They say a little compliment goes a long way. And frankly, people often underestimate the effect and power of praise and good compliments. Other than boosting one's confidence and improving mood, giving compliments to others encourages further engagement in random acts of kindness toward others, initiating a chain of joy and pleasure. Giving compliments is, truthfully, one of the most underestimated lovely gestures that packs a whole punch despite its simplicity.
When thinking of the best compliments for a woman or the best compliments for men, we often vary towards appearance-related or gender-specific compliments. And while nice compliments about a person's appearance certainly boost one's confidence, they can also be harmful and may increase self-objectification. Instead, opt for more meaningful compliments for women or men that aren't related to their gender and go beyond looks.
While there are plenty of nice things to say to people, the best compliments are the unexpected ones that catch one off guard. Also, unique compliments that emphasize how special the person is or what makes them stand out from the rest are often the most valued. Below, we've compiled a list of nice things to say to compliment someone that will surely brighten up their day, week, month, or even year. Have you ever received a compliment that you cherish dearly? Let us know!
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You are exactly my kind of weird.
You are enough.
To me, this sounds like I am trying to be too much .... and someone wants me to 'go down a notch' ... meaning stop it!
Jokes are funnier when you tell them.
That's true. The way some people tell funny stories/jokes is hilarious on its own
You're more fun than bubble wrap.
I wish I could figure things out as quickly as you do.
My husband figures things out very quickly, faster than anyone else I know.
Colors seem brighter when you're around.
When you get famous, I want to be the president of your fan club.
Am i the only one who gets stalker / secret admirer vibe from this??
You’re irreplaceable.
Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted
Thanks for understanding me better than anyone else.
You have the courage of your convictions.
This one was said to me and to this day I am unsure if it was meant as a compliment or insult.
Your hugs make all my troubles melt away.
Definitely my husbands second best trait, his best trait is his amazing brain
Actions speak louder than words, and yours tell an incredible story.
Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
You’re the type of girl people write love songs about.
I know a song that... let's just say I wouldn't want to be that girl.
You always know how to find that silver lining.
You smell really good.
I hope this does not mean that my liver would taste good with some fava beans and a nice Chianti
You have such a great personality.
It does not sound so good when it's an answer to a question whether he thinks you're beautiful
I appreciate you.
I say this to my girlfriend a lot, because it's true. I am grateful and appreciative for every little thing she does for me. 😊
Talking to you is like a breath of fresh air.
You set such a good example for your kids.
My husband is a wonderful example for our children and grandchildren.💕
You have a great sense of humor.
If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of them would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.
You're like sunshine on a rainy day.
Your ability to recall random factoids at just the right times is impressive.
You're a great example to others.
You’re a natural at whatever you do!
Your energy is infectious!
You're great at figuring stuff out.
I really enjoy talking to you.
Uh huh... Gee, look at the time, bob. Probably I should go home now!
You never disappoint me. I love that I can count on you no matter what.
My Opa always says: "If you expect the worst of people, sometimes you get pleasantly surprised."
You're someone's reason to smile.
There's ordinary, and then there's you.
You're even better than a unicorn because you're real.
Your ideas will change the world one day.
I know. I will be a rockstar. Or a famous actor. Or a president. Right? RIGHT?!?!
The way you always know when someone needs something is amazing.
You’re so inspiring, even if you don’t realize it.
I always enjoy talking to you because you are such a great listener.
That thing you don't like about yourself is what makes you really interesting.
Great ... now I have to do things I don't want to do ... to make myself interesting.
You are glowing—and that's the least interesting thing about you, too.
You may dance like no one's watching, but everyone's watching because you're mesmerizing.
If you were a scented candle they'd have to call it Perfectly Imperfect (and it would smell like summer).
You have impeccable manners.
Why are we commenting on my manners? Have you ran out of ideas to talk to me about?
I wish I were half of the human you are.
I bet you do crossword puzzles in ink.
Someone is getting through something hard right now because you've got their back. Nice work.
You're irresistible when you blush.
Has anyone ever told you that you have great posture?
No ... because that is a weird thing to say to someone. Running out of compliments?
You're all that and a super-size bag of chips.
I'll be brutally honest. This list is way too long and filled with cliches. Half of the "compliments" could easily swing both ways into veiled insults. Many of them sound incredibly awkward. This 135 entries list is 125 entries too long. Quality over quantity.
Jesus, reading these is frustrating... I stopped halfway after mocking half of them.
Too many of these are just plain hokey. Almost like those motivational signs around a generic office. Quotations from Stuart Smalley
I'll be brutally honest. This list is way too long and filled with cliches. Half of the "compliments" could easily swing both ways into veiled insults. Many of them sound incredibly awkward. This 135 entries list is 125 entries too long. Quality over quantity.
Jesus, reading these is frustrating... I stopped halfway after mocking half of them.
Too many of these are just plain hokey. Almost like those motivational signs around a generic office. Quotations from Stuart Smalley