It’s easy to find an excuse for skipping a workout or cheating on your diet but ignore your health too much, and it will seriously deteriorate. However, that doesn't mean you can't get back into shape and follow a healthy lifestyle after a minor or a major slip-up.
My 600-lb Life is a reality TV series that focuses on morbidly obese people and their weight loss transformations. Some of the changes on the TLC show are so incredible, and you probably won't believe the before and after pictures show the same participants.
My 600-lb Life was meant to be a five-part miniseries involving four morbidly obese patients, but because of its popularity, new episodes were filmed. Each person who appears on the show weighs around 600 lbs (270 kg) at the beginning and tries to reach healthy numbers through controlled weight loss. The determined stars of the program have shredded more than 161,424 lbs (73,220 kg).
Extreme weight loss is not only physically but also mentally hard—changing detrimental habits proves strong will and determination. As corny as it sounds, no lifestyle changes are impossible. Scroll down to collect your daily dose of motivation in these My 600-lb Life transformed photos.
This post may include affiliate links.
Christina Philips Was 708 Lbs, She Dropped To 183 Lbs
Amber Rachdi Was 660 Lbs, She Dropped To 236 Pounds
Amber Rachdi Was 660 Lbs, She Dropped To 236 Lbs
How Realistic is My 600-lb Life Show?
When you witness such incredible weight loss results as in these My 600-lb Life success stories, it is only understandable to wonder how real this TV show is. While it is indeed classified as a reality TV series, that doesn’t mean it was completely staged or that the results or depicted events weren’t actually happening.
As with any reality TV show where people are followed around in their daily lives, or in this case, a 600 lb person getting ready for their bariatric surgery, there is a lot that the camera does not see. That said, My 600-lb Life does portray most of the aspects of bariatric surgery truthfully, but in other moments, it deviated slightly from reality, too.
My 600-lb Life doctor, Dr. Younan Nowzaradan, is indeed a qualified professional specializing in vascular and bariatric surgery, and all the procedures and aftercare of every 600-pound person appearing on the show are paid for by his hospital. So, while none of the participants are paid to be in the show, their medical expenses are covered one hundred percent.
Marla McCants Was 800 Lbs, She Dropped To 300 Lbs
Donald Shelton Was 675 Lbs, He Dropped To 295 Lbs
Melissa D. Morris Was 653 Lbs, She Dropped To 178 Lbs
Who Was the Most Successful My 600-lb Life Participant?
It’s always nice to feel happy about other people’s successes, and My 600-lb Life transformed many lives. Of course, not all the participants succeed in their weight loss goals, but there are more than enough happy stories here, too. So, here we are in our My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now section, and this is the story of Milla, the most successful participant of the series:
Milla Clarke participated in season 4 of the series, and at the time, the 47-year-old weighed 751 pounds. Due to her weight, she hasn’t been on her legs for two years and had her children and husband taking care of her. However, Clarke was determined to stick to her goals, and at the end of her stint on My 600-lb Life, she had lost a staggering 596 pounds.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and her incredible strength and determination are surely inspiring! And if you’d like to see more of these incredible success stories, keep reading this list with 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now snippets. If anything, these people are the embodiment of sheer willpower and unwavering dedication to their goals.
Nikki Webster Was 649 Lbs, She Dropped To 236 Lbs
Chuck Turner Was 693 Lbs, He Dropped To 433 Lbs
Laura Perez Was 541 Lbs And She Dropped To 380 Lbs
Bettie Jo Was 654 Lbs, She Dropped Around 200 Lbs
these are all so heartbreaking and lovely at the same time. My emotions are confused
Thunderstruck by the sheer will of these folks to regain their lives. The horror of severe weight gain is: it's so easy to pack on the pounds yet agonizingly slow to lose it. Kudos to all!
