Recovering from a life-sapping addiction is one of the biggest challenges that anyone can overcome in their lives. If you’re in need of some genuine inspiration, we’ve got some stories of amazingly strong and motivated people to share with you today.

‘The Addict’s Diary’ is a page dedicated to sharing the “stories, failures, successes, and lessons we have learned throughout our path to recovery in order to inspire others suffering from addiction.” We bring some of these tales for you to read through and to see how people’s lives have changed after they gave up doing drugs.

A note of warning: what follows is an extremely sensitive subject, so keep that in mind if you or a loved one is on the road to recovery. You’ll find Bored Panda’s previous articles about ‘The Addict’s Diary’ here: Part 1 and Part 2.

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Let me tell you a story about the nurse who treated me like a human being and how that made all the difference for me. When I was homeless on 103rd st and addicted to heroin, I overdosed and died. I woke up in the Park West ER with this nurse holding my hand. I was scared and alone and he spent the next couple of hours holding my hand and letting me cry with him. Every time I ended up with MRSA raging in my limbs from infections I gave myself from shooting up, he always happened to be my nurse and would help me. And finally on April 1st, the day I went to detox I went to a completely different hospital and he was there. He wasn’t my nurse but saw my name on the board and remembered me. He came in, gave me a hug, and wished me luck on my journey to rehab.

I’ve wanted since I’ve gotten clean to tell him the impact he had on me. Every other nurse had always treated me like scum and the junkie that I was because they knew I was just gonna go back out again anyway. He didn’t. He took time out of his busy schedule and made me feel like a person. He held my hand. He talked to me. And he helped me. Today I went back and found him. He’s a manager now which he totally deserves. And nothing made me happier than to thank him for saving my life and for the kindness he showed me in a really dark time in my life.

So thank you, Ali Fares. Hospitals need more people like you. Congratulations on your promotion. You most definitely deserved it. And if you’re reading this and you are wondering how you can help, just treat people like human beings

The Addict's Diary Report

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Bobert Robertson
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Kudos to them both for not giving up. She doesn't even look like the same person, she looks 10 years younger.

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    A little over a year ago, Mighty Ducks goalie Shaun Weiss was being ridiculed all over the internet for his struggles. Today, he celebrates one year sober. Why don’t you make THAT go viral!

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Bobert Robertson
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also.... we all have struggles, why would people ridicule another for theirs?

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    At two years sober, if I could say one thing that y’all would listen to, it would be this. The next time you look at an “addict,” “druggie,” or “junkie,” try seeing a human being instead. You’d be surprised how much showing a little compassion can help someone else.

    The Addict's Diary Report

    ‘The Addict’s Diary’ project was founded by Kevin Alter who struggled with substance abuse for over a decade, from the time that he was 17 till the age of 27. “When I got clean, I noticed that there was a general misconception of the addict. I wanted to change that, so I did my best to humanize addiction,” Kevin explains on his website.

    “I wanted people to see us for who we really are. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I wanted to break the stigma, inspire people, educate students, and save lives all with the stroke of a keyboard.”


    So Kevin decided that he had no other choice—he just had to bring the reader along with him on his journey. “I put my all into it and it worked. Yes, I have been a client at over 29 inpatient treatment centers in my life.”



    Good morning everyone my name is Courtney and I’m an addict. I know there hasn’t been a whole lot of good news in the world lately but today I am 20 months sober!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    My name is Alex and today marks 3 years clean from crack and heroin. Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way. I can’t believe I made it, y’all.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Hunter went from the psych ward at 19 to a police officer. Today he celebrates 6 years sober. Way to go Hunter!

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Michael Sanders
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Keep in mind “psych ward” is often used to describe places where addicts get help. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have psychological problems other than addiction. Many hospitals chemical dependency wards are part of the same program as the “psych ward”. Those are often the only options to get proper treatment for people that can’t afford the nice retreats you see on TV. And they are not like One Flew Over the Cucoo’s Nest

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    Kevin has had some major breakthroughs in his life while on the road to recovery, and it’s frankly inspiring how much of a Good Samaritan he is. “I also have had the privilege of living a clean and sober life for the last few years. The privilege of speaking in front of twenty-five thousand students. The privilege of sharing my words with millions of followers. And most importantly the privilege of sticking my hand out to the still sick and suffering addict or alcoholic,” he said, sharing his passion for helping others in need.

    In a couple of earlier interviews with the Bored Panda team, Kevin explained to us that it depends on each individual whether or not they want to share their extremely personal stories on ‘The Addict’s Diary’ for the entire world to see.



    Hey everyone my name is Tom and a little over a year ago in a drug induced stupor I cracked my forehead, broke both of my eye sockets, my nose, my cheekbones and two of my teeth. It was then that I decided I finally had enough. Today, I am one year clean and sober. Can I get an amen?

