Characters can either be a hit or a miss with the watcher. The plot might be interesting, but the movie or TV show character is the one who tells the story to us. Either in a movie theater or your living room, we watch movies and series for the beloved characters in them. However, others might see these characters in a much different light than we do. In movies and TV shows, an annoying character can emerge for many reasons.
A fictional character is not always guaranteed to please every fan. It either clicks with the watcher or misses the mark by a mile. For movie characters, first impressions are everything. If you make a wild card type of character, he might come off as a bit annoying to the calmer fans. And you can't be sure that two hours will be enough to turn the character around in the minds of annoyed fans.
On the other hand, TV show characters can be annoying for multiple reasons. If a series has several seasons, a fan-favorite character might become stale — if a series takes a heavier story turn, a beloved character can become an annoying one. The presented situation is what dictates the flow of a character. A character that fits into the fictional world is a character that can capture the watching hearts.
With so many opinions floating around the world, it is hard to distinguish the honest ones from the more trolling ones. Luckily, someone on AskReddit has asked a question we all wanted to ask — Who's the character everyone loves but is actually annoying? An important question that reveals just how many annoying characters we tend to like. In the list below, upvote the characters that you think are annoying too. Also, comment below if you think the Redditor is wrong about the given opinion.
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Monica Geller, Friends
"She really is very annoying, especially in the second half of the series. Her relationship with Chandler is supposed to be perfect and wholesome but it's borderline abusive with how she forces him into doing things her way and constantly emotionally blackmailing him."
Yea.... I know a " real life Mônica " and She drives me f*****g insane... To the point of me wanting to headbutt a concrete wall with all my atrengh.
Jerry, Tom And Jerry
"Exactly, Tom has suffered too much because of this dirty little mouse."
Ross And Rachel, Friends
"They are actually very toxic for each other and anyone who’s involved in their friends/lovers' drama."
Howard Wolowitz, The Big Bang Theory
"The guy blows straight past 'creepy' and into straight-up sex offender territory. There are throw-away lines about how he put webcams into teddy bears he gave Penny, and he just chuckles, and the conversation carries on. There are scenes where he uses various cameras to look up people's skirts or down their tops. The dude isn't, as the show puts it when Penny gives him a dressing down, a little peculiar.' Dude should be in prison."
Funny character, i start loving his character in the later seasons after he got engaged, before that he was unbearable.
Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory
"It's one thing to be ridiculously smart, but it's another to browbeat everyone with it and force conformity amongst your peers. He goes out of his way to be cruel and spiteful in how he treats his 'friends.' It's disgusting."
He's ( Sheldon character) a bit exagerated, but he's preety much the the essence of living with an Asperger, we have out " wierd " routines, our " favorit spot " we are also incredebly passionate about some subjects and Will try to learn everything we can about them, we ( for the most part ) don't get sbtle hints, and we are utter s**t at getting " signs " from other people...
Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig
"At the end of the day, she is a spoilt brat."
To me, it's a very good cartoon for kids, elaborated with linguists, child doctors, teachers order to make language development and reading easier
Carrie Bradshaw, Sex And The City
"The one that put me off Carrie forever was when she made fun of Samantha for turning up to her book launch after her chemical peel had gone wrong. I was disgusted by how rude she was to a friend who still showed up to her event when she was quite obviously in pain and very embarrassed."
"I couldn't look at her the same after what happened with Natasha and Aidan. She should've had a therapy arc."
Dora, Dora The Explorer
"“Where is the blue path?” It’s right next to you. “Say it louder, where is the blue path?” IT’S RIGHT NEXT TO YOU"
Lol when my then 2 Yr old spoke Spanish to me all the time. Now they are 15 and speaking Spanish all the time because they do it at high level GCSE
SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob SquarePants
"I'm more of a Squidward guy. He's more realistic and the type of dude I'd take a hit with."
Peter Griffin, Family Guy
"I can't watch the show because most of it is just him being a horrible person."
"Peter was a lovable moron with good intentions; now he's a violent narcissistic sociopath."
Piper, Orange Is The New Black
"To be honest, that whole show was a sh*tshow and I don't know why it was such a zeitgeist when it was coming out."
"I think the show's biggest failing was not really leaning into the "Piper is horrible and that's the whole point" of it all."