The dr will tell them to lose a specific amount of weight before the next appointment with him, or else he won’t approve them for surgery. It seems like it’s usually 30 lbs, which is 5% of their over all weight at the beginning. The dr. might be a short guy but he has a way, that’s just short of condescending, to talk to them that makes them want to make the goal he sets for them. I’ve watched maybe up to 10 episodes, and even if the person is depressed, hates the world and their family, they still want to please “Dr Now”!!!
so sad yet eye opening as well cant get over the ages they mostly look young but , have had sadness or something in there lives
I am sure she and her son are proud of her and happy that she can care for her own hygene now
How the hell do they get this big, I could sit & eat cheeseburgers all day long and still not end up like them !!!
Omgosh. great for you.and I'm the same way.but at the same time,how rude of you.every ones metabolism is not the same.and when your depressed and have no will or desire to do makes gaining easy.this is about them and their struggle and transformation and their journey and hard work.not about you and your high metabolism.
I notice some of the pics don't show a full body view. Is it bc they want to wait until they reach their goal?
Doubtful, since there are plenty of other pictures of all of these folks online. They were all part of a television series, that was about morbidly obese folks, and their incredible transformations. This gal even had a blog, I believe. I assume whoever wrote this article felt this was a flattering picture, or they simply went with a ready made "before and after" photo, that they found when they googled.
Load More Replies...I think ANY photo shows the difference & yes..a smile is worth more than anything!
Maybe.. But it could also be that they want the viewer to focus on how much happier they are and a smile says that better than a belly :p
Henry Foots Was 750 Lbs, He Dropped To 250 Lbs
Paula Jones Wast 553 Lbs She Dropped To 269 Lbs
Olivia Cruz Was 580 Lbs, She Dropped To 200 Lbs
Diana Was 601 Lbs She Dropped To 223 Lbs
Zsalynn Whitworth Was 600 Lbs, She Dropped To 300 Lbs
June McCamey Was 600 Lbs, She Dropped To 370 Lbs
Ashley Dunn-Bratcher Was 725 Lbs, She Dropped To 470 Lbs
Brittani Fulfer Was 605 Lbs, He Dropped To 400 Lbs
Charity Pierce Was 800 Lbs, She Dropped To 300 Lbs
Tara Was 606 Lbs, She Dropped To 278 Lbs
Paula Was 533 Lbs, She Dropped To 379 Lbs
I maybe overstating, but it would be nice if govt would help in paying for their tummy tucks and other small procedures to get rid of the excess skin
Joe Wexler Was 792 Lbs, He Dropped To 374 Lbs
Joe's story was great. He continued losing weight, met a girl, fell in love, got married... I think they even had a baby by now.
James Was 728 Lbs, He Dropped To 352 Lbs
Chay Guillroy Was 579 Lbs, Chay Dropped To 378 Lbs
Poor Chay was dealing with morbid obesity and gender identity problems. So glad the former "he" now lives as a she. I think she calls herself "Dolores" if I remember well.
Penny Saeger Was 494 Lbs, She Dropped To 454 Lbs
i find it so sad that even though she has lost all of that weight, she still needs extra oxygen. Keep going Penny, you have the determination and resilience to push through and live a full and happy life
Its hard for most to imagine what goes on in people's minds when they eat themselves into such desperate conditions. Its great that these people managed to turn things around in time
Yeah, unfortunately for them, their bodies will keep the scars of this bad physical condition... Anyway, they won the fight against themselves, and moreover, some years of life. They can be proud of that.
Load More Replies...Its good that people who successfully dropped weight can use plastic surgery to get rid of the skin layers. I know it leaves scars, but having a good surgeon can do wonders and he will make sure the surgery scars are least visible.
Most used bariatric surgery. You have no choice. You have to eat less. Roxanne Gay wrote an article about her experience.
I don't know if you watched the show . . . but you don't have to eat less. Those who want to be thinner, still have to make a lifestyle change. There are others who initially lose 80 pounds and gain 115 back. Yes, the stomach can be stretched back out
R u slow? U def have to eat less...idt you actually watch because when they don't lose dr now continuously preaches you're over eating n need to eat less
I guess, for many, it's another addiction like drugs or alcohol. Just that food makes you fat and drugs and alcohol (especially the hard stuff) are more likely to make you unhealthily skinny. The cause for the addictions are probably the usual stuff like childhood abuse, emotional trauma, etc.