    The Addict's Diary Report



    This is my daughter, Bradie. In active addiction, at the age of 18, she contracted endocarditis from her drug use and had to have open heart surgery by 19. She is now 21 and sober for 11 months! My prayers have been answered!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Hi! My name is Brittany and I started this recovery journey 16 months ago. After 27 overdoses, God felt that I was worth keeping around. A life that I never thought I deserved. I’ve been set free by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    The Addict's Diary Report

    “I think it's difficult for some, but a lot of people can't wait to get their story out there. Most of society has seen them at their lowest and this an opportunity to show the world that they've changed their life,” the founder of the page told Bored Panda.

    He shared that he started the project to show people the truth about drug addiction and to let those who are suffering know that a helping hand is always out there. “I saw too many people losing hope,” he said.


    Once his parents realized that he was doing drugs, they sent him to the first of 29 inpatient rehab facilities. After finishing the program, he graduated from high school. However, things didn’t take a positive turn for Kevin, as his friends pushed him toward relapsing.



    My name is Carl and I am 27 years old. I started experimenting with drugs at the age of 13. I was born to a hardworking and honest family. In my 14 year battle with addiction, it brought me to the point of death multiple times but I always somehow managed to survive. However, I only physically survived. It didn't compare to the spiritual anquish and what I felt like at the time was my spiritual death. I was broken completley. Completley sick. I remember waking up at times and wondering how I was still here and even being angry about it at times. The problem was I knew I didn't want to live like that. I wanted to live the way I knew deep down I was capable of living, but I didn't know how to apply it. During my battle of addiction I suffered depression, anxiety, two open heart surgeries that were caused by congestive heart failure and undoubtedly my drug use, hemorrhaged kidneys, multiple seizures, multiple hospitalizations, and overdoses. I was involuntarily admitted to two psychiatric hospitals and attempted seeking redemption at three rehabs. The problem with all that I suffered through during that time period was that none of the pain that occurred during it was comparable to the spiritual agony I was going through. One day I awoke in an abandoned house, withdrawing and looking at my surroundings. I had something that I call a miracle — others call it a spiritual awakening or a moment of clarity. I decided that day I was going to do whatever it takes to not have to live or feel like this, so I entered my third treatment center. I went this time with something I had never experienced before. A open mind and an open heart. I was ready. Sick and tired of being sick and tired as we say. I did whatever I had to do and on October 29th I was released from rehab with the same goal. I was no longer asking why. I knew that even if my purpose was to just help one person fight their way out. That person could change the life of millions and so on. I hope my story changes the mind of at least one of us still suffering and gives them the courage to step up fight and start living. You can, we can, and we do recover.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    If I can go from waking up in puddles of my own urine 3-5 days a week to waking up every day and going for a run, then so can you. I learned that I was worth a beautiful life and guess what — so are you!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I was addicted to drugs and alcohol for 23 years. Today, I have 4 years sober!

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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Amazing! you are wonderful and deserve all the good in the world!!

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    “All [of them] were doing drugs, and I got back into it and began the game of hiding it from my family the best I could. You get better with that as you grow in your addiction," he explained. “I wasn’t willing to let go of people that I needed to, that’s a difficult thing to do when you’re a kid.”

    Even though Kevin ended up getting a college scholarship, after his first year there, he went back home for a while and his friends introduced him to heroin, one of the hardest drugs there is.


    “I’m not your typical heroin addict that got a prescription and started abusing pills. I started pretty much straight with heroin, and so from there—heroin would take over my life for the next 11 years,” he revealed to Bored Panda. “It sucked," he added that this period in his life was full of anguish and heartbreak.



    I was addicted to meth for two years. My mother told me I could sleep outside or I could go get help. I slept outside. Later that night, I decided to go. I did an inpatient/outpatient program and maintained sobriety for about six months. I then relapsed for six more months. I hit a different rock bottom. Everyone in my family was absolutely sick of me and my decisions. Glory to God that I got my head out of my ass. I’ve been sober from meth for two and a half years now. There’s always hope.

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Anne MacRae
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hope & belief & determination &... It takes a lot to get sober - the great thing is that once you’ve done it, you KNOW, without a doubt, that you succeeded — and that can make all the difference in everything else.

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    My ex-wife came across this photo of me almost 3 years ago. She was amazed that she couldn’t tell I was using. Those are the lies we tell ourselves about the ones that we love. I am now 31 months clean and sober and I am living life to the fullest. Keep on guiding people on the road to recovery

    The Addict's Diary Report



    This is what recovery can do for you in 283 days! Keep it up, Chase!

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    Shannon Matthews
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Keep it up, Chase! One day at a time. I believe in you & know you will continue to your best.

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    “Every bridge had been burned, but someone presented me with an opportunity to go to rehabilitation treatment and they offered to come [and] get me. I didn’t even want to get clean—you have to put yourself in the frame of mind of going in and out of treatment for 12 years, coming from this good family of law enforcement and firefighters, and you’re just this lost person out there, I really didn’t think I could get clean. I just assumed I was going to be a heroin addict forever.”



