People In Asia Are Sick Of Western ‘Begpackers’ Asking Locals To Fund Their Travels For Them (29 Pics)
Travel is truly one of the best things that a person can do – it broadens the mind, fosters empathy with people of all races and cultures and creates memories that last a lifetime. However, travel is a luxury and a privilege that only a fraction of the world's population can afford.
So when Western people, with all the privileges we hold, are found 'begpacking' on the streets of developing countries, it can leave a sour taste. Tourism is a vital source of income in many countries; we should travel in such a way that maximizes the benefits for local people and businesses. Sponging off the kindness of strangers to further our own selfish travel goals is just not on! If you can't afford to travel, stay at home until you earn enough money to do it ethically.
Authorities in some countries have had enough, and now immigration officers on the Indonesian island of Bali have started sending these 'begpackers' to their embassies to get themselves sorted out. "We have seen many cases of problematic tourists, lately they are either Australian, British or Russian," one official said. "We tend to report these cases to the relevant embassies so that they can oversee their citizens who are on holiday."
While we don't know the context behind these pictures - some of these people might genuinely have been a victim of some misfortune - others are clearly just looking for a free ride around the world.
What do you think about this phenomenon? Have you traveled on a tight budget before? Have you ever found yourself needing help in a foreign country? Do you see a problem with this kind of 'begpacking?' Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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Saw This Foreigner Begging To Travel To Thailand Next To An Elderly Woman Who Is Collecting Junk In Order To Resale To Survive
This girl has no brain or shame pretending to be meditating won't help ..
Load More Replies...just do like other do… find a f*cking job. work for a month and then continue your roadtrip
Born and raised in Indonesia here. Grateful to have an opportunity to meet with a lot of people from abroad with a lot of different circumstances. And I hate this kind of people the most. A lot of people coming to Indonesia having higher currency than us but they have the guts to beg in the city ask people to donate our money to buy them an "airplane" ticket to go to other country while so many of our people struggling to feed their family is just disgusting. They spent so much money on Bali having luxury vacation and when they came to other part of Indonesia they thought of spending 2$ on a meal (you can get rice with fried chicken, ice tea, and vegetables at that price) is freaking expensive and ask for free food! Like What the hell..
Yes. I know someone who has been doing this across South East Asia for the past year. He has over $10k in savings he won't touch. I found it so disgusting that I immediately blocked him on every platform. None of us will have anything to do with him ever again. We occasionally check out his reddit just to annoy ourselves.q
Load More Replies...These photos are infuriating. I worked through school, college and then full time in an office to save for two years. I had always dreamed of travelling, so saved my a*s off and went to 17 countries through South & Central America, Mexico & Cuba, all paid for by myself. No rich family, no loans, just hard work and determination. I did the same thing to spend 3 weeks in India the previous year. I’m back two years and working my a*s off again to go to Japan later this year. How dare these people expect to be handed these privileges when there are starving, homeless, desperate vulnerable people out there.
Good on you! When my grandfather died, I used the money I inherited to spend a year traveling around Southeast Asia. It never would have occurred to me to beg in countries where most people made less in a year than I made in a couple of months. I'd like to encourage you to reconsider Japan given that they've started slaughtering whales again. I highly recommend SEA!
Load More Replies...There is an excellent book called Karma Cola written by Gita Mehta that deals with westerners descending upon India to find their Nirvana. I cannot recommend it enough.
I just bought the book so I could laugh with Gita Mehta. Ironicly though, those seeking their magic and mystery in India, or the East, just may be reincarnated souls yearning for home.
Load More Replies...Unbelievable! I always thought travelling broadens your horizon, yet these people have remained dumb as f*ck. Truely disgusting and despicable!
I feel like these people just travel for instagram likes and they don´t really care about learning about new culture
Load More Replies...As stated above: If you cannot afford to travel, stay home! Some of these cultures are in DEEP poverty and do not deserve to be bothered by people asking them for a hand out. Get a job, save your money THEN travel. With credit cards or debit cards you always have access to cash. Man-up!
why they are even allowed to enter the country without proper funds, while the westerners will charge huge amount of money from every Asian visitors including students? F*****g disgusting double standards.
Guy I know who's doing it has at least $10k in the bank he won't touch. Been slumming around South East Asia for the past year. They buy refundable tickets showing proof of onward travel and then cancel them. They buy Visas as well.
Load More Replies...These so called tourists should be run out of whatever country they are begging in, they are a repugnant excuse for human beings.
Yes, but how? 'run out of' = provided transportation? -and to where? Nobody wants them.
Load More Replies...the left pic is actually in vietnam i just looked at the bike number plate
Shows you it's a propaganda piece. I wonder who the author is .. Let's check it out
Load More Replies...Good grief...she is just dripping with privilege, obviously has neither shame nor respect. Unbelievable that she sits there all smug pretending to be one with nature ,or whatever...spoiled s**t disrespectful of the culture and the people.
But pardon me for being a skeptic....why does the quality of both pics differ so much?
The tourist was undoubtedly aware that her pic was being taken - it looks posed.... OTOH, the woman by the dumpster is most likely NOT aware of the camera. Her pic would've been taken from farther away, which explains the difference in the quality of the two photographs. ... 🙂
Load More Replies...Then don't give them $. Isn't it someone else's business what they do with their $, not yours? Also this is so obviously fake. If these homeless were near the beggars, why wasn't the picture taken of them together in same shot, if the homeleThen don't give them $. Isn't it someone else's business what they do with their $, not yours? Also this is so obviously fake. If these homeless were near the beggars, why wasn't the picture taken of them together in same shot, if the homeless was only few feet away? This is purposely constructed in a manner, to purposely make you angry. ss was only few feet away? This is purposely constructed in a manner, to purposely make you angry.
Doubtful that the caption meant the two were 5' feet from each other. Unless that were so, it'd have not been possible to get both in one frame without the resulting picture being too grainy. ... Personally, in this situation, I'd consider opposite ends of a block to be "next to each other." ... The tourist was undoubtedly aware that her pic was being taken - it's fairly obviously posed.... OTOH, the woman by the dumpster is most likely NOT aware of the camera, so her pic would've been taken from further away, which explains the difference in the quality of the two photographs. ... ... Nothing nefarious. 🙄
Load More Replies...I don't get it. They do it 'cause it pays. But how is that possible? Why would anyone donate to fund 25yo stranger's travelling joyride?
Most of the locals won't understand why they're begging. In most parts of Asia begging is seen as an absolute lost resort, when the person has lost all hope and self respect. Even someone prostituting, stealing, selling drugs is at least fighting to survive, if they see a begger they assume that person must have gone through the worst hell imaginable, so even someone earning a few £s a day will spare some change for a begger!
Load More Replies...then you have no shame or any self awareness. Which is even more appalling as she is sitting in a meditative posture, attempting to radiate some kind of enlightenment.
Their world revolves around themselves, so selfish and yet they are our future leaders....shock!!
She could spend a few days in a brothel and make all the money she needs for her trip.
A dishonest compilation of isolated cases. Nevertheless it may be good that you publish it
Shame on you girl ... if you can’ afford to pay your travel, just STAY HOME ... this is really disgusting ...
as indonesia ,iam only visit bali once because its very expensive , but they visit to bali no money to go home and beg to us!....they make me sick
Also, their feeling entitled to do this, is just stupid ignorance of how others actually live! Why don’t they do some work for some money?! Or how about this?? Don’t travel to foreign countries without enough cash to actually travel?? Huh?! Your self entitled narcism is repugnant!
If she can't afford the trip, she doesn't go. This entitled generation is disgusting.
As a privileged Westerner who has travelled with begpackers and in a similar style, I think such a style of travel can have powerful benefits for both the individual and for society as a whole. I wrote an article examining this alternative perspective: https://medium.com/@donabroad93/the-privilege-of-travel-in-defence-of-begpackers-a6670bf116cb
The look on that old lady's face says "I swear to Buddha i'mma punt you so hard you'll become the second Moon Princess."
What a shame...she looked healthy enough to get a job to fund her travel...the old lady needed more help and food.
This is really insane! Hey, girl, get up of the street and get yourself some job! Help, work, make yourself busy and useful, instead of trick people in Asia! Look at you and the woman in the photo next to you! See the big difference? See her age and she's still trying to work!!! You are so rediculousely lazy and dare!! I feel so ashamed being a white woman, living in Asia, just by seeing you!!!
Here, let me steam some quinoa and massage your feet while I'm at it for you white girl
This is absolutely disgusting!! How dare they? Where’s the respect for the country they’re visiting? Why would another country want travellers who won’t be spending money and adding to their economy?? So stupid, entitled little shits! Recently an professional Asian begging ring was busted here in Australia. They were Chinese nationals of older age... I guess they would be termed “elderly” but they were far from helpless, and we’re sending the cash back to China. They were sitting on street corners begging.. but were well washed and wearing clean clothes. Anyone caught begging for help in another person’s country and it’s not for a true legitimate reason, should be deported... After being arrested and paying for their crimes of course!
If you cannot afford to travel, stay at home and don't be an embarrassment.
I wish this shocked me, but it doesn't. These are the same types of people who've hijacked GoFundMe. What was once a site to raise money for real emergencies is now littered with people asking for money so they can travel. "Help Brittney get to Paris!" NO!
I'm sure she feels entitled to everything she can get. She has no freaking idea.
This just raises my level of disgust to a whole new level. I mean an entirely skyrocketed level.
young people like to travel, also people of any age, therefore you work and save for the trip !!!
I saw active begging in Morocco years ago; local merchants laid out food at the end of the day for the "hippies" who were then traveling around the world: hitchhiking, local buses, and trains. The tradition of hospitality in that part of the world made the Souks and small merchants obvious targets for begging. It was disgusting then, and is now. My husband and I were in our mid-twenties; we were not rich; we had credit cards; we found places we could afford; we didn't scrounge off local people. The young woman in this pic looks well fed and clothed; I wouldn't give her a dime. If this was taken in Vietnam, it is even worse; that is the country where we used Agent Orange on crops; we burned straw 'hooches'; we bombed a country which did not threaten us; we took the wrong side of their civil war against the man who got rid of the French, Ho Chi Minh. We abandoned those who fought with the U.S. Their fate was execution, forced work for the govt., and so on.
This...is...actually...a...thing...??? Do people have no shame!!?? Maybe they should work as hard as the 9-12 year old girls and boys in those countries and earn some money!!
These Begpackers need to do a stint in tourist jail. I backpacked 87-89, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia working cash in hand jobs as necessary. Enriched my experience immeasurably beggars sully all that is good & right with backpacking. I’m truly disgusted & appalled . #Shameless
Load More Replies...shes young .😠...she can get a job..😁.but is easier for free;tha is happennin all over the world ,🌏 ,im from lawrence we hav them here 🙆they pretend they are blind or deft ,🙍then you see them down the block like notin💃,here all the homeless are addicts they ask for their fixed,,😶bfore u used to giv 25cents or a dime now they ask u wat they want 5 dollars 10dollars🙆,,shmi had this lady ask me for exacly 21 dollars bc she waz rob in her place n took tha amount ,,🙎,yea rigth.. tha was at the food market,,,,i can tell u stories,,👧👦srry for my writtin im spanish fom PR,,still learnin english🌹❤
These a’holes want the world to fund their travels instead of earning the money from J-O-B-S. These people are disgusting and the locals should NEVER give them a red cent.