Ted, How I Met Your Mother
"What’s even worse, if we adhere to the structure of the show, this is his own retelling of himself. Have you heard the unreliable narrator theory? In Ted’s retelling to his kids, he makes Barney out to be way worse and more disgusting. It explains the last second pivot of Barney to a family man. Ted is trying to reconcile the good father his kids have met to the cartoonish sexist he’s portrayed him as. Ted wants his kids to sympathize with his pursuit of Robin and demonize the man he has consciously or subconsciously viewed as a romantic rival for most of his adult life. And even then Ted comes across as a douche."
Ahhhh me as a TV show character lol.... ( Yes i am ashamed to admit that )
Rachel Berry, Glee
"Everyone in the show acts like she is so amazing, but she is so self absorbed. She tricked a girl into going to a crack house so she wouldn't join the club because Rachel was scared she would be better. Plus, so many of the other characters were just as good at singing, if not better, like Mercedes and Santana, but Mr. Schue was just obsessed with her (he's also so creepy, but I don't want to get into all that), so she always got all of the solos. The performance where she wasn't allowed to participate is probably my favorite since the other kids are so good. Mercedes even calls Mr. Schue out on his blatant favoritism, such as when she deserved to be Maria in West Side Story, but he instead wanted the girls to share the roll because he couldn't bear not picking Rachel. But the show was just not self aware enough to stop favoriting her."
Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
"I truly don't understand why so many people like him. I thought the point is that he's actually not a badas* and is just a punk bully under all his talk."
Rory Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
"I loved her character in the first season, but from Season 2 onwards, she got worse and worse. It’s like a villain origin story. Gone was the Season 1 snarky, clever girl who struggled between maturity and teenage meltdowns during coming-of-age hurdles. Enter the 'manic pixie dream girl' who strolled into every situation like she knew everything, accidentally stumbled into all of her achievements, had all the boys fall at her feet, and was relentlessly fawned over despite acting bratty and finding a reason to dislike everyone she met."
"Rory goes through the opposite of a redemption arc. She actually becomes a worse person by the end, which is something a lot of shows just don’t do."
Gina Linetti, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"Gina always comes out on top, and it's so irritating. Amy occasionally calls her out, but it never goes anywhere. And, of course, Gina ends up having the last word and being right all along. I feel like Gina fell into the trap of the 'funny but awful' character and ended up getting way too much screen time and becoming obnoxious for it."
"Her character was completely off-kilter with the whole tone of the show. All the other characters were quirky but ultimately lovable, whereas she was just a narcissistic as*hole with no redeeming traits whatsoever. Her comments about Terry in particular were sexual harassment, and her treatment of Charles and Amy was workplace bullying. What was particularly annoying is that she never learned a damn thing. She always got away with her sh*tty behavior, and she only seemed to get even more cartoonishly awful as the show went on. It was an improvement when she left."
Dobby, Harry Potter
"Lots of people seem to love him, but I honestly just thought he was annoying as fu*k. Actually pissed a friend off in the theater because I chuckled when he died lol."
I hated what the movies made out of him. He was pretty cute and loyal in the books. His flaws were easily explained by his lack of freedom. After he was freed he was just amazing. Strong, friendly, selfless and kind. A very uplifting character and I cried when he died in the books. He deserved so much more. But the movie version was just really annoying. Harry Potter's Jarjar Binks.
Lily, How I Met Your Mother
"I feel like her character was very bland and had no specific traits that weren't just traits of Alyson Hannigan's. Marshall had very Goofy jokes and standards, Ted was virtuous and corny, Robin was very headstrong and direct, Barney was childish and extremely emotional underneath. But Lily has no overarching qualities IMO."
"I though she was manipulative and always made Marshall's life harder eg Dumping him, the story with the captain, her financial issues."
Homer Simpson, Simpsons
"He had moments of being a good person, but in later seasons his worst traits became so amplified."
Amy March, Little Women
"I have hated her since I first read Little Women when I was 11 years old! How the fu*k can the most recent adaptation try and make her the feminist? Giving her all those dialogues that the real Amy would never even dream of! She is supposed to be a feminist? The girl who only ever focussed on clothes and ribbons and laces? The one who destroyed her sister's writing? The girl who got to run off and enjoy Europe while Beth died and Jo suffered? The one who got the emotional support of Laurie? And then got to live like a rich lady, while one of her sisters lost her husband? She was the weakest of them all, and she got the very best of everything."
