Many people hate Ads and will often channel surf so they don’t have to watch them. Advertising companies are continuously trying to get our attention and there are often more misses than hits. I have compiled a list of creative, outrageous, weird and funny ads.


    Australia Day Lamb advertisement 2019

    Every year (for 13 years) Meat and Livestock Australia have come up with many ways to promote Lamb and I think this years was the best ad they have done.

    Carlton Draught beer “big ad” 2005

    It sounds so dramatic and certainly gets your attention. With so many people involved I wonder how many takes it took to do.

    HBA health insurance ad


    This ad is awesome, the kids are absolutely adorable. The quality isn’t great because it’s from the late 90s early 00’s.

    BigPond broadband “Great Wall of China” ad

    When kids constantly ask questions you don’t know the answer to, sometimes you have to improvise lol.


    Libra invisible pads

    I would have to say this is one of the best ads I have seen for feminine hygiene products. Best part is when he jumps up from behind the couch.

    Dicken’s cider satirical radio advertisement (Warning: Some may find this offensive)

    I don’t know how this made it on the airwaves and I don’t care, I think it’s funny as.

    Metro trains “dumb ways to die”


    Ummm, what can I say about this one. It’s brutal, funny, annoying and catchy so watch this at your own risk lol.

    John Lewis Christmas advert “The Bear and the Hare”


    This one is a touching ad, made me a bit teary lol.

    Mountain Dew “puppy, monkey, baby” ad

    Okay, this is one of the weirdest and most random ads I have seen. WTF

    Gillette “The best men can be”

    This ad caught a lot of attention and caused a lot of controversy. Some people love it whilst others loathe it. I think sometimes people look into things too much and don’t take things for what they are, there always seems to be some sort of secret/hidden message. I feel this ad is empowering, it’s telling the message to be a good person, to stand up against the wrongs in the world, to be someone you can be proud of, stepping up and being a role model to your children etc. sadly some think this is a man bashing ad when if you actually watch and listen to it properly you can see clearly it is not the case and is infact a positive message.