She better get a cart like the old woman and start dumpster diving or her a$$ is walking home.
Some are solicited on the street to sell their body in Brupang Street in Singapore.
will only fund the sexy dan pretty girl, but not for free... one night stand ok ??
Why should the country she's scamming pay her way home?! ... Send her to her country's embassy and have THEM deal with it!
Load More Replies...No problem! Thailand is a major destination for sex tourism. Just sell yourself, wretch.
I was tempted to downvote this for being just plain nasty - until I realized that in this entitled woman's case, I totally agree! ... 🤨
Load More Replies...Please don't generalize. The problem is her education and behavior
Load More Replies...In A Very Working Class Neighbourhood That Has Been Especially Hard Hit By The Typhoon How You Have The Nerve To Beg For Money To Fund Your Travels Around Asia Is Completely Beyond Me
Your new clothes and new shoes, begging for money in a wet market as people around you try to rebuild their shops and lives
For the vast majority of the planet the cost and practicalities of travel make it simply an unattainable dream; visa regulations are stacked heavily in favor of Western passport holders and affordable flights just don't exist in many parts of the world.
A European can, for example, pop over to Senegal for 90 visa free days whenever they feel like it. However, if a Senegalese person wanted to do same, going back the other way to Europe... harsh rules and restrictions apply for them. This is the reality for most of the developing world, so be thankful for the greater freedoms your passport gives you. Click here to check out the 2019 Global Passport Power Rank
Begpacker In Hong Kong
There is nothing wrong with sharing a skill, like teaching a language for example, or selling some hand-made products. Travelling on a shoestring is a source of pride for many people, who enjoy the challenge of survival in challenging places. That's also fine, as long as you don't become a burden and have to rely on others, who themselves may have little to give.
“Whilst it is not OK to beg whilst travelling there really is nothing wrong (or new) with busking or selling hand-made jewellery on the side of the road,” Will Hatton, founder of the Broke Backpacker blog, told the Independent.
“This isn’t a conventional career choice but it is how some people opt to travel the world and if you are sharing a skill or selling a product I really don’t see the harm. I think a lot of people are threatened by backpackers living so hand to mouth as it’s a lifestyle which many people just can’t get to grips with – ultimately though, for many, it’s far more fun to travel the world on $10 a day than to be chained to a desk.”
I Happen To Pass By This Area In Bukit Bintang And I Saw This Irresponsible Act By Russian Begpackers That Can Literally Cause Injury To That Poor Baby
Well this one was arrested for it, in Feb 2019 [see e.g. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-47126174 ]. This is a specific Russian thing/belief/fad, "dynamic baby yoga".
Begpacker In Seoul
"The news about foreign tourists turning to begging and busking on the streets of Kuala Lumpur cannot be good news. They claim they need money to continue their world travel." Malaysian businessman and traveller TV Smith said in an Instagram post.
"It cannot be a good thing as it might affect all of us travelers, especially travelers on a budget."
"I am very angry reading this as I do not travel without sufficient funds or contingency. Most of us don't. We stick to a plan and go home when money run low."
"How will it impact you? Soon, many countries may start imposing conditions to enter such as minimum amount of money in travelers cheques or you must carry a credit card with a healthy credit limit. Or provide proof of hotel reservations and return tickets. I have seen it imposed at entry points in the UK in the 1980s. I don't know if travellers cheques still exist and it was a hassle buying them before a trip. It will affect genuine travelers everywhere."
"I think it is best we do not give money to these panhandlers as it will only encourage more shoestring backpackers to do the same. Some of the beggars boast on their Facebook, showing off their lavish lifestyle funded by begging from locals. Many just pretend to be poor and may have a platinum card in a pouch somewhere."
Pretty much sums it up! Let's hope this horrible new 'phenomenon' is quickly dealt with. Travel responsibly, everyone!
Beg Packers - Tourists Who Travel With The Intent To Beg For Money From The Locals To Fund Further Travel. Peep The Sign, Too
Initially She Started To Beg With Her Child And Picture Of Her Because Her Husband Dumped Them
Few days later this husband pops out and they are together begging.
Begpacker From Russia
You should have thought about that before you left Mother Russia, Sergey!
Begpacker In Seoul
She Is Stil Active And Doing The Same Scam Since We Reported In May In Penang, Malaysia
Westerners Are Traveling Around Asia On A Shoe String Budget And Begging For Money To Fund Their Trip
Somehow Begpacking Is Becoming A Trend Among Ukrainians, Please Support Them, Share With Us When You See Them To Help These Brave Hard Working Travelers!
Begpacker Giving "Free" Hugs
Why is she blindfolded? I can see this leading to numerous problems
They Literally Would Create Such A Gimmick Of Putting Blind Folds And Offer "Free Hugs" With A Donation Box Asking For Help To Fund Their Travels
We can clearly see how privileged these guys are because a lot of Asian girls got so giddy about them to the point that one of them wept with joy while being bear-hugged by one of them. Welp, I guess this is becoming a trend now...
What Ever Happened To “Free Hugs”?
Begpacker In Seoul
At least he's doing something for the money.....no different than a street performer in North America.
His Signs Reads: "You Can Hug Me For Free And If You Want You Can Support My Trip And Leave Some Donation Let's Hug"
What makes this guy think anyone wants to hug him? And to pay him for it? Pssh nah bro, get a job like the rest of us
Yesterday I Saw These Blindfolded Travellers Asking For Money In One Of The Most Transited Areas Of The Shopping District Of Kuala Lumpur
Travelling is a choice, and not only a choice but a luxurious one. When you choose to travel, to leave your comfort zone and explore the world you might feel yourself as an adventurer, and you might be one, you are one among your group of privileged people. If you can actively decide to leave everything behind, take a backpack and wonder the world, it is because you have a social structure that allows you to do it. You do it because most likely your family does not need your work force to be sustained, you do it because even after months or years of travel, you can go back to a safe place were your "Struggles" as a backpacker will only be a nice memory of the times when you decided to get out of your comfort zone and "Live". I have no troubles with the people that decide to travel and perform an art, entertain people, and from that keep travelling, or finding a part time job in different places to keep going, as long as it is legal. When I was living in oxford I had a licence to perform in the streets and I was registered as a legal busker as a side activity. I have also performed in bars and hostels in exchange of a beer or an extra free night. I have done hardcore backpacking myself, and if it wasn't for the dozens of people that have let me stayed with them or that have helped me in other ways, I wouldn't have been able to live as many experiences. But I have never pretended that people should give me free money to keep travelling, to keep doing what the majority of the people in this planet will never be able to do, not because they don't want to but because they can't. I have always had enough to sustain myself, I plan and save for years for my travels
Begpacker Near Hồ Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi
Due to many very long business trips to Việt Nam (that's how they spell their country's name) I have spent a total of almost 2 years in this country. I know how much the average Vietnamese people earn and it makes me really angry to see such beggers asking them for money.
Begpackers Spotted In Hoi An
Faces buried in a book and drum. Yeah, I'd be ashamed to show my face, too.
Begpackers In Asia
Begpackers In Thailand
Begpacker In Seoul
Idk i feel travelling artists and travelling musicians arent too bad! Its the free hug ones or the ones that just sit there asking for donations that really gr8 my bones
I find it insulting that people have the gall to go on a holiday and are counting on other people to pay for it. I also think that people shouldn't give any money to these leeches but kick them out of their city if they are begging. Try crossing the american border without sufficient funds to pay for your intended stay.
I agree that those just sitting there begging or offering 'free hugs' (seriously, GTFO you arrogant twats) are not cool but I don't really see a problem with those who are selling goods to make some money. Busking, performance, selling art/ handmade crafts to make money is something that's been going on for centuries... if people want to buy their photos or jewellery, or give them some coins because they enjoyed the performance, they're getting something out of it as well - it's a fair transaction. Please note though that this does not mean I condone people expecting others to pay for them to travel. If you want to do it you should plan and save accordingly. Travel for pleasure is a luxury, not a right. I just personally don't have a problem with people selling goods in exchange for money, i.e. actually doing something constructive to make money instead of just expecting people to give it to them for nothing.
Can agree with you for quite a bit. But I don't think it's ok that begpackers are competing with local people that rely on their business to survive.
Load More Replies...The ignorance of these people is beyond mind-boggling. Backpacking entails an extraordinary amount of preplanning and saving up money; some people plan and save for years in advance in order to fund long-term backpacking trips. People who expect members of the local community to fund their “glorious find myself trips” are beyond selfish. They are not giving back or supporting the communities of the countries where they travel. Sadly, traveling is often a privilege and can be extremely pricey. However, excellent travel blogs out there to help backpackers budget and plan for extended travels. There are also the options of staying at a hostal, Air B and B, or even participating in a home-stay to help save money. Some countries even offer farm stay or teaching programs. Backpackers help a local family on their farm or with a manual task in exchange for lodging. This way the traveler is giving back to the community and hopefully becoming more immersed in the country’s culture.
This disgusts me. As someone who spent time homeless due to circumstances beyond my control I can tell you it's soul crushing, dehumanizing and depressing as hell to have to beg to survive. There are people who genuinely wind up in a bad place and just need a hand to get out of it. It is not something to sit there, smile smugly and emulate because you want to indulge your privilege. Save up, plan a trip, go have fun. Don't sit there in a country where some people make less in a month than a person spends at a Starbucks and ask those people to support your 'dream'. What else disgusts me is this isn't a single person being talked about doing this, there's clearly a trend. W.t.f.
Me too friend. Glad you got out of it! The struggle is real.
Load More Replies...Always wondered what happened with the guys behind all the BP "I quit my job to travel all around the world" post. Now I know.
If these people want to travel and can't afford it, why not travel as a volunteer? Clearly they had the money to buy a ticket to get there. A lot of places will provide room and board in exchange for farm labor (WWOOF)
so you guys really think these individuals beg to fund their trips? think again. most of these people are low-middle income europeans/americans who had either already wasted their trip money on drugs (psychedelics mostly, se asia is a heaven for them) or begging money to spend on drugs.
I have no problem with the people that make arts and craft stuff for sale. Some of it is actually good. But I'm not funding someone else to travel around the world. I'll save up my own money and drag myself around the world...and I'm not going to beg anyone to pay my way.
Doesn't it take money away from people who live in the country that have to do that to eat though? I have less of an issue with it than the free hug rubbish but it still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.
Load More Replies...I didn't know this was a thing. But I do know that I was raised to know that if I can't afford it, I can't have it.