You guys are judging something you don't understand, which has led to so many unnecessary conflicts regarding so many subjects. Maybe just be happy for them that they worked so hard to change their lives? Good job, large humans.
I DO understand it, because I went through it. I used to weigh 230 lbs. I NEEVER got to 600 lbs BECAUSE when I went to the store and I couldn't fit into a size 18, I refused to take a size 20 off the rack. That night, I sat up and waited for the "Tai Bo" infomercial to come on and I bought it. THEN, I DID IT. I'm NOT judging these people, we ALL have weaknesses, however, there IS a point at which each of makes a choice to either continue in the behavior OR change it. They chose the food.
Wow Maryanne 4 one who struggled w obesity u sound pretty judgmental… I’m happy 4 u.. In sharing ur story it apparently it was “easy” 4 u. Just a matter of exerting ur determination/willpower. Hmmmm… My intellect says if obesity was that “simple,” it simply wouldn’t exist! YET Obesity Is HUGE epidemic in USA pesticides, toxins, processed foods/promoted/affordable. Whole Foods $$$ out o reach 4 poor NOBODY WANTS 2B OBESE NOBODY!!! Some of ppl r so ignorant! Pls. get educated b4 u speak. Ur an Embarrassment 2 Humanity… WHO R U?! Everyone’s experience is unique bc everyone’s life experience is diverse/circumstances, body chemistry, neurological, physiological, etc. is VERY Different… STOP HATING, STOP JUDGING, STOP DEFLECTING… UR Good, Bad & Ugly, might not b right out there 4 all 2 see, BUT we ALL HAVE the Good, BAD, & UGLY Lurking w/in, So Focus on the LOAD U NEED 2 LOOSE!!! LEARN to Support/Encourage/Uplift UNCONDITIONALLY, those Brave Beautiful Ppl. WHO R!!!♥️
I always wonder about how much $$ it must cost them to eat so much. How can they afford it without working (I assume they don't have conventional jobs at that size)? And who is enabling them? I want to see the entire situation that led to this.
Watch an episode or two of the show and you'll see that many (if not most) of them are receiving some sort of welfare and are living with family members or a partner who are the main enablers. The type of s****y food they regularly eat isn't particularly expensive in the US (fast food is quite cheap and loaded with calories).
Load More Replies...Read up on food deserts where it is easier and cheaper to eat c**p than wholesome foid. Plus it’s more complex than we imagine.
All these profiles are impressive. I have members of my family who are "morbidly" (medical term) obese. I wish they could find this kind of courage. It's not an easy struggle. I'm still struggling with my own weight. I've lost about 40 pounds from my top weight, and I want to lose 20 more to reach my goal. Wish me luck, guys. :)
40 lbs is quite impressive already, congrats! I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goal, keep going strong :)
Load More Replies...Nate Higgers has over -3,000 downvotes. I say we give him more! (B******e)
He wants more. He's one of those who are trolling for down votes. Making deliberately disgusting comments. We should stop down voting him.
Load More Replies...damn. these are inspirational people. Gaining weight is easy (for most) but losing it, especially on this scale, is either do or die, it's that serious.
I have to ask a question. When people are over 600 lbs, do they really eat themselves into this? Do they have a genetic disorder or something?
I used to work in an Eating Disorder Service. It was part of the Substance Misuse sector of Adult Psychiatry. Literally food is a drug in some instances and some people are unable stop eating as much as they physically are able to. Genetics, etc does not lead to people becoming so vastly obese - just a huge calorie intake.
Load More Replies...I have a huge amount of sympathy for those with all types of eating disorders and know that none of them are down to genetics, other than that some people may inherit a slightly slower or faster metabolism, or some medical conditions (none that cause morbid obesity) and a possible propensity for some psychiatric issues. I was merely stating that a very high calorie intake is neccessary to get so dangerously overweight, regardless of the issues promping this. I had an eating disorder myself in my teens and would NEVER belittle other sufferers
Many times, people who end up like this are suffering from anxiety, depression, and many also have PTSD from chidhood experiences. It's scary to see just how many people who appear on this show were raped as children. Without the proper support and mental therapy, these people choose to eat to hide their grief, pain, depression, fear, whatever it might be. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's in their genes. It's that specific person's way of coping with problems. Maybe these people are more prone to fall into addiction, and food can act as a drug because it stimulates pleasure areas of the brain. If you're feeling horribly down and alone and food makes you feel good, then you eat. But of course each person is different so not everybody will end up this way after traumatic experiences.
