Some of you survived our teenage years without too much drama, but for most of us, it meant going through some rebellious phases, including, but not limited to an emo kid, indie, punk, gangster, etc.
We were pretty serious about it back then, trying to convince our parents that "it's not just a phase, this is who I am."And the whole act of rebellion usually stems from the young teens wanting to re-develop themselves from what they've been like in their childhood. In other words, to grow as a person by conquering some hard tasks and challenges. Sadly, these kinds of explorations often lead to real harm. Good thing that people change and the rebellion is in our past now. We're all grown up and serious, just as our parents wished we would become one day.
All that's left are pictures and plenty of life changes, so go ahead and share before and after photos of you as a teenage rebel vs. now!
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Me And My Girlfriend When We First Met Vs. Now. The Regretful Emo Phase
Don't see why you would regret it. It's a phase and both of you had fun with it! :D
Dog And Tina (1985 And 2015)
Punks Tina Tarr and her partner Dog were pictured near the Cathedral in Peterborough when Tina was 18. The couple left the city in the 1990s and went travelling. They have twins, but are no longer together. Tina now lives in Dorset and makes willow products and hosts weaving workshops. Dog does hedge laying and gardening and lives in South West Wales. "I remember the photo being taken, it was a brilliant time. I had various styles of punk hair for quite a few years," said Tina. Dog added: "They were good times, I still had hair then".
Ohmygosh I absolutely love her hair in the first photo... ahh the 80's
These Are My Rebellious Siblings And I As Punk Teenagers, And This Is Us Now!
Then I Was Studying To Become A Designer Listening To Brand New, Death Cab And Blink. Now I'm A Designer Listening To Brand New, Death Cab And Blink And Having My First Kid
I'm The Mom To A Neat 4-Year-Old, I'm Married, And I'm The Manager Of A Local Convenience Store. All Things I Told Myself At Fifteen That I'd Never Do. 15 And 25 Years Old
I Became A Fireman, If I Talked To Myself 8 Years Ago And Said You Would Cut Your Hair And Become Part Of The Fire Department I Would've Never Believed Myself
After The Whole Emo Stuff I Went To A Videogame School, Learned To Code, And Now Am Working At An Awesome Startup. Definitely A Phase. But I Really Had Good Times. And Also Did Very Stupid Shit, Especially With Drugs
The way I look at it, as far as drugs and doing stupid s**t, if it's just a phase and you make it out just fine, then hey...It's all good. I did my share of drugs and dumb/illegal things, and now that I'm 37 and a father,I look back and I'm glad I did all that stuff! Got it out of my system and had fun!
Emo. Goth. Emo. Emo. Marketing Consultant
I'm Still Listening To Brand New, Work As An Administrative Coordinator For A Fortune 500 Company And Up Until Now Never Noticed It Wasn't Really A Phase
This is the poat I like the most. Congratulations! I work in international trade in a bank and I still have my pink hair. That's what I call attitude 😆
Before - Year 2005, My 18 Year Old Emo Self. After - Year 2015, I Am A Loving Father And Husband. What A Difference 10 Years Can Make
On the right, you look much younger and hair - much lighter, but head - still tilt.
Became An Infantryman For The US Army. Going To College, Studying International Security And Conflict Resolution
Hated Life, Wore Black, Insulted Anyone Who Listened To Britney Spears. Now I'm In My Second Year Of My PhD. And Also Love To Rock Out To Britney Spears
Yes, it's called growing up and we all go through it, you are very pretty in both photo's though :-)
I Was Super Scene/Emo As A Teenager But I Guess Being So Into Customizing My Myspace Profile Got Me Into Coding, Now A Full Time Web Developer And Mom To A 4-Year-Old
This Was Me In My Emo Days, Green Hair And Everything. Now I Work A Corporate Job To Pay My Studies As A Web Developer And Designer. I Am A Part Time Tattooed Model, And Aspiring Actress
Me When I Was 15/16 And Now: 21 Year Old And Working In Some Carpenter Job
From mcfly to pewdiepie:D (just kidding, you look awesome in both photos)
Early 2000s And Now. I'm In The US Military Now As An Mp. Specifically US Air Force
I’m A Tax Consultant At A Big-Four Accounting Firm
I'm A Special Education Teacher For High School Freshmen. I Teach Kids Like I Was How Not To Do The Things I Did. So Far, So Good. Me In 9th Grade. Me Teaching 9th Grade
I'm A Proper Grown Up Now, Working As A Trainer For The Bank, Buying My First Property, Paying The Mortgage. Still Feel Like A Filthy Wee Emo Though
Sony w810i! I grew up with that phone too! One of the best ones out there!