Yes! Why are they travelling if they can't afford it?! I can't afford travel, so I don't travel! I don't understand some ppl
Load More Replies...Many expats living in Asia are working hard to shake off the imagine of having white privilege by being constructive members of the society. Then there are those trashes milking the last bit of white privilege :/
I know, I hate it when other white people use their privilege to take advantage of locals in Asia and Africa
Load More Replies...Well, I have news for you. This plague has already reached Europe. A short walk around Barcelona will show you quite a few of these arseholes begging on the street. Additionally, some of them even have different signs for different fundings: weed, alcohol, food... Listen, f*****s. We are not giving you any money.
Yes, the people with the various little labelled bowls. Two bowls for stuff everybody needs like food and two bowls with stuff no-one needs like recreational drugs. Gotta say though I like them better than the ones that have been begging for years who are pissed when you don't want to wait until you've heard their totally untrue story as to why they "need" your money. No, if I've seen you shoot up drugs in public I am not obliged to listen to your lies about why you need money and you have no right to call me a fat pig if I say no when you approach me. I am very happy to pay higher taxes so you get the help you need from the government, though.
Load More Replies...I'd find it difficult to hold myself back if I ever saw anyone doing this. This seems to be indicative of the current age where youngsters seem to think they are entitled to everything and expect other people to wipe their arses.
Do exactly what the EU and the US do with travelers: demand proof of available funds before they enter the country. This makes me so so furious. Besides the arguments made regarding white privilege and entitlement, there is also the issue that “brown” people (I am using sarcasm here) cannot be begpackers. They are not allowed in the country to start with.
I live in nz, and nz/Aus you must provide proof of sufficient funds to support your time here
Load More Replies...Imagine being so privileged that you can travel from a rich country to developing countries and ask poor locals for donations without realising how offensive it is (and actually expect them to give it to you). Travelling is a luxury not a right. I'm not surprised by these people's actions at all.
With their privilages, I thought those tourists/backpackers from (I guess) 1st world countries can afford traveling the world. See how powerful their passpor. Their currency is also strong. When people say Asia/SEA is cheap, it doesn't mean free. We still need that money. I was backpacker too, and I'm third world passpor holder who still needs visa to most countries. I have to give more effort than people from first-world-countries to visiting other country. Not only about earning the visa, I have to pass the strict screening procedure from immigration officer at the airport (sometimes I also got prejudice because of my race). Currency exchange is also huge problem. One full meal in US/Europe is worth 2 days meal in my country. So you can imagine how expensive US/Europe for me. But with determination, held 2 jobs, and hardcore saving - My feed finally can feel the land of US, Europe, Asia, and Australia - without any begging scene for sure, but bit thrifty living
Some of these are pretty pathetic. Like begging for money to travel next to someone begging for money to survive? That's pretty low. But I don't think it's criminal, I think a lot of people here need to cool off. They're not stealing money! They're begging. And for a pretty pathetic cause, but so the message you should take away from this is: If you don't like it, don't fund them. Let them learn there lessons the hard way. I mean really, what is all the tension here for?
These photos are infuriating. I worked through school, college and then full time in an office to save for two years. I had always dreamed of travelling, so saved my a*s off and went to 17 countries through South & Central America, Mexico & Cuba, all paid for by myself. No rich family, no loans, just hard work and determination. I did the same thing to spend 3 weeks in India the previous year. I’m back two years and working my a*s off again to go to Japan later this year. How dare these people expect to be handed these privileges when there are starving, homeless, desperate vulnerable people out there.
This isn't exclusive to westerners in Asia. There is a huge problem in the USA of people wanting to travel from state-to-state on other people's dimes. The city I live in doesn't have a law against panhandling, and people from the larger cities take advantage of it. There are vans packed with people who get handed signs and told where to stand for the most money, then at the end of the day they pack up and go home. The local news did a piece on it, and most people said they come here and work a street corner for a day and make more money than the would at a job during a week. People who are really in need know where the local shelters are and go there. People on street corners (around here) are complete frauds; especially when they're standing around on their smart phone.
And then you can see their perfect pictures of their perfect lives in intagram, sweeping under the carpet everything they do to get it
I'm confused. So they want to travel the world with no money. Sure. BUT: the only thing they seem to be doing all day, every day, is sit in a corner and beg. That sounds like a pretty s****y vacation to me.
Depending on how much they make, it's worth it. There's a woman in the city where I live who - allegedly, but I can trust the source - started begging after her flute had been stolen. I knew her from before then; from the time she was playing her flute. Apparently she started begging as an alternative way to get money when she had no flute and realised she was making more money begging than playing flute. So when she had more than enough money to replace her flute she kept begging. You CAN - don't necessarily have to - make decent money begging. The first couple of weeks or so you can do it by telling people lies about why you need the money. Until everybody knows you're a normal beggar.
Load More Replies...Do they even make a plan and a backup plan(with a extra plan)? My parents plan our trips to Sweden months before we drive over to make sure we dont go over budget. Heck we make sure we have a cabin to rent 8 months in advance.
Depending on which country you're from and which country you're stranded in, you can be sure to be brought back home. If you take regular trips to Sweden I could imagine you're from one of those countries that brings back its citizens. (Not further South than Switzerland, not further West than Spain or Portugal, not further East than Austria.) I might be wrong of course. Also, it is likely that they have relatives or friends who they know are willing and capable of getting them out of these countries as well. Some years ago my sister went on a holiday in Turkey with her two little children. We're all from Switzerland. I don't think she had any real reason to fear of getting stranded there due to losing all her money and cards somewhere in the streets.
Load More Replies...Don't go if you can't afford it! It's mind blowing that anyone would do this. Go get a job you lazy turds.
This is the first time I've heard about this, how disgusting is this. Go to a poor country and expect the people to pay for your dreams. How about getting a job saving up and travelling the old fashioned way. Worst of all, are those people dragging their poor kids round the world and using them as part of their scams; sham on them
New age beggars. Ugh! I rather help poor people who actually strive to earn a living than these clowns.
Wow...talk about an attitude of privilege! These people will return home to good jobs, a nice house, safety, health care and everything else that goes with being privileged. Meanwhile, the needy in the countries they visit will continue to suffer and struggle. Do any of them even care? Yeah...not likely. They will take and take and take and expect mom, dad or another family member to bail them out if they encounter trouble. Selfishness and unawareness personified.
Wow! Apparently I've been doing it all wrong :P Anyways, what a waste of time in a foreign country to sit there begging when, if they budgeted properly, could be taking in the sights and getting the full experience of being overseas. What a shame.
What has happened to the thought of supporting the local economy while travelling, instead of leeching from it?
For the better part of two decades I could not afford to travel. I worked my a*s off and contented myself with short jaunts to cool lcoal places or to visit family in my own country. Finally now, in my f*****g 40s, I can afford to travel. I budget for it, plan for contingencies, and set aside an emergency stash with information on the nearest embassy in case things go wrong. Signed, a privileged white woman (Gen X, so that probably makes a difference).
I hitchhiked across Europe on summer breaks while being a student and though we did not beg, we heavily relied on help and hospitality from the locals. And now, in my f** 40s, I am so HAPPY I DID. That time was great and amazing experience, the way you never get while travelling as responsible adult like I do today.
Load More Replies...Wow, didn't even know this was a thing. Self entitled free loaders. If you haven't got your own money then you can't do what you want. Simple
I am embarrassed and angry that this behavior exists. As a bit of a brutal reality check for the begpqcking folks... if they did this in the US, they'd be locked in cages, denied basic needs and rights, separated from their children... there would be photos of them left to die of influenza, drowning, heat exhaustion... or maybe that's just what happens to the folks with legitimate needs and the willingness to sacrifice everything for the chance to work and provide for their families as asylum seekers, refugees or migrants. (I mean no disrespect to those that suffer and toil for a better life - my issue lies with the entitled few who expect the world around them to pay for their laziness, self-centered egoism and arrogance.) Make an honest living, or for goodness sake, at least help those around you instead of selfishly manipulating the suffering of others.
I have always wanted to travel the world. I would never be so arrogant as to beg for money to pay for a vacation. I can't help noticing that these people appear to be millennials. Do we have an entire generation with no concept of the dire poverty and suffering in the world??? How can anyone think this is ok?? And obviously not only American pricks, but pricks from all over the world.. what is wrong with this planet?
My rule number 1 when I'm visiting a new country with a new culture and meet new people is to always show respect to the locals and their traditions. Meeting new friends and their families even if we can barely communicate through language is one of the most beautiful things I know. Those memories are priceless. If you want to travel the world and somehow are expecting strangers to pay for your "big dream" you should stay at home and learn more about reality before you're moving on to dreams..
You know why, as an American that I have not been to these countries?!?!!? Because I am not stupid enough to travel to a foreign country without money. I work everyday to be able to afford a vacation, which I beg no one for money to do. GET A DAMN JOB!!!
Well, people are stupid enough to give them money. What can you do?
Triggered! These people need a huge wake up call and need to get a real job. So then they can PAY for their own trips. There are so many people in this world that have NOTHING. This is a disgrace, how dare these people do this.
I wonder why begpackers think or say they travel the world without money. They rely on the money of others, the favours of others, the help and humanity of others. Not very productive. Or even respectful.
Is this something you've done? If not, don't take on the shame that others should really be feeling.
Load More Replies...I saw one of these when I went to America w a tourism guide, he was a fellow korean. Everyone in my group was disgusted and gave him play won made for kids. Embarrassed to be from the same race...
I have zero problem with anyone asking for money. The beggars aren't the problem, the people who give them money are. You don't have to give anyone anything. If people stopped giving them money they'd probably stop begging.
Travel should enlighten you, teach you the facts of your freedom, and your privilege. This is beyond disgusting. The ALL ABOUT ME GENERATION.
Okaaaay... That's disgusting. I mean if u plan to travel u save money, took more work, cut ur spendings and slowly moving towards ur dream. Street musicians/performers/artists are not that bad, cuz at least they sell what they do. Also, u guys talk about working in foreign countries if run out of money but aren't it illegal to hire those ppl who don't have a visa that allows work in the country? If the owner of a place give u job won't it cause them trouble with the law if anyone finds out? Asking just out of curiosity and don't want to offend anyone.
I can't believe this is a thing. Don't people have any respect for themselves anymore let alone the people around them.
The streets where I live are littered with "begpackers" all Winter and Spring while they're on their breaks from high-school and college. These are mostly white, privileged, spoiled brats who ran out of cash due to drinking or other foolishness. Some of these are kids who came down with their better-off friends and couldn't afford the price of all of their friends' activities. I don't give them a penny when they beg. Let Mommy and Daddy come to their rescue. I have my own travels to plan and finance.
At first I was upset because these people are leeches of society but then I thought about it... It wouldn't matter how much they beg, it will only work of people are dumb enough to give them money! So the ones to blame are the idiots who give them money and help maintaining this...
This is ridiculous, they shouldn't travel if they have no money BUT the problem lies with the people who are funding them. If people stopped giving these losers money then this beg-packing would eventually stop.
Beggar approached to me some days ago, saying "We have to stand together in these hard times". My answer was "In me earning the money and you spending it?" 😂
If no one would give any money to these 'begpackers' this phenomenon wouldn't exist. End of story. Don't give them money and they will disappear.