Oh I remember where I get this idea from. One of our acquaintances looks very obese, but she told us she just bloated up after receiving hormone treatment for some illness. She was very sad after discovering she could not fit into any of her clothes again once she returned home from the hospital, and it hasn't been reverted since. So I was thinking maybe their obesity is pathological. Now I think though my acquaintance's is a rather rare case.
It doesn't say it but I've watched the show a few times. They only way these people have been able to lose all this weight is by under going extensive evasive surgery. It is a very painful ordeal to go through and most would not even consider it if they were not already on deaths doorstep. The side effects that come after are long long and can be horrible as well. My cousin wanted to do this as she weighed 300 pds but after going to a seminar and hearing all the facts she decided against it. I am only sharing this so you will know that there is no magic pill or just stop eating. You also have to go through strict mental evaluations because if you don't heal your emotional self, you can very easily gain all the weight back and more. I applaud the hell they have gone thru and will continue to go thru and pray they can remain strong and learn to love themselves. Fat or thin. No one gets this big unless they have some serious issues to deal with and that is prob. the hardest part of it.
As per Hararari's book Homo Sapiens DNA is still working on the regime of hunters-gatherers'. Only during past 10 000 humans started farming and over last 200 we've been operating as urban labourers. Such short time span is a spit in the sea in comparison with all the millions of years Homo has evolved through. We still see greasy, sweet food as rare and we still tend to eat it all at once, even though our fridges are full (as 'we' I here refer to urban culture)
Yup, as he wrote, if we were still hunter gatherers and found a tree covered with large juicy figs, we would stuff ourselves with as much as we could, before the local baboon gang found it. Or at least, it was something like that. Mind you, I'm from Bulgaria and therefore read a translated version of "Sapiens".
Load More Replies...Very precise as in English version! Though I'm not a native English speaker as well
Yeah, it's not a rocket science fact/theory to me as well, but I highly recommend the book 'Sapiens.A brief history of humankind' to everyone. Good reminder that we ain't gotten very far from our primal instincts
Omg they removed mate higgers from this post maybe they removed their account!
I commend these people on getting healthier that said. when are we as consumers / Americans going to stand up and fight for our food supply, do some research and see just how much pure c**p our gov. allows in our foods that other country's do not, its disgraceful, not to mention harmful to every single person who eats or drinks it.
I am so so happy for them. I cried. I'm obese myself. This motivated me and am starting to reconsider my eating habits and all. The only question that I have is.. when they lose all that weight, what happens to excess skin? Is cosmetic surgery a part of their program? If so, then they are blessed. I think in America, cosmetic surgery is not a part of weight loss program or any gariatic bypass unless I'm wrong?
Fair play to these peeps! They must’ve put up with some really bad bullying and things, glad they made it. Hope they’re happy :) On a related point, if anyone knows any good ways to gain weight in a healthy way, would love to hear them.
Bullying an overweight person will not make them lose weight.
Load More Replies...These are all so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. My emotions are all over the place. Oh Mondays :-l
I think these people should be so proud of themselves. I can't imagine how hard it must have been. God bless you all
I'd like to see the after 5 years - bet many of them would have put on a lot of weight (except for those that have been surgically molested).
I'm thinking there must be surgery involved at some stage. You can't lose that much weight, impressive as it is, and have that much skin just snap back into place around your new body.
I don't really know how much they've lost weight .... I don't know what is that LBS.. but I enjoy seeing those transformation ..
its great too see you lost the wieght so good luck remoryed don be eat more than you after too
The excess skin would be phenomenal on these ex-600 pounders. They've all done incredibly well.
I was really hoping to see Sean on here (the 26-year-old who reached almost 1000 pounds and was enabled buy his mom). I hope he will make some progress.