Oof she was my favorite character- ( probably because I love the actress tho)
Lisa Simpson, Simpsons
"In the early seasons she is tolerable because for the most part she is a supporting character. When I stopped watching, she had become the main character with Homer and Bart becoming side characters. Her voice is nails on a chalkboard. She butts in when not asked. Assumes to be the moral authority in town making her worse than Ned Flanders. Turned down Burns' money when she helped him rebuild his empire. Ruined Homer on several occasions (Stonecutters episode for example). Is absolutely no fun to be around. Completely unrelatable. Thinks that she is better than everyone else. Vegetarian."
Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy
"She's sulky, self-absorbed, and petulantly self-righteous. I don't think I've ever hated a character more."
"The original 'pick me.'"
But by Gaia, is she gorgeous. I watched all however many seasons for her and Jesse Williams.
Sam Puckett, iCarly
"Specifically when she bullies other people for laughs."
On iCarly she was like okay and then on Sam and Cat its like just NOOO
Alex, Modern Family
"Her character’s personality didn’t add any entertainment to the show. She was a smart pretentious bully with no witty lines. Just cringy/unoriginal insults and no growth. Such a waste of potential for the show. I wonder if she pissed off the writers at some point."
Jess Day, New Girl
"Someone told me I reminded them of her. I watched two episodes, had an existential crisis, and vowed to not be an insufferable nitwit. They said they meant it as a compliment because they loved her. It was devastating to my self-esteem."
"I hate that Jess fought to be with Sam (the hot pediatrician) only to get with Nick a few episodes later. I stopped watching after that."
Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
"He's a selfish, self-centered as*hole who thinks he's the only one who has problems, and he lashes out at all his friends whenever he's mildly inconvenienced. Will laughably calls him the 'heart of the group' in Season 4."
"Mike annoys the sh*t out of me. I think El would be more likable without Mike’s irritating presence. Just make them friends. Their relationship icks me out."
Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
"I love the show, but she can be so annoying. I don't like the way she treats her parents or the way she jumps from man to man. She coddles her daughter so much in high school and in college that in the revival, she's a 30-year-old with no job or purpose in life. Everyone thinks the mother/daughter duo is so cute, but it’s annoying because she really held her daughter back from growing up, facing failures head-on, and adulting!"
Frosty The Snowman, Frosty The Snowman
"Frosty the Snowman. I can't explain, but he gets on my nerves big time."
"He's just so "I'm the guy." Like, we get it, dude, you're a jolly, happy soul."
Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse
"Zero redeeming traits. Definitely not funny. Yet millions of people, including adults! love him. So annoying."
If you actually read a few comics, you'd know he's got a lot of redeeming traits. Being a smart detective, a loving uncle or always helping out his friends.
Roger, American Dad
"He's great in small doses, like in the early seasons, but they started overusing him and he just become obnoxious. I hated it when one of the other family members would go to see someone else and of course, it would be Roger in a disguise. Funny as the occasional gag, less so every single time."
Ron Weasly, From Harry Potter
"Book Ron was better. The assorted directors of the films just decided they needed "comic relief" so they decided to direct the actor that way. Kind of a lazy way out, if you ask me. "What does this scene need? Oh, I know! A goofy character!""
YES! I adore Book Ron but the Movie Ron is just 😑 In the books he is really important to Harry while in the movies Hermione takes this part and Ron is just the goofy friend
Janice, Friends
"It’s a given she’s if not the most certainly one of the most annoying characters in television’s history. But I know a lot of people really liked her, and also that she pulled off her character’s brilliance with ease and natural finesse."
Hank Schrader, Breaking Bad
"He's a racist cop and with an ego, as inflated as Walt's, I don't understand why people love him."
I didn't like the character but I think he was necessary to the plot. I was happy to see his character leave and impressed that he took it as well as he did. True to character right to the end
Deadpool, Deadpool
"Right on! Is he hilarious? Yes! But that's because he's in a movie and comic books and we don't actually have to deal with him in real life. Imagine having this guy as a family member or part of a friends circle. He would be infuriating and everything would be a constant "all about me" crap show."