White kids, get a job, go to work every single f*****g day, earn your own money and then go to wherever you want.
I joined the army and in 4 years got to travel to japan, ireland, germany, kuwait, baghdad, all for free, thats the way to do it if you dont got the cash.
Shameful that so called western civilization has produced such entitled ne-er-do-wells
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I would be happy to kick their balls for free and give them some coins to support their travel
Racist much? I’m white and I’ve busted my butt making a living and paying for school( because I wasn’t a minority) I worked 3 jobs to support my family (also white) I must’ve missed the privilege ship. Unlike you I never based privileged or not on skin color because I didn’t have any. I based on wealth, didn’t have any of that either. almost all of these self entitled twits you chose to place on exhibit are white , was that by choice or are whites the only deplorable race in your mind. With that said it’s just as racist to white bash and that’s what your doing. I could only imagine the uproar if it were blacks or Asians, but guess it’s ok due to all the white privilege and all. these beggars are pitiful self entitled idiots, that is their mind set. It isn’t acceptable and shouldn’t be tolerated, there is no reason for it and I hope no one contributed to their lazy self entitled behavior. And oh did I mention I’m also white ?????? Hmmm might be why I missed the privileged white boat
You CAN travel without money. You just have to be willing to WORK. I know quite a few people who got around the world by working at one part-time job during the day, making enough to get to the next country and then getting a job there. It especially great if you find a place that lets you earn your keep by doing light/easy tasks for them. Also, Raphael just sounds like a guy who doesn't want white people in his country at all.
Some of the most amazing experiences have been when I have ran out of money while traveling. The first thing is that I knew this would happen eventually. So I did my homework. I researched how I could keep going without any money. The reality is that you don’t need to beg for money. When I have hit a brick wall, I’ve used travel resources such as Helpx, to offer to owork in exchange for free accommodation and free meals. There are tons of resources out there which can also double up as a positive cultural experience. I’ve hitchhiked, slept on beaches, made art (qualified artist) and sold some from a time to time. Basically you have to take responsibility for your journey, go in prepared, and not expecting free hand outs when you have made a mess of it. Now I’m teaching English in Taiwan so that I can get a better camera and laptop for my YouTube travel videos, and save money for my next trip. Definitely don’t need to offer “free” hugs as a way to survive.
A lot of grumpy people judging..... If you dont like it...walk on by.
I travel quite a lot or the average amount, I guess. Maybe 1-3 times in a year, only once if it’s a longer trio that I needed to save money first. You know, from working. I don’t get this! I would never travel to a poorer (or richer) country and start begging the locals “please fund me and my friends travelling around World when you shovel s**t all day long.” When you go abroad, you support their economy and give your extra coins to them. They need it way more, basic logic and human kindness.
I've seen this in Arizona, at first I thought it was a homeless woman on the corner, then I saw her toddler riding a tricycle next to the busy road while she begged. At the other side of the parking lot was the father parking the bus they traveled in. At first I felt bad for them but as the situation became clear I got more uncomfortable and upset. That poor kid.
I wouldn't give them a damn nickel. They can work like the rest of us. Yuck.
I get very upset when I see this. In Asia it is so easy for foreigners (especially white, harsh truth) to find jobs with minimum qualification requirements. It is literally SO EASY! Yet they still want to be lazy and just sit on the street begging for money. Disgusting.
And then there's the "influencer" beggars.. who try to bully hotels and businesses into giving them free stuff in return for having their places publicized on Instagram. People need to stop being leeches. Everyone has to earn a living.
I was working the night shift at an hotel reception and I had two dudes walking in at 2a.m. saying "We are traveling without money and we would like to know if you have a room we can use?" After I obviously refused, they even asked "Can't you let us sleep on the lobby couches???"
Recently I saw one of those individuals in my country (located in Eastern Europe). Usually I always give money to beggars be it old people, sick people, etc... but that kind of people really pisses me off..."Need money to travel".Hell no. All this kind of buggers would get from me is a kick in the a**e in the general direction of their home country. We may be the same age, but they're calling themselves "free spirits", while others toil so they can pursue their karmic path or whatever b******t they're into.
This is so annoying! I work hard for my money and save for months to travel. Several countries (Australia, NZ, USA) asked me to prove to them I had sufficient funds for my stay. I imagine all these countries will start doing this soon. It also puts a bad light on genuine backpackers who get visas and work in the countries they are traveling around.
Coming from India where i see people really work hard to make sure their families get decent food and so many struggling to fend for themselves, this kind of behaviour is sad. I hope these people know that many farmers are killing themselves here because their crops failed and they are unable to pay their debts. Please do not do this. Countries like mine already have issues. Don't add to it
The worst thing is you can bet that most of these little wankers come from rich homes. They're taking a gap year and plan to instagram the whole thing. And here's people like me who work seriously f*****g hard to afford an honest holiday.
I’m really glad these don’t seem to be Americans, mostly. We have a bad enough reputation as tourists (and since November 2016, as human beings) as it is.
I had no idea something like begpackers existed!! O.o All the toursits who call them travellers, that I met, had saved the money in advance or worked in the countries as hired helo, window cleaners etc. This is just embarrasing. And the worst and most exploitational form of tourism I have ever seen. And the list just goes on and on and on....
Imagine if people from Indonesia or Malaysia try the same trick in these begpackers' countries. They probably gonna be detained within minutes.
If I truly was caught in a situation where I didn't have money in another country, I would offer to work for it not just sit on the street!
I can’t believe that begpacking is now a thing - how offensive can rich white people be?! If you can’t afford to travel, FO back home. Better still, don’t leave home in the first place. Grow a conscience first.
They are poor ambassadors for their respective countries, either have enough cash in your account to travel or do not go till you can fund yourself!!
What do you think about busking? Some of these people are playing the instruments. I think it's is different situation. I was playing the violin in Europe during my trips to earn money and I think it is not so bad. Maybe in Asia, yes, but for example Japan, Singapore, more touristic countries and not so poor?
It is not just Asia, they are around Europe too. You are just surprised with this because of myth that all westerners are rich.
wow they expect us to pay their tickets to travel all over the world,while we sit at work while they frikinn travel,plzz get a job go home
I don't like this trend, but we shoudl remember that anyone is free to ask for money and everyone is free not to give them anything. Or not?
Much as I dislike the concept of 'beg packing' and would never do it. In response to all the white privelige stuff I must point out (particularly to that rashid guy in Seoul) that Hong Kong and South Korea are actually mug wealthier than Russia and Ukraine.
I'm in Canada and here you constantly see people begging for "school trips" to New York, Mexico or other fancy destinations. And I'm not talking about teenagers. Those are adults in colleges or universities. I left my country only once and I worked my a*s off to save enough for it. Do the same!
This is the church capitalism, do not turn your face when it is not cowered in tears, pain and lossor and you down on your knees. You Satan who spread the lies about sharing can be pleasure, you understand nothing. How dere you, take the spoken word in your mouth.only the once who give their last shirt, there dignity and healthy will be allowed to enter crawling
when bored panda publish an article full of racist and hate comments agains one race (certainly many of these fellas are), focusing all time in their race. But eh, is fun cos are whites
This is the mindset that rejects personal responsibility and believes society should provide *everything* for them. Self-sufficiency is offensively insulting and sinful to them and to be avoided as much as possible. If they don't get for free what they have *not* earned, then by their twisted logic, you are the greedy one for wanting to keep what you *have* earned.
On the other hand, everybody is free to not give them something and ignore them (unless they are lying, of course).
Is this neofaschim against white people? Because we are all rich, or lying? They just ask for money, you think is better they work at Mc Donald's 1 year and then travel? When I sometimes hitchhik, guess who picks me up, people who hickhiked them self. The same people who would give a traveler a dollar would give poor people a dollar.people ask people for a favor. Oh its not okay to aks for money? Because money is sacred?who complain about young people having a life changing experience which could bring them to learn something and maybe give it back years later. If you complain about a handwritten sign, in my view you must be vegan, Elektronik autark and sew your own clothes from the wool you pick up from the cotton tree in your garden
Earn money before you go, buy local goods in the places you travel to rather than trying to sell your own c**p photos and weird hugs, and so give something back to the countries you are getting your best life now entitled western privilege experiences in.
When children are constantly told to pursue their dreams, live their dreams, live your best life now, then living the dream becomes their greatest good and they just cannot see, in all their entitled privilege, why other people would NOT think that helping them live their dream is a good thing. You can see this in the signs they write - help me live me dream, help fund my trip around the world, as if this was the most important thing in life and surely everyone else thinks the same and so would happily fund them. Living your dream for them is right up their in life priorities alongside food, water and shelter - so if people beg for these essentials, why not beg for the essential of living your dream.
Thank you so much for this. I travelled the world totally differently - also without money. Tried only once to beg for a few dollar and it did not work. The western mindset is so very f****d up that I was ashamed so often about their behaviour. Westerners have no access to essence. They do not know the divine. There is so very much to learn. But we should not forget that they did not have good guidance. Western societies are totally spoiled by the impact of the father-wound we all carry.
I'm going to get roasted for this, but how come everyone is furious about these people, yet it's a very different story when it comes to getting a useless, non practical college degree, or any of the multitude of ways people want something for nothing all over the west? Suddenly when it's YOUR money that's being taken you are livid, but when you receive then you aren't so angry anymore. You can't have it both ways.
iam born and raised in indonesia,its need many years hard work to colleck money for me travel to bali and lombok,but they visit to bali like rich people,drunk not respeck our culture,and run out they money and beg to us for ticket to go home!!!..i meet some of them..they make me sick
This is disgusting. I am wary of even starting a gofundme to help with my medical expenses because I hate asking people to part with their hard-earned money. I cannot fathom the gall it takes to beg perfect strangers on the street, often in destitute areas, to fund YOUR vacation. This is what happens when you've never worked a day in your life and had everything served to you on a silver platter.
I have zero respect for these freeloaders, meanly taking advantage of the human instinct for charity. It's one thing to help those who are truly in need, but another to encourage faux beggars like these. P*ss on 'em.
I don't get this mentality, these people are so insanely living in anything but reality! The last vacation I had was in 1999, and yeah I'd love to go see things / do things but life happens, life is not easy at times and thinking you'll just ride on someone else's dime is beyond ridiculous.
Was going to say what ever happened to arranging a work trip? Marc’s post says it all. Have some talent of value to trade for food, money. Even if it’s your muscles.
I had no idea this kind of thing happens. It's a disgrace. I traveled a lot when I was younger (and I still do). You work your butt off for a time, and when you've saved enough money, you go travel. Then you come back and get another job and work your butt off, rinse, repeat. Never once did I ask anyone for money, not even my family.
I have a friend who is Colombian/Chinese and grew up in the Dutch Caribbean, he traveled South east Asian by enrolling each semester on a different International College/University and made money by tutoring English, Dutch and Spanish, these people could do the same thing but that would mean wearing professional clothes, showering and be well groomed
We have people like that here at home only they hang out in rest stops and claim their car has thrown its transmission and they don't have money to get it fixed, and offer to wash your car windows for a dollar. Right...and they just happen to have paper towels and window cleaner.