I Was The Overly Depressed Girl, Always Wearing Too Much Eyeliner. But Fast Forward To Getting The Right Treatment For My Clinical Depression, I Just Finished My Bachelors Degree
I Went From An Alcohol-Stealing Pseudo-Lesbian To A Bespoke Tailor
All That Hair And Makeup Practice Back Then Really Helped Me Become The Hairstylist And Makeup Artist That I Am Today
I’m Working Towards An Associates Degree In Mortuary Science
I Became The Police. I Also Now Send Couple Christmas Cards. 2007 And 2015
Emo To Heavy Metal Blogger. I Used To Listen To Billy Talent And Claim To Be A Struggling Writer Because It Sounded Cool. Now I Listen To Led Zeppelin And I Am A Struggling Writer
I'm Now 27, Started My Family Earlier This Year, Moving Into A House In 9 Days, And I'm Studying To Become A Laboratory Technologist
I Was Pretty Damn Weird In High School. Now I Work At Home Depot On The Night Shift Trying To Figure Out What To Do Now
I Am Now A Lover Of Fashion As Well As A Government IT Analyst. I Don't Think My Music Taste Will Ever Change Though. I Still Listen To The Old Shit With The Addition Of Post Hardcore And Djent
Not "Traditionally" Rebel But Still Threatening Ha Ha (Then And Now)
I Might Be Even More Rebel With My Clothing Now Than I Was Back Then. Not In This Picture Tho :)
1985, While I Was In Art School And 2017, Successful Artist, Teacher, Mother. Still Me!
You look like you stepped straight out of the breakfast club in the first pic
I’m A Mom To A Beautiful 3-Year-Old Girl, Working Full Time At A Children’s Hospital, And Going To Get My Paramedics License
Such happy faces on the right! Good for you! Love your daughter's ringlets! Adorable!
Just Loved The Emo Look. Today Me Golfer, And Events Coordinator For The Golf Course I Live On
Then: Wow Look How Cool I Am With My Hair Over My Eyes. Now: Girlfriend's Senior Prom. Much Cleaner Cut. Massive Transition
Now I’m 20, And In My Second Year Of Vet School
2007 Vs 2013: Wasn't That Much Of A Rebel But I Did Love My Skateboard! Still Listening To Rock Music Though. Maybe I'll Get A Longboard One Day. Or A New Fridge, Because Priorities
Hello Julija I never request such a "attention" on my work, but this time, i need your help with my post: Can you please help me to reach more visivibily ? It;'s very important to me, and for the project i made, because in ROmania nobody give a s**T, and i need to prove that they wrong. I do this work 100% for free, for the children, and with hope in the future this kind of action will be more and more. Thank you very much for your tine and understanding, Ionut.
I Don't Regret Anything. It Was A Great Time. I Actually Miss My Red Hair.
I’m Bartending Now Instead Of Working At Hot Topic, And Just Enjoying My Life In The Big Ol’ City Of Chicago
10 Years Ago... Anyway Black Is Still My Happy Color.
2008: Waitress/photographer Super Party Girl Living In Paris... 2016: Moved To The Netherlands, Bought A House, Engaged, After A Severe Depression Started My Own Pet Sitting Company, Owner Of 2 Dogs And 4 Cats. Still Do Tattoos And Concerts But Now Seated!
That's quite a journey. Well done on getting through tough times. I really do know how it feels.
2012 - 2017 I'm Glad It's Over. I Became Foxy Mom
Here I Am Doing A Seminar On Goals And Failure
I was an emo kid at the age 15-17. Now I'm 26 Years Old. I Got A Masters Degree In Geography And A Job For My Local Government Working With GIS Analysis
I Still Feel Emo On The Inside And Secretly Listen To The Music, I Even Have Scars On My Wrist Still (No Real Problems) But I've Done A 180 And Am A Graphic Designer. 7 Years Ago And Now
This Is Me Before And After. Where Are The Emos Now?
Art Student Back In The Day, Now I'm A Care Assistant
09 Me And 2017 Me
Then (15) Being Bullied For My Looks, Now (23) Being Loved For My Looks.
