40 Times Individuals Demonstrated A Stunning Lack Of Knowledge In Geography
Interview With ExpertWe’ve gathered some of the worst examples of folks being deeply ignorant about other counties and still posting their thoughts online. From lacking even the simplest idea of geography to having nonsensical ideas about other places, some people should perhaps open up a map at least once.
We also got in touch with travel writer and adventure Vicky from vickyflipfloptravels.com and she was kind enough to answer some of our questions about travel as a way to expand your mind. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the worst examples and be sure to share your own experiences in the comments below.
More info: Vickyflipfloptravels.com
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Africa Is So Confusing
When we moved to Swaziland in the 60s, it was interesting how much of our mail had arrived via Switzerland
Don't Have A Cashapp
I (a Canadian) was just in the States and they still take your credit card from your table at the restaurant!! We've had the chip and tap here for a long time, and there's machines that they bring right to the table to make payments. Americans are so far behind on payment technology. We also don't have the penny in Canada either, and every time I'm in the USA I remember how much the penny sucks.
Poor Indians
Not to mention that even if they were actually Native Americans, that doesn't change the fact that poverty on reservations is a problem
Bored Panda got in touch with travel writer and adventure Vicky from vickyflipfloptravels.com to learn more about travel, a fantastic way to avoid making a fool of yourself online, and she was kind enough to share some of her thoughts. First and foremost, we wanted to know what she would have told her younger self, if she could.
“Get yourself to South America! Pick somewhere to stay for a few months and settle in a bit to explore deeper,” she shared. Interestingly, she may have picked up on the region's growing popularity with digital nomads, who are flocking to the continent.
Europe Is A Continent
When You Try To Roast Europe For Not Being Knowledgeable Enough About Coffee, But Europe Has A Reverse Uno Card Up Its Sleeve
Ngl coffee terms confuse me. But then I don't drink coffee or tea so I don't need to know them.
Hint Hint
Of course, traveling is easier said than done, with any degree of comfort costing money. So we wanted to know her opinion on paying for convenience versus trying to make your money go as far as possible. “Whatever works for you! I spent years backpacking on a shoestring, staying in hostels, and always choosing the cheapest option.”
Apparently Cleopatra Vii Was African American
Cleopatra was Greek. She was a descendent of Alexander the Greats general, Ptolemy I Soter, who was Macedonian Greek.
America Is The Reason You Have Cars
Lost Brain Cells Reading This Twitter Thread
“Now that I'm a bit older I'm happy to pay for comfort and will splash out on experiences rather than just watching others do them, or looking for the cheap things to do in a destination. Both are perfectly valid ways to travel!” she shared with Bored Panda. The important thing is to make sure you don’t end up wasting your time on unearned hype, expensive or not.
It's Spelled Australia*
That Awkward Moment When You Can't Tell The Difference Between The Flag Of Mexico And Italy
Wait… Spain Is In South America?
Lastly, if you are afraid of ending up like some of these folks and want to travel, we asked Vicky to share some tips. “Learn a few local words, look for the best places to visit, and seek out some unique experiences too. Research bloggers who've been there and done that, and see if they have useful tried and tested advice that will make your trip go smoother.”
For Pride Month, My City (Not In Lithuania) Mistakenly Put Up A Bunch Lithuanian Flags
India Is Not A Location
Says "I'm English" But Doesn't Know What The Right Flag Is For England? Nobody Could Be That Stupid Right?
Well, Of Course You Can. Who Are We To Make Things More Difficult On The Road For You… Jfc
South Africa, Duh
Wait Until This Guy Hears About A Country Called Spain
If Only Spain Existed
The best English teacher I ever had (without her, I might not be writing in English on this forum) was called Mme Lopez-Pino...
Europe Sucks
Germany being known for its car production line: Are we a joke to you?
Alan Turing and Sir Berners-Lee: are we a joke to you? Michelin(s): Are we a joke to you?
Load More Replies...That's why you're all so slim and North Americans are obese. We eat and we really shouldn't.