Good hearted people should look somewhere else if they wanted to donate, there are so many noble causes that really need money.
This is complete and utter b******t. It should be against the law doing this. Get a job! Also you try saying this to an American and you will see their head blow the f**k off. They expect everything to be given to them freely. A******s
How about working rather than sitting on your a**e. I hate this shameful behavior
Again, I am ashamed of all the stupid human scams they are pulling! Total disregard for others, and how they have to live! Go to your embassy, call your family or friends! U less they know what rotten, total lazy assed people you really are! The need to be arrested and deported, dropped off at the embassy for their country, and they need to arrest them and give them a free ticket home to their own jails!
Beyond words...it's a new paradigm, and these are the ones who will be running things one day. So, so disgusting. Travel should teach you, enlighten you to the facts of your freedom, your privilege. Obviously, no lessons learned, for them, except IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!
Knew a girl who traveled through Australia, working at farms which was allowed to get the money to keep on seeing new places. I thought it was great, her parents were really proud of her working so hard & seeing the world. Nobody can be proud of begpackers..how can they even look at themselves in the mirror, they should be so ashamed!
Squatpackers - as in they don't give a squat about anyone or anything other than themselves. Pathological narcissist would best describe their personalities - or blood suckers of the lowest level if you prefer.
Wow! Is this white privilege? If only they knew what it meant to actually beg and struggle to live! Ignorant and spoilt little brats. And the people who give them money are just as bad!!!
Poor in mind people with decadent dreams. Go home, work, and then make your travels!
Residents of third world countries more often than not need to pay for incredibly expensive visas and prove that we have the financial means to support ourselves before travelling. it really pisses me off when people from first world countries are simply allowed to hop on a flight and loaf their way around the very same 3rd world countries.
I had no idea this was a thing! Talk about White Privilege at it's clearest.I traveled from Australia to the UK ,Ireland ,through Europe and parts of Asia in my younger days....I worked my a**e off before I left and worked as I travelled...I think everyone should travel to places different from what they are used to ,it's an amazing education and working to pay for it yourself is part of the learning process and quite often ,the adventure ...It is also a HUGE privilege...To beg to continue a holiday,in places where you are surrounded by those literally living hand to mouth ,day to day is utterly appaulling.They should be working to help the locals ,not begging from them.
I never knew this was a thing and find it revolting. Not only is it dishonest and an incredible insult to locals, it also spits in the face of the few travelers who have actually suffered a genuine financial misfortune who might have truly needed to beg for help to get back home. Travel is great and grand and wonderful; if you can't afford to do it, stay the hell home and read some damn books or plan to work your way through the areas you want to visit - work WITH the local people, don't scam them out of their truly hard-earned cash to fund your b******t.
I think what the signs mean to say is "Traveling without MY OWN money because I'd rather travel with YOUR money."
I saw many places around the world, and I was paid to do it. How did I do that? I joined the Navy, and re-enlisted three times. All of these young beggers look healthy; they could join the military and see the world.
This is all so disgusting. They should be volunteering in these countries. Helping the poorest people around them. If they really need money, they should call mom and dad.
I understand something unexpected happening and needing help, however considering how many of these begpackers I have seen around Asia lately (particularly this last year), I have a hard time believing that all of them just suddenly got struck by bad luck. Frankly I hate them and it pisses me off everytime I see them. I don’t mind buskers or people selling their handmade stuff or at least DOING SOMETHING for the money, but so many of them just sit there with a sign and a stupid grin on their face. Or the idiots that sell selfies that they have taken at various tourist spots. Why would I want a photo of a random stranger posing in front of Liberty Square or what have you?!
(Cont.) I have been traveling nonstop for the last 3 years. I earn money by working online. My income isn’t always reliable and I have found myself in situations where I don’t have any money, and I admit that. Even so the thought of making a sign and sitting on a random street corner to beg for someone else to pay for my trip (and especially continued travel) never ever crossed my mind. I went on this trip. If I f**k up, it’s on me to solve it, not the people in the countries that I am visiting. Judging by the appearance of most of these begpackers, it’s clear to me that they don’t come from poor backgrounds either. There must be a reason why mommy and daddy isn’t coming to their rescue with a money-transfer. Think about it.
Load More Replies...Epitome of 'white' privilege[loosely]. We wouldn't get through host immigration without a visa. Some countries like USA require showing bank statements, full time job, residence in home country, relatives in visiting country, purpose of visit etc. Infuriating to think these people can just pop over to fund their travel from begging.
Moral turpitude. Rich people born with silver spoons in their mouths have no idea how corrupt their behaviour is. Repulsive.
They are not actually travellers, right? I've often assumed it's just a scamming gang which hires white people?
I understand that people find it disrespectfull. But if you always think about other mans trouble, en are affraid of looking egocentric, you won't live your own dreams. I'm not saying you should beg for money, but let everyone decide their one path. They figure out that with hard work you come so much further.
I am truly grateful that I was born in Australia. So when I got perma injured at work ( nurse) there is a disability pension. It is very tight, and my plans to repair my house are gone, gone. But this s**t makes me really mad. I don't know how really poor people cope in countries with no pensions for disabled person. , I am very angry with these creeps.
How is it enjoyable to travel around the world just to beg on the street? I don't get the appeal?
This happens everywhere ie someone who doesn't need it, 'begging' to earn extra $. I was about to be homeless myself, due to my bank account being emptied (that's a separate, long story)... but I had "stuff" (that I was about to leave behind, when I was about to be homeless). I saw an older (local) woman begging on the street. I told her that I don't have cash to give her, but I did have lots of stuff, if she needed eg clothes, shoes, blankets etc. She then told me that she had a nice house supplied by the government, and plenty of stuff - she just wanted extra spending money. I learned a BIG lesson that day.
It would have never occurred to me to fund a trip this way. I wanted to go to New Zealand for more than a decade, but though we are definitely not poor, we had other expenses and I couldn't justify the cost. I jokingly -- JOKINGLY -- thought about trying to do a GoFundMe or similar, but would never actually have done it. After all that time of waiting and wishing, my husband surprised me with tickets to NZ. It was worth the wait. But I would never, ever dream of funding a pleasure trip by begging other people (especially poorer people than me!) for the money to do so. I can't even comprehend what is happening in this world.
Those are the people I spit on with no qualms and will continue to do so until I can come up with some thing worse
I've travelled abroad whenever I could afford it. Some of my friends backpacked through the world and always made sure they worked for locals in exchange of food/shelter or money. But it seems like these people beg for money just to fund their travels. And in Asia, where most countries have a large group of starving/poor people. These begpackers are such wastes of space and oxygen. If you're abroad and out of money, go to your goddamn embassy, request a bloody ticket back home. If you don't have the money, don't leave your damn country. That f*****g simple, folks.
@ Will V - because in AMerica, you will get free healthcare and room and board/.
If you are going to ask for money on the streets as a traveler then I think you should offer something in return. For instance, I don't get upset to see people ask for money when they are playing music, with the contingency that you should be good at playing music. Don't tap on a tambourine or bucket and ask for money. Better actually be skilled at it. Or sell goods that you made, same contingency that the things you make actually be worth buying. Sell art, jewelry, or preform. Give something back other than pictures no one cares about or hugs. If your not talented enough for people to actually want to give you money for your craft then you just have to save up by working. I would love to travel and I never devoted any time to developing a craft so just gotta keep working to save up.
Sadly this is not just a thing in Asia, except in Asia the begpackers seem to be more honest about it, they do it in Australia as well. Mostly eastern European and some Germanic. Here they just claim to have had their money stolen, or pretend to be homeless people, because it is illegal here (not begging as a homeless person, begging as a tourist), and they will be arrested if they are caught (I have seen it).
Most of the beggars, homeless people are using the 'I will be honest, I need money for alcohol' card. Because they don't pretend their needs are food, a home, people usually fund them. I don't see any difference. Except that most of these homeless people are mentally broke too. So they don't really have a choice, but to beg. These youngsters could have a job for enough money to continue their travel. I used Couchsurf for years (as a host and a guest too). I was hitchhiking alot across Europe. If you really don't want to work, you still have some options to travel. Asking for support for your holiday is very questionable, but as I mentioned, it's already 'invented'. The racist posts about white people are also disturbing.
You can't be comparing actual alcoholic homeless people to these privileged people being too lazy to fund their trips! 1) alcoholism is an illness one can't help. Being a lazy bastard is something one can help. 2) alcoholics don't travel abroad to beg, they can't afford plane tickets. Lazy people like these chose to come abroad either with insufficient funds (which is incredibly stupid) or they do have the funds but don't want to pay for it themselves or sell their own expensive watches, cameras or clothes (which is incredibly selfish). 3) This is for the large part something privileged white people do, thus locals have every right to call out white people for doing something this s****y.
Load More Replies...to the author Li "So when Western people, with all the privileges we hold" This has got to be the most stupidest statement I've ever heard in bored panda. I can point to you any number of people in the west who don't have privilege ( and don't even try that racist c**p of white privilege either ) and at the same time any number of Asians who are privileged. I used to live in this region and still have family there. Your statement alone is insulting and patronizing as if you think such an idea is unique to the west.
Ever considered that lots of these people probably are victims to human trafficying, and have to give all the money they get to someone else????
Load More Replies...I find it insulting that people have the gall to go on a holiday and are counting on other people to pay for it. I also think that people shouldn't give any money to these leeches but kick them out of their city if they are begging. Try crossing the american border without sufficient funds to pay for your intended stay.
I agree that those just sitting there begging or offering 'free hugs' (seriously, GTFO you arrogant twats) are not cool but I don't really see a problem with those who are selling goods to make some money. Busking, performance, selling art/ handmade crafts to make money is something that's been going on for centuries... if people want to buy their photos or jewellery, or give them some coins because they enjoyed the performance, they're getting something out of it as well - it's a fair transaction. Please note though that this does not mean I condone people expecting others to pay for them to travel. If you want to do it you should plan and save accordingly. Travel for pleasure is a luxury, not a right. I just personally don't have a problem with people selling goods in exchange for money, i.e. actually doing something constructive to make money instead of just expecting people to give it to them for nothing.
Can agree with you for quite a bit. But I don't think it's ok that begpackers are competing with local people that rely on their business to survive.
Load More Replies...The ignorance of these people is beyond mind-boggling. Backpacking entails an extraordinary amount of preplanning and saving up money; some people plan and save for years in advance in order to fund long-term backpacking trips. People who expect members of the local community to fund their “glorious find myself trips” are beyond selfish. They are not giving back or supporting the communities of the countries where they travel. Sadly, traveling is often a privilege and can be extremely pricey. However, excellent travel blogs out there to help backpackers budget and plan for extended travels. There are also the options of staying at a hostal, Air B and B, or even participating in a home-stay to help save money. Some countries even offer farm stay or teaching programs. Backpackers help a local family on their farm or with a manual task in exchange for lodging. This way the traveler is giving back to the community and hopefully becoming more immersed in the country’s culture.