It’s literally a fictional character so why would you even imagine dealing with him in real life?
Minions, Minions
"I need to read some kind of scientific study on how they became so ubiquitous in sh*tty boomer memes about wine time Fridays or how kids don't respect their elders anymore."
"My theory is that Minions appeal to boomers because boomers think of themselves as sort of a bunch of kooky hellraisers, but they also value conformity, so there's nothing too vulgar or subversive about them. Minions have the exact kind of PG-rated raunchy humor grandparents love."
Harley Quinn, Suicide Squad
"Maybe it was the fact that she was an animated character that made the surreality of the character so wonderful (though to be fair, Elvira did just fine and she was real-life). But the movie version has never appealed to me."
Gene Belcher, Bob's Burgers
"That little prick ruins every scene he's in constantly screaming out or tagging on to a funnier line said by someone else always unprompted. It boggles my mind that people could find him enjoyable."
Serena Van Der Woodsen, Gossip Girl
"She's supposed to be an example of 'rich, pretty girls have problems, too!' but I disliked her more every time they tried to make her relatable. She could've actually done well in life, but she did nothing with all her money or her status as the 'it' girl. She could've gotten involved in a nonprofit (she probably would've been phenomenal with fundraising), but she had no idea how to do anything that wasn't handed to her and was unwilling to learn. I could even see her killing it as an influencer or a personal stylist, but she stayed in her toxic 'woe is me' rut because she needed to be the center at all times."
"She always jumped to the wrong conclusions, never learned from past mistakes, and acted like a spoiled princess whenever she wanted something. She didn't let people say no to her requests; they had to say yes to her every demand. I’m rewatching Gossip Girl at the moment, and I'm honestly finding it hard to like her now that I’m 10 years older."
Izzy Stevens, Grey's Anatomy
"From early seasons of Grey’s. She’s so whiny and self-centered, it drives me BONKERS when some find her so wholesome."
Frank Gallagher, Shameless
"While not everyone loves him, enough used to find him relatable that they'd forget the guy is a selfish, self-righteous, xenophobic, vengeful fu*khead and would always act like he was such a cool "bro" character."
Ben And Michaela, Manifest
"It's so weird. I mean the acting is ok at most, the characters make dumb decisions, everything seems so straightforward without really interesting twists and I don't really like a lot of characters (pretty much the whole stone family is annoying me). And still, it hooks me much more than most other shows nowadays."
Elena Gilbert, The Vampire Diaries
"The WORST! She made everything about her - Caroline said it brilliantly when she turned off her humanity: “I compelled a student to perform surgery on Stefan’s niece and you’re making this about you? Wow, you really have a gift Elena.”"
Papa And Mama Bear, Berenstain Bears
"The dad is a manchild lout and the mom is a control freak stick in the mud who has done questionable stuff with her temper and has never apologized for it (like when she tried throwing everything away in her kids' messy room). Sure it's realistic for parents to sometimes lose their cool but kids should at least know that parents are still obligated to own up to bad behavior. Hell, I even give Papa bear credit that he learned and grew by the end of the stories. Somehow Mama Bear losing her temper was never ever acknowledged as wrong, and she was treated as the altruistic figure of morality."
Tony Stark, Iron Man, Avengers
"I already roll my eyes at his as* existing in the first Avengers movie, and the more I hear about him it seems he literally causes major plot problems. He's an egotistical dick, and doing the big selfless act at the end of each movie doesn't override him being a sh*t person you wouldn't want to be around in reality. Not to forget him being 'only human' seems to be riddled with more plot armor and OP suits than anything that takes effort. Hot take, Bruce Banner was held back from being the smart guy because Tony couldn't stay out of the fu*king camera for more than two seconds to spout another round of Sci-Fi logic."
Fez, That '70s Show
"Fez only got worse as time went on. He started off as a socially awkward kid that was happy for his little group of friends but was legitimately sad/lonely about having no romantic connection in his life. Like, I was there as a teen. I can relate to Fez wanting the happiness he sees all of his friends experiencing. But, instead of growing and learning that meeting someone is a natural consequence of maturing as a person, he went full 'incel' and became an outright creep."
"I just don’t laugh when he’s on screen. He’s creepy and perverted."