I think it's great how these people can now live normal life, without much health problems, They must have been in really bad state before that, I can't even imagine how much effort it took for them to even start the process, let alone go through with it. I'm really glad they can participate more, and take care of their families/siblings, as well as just enjoy the normal every day things of life.
I'm happy for them! They all look healthier and happier, and i hope they are!
These people are very brave. I say that because my son is almost 500 lbs. He won't listen to anyone. Not his wife or kids. He's 45. Don't think he will make to an elderly age.
I understand if you would want to lose weight, but I find plus-size beautiful. I think this is a toxic mindset. I won't try to sway you, but I think people can be happy with their bodies now matter the weight
Roxanne Gay says losing weight won't make people happier. She's wrong. Lindy West is wrong. Ira Glass and This American Life are wrong too. The pro-besity people are all proven 100% wrong again by this inspiring group of people.
Who is pro-obesity? Is there one actual person out there telling people to become obese?
Then don't f*****g click on the article. For f***s sake. We're all sick of your f*****g whining, so from now on, when you don't like something, or think it's fake, be an adult and move along.
Load More Replies...Right, nobody has ever praised people who are a healthy weight. Good call.
Why do so many children hang out on this website? You can have a different opinion, but why say them when they're negative? Do you think you're so important that you just have to leave your opinion on every article? Do you believe that people just NEED to know what you think?? These people worked hard to lose all that weight, and they deserve to be proud.
Its hard for most to imagine what goes on in people's minds when they eat themselves into such desperate conditions. Its great that these people managed to turn things around in time
Yeah, unfortunately for them, their bodies will keep the scars of this bad physical condition... Anyway, they won the fight against themselves, and moreover, some years of life. They can be proud of that.
Load More Replies...Its good that people who successfully dropped weight can use plastic surgery to get rid of the skin layers. I know it leaves scars, but having a good surgeon can do wonders and he will make sure the surgery scars are least visible.
Most used bariatric surgery. You have no choice. You have to eat less. Roxanne Gay wrote an article about her experience.
I don't know if you watched the show . . . but you don't have to eat less. Those who want to be thinner, still have to make a lifestyle change. There are others who initially lose 80 pounds and gain 115 back. Yes, the stomach can be stretched back out
R u slow? U def have to eat less...idt you actually watch because when they don't lose dr now continuously preaches you're over eating n need to eat less
I guess, for many, it's another addiction like drugs or alcohol. Just that food makes you fat and drugs and alcohol (especially the hard stuff) are more likely to make you unhealthily skinny. The cause for the addictions are probably the usual stuff like childhood abuse, emotional trauma, etc.
You guys are judging something you don't understand, which has led to so many unnecessary conflicts regarding so many subjects. Maybe just be happy for them that they worked so hard to change their lives? Good job, large humans.
I DO understand it, because I went through it. I used to weigh 230 lbs. I NEEVER got to 600 lbs BECAUSE when I went to the store and I couldn't fit into a size 18, I refused to take a size 20 off the rack. That night, I sat up and waited for the "Tai Bo" infomercial to come on and I bought it. THEN, I DID IT. I'm NOT judging these people, we ALL have weaknesses, however, there IS a point at which each of makes a choice to either continue in the behavior OR change it. They chose the food.
Wow Maryanne 4 one who struggled w obesity u sound pretty judgmental… I’m happy 4 u.. In sharing ur story it apparently it was “easy” 4 u. Just a matter of exerting ur determination/willpower. Hmmmm… My intellect says if obesity was that “simple,” it simply wouldn’t exist! YET Obesity Is HUGE epidemic in USA pesticides, toxins, processed foods/promoted/affordable. Whole Foods $$$ out o reach 4 poor NOBODY WANTS 2B OBESE NOBODY!!! Some of ppl r so ignorant! Pls. get educated b4 u speak. Ur an Embarrassment 2 Humanity… WHO R U?! Everyone’s experience is unique bc everyone’s life experience is diverse/circumstances, body chemistry, neurological, physiological, etc. is VERY Different… STOP HATING, STOP JUDGING, STOP DEFLECTING… UR Good, Bad & Ugly, might not b right out there 4 all 2 see, BUT we ALL HAVE the Good, BAD, & UGLY Lurking w/in, So Focus on the LOAD U NEED 2 LOOSE!!! LEARN to Support/Encourage/Uplift UNCONDITIONALLY, those Brave Beautiful Ppl. WHO R!!!♥️
I always wonder about how much $$ it must cost them to eat so much. How can they afford it without working (I assume they don't have conventional jobs at that size)? And who is enabling them? I want to see the entire situation that led to this.