This disgusts me. As someone who spent time homeless due to circumstances beyond my control I can tell you it's soul crushing, dehumanizing and depressing as hell to have to beg to survive. There are people who genuinely wind up in a bad place and just need a hand to get out of it. It is not something to sit there, smile smugly and emulate because you want to indulge your privilege. Save up, plan a trip, go have fun. Don't sit there in a country where some people make less in a month than a person spends at a Starbucks and ask those people to support your 'dream'. What else disgusts me is this isn't a single person being talked about doing this, there's clearly a trend. W.t.f.
Me too friend. Glad you got out of it! The struggle is real.
Load More Replies...Always wondered what happened with the guys behind all the BP "I quit my job to travel all around the world" post. Now I know.
If these people want to travel and can't afford it, why not travel as a volunteer? Clearly they had the money to buy a ticket to get there. A lot of places will provide room and board in exchange for farm labor (WWOOF)
so you guys really think these individuals beg to fund their trips? think again. most of these people are low-middle income europeans/americans who had either already wasted their trip money on drugs (psychedelics mostly, se asia is a heaven for them) or begging money to spend on drugs.
I have no problem with the people that make arts and craft stuff for sale. Some of it is actually good. But I'm not funding someone else to travel around the world. I'll save up my own money and drag myself around the world...and I'm not going to beg anyone to pay my way.
Doesn't it take money away from people who live in the country that have to do that to eat though? I have less of an issue with it than the free hug rubbish but it still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.
Load More Replies...I didn't know this was a thing. But I do know that I was raised to know that if I can't afford it, I can't have it.
Yes! Why are they travelling if they can't afford it?! I can't afford travel, so I don't travel! I don't understand some ppl
Load More Replies...Many expats living in Asia are working hard to shake off the imagine of having white privilege by being constructive members of the society. Then there are those trashes milking the last bit of white privilege :/
I know, I hate it when other white people use their privilege to take advantage of locals in Asia and Africa
Load More Replies...Well, I have news for you. This plague has already reached Europe. A short walk around Barcelona will show you quite a few of these arseholes begging on the street. Additionally, some of them even have different signs for different fundings: weed, alcohol, food... Listen, f*****s. We are not giving you any money.
Yes, the people with the various little labelled bowls. Two bowls for stuff everybody needs like food and two bowls with stuff no-one needs like recreational drugs. Gotta say though I like them better than the ones that have been begging for years who are pissed when you don't want to wait until you've heard their totally untrue story as to why they "need" your money. No, if I've seen you shoot up drugs in public I am not obliged to listen to your lies about why you need money and you have no right to call me a fat pig if I say no when you approach me. I am very happy to pay higher taxes so you get the help you need from the government, though.
Load More Replies...I'd find it difficult to hold myself back if I ever saw anyone doing this. This seems to be indicative of the current age where youngsters seem to think they are entitled to everything and expect other people to wipe their arses.
Do exactly what the EU and the US do with travelers: demand proof of available funds before they enter the country. This makes me so so furious. Besides the arguments made regarding white privilege and entitlement, there is also the issue that “brown” people (I am using sarcasm here) cannot be begpackers. They are not allowed in the country to start with.
I live in nz, and nz/Aus you must provide proof of sufficient funds to support your time here
Load More Replies...Imagine being so privileged that you can travel from a rich country to developing countries and ask poor locals for donations without realising how offensive it is (and actually expect them to give it to you). Travelling is a luxury not a right. I'm not surprised by these people's actions at all.
With their privilages, I thought those tourists/backpackers from (I guess) 1st world countries can afford traveling the world. See how powerful their passpor. Their currency is also strong. When people say Asia/SEA is cheap, it doesn't mean free. We still need that money. I was backpacker too, and I'm third world passpor holder who still needs visa to most countries. I have to give more effort than people from first-world-countries to visiting other country. Not only about earning the visa, I have to pass the strict screening procedure from immigration officer at the airport (sometimes I also got prejudice because of my race). Currency exchange is also huge problem. One full meal in US/Europe is worth 2 days meal in my country. So you can imagine how expensive US/Europe for me. But with determination, held 2 jobs, and hardcore saving - My feed finally can feel the land of US, Europe, Asia, and Australia - without any begging scene for sure, but bit thrifty living
Some of these are pretty pathetic. Like begging for money to travel next to someone begging for money to survive? That's pretty low. But I don't think it's criminal, I think a lot of people here need to cool off. They're not stealing money! They're begging. And for a pretty pathetic cause, but so the message you should take away from this is: If you don't like it, don't fund them. Let them learn there lessons the hard way. I mean really, what is all the tension here for?
These photos are infuriating. I worked through school, college and then full time in an office to save for two years. I had always dreamed of travelling, so saved my a*s off and went to 17 countries through South & Central America, Mexico & Cuba, all paid for by myself. No rich family, no loans, just hard work and determination. I did the same thing to spend 3 weeks in India the previous year. I’m back two years and working my a*s off again to go to Japan later this year. How dare these people expect to be handed these privileges when there are starving, homeless, desperate vulnerable people out there.
This isn't exclusive to westerners in Asia. There is a huge problem in the USA of people wanting to travel from state-to-state on other people's dimes. The city I live in doesn't have a law against panhandling, and people from the larger cities take advantage of it. There are vans packed with people who get handed signs and told where to stand for the most money, then at the end of the day they pack up and go home. The local news did a piece on it, and most people said they come here and work a street corner for a day and make more money than the would at a job during a week. People who are really in need know where the local shelters are and go there. People on street corners (around here) are complete frauds; especially when they're standing around on their smart phone.
And then you can see their perfect pictures of their perfect lives in intagram, sweeping under the carpet everything they do to get it
I'm confused. So they want to travel the world with no money. Sure. BUT: the only thing they seem to be doing all day, every day, is sit in a corner and beg. That sounds like a pretty s****y vacation to me.
Depending on how much they make, it's worth it. There's a woman in the city where I live who - allegedly, but I can trust the source - started begging after her flute had been stolen. I knew her from before then; from the time she was playing her flute. Apparently she started begging as an alternative way to get money when she had no flute and realised she was making more money begging than playing flute. So when she had more than enough money to replace her flute she kept begging. You CAN - don't necessarily have to - make decent money begging. The first couple of weeks or so you can do it by telling people lies about why you need the money. Until everybody knows you're a normal beggar.
Load More Replies...Do they even make a plan and a backup plan(with a extra plan)? My parents plan our trips to Sweden months before we drive over to make sure we dont go over budget. Heck we make sure we have a cabin to rent 8 months in advance.
Depending on which country you're from and which country you're stranded in, you can be sure to be brought back home. If you take regular trips to Sweden I could imagine you're from one of those countries that brings back its citizens. (Not further South than Switzerland, not further West than Spain or Portugal, not further East than Austria.) I might be wrong of course. Also, it is likely that they have relatives or friends who they know are willing and capable of getting them out of these countries as well. Some years ago my sister went on a holiday in Turkey with her two little children. We're all from Switzerland. I don't think she had any real reason to fear of getting stranded there due to losing all her money and cards somewhere in the streets.
Load More Replies...Don't go if you can't afford it! It's mind blowing that anyone would do this. Go get a job you lazy turds.
This is the first time I've heard about this, how disgusting is this. Go to a poor country and expect the people to pay for your dreams. How about getting a job saving up and travelling the old fashioned way. Worst of all, are those people dragging their poor kids round the world and using them as part of their scams; sham on them
New age beggars. Ugh! I rather help poor people who actually strive to earn a living than these clowns.
Wow...talk about an attitude of privilege! These people will return home to good jobs, a nice house, safety, health care and everything else that goes with being privileged. Meanwhile, the needy in the countries they visit will continue to suffer and struggle. Do any of them even care? Yeah...not likely. They will take and take and take and expect mom, dad or another family member to bail them out if they encounter trouble. Selfishness and unawareness personified.
Wow! Apparently I've been doing it all wrong :P Anyways, what a waste of time in a foreign country to sit there begging when, if they budgeted properly, could be taking in the sights and getting the full experience of being overseas. What a shame.
What has happened to the thought of supporting the local economy while travelling, instead of leeching from it?
For the better part of two decades I could not afford to travel. I worked my a*s off and contented myself with short jaunts to cool lcoal places or to visit family in my own country. Finally now, in my f*****g 40s, I can afford to travel. I budget for it, plan for contingencies, and set aside an emergency stash with information on the nearest embassy in case things go wrong. Signed, a privileged white woman (Gen X, so that probably makes a difference).
I hitchhiked across Europe on summer breaks while being a student and though we did not beg, we heavily relied on help and hospitality from the locals. And now, in my f** 40s, I am so HAPPY I DID. That time was great and amazing experience, the way you never get while travelling as responsible adult like I do today.
Load More Replies...Wow, didn't even know this was a thing. Self entitled free loaders. If you haven't got your own money then you can't do what you want. Simple
I am embarrassed and angry that this behavior exists. As a bit of a brutal reality check for the begpqcking folks... if they did this in the US, they'd be locked in cages, denied basic needs and rights, separated from their children... there would be photos of them left to die of influenza, drowning, heat exhaustion... or maybe that's just what happens to the folks with legitimate needs and the willingness to sacrifice everything for the chance to work and provide for their families as asylum seekers, refugees or migrants. (I mean no disrespect to those that suffer and toil for a better life - my issue lies with the entitled few who expect the world around them to pay for their laziness, self-centered egoism and arrogance.) Make an honest living, or for goodness sake, at least help those around you instead of selfishly manipulating the suffering of others.
I have always wanted to travel the world. I would never be so arrogant as to beg for money to pay for a vacation. I can't help noticing that these people appear to be millennials. Do we have an entire generation with no concept of the dire poverty and suffering in the world??? How can anyone think this is ok?? And obviously not only American pricks, but pricks from all over the world.. what is wrong with this planet?
My rule number 1 when I'm visiting a new country with a new culture and meet new people is to always show respect to the locals and their traditions. Meeting new friends and their families even if we can barely communicate through language is one of the most beautiful things I know. Those memories are priceless. If you want to travel the world and somehow are expecting strangers to pay for your "big dream" you should stay at home and learn more about reality before you're moving on to dreams..
You know why, as an American that I have not been to these countries?!?!!? Because I am not stupid enough to travel to a foreign country without money. I work everyday to be able to afford a vacation, which I beg no one for money to do. GET A DAMN JOB!!!
Well, people are stupid enough to give them money. What can you do?
Triggered! These people need a huge wake up call and need to get a real job. So then they can PAY for their own trips. There are so many people in this world that have NOTHING. This is a disgrace, how dare these people do this.
I wonder why begpackers think or say they travel the world without money. They rely on the money of others, the favours of others, the help and humanity of others. Not very productive. Or even respectful.
Is this something you've done? If not, don't take on the shame that others should really be feeling.
Load More Replies...I saw one of these when I went to America w a tourism guide, he was a fellow korean. Everyone in my group was disgusted and gave him play won made for kids. Embarrassed to be from the same race...