    Today I am 5 years sober and free from alcohol and drugs. I am a singer/songwriter from County Down in Northern Ireland and up until 5 years ago, I was lost in addiction. On January 2nd, 2016, I stood on stage going through the motions. I had come to the edge and decided that I wasn't going to live like this anymore. A few days before my epiphany, I had found out that my daughter was fighting her own battle. In late 2015, we found out she had been self-harming and had developed a voice in her head telling her to end her own life. This is what urged me to turn away from the cliff and be there for my daughter. The only way I could do this was to be clean and have a clear mind to face what was to come. Fast forward 5 years and we are both healing every day. We have both become the best versions of ourselves. She saved me from me by going through her own hell and in return I saved her. They say God works in mysterious ways, well I can tell you he does. He can show you the way but you've got to stop being selfish and work hard at it. In 5 short years I have passed my driving test, climbed a mountain with my father, written and released my first album ‘Happy Being Free.’ Life is good, life is possible, and you are worth it.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    From being filmed overdosing to coming up on 3 years of continuous sobriety. Don’t ever count an addict out!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I'm now 21. I battled the addiction for 7 years years and I was on the verge of death. I was living in doorways and just distancing myself from life and anyone who cared for me. I got into trouble with law, lost amazing people, and even lost myself. I got rushed into hospital in July weighing 5 stone 9. That’s a child's weight. I ended up with septis and almost died. It then left me with a serious heart infection called Endocarditis. I am still recovering from it, but I am now 14 weeks clean. It may not seem like a lot to you, but to me it’s amazing. I'm also now 8 stone 4. If I can do it, trust me you can do it. Don’t let anyone else say otherwise.

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Hayley Rodgers
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Everyday clean is a mountain that you have conquered. 14 weeks may not seem like much years down the line, but it's huge

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    However, things took a dramatic shift for the better when Kevin went to his 29th treatment facility. There, he was given the task of writing down his life story. He was shocked when one of his peers could only write down a handful of bullet points.


    The day after that, Kevin read 46 pages of his story to his group. This got him thinking about the reasons why he used drugs and, with the help of his therapist, he came to the conclusion that he got high because he hated himself. 

    Kevin made it his mission to learn to love himself while sober and has been putting all of his efforts into ‘The Addict’s Diary’ which now has over 806k followers on Facebook alone. 



    Hi my name is Jacquelyn and I’m a former IV Meth Addict that has 3 years clean today!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    At the age of 18, I started injecting heroin and meth into my body. Two years later, I was diagnosed with HIV because of my drug use. That caused me to go further down the rabbit hole. At age 25, on December 12th, I was left in an ally to overdose and die, but by the grace of God a woman found me and happened to have Narcan. On December 17th, I decided to get clean. I've now been sober for 17 months and 15 days. I am living proof that Narcan is not enabling or a waste of money. I am living proof that we do recover. If you need help send a message into the page

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Let’s show some love and support to our friend Кat who is celebrating 90 days clean! Keep going, Кat!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    1 year clean off of everything. I was shooting molly, coke, and dope. What did it for me was my girl telling me that we’re going to have a baby. One year later, I work full time and support my family. God is good!! Since I got clean, my oldest daughter’s mother allowed her back into my life! I love life and I love my family! Believe me, if I can do it so can y’all!!!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Hello my name is Sierra and today I am celebrating 1 year sober! Today, I'm grateful for who I am. Today, I don't have to change how I feel. In this past year I have quit all mood/mind altering substances. I'm so grateful for my feelings today. I was an IV drug user and I thought I was going to die that way. Today I just want to spread hope that We do Recover! I did not get where I am by myself. I attend 12 step meetings and I work and live the program. I have service positions and I enjoy working with others. My drug addiction effected every person on this earth in a negative way and today I strive to have my recovery light the world one day at a time!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    In 2015, I was strung out and arrested with 12 grams of heroin with possession to distribute, an unregistered firearm, as well as a plethora of other charges. Luckily my judge (who I am good friend with today) believed in rehabilitation as opposed to incarceration. I made him and myself a promise that if given the chance, I would get clean and stay the course. I kept my word. My life is amazing today. Well beyond my wildest dreams. I have peace and freedom. Today I do whatever I want.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I’m Kailyn and I’m a recovering heroin addict. December 8th, 2016 was one of the worst and best days of my life. It was the day I tried to end my life and ended up in a hospital bed...but little did I know, it was also the first day of the rest of my life.

    If I wasn’t homeless or living in a hotel, I was missing my kids grow up because I was in and out of jail. I was broken. I was tired. I was miserable. So so miserable. I was 90 pounds of misery. 90 pounds of despair. My family all prepared to say goodbye. My mother started planning my funeral. My kids thought they would never see their momma again. But by the grace of God, I pulled through. God gave me a second chance at life, and I’d be damned if I was going to waste it.

    God is SO good to me today! I had to completely rebuild my life from scratch and was it easy? No. But was it worth it? Absolutely! My life is unrecognizable today. I have almost 4 years sober!