Watch an episode or two of the show and you'll see that many (if not most) of them are receiving some sort of welfare and are living with family members or a partner who are the main enablers. The type of s****y food they regularly eat isn't particularly expensive in the US (fast food is quite cheap and loaded with calories).
Load More Replies...Read up on food deserts where it is easier and cheaper to eat c**p than wholesome foid. Plus it’s more complex than we imagine.
All these profiles are impressive. I have members of my family who are "morbidly" (medical term) obese. I wish they could find this kind of courage. It's not an easy struggle. I'm still struggling with my own weight. I've lost about 40 pounds from my top weight, and I want to lose 20 more to reach my goal. Wish me luck, guys. :)
40 lbs is quite impressive already, congrats! I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goal, keep going strong :)
Load More Replies...Nate Higgers has over -3,000 downvotes. I say we give him more! (B******e)
He wants more. He's one of those who are trolling for down votes. Making deliberately disgusting comments. We should stop down voting him.
Load More Replies...damn. these are inspirational people. Gaining weight is easy (for most) but losing it, especially on this scale, is either do or die, it's that serious.
I have to ask a question. When people are over 600 lbs, do they really eat themselves into this? Do they have a genetic disorder or something?
I used to work in an Eating Disorder Service. It was part of the Substance Misuse sector of Adult Psychiatry. Literally food is a drug in some instances and some people are unable stop eating as much as they physically are able to. Genetics, etc does not lead to people becoming so vastly obese - just a huge calorie intake.
Load More Replies...I have a huge amount of sympathy for those with all types of eating disorders and know that none of them are down to genetics, other than that some people may inherit a slightly slower or faster metabolism, or some medical conditions (none that cause morbid obesity) and a possible propensity for some psychiatric issues. I was merely stating that a very high calorie intake is neccessary to get so dangerously overweight, regardless of the issues promping this. I had an eating disorder myself in my teens and would NEVER belittle other sufferers
Many times, people who end up like this are suffering from anxiety, depression, and many also have PTSD from chidhood experiences. It's scary to see just how many people who appear on this show were raped as children. Without the proper support and mental therapy, these people choose to eat to hide their grief, pain, depression, fear, whatever it might be. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's in their genes. It's that specific person's way of coping with problems. Maybe these people are more prone to fall into addiction, and food can act as a drug because it stimulates pleasure areas of the brain. If you're feeling horribly down and alone and food makes you feel good, then you eat. But of course each person is different so not everybody will end up this way after traumatic experiences.
Oh I remember where I get this idea from. One of our acquaintances looks very obese, but she told us she just bloated up after receiving hormone treatment for some illness. She was very sad after discovering she could not fit into any of her clothes again once she returned home from the hospital, and it hasn't been reverted since. So I was thinking maybe their obesity is pathological. Now I think though my acquaintance's is a rather rare case.
It doesn't say it but I've watched the show a few times. They only way these people have been able to lose all this weight is by under going extensive evasive surgery. It is a very painful ordeal to go through and most would not even consider it if they were not already on deaths doorstep. The side effects that come after are long long and can be horrible as well. My cousin wanted to do this as she weighed 300 pds but after going to a seminar and hearing all the facts she decided against it. I am only sharing this so you will know that there is no magic pill or just stop eating. You also have to go through strict mental evaluations because if you don't heal your emotional self, you can very easily gain all the weight back and more. I applaud the hell they have gone thru and will continue to go thru and pray they can remain strong and learn to love themselves. Fat or thin. No one gets this big unless they have some serious issues to deal with and that is prob. the hardest part of it.