I have zero problem with anyone asking for money. The beggars aren't the problem, the people who give them money are. You don't have to give anyone anything. If people stopped giving them money they'd probably stop begging.
Travel should enlighten you, teach you the facts of your freedom, and your privilege. This is beyond disgusting. The ALL ABOUT ME GENERATION.
Okaaaay... That's disgusting. I mean if u plan to travel u save money, took more work, cut ur spendings and slowly moving towards ur dream. Street musicians/performers/artists are not that bad, cuz at least they sell what they do. Also, u guys talk about working in foreign countries if run out of money but aren't it illegal to hire those ppl who don't have a visa that allows work in the country? If the owner of a place give u job won't it cause them trouble with the law if anyone finds out? Asking just out of curiosity and don't want to offend anyone.
I can't believe this is a thing. Don't people have any respect for themselves anymore let alone the people around them.
The streets where I live are littered with "begpackers" all Winter and Spring while they're on their breaks from high-school and college. These are mostly white, privileged, spoiled brats who ran out of cash due to drinking or other foolishness. Some of these are kids who came down with their better-off friends and couldn't afford the price of all of their friends' activities. I don't give them a penny when they beg. Let Mommy and Daddy come to their rescue. I have my own travels to plan and finance.
At first I was upset because these people are leeches of society but then I thought about it... It wouldn't matter how much they beg, it will only work of people are dumb enough to give them money! So the ones to blame are the idiots who give them money and help maintaining this...
This is ridiculous, they shouldn't travel if they have no money BUT the problem lies with the people who are funding them. If people stopped giving these losers money then this beg-packing would eventually stop.
Beggar approached to me some days ago, saying "We have to stand together in these hard times". My answer was "In me earning the money and you spending it?" 😂
If no one would give any money to these 'begpackers' this phenomenon wouldn't exist. End of story. Don't give them money and they will disappear.
White kids, get a job, go to work every single f*****g day, earn your own money and then go to wherever you want.
I joined the army and in 4 years got to travel to japan, ireland, germany, kuwait, baghdad, all for free, thats the way to do it if you dont got the cash.
Shameful that so called western civilization has produced such entitled ne-er-do-wells
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I would be happy to kick their balls for free and give them some coins to support their travel
Racist much? I’m white and I’ve busted my butt making a living and paying for school( because I wasn’t a minority) I worked 3 jobs to support my family (also white) I must’ve missed the privilege ship. Unlike you I never based privileged or not on skin color because I didn’t have any. I based on wealth, didn’t have any of that either. almost all of these self entitled twits you chose to place on exhibit are white , was that by choice or are whites the only deplorable race in your mind. With that said it’s just as racist to white bash and that’s what your doing. I could only imagine the uproar if it were blacks or Asians, but guess it’s ok due to all the white privilege and all. these beggars are pitiful self entitled idiots, that is their mind set. It isn’t acceptable and shouldn’t be tolerated, there is no reason for it and I hope no one contributed to their lazy self entitled behavior. And oh did I mention I’m also white ?????? Hmmm might be why I missed the privileged white boat
You CAN travel without money. You just have to be willing to WORK. I know quite a few people who got around the world by working at one part-time job during the day, making enough to get to the next country and then getting a job there. It especially great if you find a place that lets you earn your keep by doing light/easy tasks for them. Also, Raphael just sounds like a guy who doesn't want white people in his country at all.
Some of the most amazing experiences have been when I have ran out of money while traveling. The first thing is that I knew this would happen eventually. So I did my homework. I researched how I could keep going without any money. The reality is that you don’t need to beg for money. When I have hit a brick wall, I’ve used travel resources such as Helpx, to offer to owork in exchange for free accommodation and free meals. There are tons of resources out there which can also double up as a positive cultural experience. I’ve hitchhiked, slept on beaches, made art (qualified artist) and sold some from a time to time. Basically you have to take responsibility for your journey, go in prepared, and not expecting free hand outs when you have made a mess of it. Now I’m teaching English in Taiwan so that I can get a better camera and laptop for my YouTube travel videos, and save money for my next trip. Definitely don’t need to offer “free” hugs as a way to survive.
A lot of grumpy people judging..... If you dont like it...walk on by.
I travel quite a lot or the average amount, I guess. Maybe 1-3 times in a year, only once if it’s a longer trio that I needed to save money first. You know, from working. I don’t get this! I would never travel to a poorer (or richer) country and start begging the locals “please fund me and my friends travelling around World when you shovel s**t all day long.” When you go abroad, you support their economy and give your extra coins to them. They need it way more, basic logic and human kindness.
I've seen this in Arizona, at first I thought it was a homeless woman on the corner, then I saw her toddler riding a tricycle next to the busy road while she begged. At the other side of the parking lot was the father parking the bus they traveled in. At first I felt bad for them but as the situation became clear I got more uncomfortable and upset. That poor kid.
I wouldn't give them a damn nickel. They can work like the rest of us. Yuck.
I get very upset when I see this. In Asia it is so easy for foreigners (especially white, harsh truth) to find jobs with minimum qualification requirements. It is literally SO EASY! Yet they still want to be lazy and just sit on the street begging for money. Disgusting.
And then there's the "influencer" beggars.. who try to bully hotels and businesses into giving them free stuff in return for having their places publicized on Instagram. People need to stop being leeches. Everyone has to earn a living.
I was working the night shift at an hotel reception and I had two dudes walking in at 2a.m. saying "We are traveling without money and we would like to know if you have a room we can use?" After I obviously refused, they even asked "Can't you let us sleep on the lobby couches???"
Recently I saw one of those individuals in my country (located in Eastern Europe). Usually I always give money to beggars be it old people, sick people, etc... but that kind of people really pisses me off..."Need money to travel".Hell no. All this kind of buggers would get from me is a kick in the a**e in the general direction of their home country. We may be the same age, but they're calling themselves "free spirits", while others toil so they can pursue their karmic path or whatever b******t they're into.
This is so annoying! I work hard for my money and save for months to travel. Several countries (Australia, NZ, USA) asked me to prove to them I had sufficient funds for my stay. I imagine all these countries will start doing this soon. It also puts a bad light on genuine backpackers who get visas and work in the countries they are traveling around.
Coming from India where i see people really work hard to make sure their families get decent food and so many struggling to fend for themselves, this kind of behaviour is sad. I hope these people know that many farmers are killing themselves here because their crops failed and they are unable to pay their debts. Please do not do this. Countries like mine already have issues. Don't add to it
The worst thing is you can bet that most of these little wankers come from rich homes. They're taking a gap year and plan to instagram the whole thing. And here's people like me who work seriously f*****g hard to afford an honest holiday.
I’m really glad these don’t seem to be Americans, mostly. We have a bad enough reputation as tourists (and since November 2016, as human beings) as it is.
I had no idea something like begpackers existed!! O.o All the toursits who call them travellers, that I met, had saved the money in advance or worked in the countries as hired helo, window cleaners etc. This is just embarrasing. And the worst and most exploitational form of tourism I have ever seen. And the list just goes on and on and on....
Imagine if people from Indonesia or Malaysia try the same trick in these begpackers' countries. They probably gonna be detained within minutes.
If I truly was caught in a situation where I didn't have money in another country, I would offer to work for it not just sit on the street!
I can’t believe that begpacking is now a thing - how offensive can rich white people be?! If you can’t afford to travel, FO back home. Better still, don’t leave home in the first place. Grow a conscience first.
They are poor ambassadors for their respective countries, either have enough cash in your account to travel or do not go till you can fund yourself!!
What do you think about busking? Some of these people are playing the instruments. I think it's is different situation. I was playing the violin in Europe during my trips to earn money and I think it is not so bad. Maybe in Asia, yes, but for example Japan, Singapore, more touristic countries and not so poor?
It is not just Asia, they are around Europe too. You are just surprised with this because of myth that all westerners are rich.
wow they expect us to pay their tickets to travel all over the world,while we sit at work while they frikinn travel,plzz get a job go home
I don't like this trend, but we shoudl remember that anyone is free to ask for money and everyone is free not to give them anything. Or not?
Much as I dislike the concept of 'beg packing' and would never do it. In response to all the white privelige stuff I must point out (particularly to that rashid guy in Seoul) that Hong Kong and South Korea are actually mug wealthier than Russia and Ukraine.
I'm in Canada and here you constantly see people begging for "school trips" to New York, Mexico or other fancy destinations. And I'm not talking about teenagers. Those are adults in colleges or universities. I left my country only once and I worked my a*s off to save enough for it. Do the same!
This is the church capitalism, do not turn your face when it is not cowered in tears, pain and lossor and you down on your knees. You Satan who spread the lies about sharing can be pleasure, you understand nothing. How dere you, take the spoken word in your mouth.only the once who give their last shirt, there dignity and healthy will be allowed to enter crawling
when bored panda publish an article full of racist and hate comments agains one race (certainly many of these fellas are), focusing all time in their race. But eh, is fun cos are whites
This is the mindset that rejects personal responsibility and believes society should provide *everything* for them. Self-sufficiency is offensively insulting and sinful to them and to be avoided as much as possible. If they don't get for free what they have *not* earned, then by their twisted logic, you are the greedy one for wanting to keep what you *have* earned.
On the other hand, everybody is free to not give them something and ignore them (unless they are lying, of course).
Is this neofaschim against white people? Because we are all rich, or lying? They just ask for money, you think is better they work at Mc Donald's 1 year and then travel? When I sometimes hitchhik, guess who picks me up, people who hickhiked them self. The same people who would give a traveler a dollar would give poor people a dollar.people ask people for a favor. Oh its not okay to aks for money? Because money is sacred?who complain about young people having a life changing experience which could bring them to learn something and maybe give it back years later. If you complain about a handwritten sign, in my view you must be vegan, Elektronik autark and sew your own clothes from the wool you pick up from the cotton tree in your garden
Earn money before you go, buy local goods in the places you travel to rather than trying to sell your own c**p photos and weird hugs, and so give something back to the countries you are getting your best life now entitled western privilege experiences in.
When children are constantly told to pursue their dreams, live their dreams, live your best life now, then living the dream becomes their greatest good and they just cannot see, in all their entitled privilege, why other people would NOT think that helping them live their dream is a good thing. You can see this in the signs they write - help me live me dream, help fund my trip around the world, as if this was the most important thing in life and surely everyone else thinks the same and so would happily fund them. Living your dream for them is right up their in life priorities alongside food, water and shelter - so if people beg for these essentials, why not beg for the essential of living your dream.
Thank you so much for this. I travelled the world totally differently - also without money. Tried only once to beg for a few dollar and it did not work. The western mindset is so very f****d up that I was ashamed so often about their behaviour. Westerners have no access to essence. They do not know the divine. There is so very much to learn. But we should not forget that they did not have good guidance. Western societies are totally spoiled by the impact of the father-wound we all carry.