    4 years of happiness. 4 years of FREEDOM. I’m married to the love of my life, and am the best mom I can possibly be! My kids have their mom back. My parents have their daughter back. I now live my life sharing my story and showing others that recovery IS possible. You CAN live the life of your dreams if YOU choose to. You just have to want it more than anything else. Remember your past does not define you!! I am living proof. I BEAT THE ODDS. And you can too!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I’m 1 year clean from meth and adderall today, guys. I can’t believe I did it. By the Grace of a loving God, I’ve been set free.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Hi my name is Chad and I am 15 months clean and sober! By the Grace of God I have been spared and given the gift of recovery. Can I get an amen?

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I'm a 27 year old single mother of 3 from the UK. I have had a 2 year battle with cocaine. In that time, I lost 90 percent of my family. I was in thousand and thousands of pounds worth of debt to drug dealers. I had completely and utterly lost myself. Today, not only am I clean off drugs, I've also kicked a 40 a day cigarette habit and I am now back in contact with all my family. Every day is a constant battle, but one that I will continue to fight!

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Megan O'Neil
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congrats! You are doing an amazing job, you are a hero to your kids!!!

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    Thank you Jesus! 31 years old, and after years and years of IV heroin and meth use, Jesus set me free. This November will be 5 years sober for me!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Change is possible. So glad I finally decided to ask for help. please if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction reach out! It’s never too late!

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    The first picture, I was in active alcohol addiction. I was drinking sometimes a whole fifth of liquor by myself a night, trying to numb my demons with what I thought took the pain away. I was just stumbling through the days so I could get to my next drink. I was careless, hurting myself and others in the process. Two years later god, the universe, whoever, blessed me with what I definitely needed.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Today I celebrate 5 years clean and sober. If life were fair, I’d be dead or in a prison cell... but God had another plan.

    28 rehabs, multiple psych wards, 3 overdoses that left me comatose and on a ventilator to the point where my friends would visit to say their goodbyes, 13 arrests all over the country, felonies in 3 states, homelessness, and absolutely nobody in my life wanted anything to do with me. It was truly a miserable existence. God had another plan.

    Where did it all go wrong? Raised well, great schools, safe neighborhoods, loving family, and a college athlete. “It’ll never happen to me!”... God had another plan.

    10/15/2015 I turned it over and followed some simple suggestions after putting a gun in my mouth and crying like a baby because I didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger. I called the police on myself with every intention of being locked in a cage for a couple decades. God had another plan.

    I ended up in a treatment center for the 28th time, and I had a realization that it’s now or never. I was in there when some other really cool people were in there, and they loved me until I could love myself. We started volunteering and being of service to others. I stayed in treatment for 9 months. God had another plan.

    Today, at 5 years sober, I couldn’t ask for a better life. I have a beautiful family, an amazing career in behavioral healthcare, and peace of mind. I’m happy, healthy, and content. I’m not ashamed to share my story. I have great friends who care about me. God had another plan.

    The moment I asked for help, people in AA were there to help mold me into a man of character, & things started happening in my that I never thought were possible for a person like me. God had another plan.

    I remember standing on Starr and White in 2014, homeless and dopesick, looking for some innocent person to rob so I could get another bag of heroin, and saying to myself “if I die today, that’ll be the best thing for the world. I’m not meant to be alive, this is my fate. People like me don’t get clean, I’ll die out here”. God had another plan.

    If you’re struggling with ANYTHING, it’s never too late. God has another plan for you, too.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    My name is Merissa and I’m an addict. I was once told I would never get custody of my children back from the state. I couldn’t accept that so I fought and I fought hard. I fought so hard that miracles happened. I transformed from a junkie to a mother in recovery. I got custody of my children again. I’ve been homeless. I’ve been revived with narcan, and I’ve been in jail as a result of my addiction. But that was the old me. Today, I have 2 1/2 years sober. We do recover.

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not entirely sure if small children should be involved to this degree, do they fully understand what it all means? What do other people think? I can't decide.

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    For 13 years, I was on heroin and crack. My life consisted of overdoses, attending the funerals of my friends, jails, homelessness, withdrawal, abuse, and suffering. Today, I type this with almost 5 years clean and sober. I have my family back. I am a mother again. I have a job, an apartment, and a nice car. I never thought this was possible when I was out on the streets. This life is so amazing, please come give it a try.

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    One year and 24 days completely clean! I am very self-conscious about my weight gain, but I’m so happy to be clean and sober! I want to thank everyone for supporting me and loving me until I could love myself!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    I started using young. First pills, then that lead to heroin. I was in and out of rehab and I was at a complete low for the longest time. I finally decided to go into a long term program. I was there for about 2 months then, out of nowhere,
    my father passed away. He was my number one supporter and since then, I’ve found the will and the power to keep going and to stay sober. It hasn’t been easy, but being sober is much better then being at an all time low.

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    Anne MacRae
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your Dad is so proud of you; missing him is so hard, but know he’s with you in so many ways.💗

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    The first picture is one of the hardest days of our lives. Me and my sister were arrested in 2009 after years of living in addiction together. God put it on my heart that I was done with that life and I went to treatment. About a year after that, God put it on Emily’s heart to finally go to treatment as well. Every single day since has been such a blessing. The second picture is proof that recovery is possible if you put in the work.