10 Year Difference. That Horrid "Selfie Through A Mirror" Phase Along With Lots Of Striped Clothes And Chunky Belts
Haha the striped clothes and chunky belts from the past, same same! Just like the little hints to the past by the rip in your jeans :)
2007 Vs 2017, Back In The Days Where Having Long Hair Was Cool
For some people dressing alternative isn't a just a teenage phase. My husband & I were alternative when we met as teenagers & we're still dressing alternatively now that we're 28.
well people grow and change and are beautiful no matter what so maybe get a grip
Νumber 20 the girl in the left has blue eyes and in the right she has dark brown eyes damn you ppl you try to impress... Do it better most of them are totally fake photos
lol I'm more emo now than I was in 2005 when I first grew my hair out 😝😏
This somehow makes me sad too.. But hey, if you're happy, you did rigth. I deliberately chose no kids and no responsabilties, so I could stay crazywierd and happy and.. well irresponsable. Do have a job tho, but only part time, and only because I have to. In my 30's now, and still more confident every day (and ever post like this) I dodged a huge bullit :)
A lot of these are kinda silly...the emo thing sickens me, to be honest, as a lifelong punk
#49 says "that horrid selfie through a mirror phase" the hell that's still happening even with like 12 year old's now and days. It's just with fancy cell phones now.
At 16, I had bright red hair, rocking it with tatts and piercings. Now at 34, I still have tatts and piercings but most can be hidden and can be classy when wearing a hot dress and heels. I also have normal hair color now and am a teacher for little kids. Not really a phase, but grew into someone who can rock it in every scene. Still love Korn. haaa.
I can't help but feel sad at the moment. It makes me feel like people are afraid to be different and soon all of our "artists" selves are going to extinct because society wants us to adjust :(
I went the other way: When I was a teen, I did everything to fit in - tried to find joy in popular music and popular styles - but I always was just pretending to like it, doing it more for everyone else than for me. It wasn't really me. With 25 I finally found the music that fits my mind and the aesthetics that corresponds with my soul. So I became a happy goth! :)
Am I the only person thst prefers the before pictures, personally I see the after as them having been forced into fitting into societys standards
i cant believe you didnt add farrah moan to this? thats dreamy emo guyeveryone loved guys and girls? is now on ru pauls drag race and is looking absolutely gorgeous!
I don't really see emo and punk etc as phases because they aren't it's simply a way people fashion changed alot over the years from goth to punk to emo and scene and to be honest now adays I wear all sorts of clothes. From days where I'm in all black and than days I'm as colorful as a rainbow but I still alway listen to the same I listen to anything I's not a phase it's a's only's labeling to assume as a teenager you will go through a emo or punk phase.
I'm 35 and still dress punk / hipster on occasion. It's a look I still love, but due to my corporate job, I don't get to indulge in that look so much. I still push the limits by keeping my nose stud in, having an undercut pixie do that's quite edgy, and I also have purple / blue streaks in my hair. It's fun!
Aw I'm #5! I don't think I'd be where I am today if I skipped any part of my childhood so I choose not to regret anything. There's a stigma behind dressing emo/scene and how you'll never get anywhere in life and I just wanted to help dispel that mindset. My personality hasn't changed. I still wear a lot of black, have large stretched ears, listen to most of the same music, and would have colorful hair if I could (job). How you dress shouldn't define you. You're probably the same person regardless of what you look like and you're success isn't always dependant on your outward appearance. 💀💀💀
What's the point of this article? that we all get normalized and lose all our color as we get sucked into our Orwellian reality? f**k this. Not me.
Moral of the story letting your kids dress how they want in high school won't ruin their lives.
Yea still don't know what to think of my life.. o.O I thought it was hard.. its crazy hard now.. my submission was #459 so let me know your thoughts on it. By the way, SUCH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE everyone ! :O god bless you all
So I added to this post but the second photo didn't upload and so now I look really stupid..... does anyone know how to help me?
Most of them became a web developer because of MySpace. I was too 😂 I took I.T. because I find coding very interesting. I first saw it on Vampire Freaks when I was 13 (and was a little emo that time) and find it awesome. I'm 18 now and at 2nd year of my course. Dang! It was not easy, but I can manage :D
Oh my god I was so into that and still know my stuff... wonder if it would be worth it getting into that job
And still teenagers think THEY know it all and some even want them to be able to vote :(
it just goes to show it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside
Everybody welcome to participate :) not too many rebels among pandas I suppose
Load More Replies...Come back. There are now hundreds of pictures for you to look at. :P
There's the perfect picture for this article.