I'm going to get roasted for this, but how come everyone is furious about these people, yet it's a very different story when it comes to getting a useless, non practical college degree, or any of the multitude of ways people want something for nothing all over the west? Suddenly when it's YOUR money that's being taken you are livid, but when you receive then you aren't so angry anymore. You can't have it both ways.
iam born and raised in indonesia,its need many years hard work to colleck money for me travel to bali and lombok,but they visit to bali like rich people,drunk not respeck our culture,and run out they money and beg to us for ticket to go home!!!..i meet some of them..they make me sick
This is disgusting. I am wary of even starting a gofundme to help with my medical expenses because I hate asking people to part with their hard-earned money. I cannot fathom the gall it takes to beg perfect strangers on the street, often in destitute areas, to fund YOUR vacation. This is what happens when you've never worked a day in your life and had everything served to you on a silver platter.
I have zero respect for these freeloaders, meanly taking advantage of the human instinct for charity. It's one thing to help those who are truly in need, but another to encourage faux beggars like these. P*ss on 'em.
I don't get this mentality, these people are so insanely living in anything but reality! The last vacation I had was in 1999, and yeah I'd love to go see things / do things but life happens, life is not easy at times and thinking you'll just ride on someone else's dime is beyond ridiculous.
Was going to say what ever happened to arranging a work trip? Marc’s post says it all. Have some talent of value to trade for food, money. Even if it’s your muscles.
I had no idea this kind of thing happens. It's a disgrace. I traveled a lot when I was younger (and I still do). You work your butt off for a time, and when you've saved enough money, you go travel. Then you come back and get another job and work your butt off, rinse, repeat. Never once did I ask anyone for money, not even my family.
I have a friend who is Colombian/Chinese and grew up in the Dutch Caribbean, he traveled South east Asian by enrolling each semester on a different International College/University and made money by tutoring English, Dutch and Spanish, these people could do the same thing but that would mean wearing professional clothes, showering and be well groomed
We have people like that here at home only they hang out in rest stops and claim their car has thrown its transmission and they don't have money to get it fixed, and offer to wash your car windows for a dollar. Right...and they just happen to have paper towels and window cleaner.
Good hearted people should look somewhere else if they wanted to donate, there are so many noble causes that really need money.
This is complete and utter b******t. It should be against the law doing this. Get a job! Also you try saying this to an American and you will see their head blow the f**k off. They expect everything to be given to them freely. A******s
How about working rather than sitting on your a**e. I hate this shameful behavior
Again, I am ashamed of all the stupid human scams they are pulling! Total disregard for others, and how they have to live! Go to your embassy, call your family or friends! U less they know what rotten, total lazy assed people you really are! The need to be arrested and deported, dropped off at the embassy for their country, and they need to arrest them and give them a free ticket home to their own jails!
Beyond words...it's a new paradigm, and these are the ones who will be running things one day. So, so disgusting. Travel should teach you, enlighten you to the facts of your freedom, your privilege. Obviously, no lessons learned, for them, except IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!
Knew a girl who traveled through Australia, working at farms which was allowed to get the money to keep on seeing new places. I thought it was great, her parents were really proud of her working so hard & seeing the world. Nobody can be proud of begpackers..how can they even look at themselves in the mirror, they should be so ashamed!
Squatpackers - as in they don't give a squat about anyone or anything other than themselves. Pathological narcissist would best describe their personalities - or blood suckers of the lowest level if you prefer.
Wow! Is this white privilege? If only they knew what it meant to actually beg and struggle to live! Ignorant and spoilt little brats. And the people who give them money are just as bad!!!
Poor in mind people with decadent dreams. Go home, work, and then make your travels!
Residents of third world countries more often than not need to pay for incredibly expensive visas and prove that we have the financial means to support ourselves before travelling. it really pisses me off when people from first world countries are simply allowed to hop on a flight and loaf their way around the very same 3rd world countries.
I had no idea this was a thing! Talk about White Privilege at it's clearest.I traveled from Australia to the UK ,Ireland ,through Europe and parts of Asia in my younger days....I worked my a**e off before I left and worked as I travelled...I think everyone should travel to places different from what they are used to ,it's an amazing education and working to pay for it yourself is part of the learning process and quite often ,the adventure ...It is also a HUGE privilege...To beg to continue a holiday,in places where you are surrounded by those literally living hand to mouth ,day to day is utterly appaulling.They should be working to help the locals ,not begging from them.
I never knew this was a thing and find it revolting. Not only is it dishonest and an incredible insult to locals, it also spits in the face of the few travelers who have actually suffered a genuine financial misfortune who might have truly needed to beg for help to get back home. Travel is great and grand and wonderful; if you can't afford to do it, stay the hell home and read some damn books or plan to work your way through the areas you want to visit - work WITH the local people, don't scam them out of their truly hard-earned cash to fund your b******t.
I think what the signs mean to say is "Traveling without MY OWN money because I'd rather travel with YOUR money."
I saw many places around the world, and I was paid to do it. How did I do that? I joined the Navy, and re-enlisted three times. All of these young beggers look healthy; they could join the military and see the world.
This is all so disgusting. They should be volunteering in these countries. Helping the poorest people around them. If they really need money, they should call mom and dad.
I understand something unexpected happening and needing help, however considering how many of these begpackers I have seen around Asia lately (particularly this last year), I have a hard time believing that all of them just suddenly got struck by bad luck. Frankly I hate them and it pisses me off everytime I see them. I don’t mind buskers or people selling their handmade stuff or at least DOING SOMETHING for the money, but so many of them just sit there with a sign and a stupid grin on their face. Or the idiots that sell selfies that they have taken at various tourist spots. Why would I want a photo of a random stranger posing in front of Liberty Square or what have you?!
(Cont.) I have been traveling nonstop for the last 3 years. I earn money by working online. My income isn’t always reliable and I have found myself in situations where I don’t have any money, and I admit that. Even so the thought of making a sign and sitting on a random street corner to beg for someone else to pay for my trip (and especially continued travel) never ever crossed my mind. I went on this trip. If I f**k up, it’s on me to solve it, not the people in the countries that I am visiting. Judging by the appearance of most of these begpackers, it’s clear to me that they don’t come from poor backgrounds either. There must be a reason why mommy and daddy isn’t coming to their rescue with a money-transfer. Think about it.
Load More Replies...Epitome of 'white' privilege[loosely]. We wouldn't get through host immigration without a visa. Some countries like USA require showing bank statements, full time job, residence in home country, relatives in visiting country, purpose of visit etc. Infuriating to think these people can just pop over to fund their travel from begging.
Moral turpitude. Rich people born with silver spoons in their mouths have no idea how corrupt their behaviour is. Repulsive.
They are not actually travellers, right? I've often assumed it's just a scamming gang which hires white people?
I understand that people find it disrespectfull. But if you always think about other mans trouble, en are affraid of looking egocentric, you won't live your own dreams. I'm not saying you should beg for money, but let everyone decide their one path. They figure out that with hard work you come so much further.
I am truly grateful that I was born in Australia. So when I got perma injured at work ( nurse) there is a disability pension. It is very tight, and my plans to repair my house are gone, gone. But this s**t makes me really mad. I don't know how really poor people cope in countries with no pensions for disabled person. , I am very angry with these creeps.
How is it enjoyable to travel around the world just to beg on the street? I don't get the appeal?
This happens everywhere ie someone who doesn't need it, 'begging' to earn extra $. I was about to be homeless myself, due to my bank account being emptied (that's a separate, long story)... but I had "stuff" (that I was about to leave behind, when I was about to be homeless). I saw an older (local) woman begging on the street. I told her that I don't have cash to give her, but I did have lots of stuff, if she needed eg clothes, shoes, blankets etc. She then told me that she had a nice house supplied by the government, and plenty of stuff - she just wanted extra spending money. I learned a BIG lesson that day.
It would have never occurred to me to fund a trip this way. I wanted to go to New Zealand for more than a decade, but though we are definitely not poor, we had other expenses and I couldn't justify the cost. I jokingly -- JOKINGLY -- thought about trying to do a GoFundMe or similar, but would never actually have done it. After all that time of waiting and wishing, my husband surprised me with tickets to NZ. It was worth the wait. But I would never, ever dream of funding a pleasure trip by begging other people (especially poorer people than me!) for the money to do so. I can't even comprehend what is happening in this world.
Those are the people I spit on with no qualms and will continue to do so until I can come up with some thing worse
I've travelled abroad whenever I could afford it. Some of my friends backpacked through the world and always made sure they worked for locals in exchange of food/shelter or money. But it seems like these people beg for money just to fund their travels. And in Asia, where most countries have a large group of starving/poor people. These begpackers are such wastes of space and oxygen. If you're abroad and out of money, go to your goddamn embassy, request a bloody ticket back home. If you don't have the money, don't leave your damn country. That f*****g simple, folks.
@ Will V - because in AMerica, you will get free healthcare and room and board/.
If you are going to ask for money on the streets as a traveler then I think you should offer something in return. For instance, I don't get upset to see people ask for money when they are playing music, with the contingency that you should be good at playing music. Don't tap on a tambourine or bucket and ask for money. Better actually be skilled at it. Or sell goods that you made, same contingency that the things you make actually be worth buying. Sell art, jewelry, or preform. Give something back other than pictures no one cares about or hugs. If your not talented enough for people to actually want to give you money for your craft then you just have to save up by working. I would love to travel and I never devoted any time to developing a craft so just gotta keep working to save up.
Sadly this is not just a thing in Asia, except in Asia the begpackers seem to be more honest about it, they do it in Australia as well. Mostly eastern European and some Germanic. Here they just claim to have had their money stolen, or pretend to be homeless people, because it is illegal here (not begging as a homeless person, begging as a tourist), and they will be arrested if they are caught (I have seen it).
Most of the beggars, homeless people are using the 'I will be honest, I need money for alcohol' card. Because they don't pretend their needs are food, a home, people usually fund them. I don't see any difference. Except that most of these homeless people are mentally broke too. So they don't really have a choice, but to beg. These youngsters could have a job for enough money to continue their travel. I used Couchsurf for years (as a host and a guest too). I was hitchhiking alot across Europe. If you really don't want to work, you still have some options to travel. Asking for support for your holiday is very questionable, but as I mentioned, it's already 'invented'. The racist posts about white people are also disturbing.
You can't be comparing actual alcoholic homeless people to these privileged people being too lazy to fund their trips! 1) alcoholism is an illness one can't help. Being a lazy bastard is something one can help. 2) alcoholics don't travel abroad to beg, they can't afford plane tickets. Lazy people like these chose to come abroad either with insufficient funds (which is incredibly stupid) or they do have the funds but don't want to pay for it themselves or sell their own expensive watches, cameras or clothes (which is incredibly selfish). 3) This is for the large part something privileged white people do, thus locals have every right to call out white people for doing something this s****y.
Load More Replies...to the author Li "So when Western people, with all the privileges we hold" This has got to be the most stupidest statement I've ever heard in bored panda. I can point to you any number of people in the west who don't have privilege ( and don't even try that racist c**p of white privilege either ) and at the same time any number of Asians who are privileged. I used to live in this region and still have family there. Your statement alone is insulting and patronizing as if you think such an idea is unique to the west.
Ever considered that lots of these people probably are victims to human trafficying, and have to give all the money they get to someone else????
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