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    Hey guys. My name is Tina and I am now one year clean from meth and pills. I never thought I would even have one day clean. This life is so amazing!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    My name is Martin and I’m a grateful recovering addict. After 30 years of escaping feelings, responsibilities and consequences I found myself out of options. I was socially, physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially bankrupt. I did not want to live anymore. I gave rehab one more shot and it worked. I changed my life. I’ve been clean since 8/30/2018. The lie is dead, we do recover!

    The Addict's Diary Report



    In the left picture I was lost and desperately addicted to drugs. Caught up in the horrific lifestyle that goes along with drugs. I thought I was a monster and that there was no hope for me. The only way I saw out was killing myself. Exactly what the enemy, Satan, and the devil wanted. But God, all mighty, all powerful, perfect, loving, and gracious, had bigger better plans for me. He reached down and wrapped his arms around me in that moment where I was shattered and saw no way out of the misery. It was when I recognized my need for a savior that my life changed and transformed so drastically.

    I am a child of God.
    I am happy.
    I am a wife.
    I am a mother.
    I am a friend.
    I am a sister.
    I am a daughter.

    Before, I was none of the above. This is why I share the picture and this post. GOD makes all things new and makes all things possible. There is hope.

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    For years I walked around this earth an empty shell. Life had no meaning besides where and when I could get high again. My bottom was when I overdosed and found myself on life support for days. Today, I am almost 8 months clean. I have a beautiful baby girl and a full time job. My life has meaning now, thanks to recovery and a billion chances at a new life. We do recover.

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    Pungent Sauce
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is becoming Instagram gorgeous a side effect of sobriety? I may need to reconsider my habits...

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    Ten years of active addiction, pain, and loss. I lost my family and friends respect, but most of all my self-respect and my dignity. Living in nasty hotels, hospital stays, and self isolation. After my 10th rehab/detox is when it all started to click. This attempt at rehab worked because I was doing it for me and not for anyone else. Something deep inside of me knew I wanted better and desperately wanted change. Today I have a wonderful husband, my family back, and two years of sobriety. Change does not come easy, but it is possible.

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    One year. The girl on the left was broken, lost, she had given up hope of ever having a life that wasn’t completely ruled by drugs and alcohol. She was scared, hurt and felt there was no way out of the hell she was living. She had fallen so hard and so fast and could barely hold on any longer. She hurt everyone around her and felt completely alone in the world. She did things she never would have done if it weren’t for the crippling grip that addiction had on her. She saw things that she never thought she could heal from. She felt things no one should have to feel. She had lost the sparkle in her eyes and her body, so weak, began to fall apart just like her mind. She was minutes away from death and she just couldn’t find a reason to keep fighting. The girl on the right is free. She has hope, faith and courage. She holds her head high and does everything she can to stay strong and keep fighting. She feels loved, and she loves just the same. She is alive and she is connected. She feels her emotions, even the bad, and knows to take things one day at a time. Today, she is a friend, a daughter, a girlfriend, an employee. Today, she can look at herself in the mirror and smile at the girl staring back. Today, she is happy and she knows she can’t do this alone. Thank you to everyone who has been with me through this crazy year, I love you all, I believe in you all and I pray you too find your happiness.

    The Addict's Diary Report

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    Anne MacRae
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Beautiful writing. Congratulations on your determination and your success - you deserve it!

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    I’ve been through more detoxes and rehabs than I’ll probably ever feel comfortable admitting. I would never complete, no matter what the consequences may have been. I’d either leave against medical advice or get kicked out for fighting or choking someone out. Failure became normal to me. I gave up on myself. But through every failed attempt, my mom stood by my side and refused to give up on me; more importantly she refused to allow me to give up on myself. The morning of Christmas Eve I overdosed and fell into the train tracks of the L. A police officer was there to hit me with narcan, and give me another chance at life. I went to treatment and started taking a look at my entire life. I started thinking about how my actions affected those around me. I started taking responsibility. I started praying, non stop. If you think God doesn’t have a better plan for your life, just take a look at mine. I shouldn’t be here, but I am. With that being said, on to transitional living for the next chapter.

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    "I'm too young to be an alcoholic," I used to think to myself, especially in a world where drinking is socially acceptable and glamorized. But like an alcoholic, my mind is my biggest enemy to the point I can convince myself that I can be just fine drinking. The truth is there is nothing left in a drink for me, nothing but pain. I was not the type of person to drink every day, but when I did drink, I could not in safety. I show these pictures below because alcohol has left me nearly dead several times. It has left me awake inhospitable beds on ventilators, and it has put me in terrible situations. I am now 23 and nine months sober, and it feels too good to be true; but it hasn't been easy, but I no longer have to repeat that cycle of embarrassment. Without alcohol, I have realized the dull and the difficult. There are the highs and the lows, but that is life. The challenge for us alcoholics is to find a way to make it work and to make it work means to push past those emotions we once used to treat with addiction. Don't ever think you're too young to get sober because you are never too young to die.