Jim Halpert, The Office
"He’s the human equivalent of white bread, and he bullies people for having any personality traits beyond 'white man who likes sports.' I hate Jim."
"Jim is a specific kind of as*hole that is bland, smug, and full of himself. He’s not that bad, but at the same time, he just kind of sucks."
Cam, Modern Family
"He's just so whiny and dramatic."
Eric Stonestreet is an amazing actor. They told him to play over the top ,and that's what he gave.
Dr. John Dorian, Scrubs
"Love the show, love each character, but JD's imagination and immaturity becomes super annoying the more you watch the show."
Goku, Dragon Ball
"I love him, but totally understandable for those who can't tolerate him."
"Goku consistently puts people and planets in mortal danger just because he wants to fight someone strong."
But that... that is the whole point of the character. Toriyama never liked the whole "hero" thing most anime main characters had going on back in the day, so he deliberately wrote Goku without it. He is just a "normal" dude who really, really loves fighting and does his own thing. Of corse he helps people along the way, but that mostly results out of the situations he is in. The writers of the anime thought that was not good enough and added the hero thing back in, cranking it up to the max in DBZ. People like to forget that Son Goku is based on Sun Wukong after all...
Donna, Doctor Who
"I love her entire season. I love the dynamic. Every episode is fantastic... I. Just. Can't. Stand. Her. I don't know either."
Jade West, Victorious
"She was absolute crap but everyone likes her. She’s super jealous, possessive, and just nasty to everyone. Beck should’ve just dumped her and been single tbh."
I used to have the biggest crush on her (and Beck too) when I was younger and they were my favourite ship. I drew so many fanarts and spent so much time on them. I actually see why one could say that they were a little bit toxic BUT it was a comedy show, so every character is of course exaggerated. In all of the fanfiction I read there was always more to them, that explained how they could work without being overly toxic. One important point is also that we hardly knew anything about Beck's character. AND: Beck wasn't always the "right" one. He simply kissed Tori in episode one even though he could have done something different. We also know that he sometimes just picked random girls up and drove them to school. Like wtf? I'm not excusing Jade's jealous behavior BUT Beck wasn't an angel either and it almost seemed that he liked making her jealous. If Jade was a real person I would hate her too. Yeah, she is mean (I admit that). But as a character on tv I adore her!
Xander, Buffy
"I got like a million reasons but my biggest is him telling Buffy's little sister that Spike tried to rape Buffy. I'm sitting there watching like "so did you dumbas*". At least Spike tried to atone for it unlike Xander who lied and said he couldn't remember. And he always seemed way to interested in Buffy's love life."
Jinx, Arcane
"It's not just me! I wasn't surprised to see that she was universally beloved for her 'tee hee crazy girl' act but I did think more people must be deeply annoyed by her."
Yes, ( i didn't Saw the entire séries " Arcane " ) but for all i Saw, she had a traumátic event in her life, and then got endoctrinated as a child to behave a certain way, só the question i ask is: Is it really her fault ????
Jake Peralta, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"He seems lovely, but he always acts like a child and expects everyone around him to make up for it. He's the kind of guy everyone would hate working with."
"Oh, yes, I would hate him in real life. My sis introduced me to Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and she really liked Jake, and I was like, 'Why?'"
Ron Swanson, Parks And Recreation
"I can't stand Ron because he's a sympathetic portrayal of an obstructionist — a type of person who gets a job in government with the goal of obstructing any sort of progress and denying help their institution could lend to people who need it. The real Ron Swansons of this world are people who get off on denying funding to poor communities and communities of color while having the gall to justify it with self-serving, macho, individualist rhetoric."
Malcolm, Malcolm In The Middle
"My husband and I are watching Malcolm in the Middle for the first time, neither of us watched it as kids. And it has brilliant writing and is consistently laugh-out-loud funny... But damn if Malcolm is not one of the most trash characters I've ever seen, it's brutal."
"There's an episode where he recognizes that he's an annoying know-it-all and tries to shut his mouth for a while, but it nearly kills him."
Another Brian Cranston show. He once said that he loved the show, because he got to run around in his underwear so much.
