Computer Engineer Created An AI Shelter That Takes Care Of 174 Cats, And Even Has A Facial Recognition System
One Chinese man, who was concerned for the well-being of stray cats in his native city Beijing, recently built the world’s first AI-powered cat shelter. Wan Xi is a computer engineer who was always a devoted animal lover. He’d feed the stray cats and provide them with fresh water. During this icy cold winter, he took it one step further and now the stray kittens of Beijing can have a safe, warm and incredibly cool-looking refuge.
Wan wanted to learn about the living conditions of stray cats, so he reached out to animal welfare volunteers
Image credits: Elin
He then found out that many stray cats live no more than two years due to lack of medical supervision, as many of them have common illnesses that aren’t treated. The collected data showed that only four out of ten strays manage to survive a cold winter. It is now estimated that approximately 40,000 homeless kitties are living on the streets of China. Having learned this information, Wan, a concerned cat lover, decided that it was time to take action and help the furry ones.
“At first, I just wanted to provide them with a warm place in winter with food and water that is not frozen”
Image credits: Elin
The project quickly grew bigger and Wan wound up creating a high-tech shelter for felines, that can also double as a temporary veterinary clinic. The temperature inside the shelter is set to 27°C (80°F) and its doors only open to cats using cameras with facial recognition. The smart cameras can even detect and point out any potential health problems the fur-balls may be facing.
The self-powered AI shelter is managed by a team of volunteers, who are notified about any welfare concerns
Image credits: Elin
The data is updated regularly and the volunteers get the notifications sent to their offices. They get notified if any of the cats have common diseases, such as feline herpesvirus or gingivostomatitis. The high tech shelter also can tell whether the feline has been sterilized or neutered.
The shelter inhabitants are provided not only with food and water, but toys as well
Image credits: Elin
It looks as the ingeniously designed refuge has everything the cats living on the street may need. Most importantly, they have a place to spend freezing nights in and a team of wonderful people who are kind enough to invest their own time into helping the fuzzballs in need.
Check out the video to see the felines enjoying their new shelter
Image credits: Elin
Share on FacebookI think this idea is very sweet, you guys want to care for the stray cats. Also very awesome that you can scan the cat for some deceases and the data are send to volunteers who can provide help if needed. However I do think having this shelter heated to 27 degrees C is a waste of energy. (Plus stray cats are used to being outside, so having it 18C would be fine as well.) And I also wonder how theyre gonna get out, haha. But overall a lovely idea!
Same way they got in, I assume. :) You can see the door in the back. Most likely it doesn't require facial recognition to get out.
Load More Replies...A bunch of people in my neighbourhood leave their cats out all the time. I don't know who they are or if I'd be brave enough to say anything even if I did, but "stray" cats are always looking at my own (indoor) cats longingly through our patio door and, worse, there are always paw prints in the snow coming and going from our shed, where the previous owners of our house cut a cat-sized hole at the bottom of the door. These people think they are letting their cats be "free" but instead they are just sad and cold.
If anyone wants to do something similar to this, you can build cheap warming shelters for stray cats out of plastic tubs and styrofoam: https://alleycatadvocates.org/communitycat-care-center/creating-winter-shelters/
Props to the guy who made this. Extremely inventive and creative. Great solution to a common problem
A small idea from his heart became a huge project far beyond simple comfort for homeless cats, this should be used in every city, healthy strays is a win, win !!!
That's cool. Pretty small for the 174 cats claim though. 🤔😅 (I get that it's 174 over time)
What happens to the cats once they are inside? Can they get out again? Is there a litter box? Do they get picked up for vet exams, treatment and being re-homed?
If you can't provide English translation I'm not interested in viewing the video. But good for this guy!
Next part of summary (sorry - a lot of words. Hoping someone who is good at Chinese can do subtitles). He's checking the heat lamp and vent/fan. Then introduces the transmitter that sends info on how warm the shelter is. He shows the facial recognition for cats opens the inner door. And they wait to see the cats reaction. He then explains how the facial recognition is programmed to recognize certain signs of illness, and a notification is sent to his phone.
She then comments on one person can't change the world but she hopes that more people can work together to make the world a better place. He comments how everyone has their strengths (I think), and that he wants to do what he can to make things better for this world. Don't know what ending says but wish I knew if it gives info on how to contact him to get his awesome devices to more places.