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    My name is Madison and when I was just 15 years old I started using crack and heroin. By 20 I was on the streets homeless. In my active addiction I went through a lot. I overdosed nineteen times, and escaped situations on the street that I still don’t have words for. Drug court saved my life, and helped me get to where I am today. My family was the first thing to go to my addiction. Today, they’re back in my life and support me. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t support us. There’s a lot of posts out there knocking us. Let them see this. Let them see my picture. I’ll stand up for us. We are the forgotten ones. The ones nobody thought would make it. Look at us now. Never count out an addict.

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    Heroin. It’s an addiction like no other. It’s a 5 AM daily alarm clock that rips you from your sleep and greets you with crippling anxiety and withdrawal. It takes no days off. It doesn’t care if it’s Sunday, Christmas, or your mother’s birthday. It’s a machine. And machines don’t have feelings. They have functions. Functions that perform a very specific task, and the task of this machine is simple—find heroin and get high. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. It’s a machine that somehow robs you of any memory of your life prior to your addiction. You forget about your grandmother, your first home run, or any interests you ever had prior to it. You know they exist. You know they’re important. You know you once loved them. But for whatever reason, they suddenly lack the relevancy and importance that they once had to you. It degrades you. It torments you. It abuses you. It lies to you and tells you everything is fine. It rationalizes the irrational. It distorts reality. And most importantly, it alienates you from everyone who loves you. Once it has you isolated, it owns you. It’s your worst enemy and your best friend. And then it convinces you that it loves you like nothing and nobody ever loved you in your life. It’s an addiction that I have overcome. An addiction that some say I have beaten. But to be honest some days it still wakes me up and fills me with that same anxiety it used to. Some days it still alienates me from my friends and family. Some days it still try’s to make me forget about what’s important to me. Day after day for 4 years now I continue to take this machine apart. The machine doesn’t work anymore. It tries to but it can’t. It still has the same task but I’ve removed its ability to function. It’s an addiction like no other

    Kevin Alter Report



    My name is Jonah,
    I started using weed at a pretty young age, and I didn’t think there was any problem with it. I didn’t have a desire to use any other drugs.
    When I was 16 On March 8th, 2009 my brother passed away from a drug and alcohol overdose. I promised myself I would never use hardcore drugs ever, and I despised them and anyone who used them.
    But without realizing it, before my eyes I ended up on pills, then pills turned to heroin and heroin turned to fentanyl. And I had to throw cocaine and Xanax in the mix as well.
    I started paying serious consequences for my drug use, including many overdoses, jail, and ruined relationships.
    My father who was my biggest fan and loved me so much unconditionally even had to step back from my toxic lifestyle. He was dying of cancer, and meanwhile I was taking every last cent from him. He loved me so much, but he didn’t have much time left and he had to choose to step back so he could have a peaceful remainder of his life.
    I was in jail at metro west on January 10th, 2015 when I got the news he had passed away. I lost all desire to live at that point, realizing the trouble I had caused and I was too afraid to intentionally kill myself, so I figured if when I got out I could just go back to my drug-addicted lifestyle, and eventually, I would die. Hopefully sooner than later.
    But that just led me to more years of suffering. And it got so bad at certain times, I would pray to god that I would die or get killed.
    I thoroughly believed there was no way out and that I was in too deep, that I couldn't recover.
    On October 26th, 2018 against all odds, I entered rehab for the first time since I was 21, at 25 years old. Unfortunately, I got out and went back to using, but I realized that I may have a chance if I could dedicate myself and come to terms with the fact that I cannot pick up NO MATTER WHAT. I wanted a better life, I just didn’t know what to do or how to obtain it.
    On January 10th, 2020 I went to detox, I ended up in a county-run facility here in Miami. I didn’t want to go, because I heard about this place from people in the other rehab I went to and I thought I was too good for it. But in reality, I wasn’t too good for anything at that time. All I knew was I needed to change because I am still in my 20s and I cannot imagine suffering for the rest of my life, so I became willing. On January 15th, 2020 I entered rehab. I became heavily involved in The fellowship and my perspective changed about many things. By the grace of God, I am one year sober!

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    I’m so proud of myself and how far I’ve came! I never thought I’d be living such a good life. Some days I think, “Is this real life?” I am able to laugh, GENUINELY laugh, without being high or drunk. It feels so good to be comfortable in my own skin. To wake up and not have to use a substance to function and go about my day. I took life for granted and quite frankly, I am lucky to be alive. Addiction IS A DISEASE. I pray everyday for those who are still sick & suffering, for the addict that picked up for the first time, for the addict that picked up for the last time, and the babies born into this insidious disease. To my brothers and sisters in recovery, I love you and will always be here to support you. A huge thank you to my support system for always having faith in me. To my dad, for being my right hand man and to my best friend Erin for never leaving my side and believing in me. And everyone else who supports my recovery. I love you all dearly!

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    The picture on the left is 2018, full blown IV heroin and meth addiction. The picture on the right is now. Today, I celebrate one year clean. God is so good and life is so beautiful on the other side.

