My Mission Is To Find The The Best Collection Of Office Mugs, And Here Are 30 That I Found So Far
One Man One Mug started when I asked a work colleague of mine who tries to avoid the tea round to make me a brew, so they picked one of the many strange mugs in our office cupboard, which was the crab mug, and said “this is to go with your crabby mood.” They forced me to take a picture and posted it on social media and the Instagram account was born.
One Man One Mug started off with daily “mugshots” where we would look through our office cupboards for the weird and wonderful mugs colleagues would bring into the office and we would think of a funny pun to go along with the mug as a bit of fun. Since then, we have collaborated with several mug makers and tea brands.
We are constantly trying to source the best mugs and beverages to take a picture of.
More info: Instagram
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I’m Toadally In Love With Today’s Mug
I work in an office in Manchester, and sitting next to me is the brains behind the operation, Emma, AKA ‘The Lady Behind The Lens’. Emma is the true genius behind One Man One Mug, she takes all of the photos and comes up with the witty captions. If anything, I’m just the model.
Finally Found A Bigger Mug Than Myself
Space Bar
So far we have received some lovely mugs from our friends @theinappropriatethoughtstore and @prairiechickprints as well as some amazing tea from @birdandblendtea and @newenglishtea - Shameless plug but… if you would like to send me any mugs to feature on our Instagram page get in touch and DM @one_man_one_mug
If Everyday Is A Gift Where Can I Return Mondays
Fin-Ishing My Morning Brew
How do I source the best mugs? Simple, I work in a massive office so I just steal them out of the kitchen cupboard. However, I can’t deny, the pickings are becoming increasingly slim. I’ve almost worked my way through the entire office collection, but fear not, I’ve still got a few good ones up my sleeve. But as mentioned earlier, I’m always a grateful recipient should you want to donate any mugs to the cause!
Pathetic. Try Harder Next Year
Feelin’ A Bit Crabby
I’d like to think that our content provides people with some welcome humor to fit in between the mindless scrolling through the usual doom and gloom that social media has to offer. It turns out that there’s actually quite a few people on the internet that are well into mugs. I guess you could call me the pioneer of mug modeling.
If you like mugs and rubbish jokes, drop us a follow on Instagram @one_man_one_mug - and if you would like your mug to be featured, just drop me a DM!
Watch Me Whip, Watch Me Neigh Neigh
Really Wild Wednesday
Just Hanging’ Out
Fairy God-Mugger
All Little Miss Sunshines
Upping’ My Game
Just Been Tree-Hugging
Toucan Play That Game
It’s Friday And I Donut Give A Sh*t
What’s New Pussy Cat?
Is This A Rabbit Or A Cat
It’s Monday! Hey Ho Let’s Go!
Have An Excellent Friday
Feeling Like A Princess Today
Twistin’ My Melon Man
Happy St Patrick’s Day
Shout Out To All The Aunties. You Are All Ace!
Childish? Me? Never?
Instagram Bans Are Sh*t
Happy National Hot Chocolate Day
Oh My Gaudi
Supreme Mug
Tuesday After Bank Holidays Suck More Than Hetty Hoover
Official Sponsorship Announcement
My work mug is better than all those. It says “If you need anything from me, reconsider.”
My dad quit his job a few months ago (nothing bad about the workplace he just needed a change), and they had a little going-away party for him. They gave him a mug that said “I used to work with absolute legends”
My work mug is better than all those. It says “If you need anything from me, reconsider.”
My dad quit his job a few months ago (nothing bad about the workplace he just needed a change), and they had a little going-away party for him. They gave him a mug that said “I used to work with absolute legends”