Charles, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
"He was always in Jakes's business and so annoying. But when Jake got in his business regarding his adopted son, he got mad. He forced himself into Rosa's business when she was on the phone with her girlfriend before she came out as Bi!! When his dog died, he refused to do any work and tried to make Rosa feel bad for needing him to get his head in the game to work a case. I get you needing time to grieve when your dog dies. I'm just saying he should have just taken time off instead of coming to work and not doing anything. Finally, his lisp is so annoying. It's bad enough that he is this needy, irritating, unsure idiot, but he has a whole lisp!!!! I hate hearing him speak and I LOBE BROOKLYN 99!!!! Charles Boyle is the worst and needs to go!!!!!!"
Walter White, Breaking Bad
"I’ve watched the show like 4-5 times through now (forcing various friends to watch it like a cultist) and on every subsequent rewatch I hated Walter more and rooted for someone else. By my last watch I was just fully team Hank, you know things are bad when you’re rooting for the war on drugs."
I think the OP is unfamiliar with the concept of the anti-hero. I liked Sons of Anarchy but that doesn't mean I want to join a renegade motorcycle gang
Bakugo, My Hero Academia
"I can't understand why he keeps topping the rankings as the most popular character when he's so awful!"
This again? People can act like a******s but turn out to actually be decent. Sure, Bakugo is a loud, obnoxious teenager with serious anger issues, but if you can't see that there is more to his character you haven't watched the show and just follow the haters to be "different". You can become friends with your bullies, I did. It's called growing up and moving on.
Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
"He was introduced as a weird bully with some power trip thing over Dustin. Then, he was a dick when he was on the run and the main characters tried to help him. As a result, I didn't particularly care for the character, or care that he redeemed himself at the end."
"He's hardly a character and was only put there to become beloved and die immediately. In my opinion, there wasn't enough time to actually love him as a character since there wasn't enough time for any authentic development."
Naruto, Sasuke, And Sakura, Naruto
"These three have to be the most obnoxious tritagonists in anime."
Teddy, Bob's Burgers
"Teddy can't deal with rejection, criticism, or failure. He's a people pleaser who stretches too far, inserts himself into situations, and projects his problems into others."
Zenitsu, Demon Slayer
"Not sure how loved he is honestly. I just remember a family member saying her kids love him and so do all of her friends? But yeah... the constant annoying whining/yelling thing. Holy crap no."
Han Solo, Star Wars
"I despise Han Solo and hated pretty much every scene he was in. He's just... Not a nice guy, at all. Too cocky/full of himself. There's a difference between confident and arrogant and he comes across on the wrong side of that for me."
Korg, Thor Love & Thunder
"I loved Korg in the comics and I was heartbroken with what they did to him in the movies. It was bad enough they took my personal favorite hulk comic and then turned it into a Thor movie but they had to butcher my boy Korg."
But, but... He started a revolution, unfortunatly he didn't made enough fliers só not that many people turned up....
Cosmo Kramer, Seinfeld
"I can't comprehend how he became so popular."
"He made the show unwatchable for me."
Leslie Knope, Parks And Rec
"When I started watching Parks and Rec I thought she was meant to be completely toxic. But then I started seeing people identifying with her all over the place."
Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
"I never really liked her throughout the whole series. When she did something right, I was amazed. I just didn't like her actions in the series. I always thought she was overreacting while other characters were calm. I love the actor, though."
Robin, Stranger Things
"She was good in season 3 but god is she so annoying in 4. Doesn't shut up, only has good chemistry with Steve and Dustin sorta, and contributes nothing to the progressing the plot."
I personally love Robin, but I can see where you're coming from here. She was better in season 3.
Abby Sciuto, NCIS
"The solidly middle-aged goth girl on NCIS. No thank you; hard pass. The only way that role would be more annoying was if she was replaced by a French mime or the venom-spitting neck-frilled dinosaur from Jurassic Park."
Oh shut up. There was massive bullying and harassment going on on that set and the actors were literally treated like dirt. Taking that into consideration they all did a great job. Also: if a single hyper person listening to loud music is too much for you... thats a you problem.
I got down voted for saying that I like a few of these charcters :( Please don't do that to anyone. It's just an opinion after all :)
So many of my favorite characters are on this list 😂🥲
I got down voted for saying that I like a few of these charcters :( Please don't do that to anyone. It's just an opinion after all :)
So many of my favorite characters are on this list 😂🥲