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    I was on meth for exactly a year. I started at 120 lbs, but I got down to 70lbs. I went into a psychosis multiple times. I would stay awake for days or weeks and would not eat. I ended up in the hospital twice. I shaved my head and my face was a mess. My mental health was horrendous. Thankfully, in a psychosis, my mom called the cops on me. That was exactly what I needed.

    Today, I am one year and 8 months sober. I am back up to 115 pounds. I feel better than I ever have. You can sink pretty low in a year’s time but you can also rise up higher than you ever thought possible in the same amount of time.

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    68 days sober today! This has been the fight of my life. This is the first time I’ve ever actually tried to get sober because I thought it was impossible. It’s not! I wish I knew sooner how much better life could be!

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    5 years clean today! The second pic is me in jail in 2014. My dad took a bunch of pics so I wouldn’t forget. I can laugh now. I look at that picture and see a naive young women that was careless and selfish. Today, I realize how precious life is and I continue to work on myself using the 12 steps to become a better woman. Recovery changed me and continues to make me better. I love my life and don’t ever want to take it for granted. I’m so grateful for NA and the program that saved my life. 5 years is a long time for an addict like me, I’m so proud of myself!

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    I was once a person who blamed my problems on anyone, except for myself. My problems were everyone else's problems. I was a victim, I used to numb the feelings of loneliness, depression. I used to celebrate when I would "hit a lick". I was introduced to methamphetamine in 2013, I used on & off for the first couple of years.. In 2016 is when my addiction got bad. I would walk miles to get high, and I constantly cuss God. I lost my self worth, my self respect, & my self esteem. I got into the wrong crowd and I kept going to jail. I went to jail multiple times in 5 years. This is my last mugshot as of January 6, 2019. May 2019, I turned into a coldhearted person I visited the darkest place I've ever been in my life. I started believing that God wasn't real. Today, I thank God for allowing me to get arrested on January 6, 2019. I wasn't even mad when I got pulled over, I felt instant relief. I knew that I was going to Bowie County Women's Center! I got there and I played the victim, until I was told to sit down and really look at my problems and taking ownership of all the s**t I had done. I started putting in the work, and I could tell that I was growing into the woman I've always wanted to be. I started watching Elevation Church on Sunday's.. It changed my life. Bowie County Women's Center changed my life. I have been 1 year sober and a couple of weeks. I thank God for setting me down! I will never look back down that road ever again!!! God has transformed me into the woman I truly wanted to be and he is still doing wonderful wonders in my life!! I have a supportive family and my sisters in purple!! I'm so thankful for a 2nd chance. I was able to live two different lifestyles in one lifetime!!

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    I was going down a bad road of alcohol and destruction. I almost lost my family because I gave up, went into a bad depression, lost someone very very close to me, and it got worse. I drank every single day from about 2015 to November of 2019 just to cope. I’m what they would’ve called a functioning alcoholic, but I can honestly say god will restore everything you have lost if you only believe and be OBEDIENT to his will over your life. Now I’m one year sober because I decided to change my life. My father died at a young age of alcoholism and I vowed to myself I would break this generational curse. My family have been my biggest supporters. My three angels that I lost on 3/7/19, 3/17/20, and 4/17/20 are in the grandstands of heaven smiling down on me. Thank god for change

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    Mewton’s Third Paw
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    3 years ago

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    These religious nuts make this thing still seem tragic. “OBEDIENT”. He’s not living his own life even sober.



    The weather was cold and dreary like today - at least that’s the way I remember it. With all my possessions in trash bags and tweeker bags my guy dropped me off at 1409 2nd st. I was scared and alone highly motivated by my last hope of regaining custody of my kids who had been taken by CPS in a drug bust. I was awkward - antisocial really - and my brain had zero capability of producing serotonin. My fear of the future consumed me and anger was the only emotion I knew how to express. I stayed in treatment as long as they’d let me and went on to transitional like had been suggested. I started to see my kids slowly and then on a regular basis and hope began to grow inside of me. I was introduced to the recovery community and finally got one of those sponsors everyone kept talking about. Nothing came to me easily. My brain had been burnt from the years of IV drug use. I began to share in meetings and take the suggestions of my sponsor and others who had been where I was and things started to happen...things inside of me. There were no guarantees about what the future would have to offer but I believed in the simple concepts of recovery. Through prayer and a journey in finding daily gratitude, my life changed. I regained custody of my kids and so much more. The blessing of recovery have been more than I ever imagined or deserved. Life has had it difficulties but by the grace of God I haven’t had to use chemicals as a solution for the last 13 years and for that I am eternally grateful.

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    7 months and 15 days sober after a 3 year meth and heroin addiction. We do recover!

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    After 20 years of struggling with addiction I finally got my life back. This is what 11 months clean looks like! Never give up hope.

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    I am overjoyed and eternally grateful that on December 18th, 2019, I decided that no longer will I lay at rock bottom and wait for a trap door to open for me. I had a life changing moment of clarity. Now I've seen the BEST parts of my life! Today, I have a whole year of sobriety, peace, self-worth, love, understanding, and tolerance. I just wanted to let my story be heard and show anyone out there that this is possible. Heroin took everything from me, but it has also taught me how strong I am. We do recover!