Load More Replies...Funny as it feels like stepping back in time 30 years when we go to the States. Rampant racism, fire and brimstone religion, lack of universal healthcare, guns, primitive banking, blatant sexism, huge numbers of homeless peope. Need I go on.
No food... meantime the EU is the most pedantic foodie place on earth. I think what they mean is no mass-produced-HFCS-laden-c**p
Yeah, Europe sucks because it doesn’t have Applebees or Holiday Inns. 🙄
Right? I will not respect the tastes of anyone who actually prefers chain restuarants.
Load More Replies...Sadly, I don’t think so. There are lots of online posts where Americans ask whether Norwegians have cellphones, or whether Europeans have chain stores or computers, or -and this is my favorite- whether they have *running water* in Europe..😳😳 The level of stupid is unbelievable! The only way I can explain it is that when European history -things that happened centuries ago- was taught in US schools, some idiots thought that that’s how it still is. People unfamiliar with the habit of using their brains don’t appear to ask themselves why that would be the case for Europe: the US now isn’t like it was centuries ago.. I honestly can’t think of any other explanation! 😶🌫️🫨🫥
Load More Replies...Honestly I went to Ukraine once (before the war) and had a great time. Kyiv is (was? ☹️) beautiful. My friends home in Canada were absolutely mind-blown that my hotel was next to a McDonalds. I had a picture taken of me with a Chanel store visible in the background and they kept asking me “I thought they lived in like huts and on farms and stuff?” Like yes some do in rural areas but they have big modern cities 😂 they’re not prehistoric cavemen or anything.
Once you get electric, you can turn on the lights.
All those poor starving people in Europe because there's literally no food! ;)
Again, they're completely correct and I'm writing this from my typewriter. Also guess what? My parents saved up enough to buy a proper horse-drawn carriage so we don't have to ride around in a little pony trap anymore woo!
Wait, did you just say no food? That's the dumbest sh*t I've ever heard! 🤣
This smells like an American, just the ones decent Americans are ashamed of!
Again - this has to be fake! Europe and... no food? no tech? wtf
Please know that not all americans are this stupid. I'm guessing this person is american given their thoughts on this matter.
Love how it's not even the OP that is making the dumb comment there, it's apparently some random who dropped in. Crop dusting with ignorance lol
no, don't move to europe, we already have enough stupids, just go to another country, like alaska or utah xD or seattle (rofl)
Tell me you never have been to Europe, without telling me you never have been to Europe
So I guess the person saying "Move to Europe" sent that from their scroll
This dude listing all of Europe's "flaws" that are the exact reasons I want to move there.
You Can't Be Serious
Its A Part Of Europe Right
My Favorite Country Is Africa
Goddamn Europeans Living In Europe
Australia And Its Harsh Northern European Climate
Apparently Spain Is The Capital Of Mexico
I Don't Think That's Italy
This Map Has Two Australias
How Many People Failed Element School Geography
England... is an island? Why have I seen a few English people say this recently? Sigh.
Is Not Good With His Geography
I Guess Spain Is No Longer European?
Thats Australia
For the peope who don't know, the reason why they know its Australia is becouse of the building in the distance. Its the Sydney Oprea House
"Canada Is Not In North America"
Buts It’s Obviously Europe
France In English
Europe Has Worse Roads Than USA “Europe Is A Kiddy Country”
you know what a real flex is? proper public transport making the use of cars less necessary.
Rip Geography
To be fair, there is a sovereignty movement here and HI is recognized as being illegally occupied by the US, by more than a few nations. So, ideologically (historically; technically?) OP is correct.
Getting Offended Over The Name Of A Country
Where Is He Taking His History Lessons From?
When Americans Don’t Understand European Date Format On An Imported German Product
Something I have also seen alot of online is people not thinking that Georgia is a country and that it’s only a state
Georgia, South Africa, Austria, and Spain are crying in unison.
Load More Replies...People are so ignorant about Africa and South Africa. Someone once asked me how I was online since he thought we didn't have internet in SA. How do you have internet but no houses he stupidly asked
Don't you live in a mudhouse and run from lions when you go to school? (Heavy sarcasm, in case it wasn't clear.)