Now they fit in. Society can be happy 15977041_1...a435e5.jpg
I was a rebellious teenager and I guess these kids were too but I like a lot of people I wasnt doing it for attention unlike almost everyone in these photos who are left with nothing but cringe when they look back
For some people dressing alternative isn't a just a teenage phase. My husband & I were alternative when we met as teenagers & we're still dressing alternatively now that we're 28.
well people grow and change and are beautiful no matter what so maybe get a grip
Νumber 20 the girl in the left has blue eyes and in the right she has dark brown eyes damn you ppl you try to impress... Do it better most of them are totally fake photos
lol I'm more emo now than I was in 2005 when I first grew my hair out 😝😏
This somehow makes me sad too.. But hey, if you're happy, you did rigth. I deliberately chose no kids and no responsabilties, so I could stay crazywierd and happy and.. well irresponsable. Do have a job tho, but only part time, and only because I have to. In my 30's now, and still more confident every day (and ever post like this) I dodged a huge bullit :)
A lot of these are kinda silly...the emo thing sickens me, to be honest, as a lifelong punk
#49 says "that horrid selfie through a mirror phase" the hell that's still happening even with like 12 year old's now and days. It's just with fancy cell phones now.
At 16, I had bright red hair, rocking it with tatts and piercings. Now at 34, I still have tatts and piercings but most can be hidden and can be classy when wearing a hot dress and heels. I also have normal hair color now and am a teacher for little kids. Not really a phase, but grew into someone who can rock it in every scene. Still love Korn. haaa.
I can't help but feel sad at the moment. It makes me feel like people are afraid to be different and soon all of our "artists" selves are going to extinct because society wants us to adjust :(
I went the other way: When I was a teen, I did everything to fit in - tried to find joy in popular music and popular styles - but I always was just pretending to like it, doing it more for everyone else than for me. It wasn't really me. With 25 I finally found the music that fits my mind and the aesthetics that corresponds with my soul. So I became a happy goth! :)
Am I the only person thst prefers the before pictures, personally I see the after as them having been forced into fitting into societys standards
i cant believe you didnt add farrah moan to this? thats dreamy emo guyeveryone loved guys and girls? is now on ru pauls drag race and is looking absolutely gorgeous!
I don't really see emo and punk etc as phases because they aren't it's simply a way people fashion changed alot over the years from goth to punk to emo and scene and to be honest now adays I wear all sorts of clothes. From days where I'm in all black and than days I'm as colorful as a rainbow but I still alway listen to the same I listen to anything I's not a phase it's a's only's labeling to assume as a teenager you will go through a emo or punk phase.
I'm 35 and still dress punk / hipster on occasion. It's a look I still love, but due to my corporate job, I don't get to indulge in that look so much. I still push the limits by keeping my nose stud in, having an undercut pixie do that's quite edgy, and I also have purple / blue streaks in my hair. It's fun!
Aw I'm #5! I don't think I'd be where I am today if I skipped any part of my childhood so I choose not to regret anything. There's a stigma behind dressing emo/scene and how you'll never get anywhere in life and I just wanted to help dispel that mindset. My personality hasn't changed. I still wear a lot of black, have large stretched ears, listen to most of the same music, and would have colorful hair if I could (job). How you dress shouldn't define you. You're probably the same person regardless of what you look like and you're success isn't always dependant on your outward appearance. 💀💀💀
What's the point of this article? that we all get normalized and lose all our color as we get sucked into our Orwellian reality? f**k this. Not me.
Moral of the story letting your kids dress how they want in high school won't ruin their lives.
Yea still don't know what to think of my life.. o.O I thought it was hard.. its crazy hard now.. my submission was #459 so let me know your thoughts on it. By the way, SUCH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE everyone ! :O god bless you all
So I added to this post but the second photo didn't upload and so now I look really stupid..... does anyone know how to help me?
Most of them became a web developer because of MySpace. I was too 😂 I took I.T. because I find coding very interesting. I first saw it on Vampire Freaks when I was 13 (and was a little emo that time) and find it awesome. I'm 18 now and at 2nd year of my course. Dang! It was not easy, but I can manage :D
Oh my god I was so into that and still know my stuff... wonder if it would be worth it getting into that job
And still teenagers think THEY know it all and some even want them to be able to vote :(
it just goes to show it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside
Everybody welcome to participate :) not too many rebels among pandas I suppose
Load More Replies...Come back. There are now hundreds of pictures for you to look at. :P
There's the perfect picture for this article.
Now they fit in. Society can be happy 15977041_1...a435e5.jpg
I was a rebellious teenager and I guess these kids were too but I like a lot of people I wasnt doing it for attention unlike almost everyone in these photos who are left with nothing but cringe when they look back