There’s a part of us, deep down, that instinctively feels good whenever we see a mess tidied up or something dirty being cleaned. It’s all part of our innate desire to turn chaos into order. Right up there with accidental symmetry and fractals and when things line up perfectly in a photo, is none other than pressure washing which our perfectionist souls find oh-so-satisfying to watch.
The before-and-after photos from power washing projects are too good not to share, so Bored Panda has collected some of the best ones to make you go ‘mmm’ and ‘oh fudge, yes’ and think about what parts of your home or back yard need a good, long, hard, symmetrical clean.
If you’re anything like us, some of these pics will have calmed your OCD down, so give the images you enjoyed the most an upvote. Was this list too short for you? Then you’ll want to check out our previous posts about pressure and power washing here and here. Enjoy!
(One note of warning: if you use a pressure washer, follow the instructions carefully; do not use it to wash animals or other people, no matter how dirty they may have gotten.)
This post may include affiliate links.
Not Power Washing, But Too Good Not To Share
So that is what “it’s fleece was white as snow” means lol. I have never seen a real lamb/sheep that white before.
That's Imperial Castle In My Hometown Poznań. It Looks Way Better After Cleaning
Roommates Thought The Sink Was Permanently Stained. I Got Bored In Quarantine And Proved Them Wrong
That would have taken a s**t load of elbow grease and some strong chemical.
Bored Panda reached out to Stephen, a Dublin-based power washer who runs The Powerwash Man service (does exactly what it says on the tin!). "Everyone, from kids to older people enjoy watching our videos," he told us about the fact that people love looking at pressure washing videos and photos. "I think this may be because satisfaction is nearly instantaneous, seeing the results before your eyes. And with the ease of the power washer it is so satisfying."
Stephen also revealed how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the power washing industry in Dublin. "With Covid this year, it's thrown everyone off. We've seen a difference from last year. At first, we were just ticking by, but as people were at home, business actually went up. I'd say, as customers were looking at the dirt and grime everyday, they decided to get their power washing done," he gave us his take about the ups and downs of the business during the pandemic.
"We had to approach how we dealt with customers differently, as I love to shake a customer's hand at the start, tell them who I am and have the chats. This year, I find I'm not engaging the same as in the past due to Covid, but I'm sure we'll be back to normal soon."
Power Washed Patio Then Built A Canopy
Feast Your Eyes, You Power Washing Freaks
A Building Janitor In France Trying To Give A Smile For The Residents During The Lockdown
Ralph Ryback, writing on Psychology Today, links our desire for organization and cleanliness to the fact that our bodies are well-organized and well-regulated even on an atomic level.
“It wouldn’t be surprising, then, if the reason we crave symmetry and cleanliness in our homes is to mirror the organization within our very own bodies. Neatness and order support health—and oppose chaos,” he explains.
Whether or not that’s the case, tidiness and cleanliness are essential parts of being a grownup. By keeping our homes neat, we improve our health and we also stay fit because we’re on the move doing chores. It’s an essential part of living a high-quality life. So the next time you’re asked to take out the trash, do it with a smile. Or tell your partner that you’d gladly switch chores with them if they’ll let you power wash the patio.
We might not have a power washer at home, but guess who’ll be doing the dishes with a grin on their face today?
I'll Finish Washing The Fence Tomorrow. But Until Then...
Picasso On Driveway. Dirt, Water, Power Washed Concrete. Me. 2020
Picked Up This Old Concrete Park Table As A Freebie. Had To Take The Power Cleaner To It. Apologies About The Cat, He’s An Exhibitionist
Looks Almost Like Fresh Paint
Power Washed For The Very First Time, Thought You Guys Would Enjoy
Pressure Wash The Driveway She Said
I Told My Wife I Was Taking Pictures For My Friends On The Internet. She Said "They're Not Your Friends"
Half Way There
Pretty slabs. Unfortunately, mostnpeople don't realise that you do have to be very careful not to remove the mortar when power washing. Can make the patio unstable. So far these photos look like they have had the balance right... until this one.
Now We Won’t Slip Going Down The Stairs
I Didn’t Even Know We Had Multi-Colored Tiles
Very Dirty Tractor From Fall
Customers' Patio Area That I Cleaned Recently
My Husband Bought Me A Power Washer For Mother’s Day. I Wasn’t Thrilled At First, But Now I Can’t Be Happier
Before And After My First Wash Job
16 Years Of Neglect vs. 3200 PSI Pressure Wash
Got This Table For Free Today
When I Mentioned Starting A Pressure Washing Business, People Laughed, Shrugged It Off, Or Claimed There Is No Money In It. Four Years Later, I’m So Glad I Did
Moral of the story - don’t listen to the people who haven’t accomplished anything. Find a positive mentor and chase that dream.
