
Most Embarrassing Thing That Can Ever Happen
To solidify Tumblr’s reputation as queer-friendly, Sydney-based writer and photographer Jonno Revanche wrote an article for The Guardian in 2016. Here, he described the platform as his “saviour” that made him see he “wasn’t monstrous and unloveable.”
“While it may seem simple or silly, social media allowed me to express elements of myself I felt like I couldn’t in my day-to-day life,” he wrote.
Accidentally Based
What's Your Corpse To Water Ratio?
Tumblr seems to have always catered to a younger, more progressive audience. For author and DePaul University professor Allison McCracken, it became the youth’s “best option for an online ‘private’ public space.”
In a journal article she published in 2017, she credits the platform’s ability to “bring a broader range of voices” than any college classroom could. She also believes Tumblr was able to “offer developed minority representation” when the media wasn’t able to.
Yeah, You’d Think They’d Be Able To Put Two And Two Together On This One
Tit For Tat
Taylor sounds like an insufferable girlfriend. I'm sure she's just as bad, if not worse, to her boyfriends and makes it hard for them to please her in strategy. Her muse is break-ups. If she doesn't have fights, falling outs, break ups, her career would be over.
Despite its reach and popularity among the younger demographic, Tumblr had its fair share of controversies. In 2018, it announced a prohibition on “adult content” after an iOS ban on the app due to child pornography issues.
In an official statement, Tumblr assured its users that it would continue to work to keep the platform a “safe place for creative expression, self-discovery, and a deep sense of community.” However, it received backlash, with affected users attacking its queer-friendly claim.
Rich People And Ghosts
Boring Queers
[u.s.] Vocal Minority
They should be able to give a short review of the book and tell you on which page the offensive material is, and whether or not it is reoccurring in the book before being even allowed to ask for a book ban.
By the time the controversy arose, Tumblr had already spiked in value and had been sold to media giant Yahoo! for a whopping $1.1 billion in 2013. In an interview with Inc. at the time of the sale, Karp admitted he wasn’t expecting it to happen that year. However, a “remarkable opportunity” presented itself.
“This was an unbelievable opportunity to shortcut a lot of the very hard things that we’re about to be going through,” he explained.
Autism Awareness
Omg you can't group us. As the saying goes, If you have met one autistic person, you have met one autistic person. We present differently.
The first part happened to me: after a sudden massive decline in health I was found to be dangerously deficient in a vitamin (B12, fwiw). Sadly the "solved all my problems" bit has yet to take effect.
I'm Late!
Tumblr remained with Yahoo! for four years before moving to Verizon Media. Two years later, in 2019, Verizon sold the platform to Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com.
This time, the price tag was far less. Reports didn’t specify the amount, but it was believed to be “well below” $20 million, a far cry from its original purchase value.
Gargle My Balls, Microsoft
Catholicism Patch Notes
Poker > AI
Now, we’re shifting the attention to you, dear readers. What do you think about Tumblr as a social media platform? Where do you think it stands in comparison to TikTok and Instagram? Let’s create a discussion in the comments!
True Allyship 🏳️🌈
Then again, maybe if you question somebody's identity and sexuality, they'll be annoyed. Also, what if their friend was gay but hadn't come out yet? Seems a jerkish way to treat your friends
A Collection Of Alternative Sayings
My favourite put-down remains "100 000 sperm, and *you* were the winner?"
Racist, But Funny
My son is autistic and in a special needs school and the kids are allowed to leave class and go outside if they need to.
Dumb Ways To Die
Evolution is reactive, not proactive. There's no goal per se, as in, a species isn't trying to evolve toward something, just trying to adapt to changing conditions so as to not die.
Shaggy, The High Geologist
From What I Can Tell This Hasnt Been Posted Here Yet So Here
It fascinates me endlessly, how in the one hand people are totally loving electronics taking over human work and free stuff on internet, and at the same time complain about not being able to find well enough paid work. Guys, we are 8 billion, not 2,5 as in 1950s happy fantasyland. These 8 billion need food, clothing, shelter and entertainment, which requires them to find well enough paid jobs. Shopping deadcheap stuff from deadcheap countries ruins your local economy and employment. By this making a few incredibly rich and you screaming hell and fire because they are rich.
Forged In Fire
Good Person
Because my opinions are facts, whereas your 'facts' are just opinions.
Unless the story involves her breasts, vagina or menstruation then adding 'female' to boss is irrelevant. Just don't. If the story involves your boss's breasts, vagina or menstruation then perhaps you should be reconsidering whether your relationship is appropriate and just not tell the story at all.
I Love How Stupid The Cybertruck Is
[u.s.] Confederate Surrender Day (Was Yesterday)
What is is the difference between Georgia and Germany? It took only one Sherman to defeat Georgia... (Just a history joke I heard recently)
[marvel] A Simple But Elegant Solution
for further context: the man shown is Matt Murdock, a.k.a Daredevil (Marvel). He's blind.
>greentext Form
"This Country Used To Build Railroads!"
*Talking to an incel* "Yes, complaining about 'females' is good, but have you tried sex"
In case you were wondering, the reason why all of these seemed so random compared to the next one is that the author just went on r/curatedtumblr and just took screenshots of random posts
*article says memes from tumbler* everyone: How dare they screenshot things from tumbler? I’m very picky about my titles because I’m way too bored. I hate bored panda and how repetitive it is but yet I use it everyday!
In case you were wondering, the reason why all of these seemed so random compared to the next one is that the author just went on r/curatedtumblr and just took screenshots of random posts
*article says memes from tumbler* everyone: How dare they screenshot things from tumbler? I’m very picky about my titles because I’m way too bored. I hate bored panda and how repetitive it is but yet I use it everyday!