As per Hararari's book Homo Sapiens DNA is still working on the regime of hunters-gatherers'. Only during past 10 000 humans started farming and over last 200 we've been operating as urban labourers. Such short time span is a spit in the sea in comparison with all the millions of years Homo has evolved through. We still see greasy, sweet food as rare and we still tend to eat it all at once, even though our fridges are full (as 'we' I here refer to urban culture)
Yup, as he wrote, if we were still hunter gatherers and found a tree covered with large juicy figs, we would stuff ourselves with as much as we could, before the local baboon gang found it. Or at least, it was something like that. Mind you, I'm from Bulgaria and therefore read a translated version of "Sapiens".
Load More Replies...Very precise as in English version! Though I'm not a native English speaker as well
Yeah, it's not a rocket science fact/theory to me as well, but I highly recommend the book 'Sapiens.A brief history of humankind' to everyone. Good reminder that we ain't gotten very far from our primal instincts
Omg they removed mate higgers from this post maybe they removed their account!
I commend these people on getting healthier that said. when are we as consumers / Americans going to stand up and fight for our food supply, do some research and see just how much pure c**p our gov. allows in our foods that other country's do not, its disgraceful, not to mention harmful to every single person who eats or drinks it.
I am so so happy for them. I cried. I'm obese myself. This motivated me and am starting to reconsider my eating habits and all. The only question that I have is.. when they lose all that weight, what happens to excess skin? Is cosmetic surgery a part of their program? If so, then they are blessed. I think in America, cosmetic surgery is not a part of weight loss program or any gariatic bypass unless I'm wrong?
Fair play to these peeps! They must’ve put up with some really bad bullying and things, glad they made it. Hope they’re happy :) On a related point, if anyone knows any good ways to gain weight in a healthy way, would love to hear them.
Bullying an overweight person will not make them lose weight.
Load More Replies...These are all so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. My emotions are all over the place. Oh Mondays :-l
I think these people should be so proud of themselves. I can't imagine how hard it must have been. God bless you all
I'd like to see the after 5 years - bet many of them would have put on a lot of weight (except for those that have been surgically molested).
I'm thinking there must be surgery involved at some stage. You can't lose that much weight, impressive as it is, and have that much skin just snap back into place around your new body.
I don't really know how much they've lost weight .... I don't know what is that LBS.. but I enjoy seeing those transformation ..
its great too see you lost the wieght so good luck remoryed don be eat more than you after too
The excess skin would be phenomenal on these ex-600 pounders. They've all done incredibly well.
I was really hoping to see Sean on here (the 26-year-old who reached almost 1000 pounds and was enabled buy his mom). I hope he will make some progress.
I think it's great how these people can now live normal life, without much health problems, They must have been in really bad state before that, I can't even imagine how much effort it took for them to even start the process, let alone go through with it. I'm really glad they can participate more, and take care of their families/siblings, as well as just enjoy the normal every day things of life.
I'm happy for them! They all look healthier and happier, and i hope they are!
These people are very brave. I say that because my son is almost 500 lbs. He won't listen to anyone. Not his wife or kids. He's 45. Don't think he will make to an elderly age.
I understand if you would want to lose weight, but I find plus-size beautiful. I think this is a toxic mindset. I won't try to sway you, but I think people can be happy with their bodies now matter the weight
Roxanne Gay says losing weight won't make people happier. She's wrong. Lindy West is wrong. Ira Glass and This American Life are wrong too. The pro-besity people are all proven 100% wrong again by this inspiring group of people.
Who is pro-obesity? Is there one actual person out there telling people to become obese?
Then don't f*****g click on the article. For f***s sake. We're all sick of your f*****g whining, so from now on, when you don't like something, or think it's fake, be an adult and move along.
Load More Replies...Right, nobody has ever praised people who are a healthy weight. Good call.
Why do so many children hang out on this website? You can have a different opinion, but why say them when they're negative? Do you think you're so important that you just have to leave your opinion on every article? Do you believe that people just NEED to know what you think?? These people worked hard to lose all that weight, and they deserve to be proud.