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    My name is Angie and I am 29 years old. I suffered with addiction for 12 years. In that time I have lost the love of my life, been incarcerated over 5 times in multiple jails, went to rehab 4 times and been homeless. This past year I attended a mommy and me program that changed my life. I now have 11 months clean and have a sponsor and home group I am in love with. I choose life, I choose my daughters, my family and recovery.
    1st photo is of me in the horrors of addiction. 2nd is of me 11 months happy in recovery.

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    After a 2-year fentanyl addiction, I’m proud to say I’m now 5 months sober!

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    My dope dealer Boobie answers on the first ring, "What's up champ I'm on Guy Brewer, how much you need?" I sit and pause for a moment. My nose is running, my stomach is churning, and my bones are aching for a bundle. The question hits me again? How much do I need? Here's what I need. I need one bundle of low-esteem. I need ten years of pain. I need to be so dishonest that I can no longer decipher the true from the false. I need to hate my life everyday. I need to dread the next day because I know tomorrow I'll be forced to do it all over again. I need to be degraded, and embarrassed. I need to spend everyday worrying about being dope sick and forget about what real life is. I need a decade worth of getting my mother's hopes up just to tear them down. I need 3,650 days of being estranged from my family. I need 28 failed treatment attempts. I need homelessness, and dereliction. I need to spend Christmas year after year in a train station. I need 7 overdoses and 7 emergency rooms to walk right out of. I need the stigma of addiction to make me settle in life. I need to be riddled with fear in every fiber of my being. I NEED TO LOSE EVERYTHING. Boobie pauses for a second and says, "Yeah champ I got that for you, it's 75 a bundle but it's fire today." I try to tell him I don't want it, but all that comes out my mouth is, "I'm on my way."

    The Addict's Diary Report



    Today is a BIG milestone for me in recovery from alcohol. I celebrate SIX MONTHS of continual sobriety, but I wanted to share what’s on my heart. Somewhere, at some point, I completely stopped caring about myself.

    I was always much more than this, I always was. They saw me as an alcoholic — unworthy and unforgiveable. As I laid, many weekends clinging to the bedsheets wanting God to end my suffering on earth, I still had hopes, plans, and dreams. But the internal grief had taken over; I just wanted the pain to end. Whoever is out there that kept praying for me to finally see my worth – I’m so glad you did.

    YOU are the reason I celebrate SIX MONTHS of SOBRIETY -- 182 days, 26 weeks of walking through the dark, looking for an avenue of light. I’m finding it, daily – small and gentle reminders that whisper, “you’re going to be okay…” I tell my stories with a smile because there are still people trying to recover, still hating themselves for their mistakes, and the families that are shattered by the mistakes – however, there is HOPE.

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    I was addicted to meth from 2013 to 2016 ended up in the hospital three different times. One it got so bad I ended on life support because my kidneys shut down. I am proud to say I’ve been clean and sober since then! We do recover!!

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    On this day 8 years ago, I was separated from drugs and alcohol for the last time. I was desperate, I was destitute, and I was out of ideas. I knew I couldn't keep going the way I was going, but I didn't know how to stop either. So I did the only thing that made sense to me at the time and I reached out to someone I knew from AA. I now know that desperation I felt was a gift from God, so when that woman from AA threw me a life preserver, I grasped onto it like my life depended on it because it did. Carol, thank you for being the hand of AA that was there for me when I reached out for help. Thank you, God, for putting me in a place where I could accept the help she offered and for delivering me from the prison of addiction that I had started to believe I would never be free from. I couldn't have done it without You. I am truly grateful today.

    The Addict's Diary Report



    3 months clean from heroin and meth. I choose to live!

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    4 years free from heroin. On the left, I was about to go to prison as a result of my drug use. On the right, I can finally genuinely smile again. Don’t give up on yourself, recovery is possible!

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    I'm 24 and I have made it to over 22 months without drugs.
    Two heartbreaks, with so many nights and days crying on the floor and screaming at my bedroom walls. Sleeping on a couch in the suburbs to a small room at two different places with my mom, countless moments of absolute joy, and laughter that makes your stomach hurt. Beauty that makes you believe in magic.
    Working 8-13 hours a day 5-7 days a week at multiple jobs until I found one that affords me a life that allows me to breathe.
    From severe depression, self-harm, and several attempts to take my own life to finding out how to be content and never inflict pain upon myself. Learning how to display a genuine smile every day, for even just the smallest reason.
    Losing my grandma, losing myself, and finding myself.
    Getting my dog, losing my dog, and stealing him back.
    To my own two-bedroom apartment, a new car, and restored relationships with my family and friends.
    You may not know my story, but take a seat, and let me show you how misery and darkness can turn into a life wrapped in love, it's about self-love and unconditional love for myself, and for you all.
    It'll be 2 years on November 22nd, 2020.

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