Load More Replies...I'm in Eastern Europe (and an EU member state) and have been asked if we have electricity and hot water. 😭
I think it was George Calin: "Think of the dumbest person you know, now understand 50% are dumber than that".
Load More Replies...When my Mom left Switzerland to follow my Dad back to the US, she often had to correct people that no, she wasn't from Sweden, but from Switzerland. She blamed it on the "Sw" at the beginning - and maybe folks just weren't paying enough attention to what she was saying, lol!
I get it! I once had to correct a coworker that thought Swedish was spoken in Switzerland!
What amazes me is these younger folks who don't know what Google Earth is. I get they don't use paper maps or globes anymore, but the world is literally at your fingertips.
I couldn't finish reading this. I have concluded that the USA's primary failure is a lack of geography knowledge.
Thank you for your insightful observation. We are all eternally grateful, and will immediately start working to fix that.
Load More Replies...I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.
Come on, post Covid-19 I'm Australia apparently we're fake, this shot is craziest.
You could have used this to recycle some of the ignorant bi-weekly anti-USA posts. Like the unintelligent people who think we only have one type of cheese and have never heard of electric kettles.
A kid in my class had to do a graded project about Africa and he began his presentation by saying, “Africa is known for the Amazon Rainforest and the Amazon river.” Somehow he managed to barely pass. His friend thought Italy was the capital of Rome. The worst story though was when everyone in my class were arguing over the capital of Manipur which they thought was Tripura. My teacher, my crush and I had to explain to them that Tripura in fact was a state and not a city
Yeah, I think I've lost enough brain cells for today. I'm gonna go find some wholesome sh*t.
Atom Games Entertainment app, World Geography. You can learn countries, capitols, flags and much more. I knew my geography knowledge was lacking so I used this app and now I'm confident my world geography knowledge.
Something I have also seen alot of online is people not thinking that Georgia is a country and that it’s only a state
Georgia, South Africa, Austria, and Spain are crying in unison.
Load More Replies...People are so ignorant about Africa and South Africa. Someone once asked me how I was online since he thought we didn't have internet in SA. How do you have internet but no houses he stupidly asked
Don't you live in a mudhouse and run from lions when you go to school? (Heavy sarcasm, in case it wasn't clear.)
Load More Replies...I'm in Eastern Europe (and an EU member state) and have been asked if we have electricity and hot water. 😭
I think it was George Calin: "Think of the dumbest person you know, now understand 50% are dumber than that".
Load More Replies...When my Mom left Switzerland to follow my Dad back to the US, she often had to correct people that no, she wasn't from Sweden, but from Switzerland. She blamed it on the "Sw" at the beginning - and maybe folks just weren't paying enough attention to what she was saying, lol!
I get it! I once had to correct a coworker that thought Swedish was spoken in Switzerland!
What amazes me is these younger folks who don't know what Google Earth is. I get they don't use paper maps or globes anymore, but the world is literally at your fingertips.
I couldn't finish reading this. I have concluded that the USA's primary failure is a lack of geography knowledge.
Thank you for your insightful observation. We are all eternally grateful, and will immediately start working to fix that.
Load More Replies...I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.
Come on, post Covid-19 I'm Australia apparently we're fake, this shot is craziest.
You could have used this to recycle some of the ignorant bi-weekly anti-USA posts. Like the unintelligent people who think we only have one type of cheese and have never heard of electric kettles.
A kid in my class had to do a graded project about Africa and he began his presentation by saying, “Africa is known for the Amazon Rainforest and the Amazon river.” Somehow he managed to barely pass. His friend thought Italy was the capital of Rome. The worst story though was when everyone in my class were arguing over the capital of Manipur which they thought was Tripura. My teacher, my crush and I had to explain to them that Tripura in fact was a state and not a city
Yeah, I think I've lost enough brain cells for today. I'm gonna go find some wholesome sh*t.
Atom Games Entertainment app, World Geography. You can learn countries, capitols, flags and much more. I knew my geography knowledge was lacking so I used this app and now I'm confident my world geography knowledge.