To get paid to do a job that is so satisfying... that’s happiness 😁
I See Your Driveway, And Raise You An Entire Ship
Did This For My Grandpa, What Do You Think?
Today The Fence, Tomorrow The World
I Told My Dad That People On Internet Love This Kind Of Stuff
Just Moved Into A New Rental And Knew This Would Be My First Thing To Do
Something tells me you'll be getting your whole deposit back
Can You Tell Where They Stopped For The Day?
Power Washed These Adirondack Chairs That Have Been Sitting Outside For 30 Years
I’m so impressed by these - and surprised! I always thought the wood just became bleached, dry and that was just a patina to be expected. Now I want a power washer for Christmas.
Wife Wanted To Buy A New Playhouse. I Wanted To Use My Power Washer
The Back Patio Of Our New House. I Have On Good Info That It Hasn’t Been Cleaned In Around 40 Years
My Clothes Smelled Like Swampy Ocean And Seagull Poop But That Was A Price I Was Willing To Pay
No Caption Needed
I Just Assumed That Those Were The Colors Of The Tiles When I Bought The House
Omg, those black tiles look so natural! U would've thought that too!!!
So Satisfying
Needs repointing now as they've washed out the mortar... can cause cracked tiles as the mortar shifts underneath and pointing can't help with that.
Dirty Tractor And Cart. Not A Perfect Job But Still A Little Difference
Power Washed Half The Tennis Court
First Time Using A Power Washer And It Was The Most Joy Filled 45 Minutes I've Had Since Pre-Corona Times
A Little Tennis Court Cleaning We Did This Week
I Was Passing By A Building In Tehran And I Saw This
The Previous Owner Left Her Power Washer. After 9 Months, My Husband Finally Used It. 2020 Thrills
Totally Did Not Realize The Amount Of Grime Build Up
First Time With A Power Washer! I Played Tetris With Paving Slabs
My Neighbor Knows Where His Property Line Ends
New Fence, Who Dis?
I Never Knew These Stones Had Such An Awesome Pattern. At Least 10 Years Since Cleaned
I Just Remembered This Picture From 4 Years Ago. I Think It Fits Nicely Here
Actually the before is soo cute it kinda looks abandoned and secret garden-ish but the power wash is sooo clean!!!
Washed Off 20 Years Of Texas Weather This Weekend
Before & After: Power Washing Our Patio Furniture
Actually some buildings, patios and stairscases in decay look really nice.
Gosh I wish I had a quarantine lock-down where I couldn't work.. I got so much to do about the house and no time.... I've been working 6/7 days a week since March and it's not slowing down..
Same. I'm steady working, which I'm grateful for, but my house is definitely not getting all this special treatment like quarentiners are. Essential worker means my home projects aren't essential.
When I was younger, my dad water blasted the path, steps and porch thingies up to our house (an old as Victorian house they were fixing up a bit), and then as the 100+ years of muck and moss came off we discovered they weren't dark grey but very light grey, and the steps and landing/porch were a totally different colour, more of a pale tan stone. They looked lovely but it was irritating that they didn't match lol. The other big improvement they made was the inside downstairs hall: it was carved wood with arches and scrolls, and the previous owners had painted all the wood a glossy black (barf), they spent yonks very carefully stripping and restoring it. One of my chores was dusting it, by god I hated how intracite it was XD
Actually some buildings, patios and stairscases in decay look really nice.
Gosh I wish I had a quarantine lock-down where I couldn't work.. I got so much to do about the house and no time.... I've been working 6/7 days a week since March and it's not slowing down..
Same. I'm steady working, which I'm grateful for, but my house is definitely not getting all this special treatment like quarentiners are. Essential worker means my home projects aren't essential.
When I was younger, my dad water blasted the path, steps and porch thingies up to our house (an old as Victorian house they were fixing up a bit), and then as the 100+ years of muck and moss came off we discovered they weren't dark grey but very light grey, and the steps and landing/porch were a totally different colour, more of a pale tan stone. They looked lovely but it was irritating that they didn't match lol. The other big improvement they made was the inside downstairs hall: it was carved wood with arches and scrolls, and the previous owners had painted all the wood a glossy black (barf), they spent yonks very carefully stripping and restoring it. One of my chores was dusting it, by god I hated how intracite it was XD