Load More Replies...Crazy cat lady here with some Chinese (sorry not good enough for subtitles, just the gist of conversation). Starts off introducing the girl and guy and not very supportive comments. She's told she's crazy for wanting to take care of all these cats and dogs. He's asked why not get a GF or do something else with his time, why is he taking all these pictures of stray cats, how can he make a difference in this world. When they're feeding the cats, she's saying how cold it is and that she usually goes out to feed the cats 3-4 times a day. Comments on how the water should be filled just a bit and more later. She's interviewed saying something about how easy it is to stay in a warm house but she wants to do as much as she can, and that she'll do what she enjoys doing.
Over instant noodles, she asks how he came up with the idea. Turns out the winter prior, he had started his car to get to work and answered a phone call while the car was warming up. Before driving out, he hears a small meow and found a cat hiding under the car for warmth. He took it to the vet (assuming it has an animal rescue). So he got to thinking what he could do for stray cats.
Load More Replies...Are they being spayed/neutered? If not, helping them survive is just perpetuating the problem. The population will grow until resources are exhausted.
This is great. How do the cats get back out though? I couldn't see another door/hatch.
Of how sweet and lovely! I love them for this. And now I am even more disappointed in people in my own country who would trash houses like this in a day, just because.
These should be in every city all over the place, such a great idea and so heartwarming!!!
I think this idea is very sweet, you guys want to care for the stray cats. Also very awesome that you can scan the cat for some deceases and the data are send to volunteers who can provide help if needed. However I do think having this shelter heated to 27 degrees C is a waste of energy. (Plus stray cats are used to being outside, so having it 18C would be fine as well.) And I also wonder how theyre gonna get out, haha. But overall a lovely idea!
Same way they got in, I assume. :) You can see the door in the back. Most likely it doesn't require facial recognition to get out.
Load More Replies...A bunch of people in my neighbourhood leave their cats out all the time. I don't know who they are or if I'd be brave enough to say anything even if I did, but "stray" cats are always looking at my own (indoor) cats longingly through our patio door and, worse, there are always paw prints in the snow coming and going from our shed, where the previous owners of our house cut a cat-sized hole at the bottom of the door. These people think they are letting their cats be "free" but instead they are just sad and cold.
If anyone wants to do something similar to this, you can build cheap warming shelters for stray cats out of plastic tubs and styrofoam: https://alleycatadvocates.org/communitycat-care-center/creating-winter-shelters/
Props to the guy who made this. Extremely inventive and creative. Great solution to a common problem
A small idea from his heart became a huge project far beyond simple comfort for homeless cats, this should be used in every city, healthy strays is a win, win !!!
That's cool. Pretty small for the 174 cats claim though. 🤔😅 (I get that it's 174 over time)
What happens to the cats once they are inside? Can they get out again? Is there a litter box? Do they get picked up for vet exams, treatment and being re-homed?
If you can't provide English translation I'm not interested in viewing the video. But good for this guy!
Next part of summary (sorry - a lot of words. Hoping someone who is good at Chinese can do subtitles). He's checking the heat lamp and vent/fan. Then introduces the transmitter that sends info on how warm the shelter is. He shows the facial recognition for cats opens the inner door. And they wait to see the cats reaction. He then explains how the facial recognition is programmed to recognize certain signs of illness, and a notification is sent to his phone.
She then comments on one person can't change the world but she hopes that more people can work together to make the world a better place. He comments how everyone has their strengths (I think), and that he wants to do what he can to make things better for this world. Don't know what ending says but wish I knew if it gives info on how to contact him to get his awesome devices to more places.
Load More Replies...Crazy cat lady here with some Chinese (sorry not good enough for subtitles, just the gist of conversation). Starts off introducing the girl and guy and not very supportive comments. She's told she's crazy for wanting to take care of all these cats and dogs. He's asked why not get a GF or do something else with his time, why is he taking all these pictures of stray cats, how can he make a difference in this world. When they're feeding the cats, she's saying how cold it is and that she usually goes out to feed the cats 3-4 times a day. Comments on how the water should be filled just a bit and more later. She's interviewed saying something about how easy it is to stay in a warm house but she wants to do as much as she can, and that she'll do what she enjoys doing.
Over instant noodles, she asks how he came up with the idea. Turns out the winter prior, he had started his car to get to work and answered a phone call while the car was warming up. Before driving out, he hears a small meow and found a cat hiding under the car for warmth. He took it to the vet (assuming it has an animal rescue). So he got to thinking what he could do for stray cats.
Load More Replies...Are they being spayed/neutered? If not, helping them survive is just perpetuating the problem. The population will grow until resources are exhausted.
This is great. How do the cats get back out though? I couldn't see another door/hatch.
Of how sweet and lovely! I love them for this. And now I am even more disappointed in people in my own country who would trash houses like this in a day, just because.
These should be in every city all over the place, such a great idea and so heartwarming!!!